More GOP Racism

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.

According to Ann Coulter, if you compare deaths in the White Demographics in America to Europe, we are just about the same to Belgum Then she later was quoted "Maybe it is not a gun problem but a demographic problem." Remember guys, Fox news and the GOP are not racist, gun control is stupid because it isn't the guns problem, but a demographic problem.

Also, for you guys who know your statistics, could yeah do a little fact check on Coulter's claim? I'm not a math wizard, but here is what I got so far.

72% of America is White/Non-Hispanic. The United States Population is 308,745,538. 72% of that is 223,553,265 the total amount of murders is 2.6 per 100,000 people in the United States

Meanwhile The total population of Belgium is barely half of the White Population in America by 11,041,266. The amount of 2.2 per 100,000 people in Belgium.

While Ann's numbers may be true to a point, but if you compare the freakishly large population America has compared to such a small sect of the world like Belgium. Fox News: skew the facts to their favor and come off as racist as humanly possible in the process.
Not quite what you are looking for but an interesting perspective from a conservative.

Editor's note: David Frum, a CNN contributor, is a contributing editor at Newsweek and The Daily Beast. He is the author of eight books, including a new novel, "Patriots," and a post-election e-book, "Why Romney Lost." Frum was a special assistant to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2002.

(CNN) -- Massacres such as Newtown are horrifying and heart-rending. They are also nothing like the typical American gun murder.

The typical murder has one victim, not many. The typical murder is committed with a handgun, not a rifle. And in the typical murder, both the perpetrator and the victim are young black men. Blacks are six times as likely as whites to be the victim of a homicide. Blacks are seven times as likely to commit a homicide.

The horrifying toll of gun violence on black America explains why black Americans are so much more likely than whites to favor gun control.
David Frum
David Frum

Conversely, fears of being victimized by violence explain why so many white Americans -- especially older and more conservative white Americans -- insist on the right to bear arms in self-protection. They see gun violence as something that impinges on them from the outside. They don't blame guns for gun violence. They blame a particular subset of the population. And they don't see why they should lose their right because some subset of the population abuses theirs.

A writer I greatly admire, Rod Dreher, an independent-minded conservative, gives voice to such feelings in an article posted this weekend on the American Conservative website. Dreher expresses himself forcefully and frankly. That frankness should be welcomed, because the more clearly a mistaken idea is put, the faster we can reach a better understanding.

Dreher wrote:

"Yesterday the Baton Rouge Advocate published a lengthy analysis of the 2012 murder stats in the city. Take a look at this PDF of one of the inside pages. Last year, 83 people died by homicide in Baton Rouge. Of that number, 87% were black, and 87% were male. Two-thirds had been in trouble with the law before, and one-third had been in trouble with the law for drugs. The median age of victims: 26.

"Of the perpetrators, the median age was 22. Get this: 96% of them were black, and 90% were male. Almost two-thirds had previous arrests. One out of four had a drug record.

"Most of the murders took place in the poorest parts of the city.
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"What can we learn from these statistics? That murder in Baton Rouge is almost entirely about young black men from the poor part of town killing other young black men from the poor part of town. It's mostly a matter of thugs killing thugs."

If you look at the world that way, gun control must seem a pointless diversion from the real problem: not guns, but one particular group of gun owners. Somebody else's problem. But life is not so neatly separated.

Guns offer equal opportunity tragedies. More than 8,000 white Americans had to be treated for nonfatal gun injuries in 2008. Eighty percent of those who commit suicide with a gun are white males. The gun that the suburban family buys to protect itself from "thugs killing thugs" ends up killing its own: One important new study finds that a gun kept in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than to be used in self-defense.

Thugs killing thugs? Maybe. But many of those seeming thugs are carrying guns for the same reason that people who consider themselves respectable carry them : in a futile quest to protect themselves with greater firepower. One person can find safety that way. But if two people carry firearms, a confrontation that might otherwise have ended in words or blows ends instead with one man dead, and the other man on his way to prison for life.

Louisiana sends more people to prison than any other state, at a total cost of almost 7% of its state budget. Prison is always expensive, but the incarceration of murderers costs the most, because they remain in prison to the end. The oldest of Louisiana's prisoners cost the state almost $80,000 a year, including their health care.

Widespread gun ownership means not only more gun killings, but also more gun maimings and cripplings. The National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre hailed the ability of a "good guy" with a gun to stop a "bad guy" with a gun. Sixty seconds later, however, that bad guy may need a wheelchair for life. We can't dismiss these human costs as pertaining to only somebody else. They are all part of us.

