More Tornado?


Dark Match Winner
The Tornado tag match on SD! i loved it! it was a great change of pace and i honestly believe thats how the tag titles SHOULD be defended. they had ALOT more team work going on then just a 1 on 1 with some one to sub with every now and then.

What do you think?

More Tornado?
Yes, more tornado matches would be nice to see, but too much isn't good either. It is still a special match and I think it should stay that way.
And the tag team division isn't that good that every tornado tag match will be good or something. But i agree it was cool to see

Sorry if my English isn't so good, as English is kinda my second language, and i'm only 16 years old.

EDIT: What is up with my posts counting? I posted at least 3 messages on a thread about a storyline involving a disabled kid, but it only says that this is my first post?
Definitely more of it! I wondered what in the world happened to the tornado variation of tag teams, but then again I never watch Superstars or NXT so I didn't know if I was just missing something. I don't really consider tornado tag matches all that special, so I don't see why they wouldn't pop a few more into weekly programming.

So yeah, bring on the petition, I'll sign it.
It was brilliant to watch, only problem with Tornado matches are the huge amount of easy pin opportunities off a 2 on 1 (when someone gets dumped outside).

The old fashioned Tag Team matches are stale, perhaps it's time the WWE thought up an original concept and try something completely new and inovative..

Triple tag team tornado elimination style!
please can we stop asking for something we like as a refreshing change, to be the standard.
that means when it happens, we sit up and notice

if all the matches were tornado, there would be a thread saying "should we have the normal matches back?"
Yes, more tornado matches would be nice to see, but too much isn't good either. It is still a special match and I think it should stay that way.

True. It's a good match to use in a title situation in which you have a wrestler who's supposedly unbeatable.....yet you want him beaten. To apply it to a current threesome: It would be a good way to have a Daniel Bryan beat a Mark Henry and Big Show at the same time. Are they even calling what we're going to see at the Royal Rumble a Tornado match? All three guys will be in the ring at the same time, right?

But the match is exciting and huge changes can result from it without sacrificing the integrity of an individual wrestler whose record you might want to keep unblemished.

The subject addressed here gives me a chilling thought, though: Can you imagine if a wrestling organization ever bases a pay-per-view on all matches having the same "unconventional" premise? For instance, a PPV in which every match was held in a steel cage? The whole card?

The only positive thing I take from such a thing is that it would require a lot less work from the crew that has to raise and lower the cage. Of course, the audience would be cringing by the end of the night.
WWE needs to take a leaf out the book of what worked and what doesn't and go to the chapter "Attitude Era" the 6 kings of the tag team division and the rest.

I said last night in a post, but I had a conversation with a friend on how WWE seemed to change things up every 4-5 years, and yet since 2002 we've seen no change apart from new faces.

WWE needs to get all their underused talent and whip them into tag teams, Tyson Kidd stated he wants to be in a tag team again, reason being their is a lot of potiental in the tag division all you need is guys to work with, flashy team name and don't have the same mundane tag team match, have ladder, cage, tlc, tag team battle royals (WM14) nodq, Tag team turmoil matches, keep it fresh and extreme people want this, I'm not saying we need blood we don't but we need more than the standard match tag match. Hell bring some of the old teams back like New Age Outlaws, Too Cool examples to give the tag division a bit of a spark with the current teams.
True. It's a good match to use in a title situation in which you have a wrestler who's supposedly unbeatable.....yet you want him beaten.

But the match is exciting and huge changes can result from it without sacrificing the integrity of an individual wrestler whose record you might want to keep unblemished.

Pretty much. It seemed like they were going in that direction with Sheamus/Wade/Jindah for awhile.

About the tornado match, it was a great treat! I love both of those teams very much, and I believe that if they stick around and have matches every week on either RAW or SD then tagging will become a great draw again!

At the moment, these teams get the kind of crowd reaction which is quiet at first, but by the end of the match you'll hear alot of noise coming from them and the crowd will be on their feet.

Keep tornado matches a rarity, but perhaps bring in a tag-team open? Something that progresses over the week, or something that gets people talking!
Man sucks I missed it but that is a great idea. I think tag team wrestling is just about dead maybe they should make them all tornado matches. I used to love the old ECW tag matches with one set in ring and another set outside.
I like tornado tag matches a lot and i really enjoyed the one on smackdown. Don't get me wrong i'd love to see them more often but not as a common occurance. As others have said the reason we enjoyed the match on smackdown so much was becuase it was something we rarely see. I think these matches work best with athletic high fliers like we saw on SD.

The main issue is that they need a few tag teams to compete in these matches because at the moment the tag team division is in tatters and there are very few teams in WWE full stop.
I loved it, but hated the toy..I have a ya know...but the match was great I think we always get good ones when is TTTM
True. It's a good match to use in a title situation in which you have a wrestler who's supposedly unbeatable.....yet you want him beaten. To apply it to a current threesome: It would be a good way to have a Daniel Bryan beat a Mark Henry and Big Show at the same time. Are they even calling what we're going to see at the Royal Rumble a Tornado match? All three guys will be in the ring at the same time, right?

But the match is exciting and huge changes can result from it without sacrificing the integrity of an individual wrestler whose record you might want to keep unblemished.

The subject addressed here gives me a chilling thought, though: Can you imagine if a wrestling organization ever bases a pay-per-view on all matches having the same "unconventional" premise? For instance, a PPV in which every match was held in a steel cage? The whole card?

The only positive thing I take from such a thing is that it would require a lot less work from the crew that has to raise and lower the cage. Of course, the audience would be cringing by the end of the night.

They don't have to call the World Heavyweight Championship match a "tornado match" because triple threats are traditionally held with all three men in the ring at once. I'm fairly certain triple threats even predate tornado style tag matches. WWE also has pay-per-views that includes matches with a shared gimmick.

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