Most Combined Eliminations?


Dark Match Jobber
The rumble has to be my favourite PPV of the year, and every year me and my friend play a little game with it. We each pick 5 people in the rumble, and whoevers team gets the most eliminations overall wins, simple.
We also got 2 wildcards*, which we drew at random. (Didn't go well.)

My team:

Ezekiel Jackson
Rey Mysterio
Mason Ryan
Alberto Del Rio
Darren Young*
Primo Colon*

His team:

John Cena
Big Show
Mark Henry
John Morrison
Ted DiBiase*
Michael McGillicutty*

This thread isn't meant to be me rambling on about our game though. What I want to know is who you would pick for yours. Remember, it isn't about who wins, It's about which team gets the most overall eliminations. So, who do you pick?
My team:

CM Punk
Del Rio

Wild Cards

I choose Kane as number 1 because i believe that he is still the best rumbler of all time. Just because he hasn't won doesn't mean he isn't good! Also Cena will probably have at least 5 elims if not a lot more. Also, Barrett and Punk because they prolly will get 6 a piece. The last guy Del Rio is almost a dark horse here but i think he has the potential and the skill to eliminate 7-9 guys. Henry because he is large, and Morrison for the same reasons as Del Rio.
I got a feeling this will get moved but I'm game to play lol.

Kane: Kinda hard to go against the guy who's already set the one-man elimination record.
Sheamus: King Sheamus... not someone who's going to go down easy.
Wade Barrett: This Rumble is a huge chance for Wade to look strong.
Mason Ryan: Batista v 2.0 should make a huge impact at the RR
CM Punk: Nexus vs Corre is gonna get hot right here. Punk is definitely smart enough to sneak around.

Wild cards (if they show up to the RR):
HHH: Super Trips in the RR scares me more than Super Cena lol
UNDERTAKER: Oooooh yeah this one's my big wild card. Taker's likely to make a Rumble appearance and take a LOT of people with him.
My team:

CM Punk
Del Rio

I choose Kane as number 1 because i believe that he is still the best rumbler of all time. Just because he hasn't won doesn't mean he isn't good! Also Cena will probably have at least 5 elims if not a lot more. Also, Barrett and Punk because they prolly will get 6 a piece. The last guy Del Rio is almost a dark horse here but i think he has the potential and the skill to eliminate 7-9 guys.

My choices are the same as yours, except I'm going to pick Big Show instead of CM Punk. Big Show is in that same category as Kane, where he'll never win but always seems to throw out a lot of jobbers.

As far as wild cards, I think he meant for those to be random. But I'll pick HHH and Undertaker. HHH is like Cena, where he always clears the ring as soon as he enters. Undertaker is another one just like Big Show and Kane, where he throws out all the jobbers.
As far as wild cards, I think he meant for those to be random.

We did make them random, (How else would I end up with Darren Young and Primo?) But I get that you aren't exactly going to draw random names, so lets just use the wildcard as someone with an outside chance/return.
My group of friends put 1-30 in a hat (obviously 1-40 this year), but we each pull the same amount of numbers. Whoever has the guy that wins with his number gets the pot. Usually about a $50-$80 pot depending on who shows up.

Always funny for the guy who draws whatever number and then sees Doink the Clown come out for him. :lol:
Kane-Just like other people said its hard to bet against him in the Rumble for Elimantions while he may not win he will get alot elimantion.
John Cena-They want to make there big stars look good well that means Cena should get alot of Elimantions.
Wade Barrett-just like I said they want to make peope look good So I see them makeing Barrett look good.
Sheamus-He could look dominate or Trips could return and elimante him it really depends when he comes in and if Trips returns
Cm Punk-I see him helping Nexus elimante people so that counts for him also