Yet the urge to subdivide runs strong among Americans. Monday on Fox News, the popular conservative commentator Ann Coulter claimed that the murder rate among white Americans is as low as the murder rate in Belgium. "So perhaps it's not a gun problem," she concluded. "Perhaps it's a demographic problem."

But countries cannot dismiss the sufferings of great blocks of their people by dismissing some "demographics" as unworthy of attention.

If you ignore America's poor, you can make all kinds of problems disappear from view. Not counting the poor and minorities, the country does not have an obesity epidemic. Not counting the poor and minorities, the United States has perfectly adequate schools. Not counting the poor and minorities, America would have a higher average income.

Likewise, not counting hurricanes, America would not have so many natural disasters. Not counting divorces, America would have more intact families. Not counting wars, America would have a smaller public debt. But what's the point of this exercise? The people who make up America count as Americans, and their problems count as America's problems. Their problems do not occur in isolation, but are manifestations of failures to which all Americans contributed together.

Those young men in Baton Rouge who are killing each other in such horrific numbers do not manufacture their own guns. They did not organize the gun trade that brings the guns to their town. They did not write the laws that prevent their town government from acting against guns. They carry guns -- and misuse guns -- thanks to a national system of gun regulation that makes guns easily accessible to those least likely to use guns responsibly.

The gun laws intended to put guns into the hands of "good guys" are the laws that also multiply guns in the hands of "bad guys" -- bad guys who might not have become such bad guys if the guns had not been available to their hands.

The price of redefining gun violence as an issue pertaining only to "those people" -- of casting and recasting the gun statistics to make them less grisly if only "those people" are toted under some different heading in some different ledger -- the price of that redefinition is to lose our ability to think about the problem at all.
The TRUTH...NOT Racism! I have several members of my family in law enforcement and i have friends that are black that are in law enforcement and they will all tell you that gun violence by male black americans has gone way beyond out of control, with black males commiting 80% of violent crimes. The statistics don't lie and cannot be denied. For male black americans to lay blame on anyone other than theirselves is just a cover for their own lack of incompetence in their manhood. So many black males idolize athletes, rappers, drug dealers, gang members and want to live the thug life? Under presure when they are young from their peers and being raised by only their mother (85% of black children are born from a unmarried mother and live in a single parent home) and by not having a father figure in the home it contributes to their downward spiral in life. So many black males have no idea what it means to graduate high school (over 40% do not), what it means to get a job and/or go to college, what it means to get married, what it means to head and run a household, what it means to work hard to raise a family. The majority of these black males live a life dominated by violence and crime and they call it the thug life, really, thats NO LIFE! In their culture they have to live by the gun and sadly, so many have and will die by the gun. They all need to remember this: A REAL man cares for all people. A REAL man obeys the law even when he disagrees with it. A REAL man Does Not and Will Not use violence to support his lifestyle or his ego. A REAL man Works Hard at a Legal Job to supprort himself and/or his family. A REAL man will marry and raise his kids to be honest and to work hard like he does and teach them to be thankful and humble for what they have. A REAL man will be Loyal and Honest to his Wife until he dies. A REAL man raises his family in a religous home guided by religous teachings. A REAL man does good deeds for his communtiy. A REAL man will be respected by his family, peers. A REAL man will be missed by all when he dies. Most importantly, when A REAL man dies, his rewards will be great in heaven! Lastly, Martin Luther King has a national holiday in his honor for all that he did for all Americans and most importantly to bring equality and dignity forever to all black Americans. Mr. King had a dream that so many people of all races have strived to acheive and keep alive with the culmination of the dream being the freedom all races have today. Mr. King would have been so proud to have witnessed the election of President Obama within a lifetime of passage of the equal rights amendment and now he has been elected to a second term, another portion of Mr. Kings dream has been fulfilled . If these black males have their prioritys right, they would idolize Mr. King and President Obama, i beleive they could and would then become A REAL man. Ask yourself this: If Mr. King was alive today would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people to see all the black males that have died and are dying every day from gun violence, drugs, etc, especially since most of the deaths are at the hands of their own race? If Mr. King was alive today would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people that have destroyed the married family structure that was the backbone of black equlity after all his struggles, his hardships and ultimately loosing his own life so his people could be equal and live the American Dream that all Americans can live? If Mr. King was alive today, would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people that choose to be addicted to the United States goverment needle instead of living his dream of being free and truly living the American Dream, not the addictive poi$on of the American goverment? Ask yourself, would he?
The TRUTH...NOT Racism! I have several members of my family in law enforcement and i have friends that are black that are in law enforcement and they will all tell you that gun violence by male black americans has gone way beyond out of control, with black males commiting 80% of violent crimes. The statistics don't lie and cannot be denied. For male black americans to lay blame on anyone other than theirselves is just a cover for their own lack of incompetence in their manhood. So many black males idolize athletes, rappers, drug dealers, gang members and want to live the thug life? Under presure when they are young from their peers and being raised by only their mother (85% of black children are born from a unmarried mother and live in a single parent home) by not having a father figure in the home it contributes to their downward spiral in life. So many black males have no idea what it means to graduate high school (over 40% do not), what it means to get a job and/or go to college, what it means to get married, what it means to head and run a household, what it means to work hard to raise a family. The majority of these black males live a life dominated by violence and crime and they call it the thug life, really, thats NO LIFE! In their culture they have to live by the gun and sadly, so many die by the gun. They all need to remember this: A REAL man cares about other people and a REAL man Does Not and Will Not use violence to support his lifestyle or his ego. A REAL man Works Hard at a Legal Job to supprort hiself and/or his family. A REAL man will marry and raise his kids to be honest and to work hard like he does and teach them to be thankful for what they have. A REAL man will be Loyal and Honest to his Wife until he dies. A REAL man raises his family in a religous home guided by religous teachings. A REAL man does good deeds for his communtiy. A REAL man will be respected by his family, peers. A REAL man will be missed by all when he dies. Most importantly, when A REAL man dies, his rewards will be great in heaven! Lastly, Martin Luther King has a national holiday in his honor for all that he did for all Americans and most importantly to bring equality and dignity forever to all black Americans. Mr. King had a dream that so many people of all races have strived to acheive and keep alive with the culmination of the dream being the freedom all races have today. Mr. King would have been so proud to have witnessed the election of President Obama within a lifetime of passage of the equal rights amendment and now he has been elected to a second term, another portion of Mr. Kings dream has been fulfilled . If these black males have their prioritys right, they would idolize Mr. King and President Obama, i beleive they could and would then become A REAL man. Ask yourself this: If Mr. King was alive today would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people to see all the black males that have died and are dying every day from gun violence, drugs, etc, especially since most of the deaths are at the hands of their own race? If Mr. King was alive today would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people that have destroyed the married family structure that was the backbone of black equlity after all his struggles, his hardships and ultimately loosing his own life so his people could be equal and live the American Dream that all Americans can live? If Mr. King was alive today, would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people that choose to be addicted to the United States goverment needle instead of living his dream of being free and truly living the American Dream, not the addictive poi$on of the American goverment? Ask yourself, would he?
Holy shit and I thought I was long-winded. The Wall of Text hurt my head and right when you said that you had black friends, I called bullshit, as it is a red flag for about to say something racist.
The TRUTH...NOT Racism!

