More "news" from WZ

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lil bitch Kid

Getting Noticed By Management
So, in the last few days we have seen WZ "report":

- Vicki was leaving the WWE after Mania. She said that this isn't true.

- Sting "signed" with the E. Now the news comes out that this is, in fact, untrue and that while there MAY be a verbal agreement, in principle, nothing has actually been signed. The funny part about this is that WZ didn't actually retract or admit that they messed up in "reporting" this, instead they simply went and "reported" the contradictory story. If you'll recall, a similar situation occurred where AJ Styles was concerned. WZ "exclusively reported" that Styles was signed by TNA and the whole walkout was a work. No retraction has been printed on that story, and now Styles, having never signed back with TNA after leaving, has signed a contract in Japan.

- WZ claims there was a "botch" in the Divas match at Mania. The claim is that AJ was supposed to grab Naomi's hand and tap for her creating the controversy. WZ claims that this didn't happen when, in fact, to anyone who watched Mania, it was obvious AJ did exactly what WZ claimed she didn't. This one wouldn't even take an "inside source" to refute before printing. All the "reporters" had to do was watch Mania.

- An "editorial" was printed yesterday comparing Eric Young winning the TNA title to Daniel Bryan winning at Mania. Well, on the surface, there are similarities, yes. However, the ignorant writer claims that the whole thing was done in the period of 2 hours. This is fundamentally false. The reality is that the push of Eric Young as a serious competitor has been going on for months and the push to the top of the card has been evident for weeks. While parallels can be drawn, and TNA is capitalizing on the fans wanting the underdog to win, it was not done in 2 hours. Further, since the ratings popped for TNA, it proved to be a smart move, didn't it? Finally, it should be noted that this particular writer writes about how awful TNA is, but clearly, with his claim that all was done in two hours, he doesn't actually watch the shows.

Now, 5 examples, in 4 points, of WZ's failure to follow the basic principles of reporting. Add to this the power rangers destroying any semblance of Freedom of Expression on the message boards ( yes, I am aware that the "rules" state that "Freedom of Speech" doesn't apply, because there is no interest in being reputable) and WZ can officially be downgraded to a fourth rate site.
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