Heath Slater*-It might be cause Im a fan of him but I see him having a good night
Christian*-I have a feeling he's returning I dont know why but I just feel it he's gonna win. He could face Edge this year and then pull a Taker-HBK and face eachother next year again in Edge's retierment match(if the rumors are true that will probally be his retierment match at WM)in Toronto
Alberto Del Rio: I am willing to bet he'll be out pretty early on, and stay pretty late. Longevity alone says that he'll have quite a few eliminations.
Sheamus: King Sheamus is probably going to come out later, but he'll rip through all the jobbers in the ring...until Triple H comes back and eliminates him...
John Morrison: This might be a bad pick, but I think they might really make Morrison stand out in this Rumble. You don't have to be huge to get eliminations.
Mason Ryan: He's big. The Royal Rumble is his first EVER match. Why not make him dominate the thing?
Kane: Well duh...
My group of friends put 1-30 in a hat (obviously 1-40 this year), but we each pull the same amount of numbers. Whoever has the guy that wins with his number gets the pot. Usually about a $50-$80 pot depending on who shows up.

Always funny for the guy who draws whatever number and then sees Doink the Clown come out for him. :lol:

i like this way of playing the game alot more than choosing wrestlers.. that way you have no idea who you're gonna get..
My team is:
Del Rio

My two wild cards would have to be Big Show and Mason Ryan. I was unsure about Show because usually when a huge competitor enters all current rumblers gang up to eliminate him. Mason is big enough to if not win dominate the whole rumble. I am a big Justin Gabriel fan and believe he could be WWE's answer to AJ Styles but I dont see him doing much in this match. I believe they need to have Ryan destroy mst entrants to make his character add up to the hype of being the FCW champion and CM Punk's personal pick. He atleast needs to fair better than what Luke Gallows would have done.
Okay, here are my five choices....
1. Kane [Look at my forum name, and THEN ask why I chose him, LOL]
2. John Cena [I honestly believe if kane doesn't finally do the RR win, Cena will do it again]
3. The Big Show [Another big guy who might pull it off]
4. Mason Ryan [Okay, so I am in agreement with everybody else, Mason will be a monster in there, with it being his first match in WWE]
5. CM Punk [He seems to have been getting a good push as of late, so you never know]

And, my Wildcards....
-Triple H [I look to see them rekindle the Sheamus-HHH feud because he IS The King of Kings after all]
-John Morrison [I just pulled a name out of the pack at random with this one]
John Cena: He's my pick to win, so he has to eliminate at least one person. I expect him to eliminate most of Nexus as well, so that should give him some solid numbers.

Big Show: They've been pushing the angry giant angle as of late, and nobody is more dangerous in the Royal Rumble than an angry giant. He takes care of at least a few of The Corre before being taken out by Wade Barrett.

Sheamus: Sheamus has been in a slump as of late, but I'm guessing that he'll wake up during the Royal Rumble. He's one of those mean streak types, and they usually do well in the Rumble.

Alberto Del Rio- He's a gamble, but I think with the way the WWE has been pushing him, he'll at least get two or three eliminations.

Mason Ryan: I suspect that he'll be dong most of the work for Nexus, and he'll save a few guys asses by knocking their enemies out of the ring.

Cool concept, good thread.
Big Show - This is kind of obvious. He is the biggest man in the Rumble and will have a lot of eliminations.

Kane - Just like the Big Show, he is one of the bigger guys and will have a lot of eliminations.

Mason Ryan - He is new and is in the Nexus. I think it would be cool if he beats Kane's record for most eliminations in a single Rumble match. That would be great and a perfect way for Ryan's debut match. Plus it would make Nexus seem that much dominant.

John Cena - He is WWE's top guy in the Rumble this year, so he is bound to have a lot of eliminations and like said in the post above, I see him winning it and going to Wrestlemania to face Miz.