It is racism when the main purpose of skewing such a stat is to suggest that America's crime can be blamed on a certain demographic of people.

I have several members of my family in law enforcement and i have friends that are black that are in law enforcement

As do I, but something tells me you are full of shit.

and they will all tell you that gun violence by male black americans has gone way beyond out of control, with black males commiting 80% of violent crimes.

Oh really, black males commit 80% of violent crimes huh? How bout you do a little research before throwing off such a radical claim like that.

FBI.Gov said:
Total Violent Crimes:10,177,907
Violent Crimes committed by Whites: 7,066,154
Crimes committed by Blacks: 2,846,862
As do I,

As you can see from the chart provided by the FBI's website. Whites actually commit far more violent crimes than black people. In fact, Whites provide more than 70% of violent crime in the United States.

But it is easier to just blame black people isn't it?

The statistics don't lie and cannot be denied.

They can when you actually provide evidence and actually sources unlike you or Ann Coulter.

For male black americans to lay blame on anyone other than theirselves is just a cover for their own lack of incompetence in their manhood.

Black Americans are not laying their blame on anybody, hell if the source I provide above proves anything, it is White people who need to get their shit together.

So many black males idolize athletes, rappers, drug dealers, gang members and want to live the thug life?

You are so far out of touch on today's culture I will just assume you have lived under some boulder in Kansas for your entire life.

Under presure when they are young from their peers and being raised by only their mother (85% of black children are born from a unmarried mother and live in a single parent home)

Once again do you just spit random factoids out of your ass? Here's the actual number for black children raised in a single parent home. said:
67% of black families are single mothers.

While still a insanely high number, the fact you guessed such an insane estimate proves how clueless you are.

and by not having a father figure in the home it contributes to their downward spiral in life.

Says who? There has been plenty of parents without a father figure in their life, and they turned out okay. This is a purely subjective statement further proving how ignorant and how racist you are.

So many black males have no idea what it means to graduate high school (over 40% do not),

Holy shit, you really are pulling stupid facts out of your ass. The dropout number for blacks is nowhere near 40% In fact, it is at 8%

You know, what, I'll start counting up how many ignorant and racist statements you make this post and add it up for you now. Because this is getting ridiculous.

The majority of these black males live a life dominated by violence and crime and they call it the thug life, really, thats NO LIFE!

Actually if you did any research, black males committing violent crimes are the minority.

In their culture they have to live by the gun and sadly, so many have and will die by the gun.

By their culture, you mean American culture right? Because as it appears more white people commit more violent crime and gun violence than black people do. Because when it comes to homicides, Whites and Blacks come neck to neck. With homicides committed by whites to 6,043 while blacks committed 6,470 homicides. Barely enough to blame it on one demographic, or focus the blame on a race of people.

They all need to remember this: A REAL man cares for all people.

You are obviously not one of those people.

A REAL man obeys the law even when he disagrees with it.

Then those guys who founded the United States were a bunch of girls weren't they? :rolleyes:

A REAL man Does Not and Will Not use violence to support his lifestyle or his ego.

Law Enforcement, Military, and security are a few jobs I can name that provide an honest living while the core of job requires the need for violence, some of those guys have pretty big egos to. Too bad the guys in the Marines or the Army aren't real men according to your definition of a real man.

A REAL man raises his family in a religous home guided by religous teachings.

Another huge crock of shit. You don't need religion to guide yourself or your family to be a good person. An atheist or Agnostic home can provide a healthy shelter for a growing kid just as much as a religious family can. Another subjective statement by what now appears to be a god fearing racist.

If these black males have their prioritys right, they would idolize Mr. King and President Obama, i beleive they could and would then become A REAL man.

Just because someone is the same skin color as you, doesn't mean you have to exclusively idolize someone. You don't need to be a certain race to praise a man for breaking through the glass ceilings Obama and King had. I idolize a lot of guys, to name a few are Walter Payton, Larry Bird, Mike Dikta, and Michael Jordan. Am I not a real man because I haven't broken an NFL rushing record or have a perfect jump shot?

Ask yourself this: If Mr. King was alive today would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people to see all the black males that have died and are dying every day from gun violence, drugs, etc, especially since most of the deaths are at the hands of their own race?

As I showed from the statistics, King would most likely be confused on why so many White people are shooting and killing each other.

If Mr. King was alive today would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people that have destroyed the married family structure

Because White people don't tarnish marriage and the stereotypical setting for family either?

that was the backbone of black equlity after all his struggles, his hardships and ultimately loosing his own life so his people could be equal and live the American Dream that all Americans can live?
If Mr. King was alive today,

And they are treated equal, their is not a single group of people by race that is not equal to getting government aide ro any rights that come with being an American.

would he feel betrayed by so many of his own people that choose to be addicted to the United States goverment needle instead of living his dream of being free and truly living the American Dream, not the addictive poi$on of the American goverment? Ask yourself, would he?

Well actually you are wrong again, more white people are on government welfare than blacks.


Not only were you completely off track, but you completely failed to realize the original point of this thread was that Ann Coulter skewed statistics in her favor to protect the Second Amendment. By saying "Oh it isn't a gun problem, but a demographic problem" she is suggesting that black people are more prone to violence than white people. However through actual research, it is proven that not only is Ann Coulter a stupid cunt, but you are on the same wavelength as she is.
You could have just said, "Ann Coulter speaks" and saved everyone a lot of time. The racism bit would have just been assumed.
No sir, I am far from racist and I resent your personal attack on me, as it speaks volumes of your attitude towards anyone that differs from your thinking. I never called you filthy names or made threats towards you or anyone as you have towards me. I should have known better than to reply to your post, as you have absolutely no objective view of what is happening in todays United States. All of the statistics I stated were given to me by officers in the Patterson PD, that being Patterson, NJ, my native city and the state I reside in. My statements are pertaining to gun violence as related to Ann Coulters statement, NOT all violence as you may have assumed. By the way, my family are Proud Americans of Italian descendents, and several have served in many branches of the miltary and while in duty for this country, some have died for the freedom you and myself have today, including the freedom of speech that you use to degrade me and others that beleive differently than you. I do not retract or apologize for any statements I made in my previous post, as i feel they are true, appropriate and not racist. I will apologize for the wall of text in my last long winded post, Sorry!
No sir, I am far from racist and I resent your personal attack on me, as it speaks volumes of your attitude towards anyone that differs from your thinking. I never called you filthy names or made threats towards you or anyone as you have towards me. I should have known better than to reply to your post, as you have absolutely no objective view of what is happening in todays United States. All of the statistics I stated were given to me by officers in the Patterson PD, that being Patterson, NJ, my native city and the state I reside in. My statements are pertaining to gun violence as related to Ann Coulters statement, NOT all violence as you may have assumed. By the way, my family are Proud Americans of Italian descendents, and several have served in many branches of the miltary and while in duty for this country, some have died for the freedom you and myself have today, including the freedom of speech that you use to degrade me and others that beleive differently than you. I do not retract or apologize for any statements I made in my previous post, as i feel they are true, appropriate and not racist. I will apologize for the wall of text in my last long winded post, Sorry!
My bad dude. I don't agree with what you said but meaning is also lost on the Internet, and my post could be easily explained in words but not written. The same perhaps could be said about yours....But like I said, I did not mean to imply that you were racist.
Pretty much what Sly said. Whenever Ann Coulter opens her mouth to say something, you can bet your ass it's designed to be inflammatory. It's what the woman is known for and she revels in the controversy it causes. Such controversy has made her a wealthy woman, internationally famous and a multiple time best-selling author.