Sheamus - I think he will eliminate a lot of participants and then Triple H will return and eliminate him.
My team goes as follows:

Kane: Well, it's everybody's reason. He's big and hard to eliminate. He has already set the record for most eliminations and I think, he'll be the one to eliminate most of the guys this year considering the huge push he recieved last year.
John Cena: I think, he's single-handedly going to put out Nexus (and Corre if possible), so that makes it 5 easily for him. Plus, some random guys and he could give Kane a run for his money.
John Morrison: Believe me, he'll make it to the final 5 or 4 starting from... well... between 10 and 15. So that means that he'll have huge amount of time and he's capable of making numerous eliminations.
Alberto Del Rio: Same as above.
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes: He has huge potential and I think he'll have a great night.

Mark Henry coz he's big.
Kofi Kingston coz he can fly around and is in the middle of a push.
ok tough one here but my team is:
kane (masked of course) - i would love to see this man have his mask back by the RR and come in there and completely dominate his original record. even if that didnt happen he is still a force to be reckoned with
big show - this man is huge, and strong your going to need alot of guys to throw this man over the top rope
john morrison - lets face it, he is next in line for a push of some sort and winning a big title, would put the "prince of hardcore" at the top (which is where he should be
mason ryan - the new batista, this man need to win the RR and then go solo, get the championship, become a face, and boom you got yourself a new big name in the company
sheamus - of course i am hoping that he gets eliminated by triple hhh, however if HHH doesnt return then i would say he deserves the win plus he is a good performer

triple hhh - normally he would be in my top 5, however he isnt confirmed atm so i dunno, but to see him return and plant sheamus onto the cold mat would be amazing
the undertaker - i dont believe he will return in time for the RR but if he did, i know he would dominate no questions asked
ok tough one here but my team is:
kane (masked of course) - i would love to see this man have his mask back by the RR and come in there and completely dominate his original record. even if that didnt happen he is still a force to be reckoned with
big show - this man is huge, and strong your going to need alot of guys to throw this man over the top rope
john morrison - lets face it, he is next in line for a push of some sort and winning a big title, would put the "prince of hardcore" at the top (which is where he should be
mason ryan - the new batista, this man need to win the RR and then go solo, get the championship, become a face, and boom you got yourself a new big name in the company
sheamus - of course i am hoping that he gets eliminated by triple hhh, however if HHH doesnt return then i would say he deserves the win plus he is a good performer

Hey, just wanted to let you know Morrison is the "prince of parkour" not hardcore, lol. (I thought Cole said hardcore at first too and I was like :wtf:)(Side note, and off topic, you might want to slow down on the Mason Ryan push, lol. Let the man have a match first!)

My picks:
1.Kane. Already owns the most dominant single Rumble performance, and I think a strong performance here is a good way to keep him looking good after losing the title.

2.John Cena. Biggest star in the match is sure to dominate and I could easily see him winning.

3.Big Show. You can never go wrong with the big guys. I'm sure he'll have a point in the match where he eliminates a bunch of people.

4.Sheamus. Like many others, I expect there to be a point where he looks unstoppable (perhaps eliminating everybody in the ring and standing there alone, waiting for the next entrant) and getting interrupted by the return of Triple H.

5.Alberto Del Rio. Somebody else said it, and I agree, I think Del Rio will come out early and last a long time, which should lend itsself to a few spread out eliminations.

1.Triple H. Since he's not officially in the thing, he counts as a Wildcard I guess. I don't think he'll win but I do expect him to get his share of eliminations before going out.
2.Ezekiel Jackson. Weird to me that everybody is picking Mason Ryan, but nobody mentions The Corre's version of Mason Ryan. I definitely expect Big Zeke to exemplify Domination.
Kane- Breaking his own record might be easier when there are 40 men running around.

John Cena- If he doesn't eliminate a bunch of guys then he won't look like a superhero D:

John Morrison- I have a feeling he may need the bigger eliminations to excel

Ezekiel Jackson- Because... why not?

Daniel Bryan- Pulling off a one hour man with him would be something I'd like to see.

WILD CARDS (Chosen at random)
-Drew McIntyre
-Jack Swagger

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