Whenever Ann Coulter says something, I tend to ignore it. Much of what she says generally is prejudice in one way or another. Basically, what she's saying in a nutshell is the reason there's so much gun violence in America has nothing to do with the easy access to guns, that it has nothing to do with the overall general flaws in nearly every aspect of the system that has & does make it more difficult for racial minorities, but that it has to do simply with a large African American & Latino population.

Basically, just more ultra right wing bullshit that's designed, first & foremost, to put Ann Coulter back in the spotlight. Maybe she has another book or tv appearance coming up soon.
Ann Coulter is either full of shit or racist. I used the qualifier "either" because there are two explanations to the "logic" in her statement. Either she just made shit up or she's comparing the amount of murders committed per the population of the particular race, which is flat out racist, as well as stupid, but I'll get to that later.

Here's some statistics about crime in America. Unless you're a crazy conspiracy theorist (read: stupid), I think you can trust the source.

As you can see on the chart, white people have black people beat on murder, nearly double the black crime numbers on aggravated assault, and commit more than twice as many rapes as black people. The two categories that blacks have white people beat? Robbery and gambling.

So when you simply compare the amount of arrests made for murder by race, you'll see that whites and blacks really aren't all that different.

Of course, that's probably not what Ann Coulter meant. What she meant was that a black person was more likely to commit a murder than a white person. Technically she's right: the arrest numbers are pretty close, but whites greatly outnumber blacks in the United States, so if you compare the statistics by race a black person is more likely to commit a murder amongst black people than a white person is amongst white people.

But that's a ridiculous and racist way of looking at it. Ann Coulter insinuates that there is something programmed into the black mind that makes them more likely to commit a murder than a white person. Instead of looking at a black person as an American or even a human, Ann Coulter is looking at race as something that doesn't just divide skin color, but also culture, morality, and behavior. This is the foundation of racism.

The reason black people are more likely to commit a murder is because of the conditions they live in. The percentage of black people that live in terrible neighborhoods blows the white percentage out of the water, and white employment and education rates are always higher than their black counterparts. This has nothing to do with the inborn differences between black people and white people; it's about how black people are not being given the same chances to thrive as white people.

In conclusion, Ann Coulter's way of looking at these murder statistics is fundamentally racist. Stick a white person in the situation of a poor black person and they'd be just as likely to commit a murder. Stick a black person in the situation of a well-off white person and they'd be just as unlikely to commit a murder.
No sir, I am far from racist and I resent your personal attack on me, as it speaks volumes of your attitude towards anyone that differs from your thinking.

Yeah, how dare I insult a racist who seems to agree with another racist.

I never called you filthy names or made threats towards you or anyone as you have towards me.

I never made any threat to you, I just said you were full of shit. Which so far still stands.

I should have known better than to reply to your post, as you have absolutely no objective view of what is happening in todays United States.

Did I not just pull up facts to not only debunk your statement? That is about as objective as you can get if you ask me.

All of the statistics I stated were given to me by officers in the Patterson PD, that being Patterson, NJ, my native city and the state I reside in.

Yeah, I gave you stats from the FBI's homepage. Links and all, but if you want to continue on with the mindless dribble from a third hand source be my guest.

My statements are pertaining to gun violence as related to Ann Coulters statement, NOT all violence as you may have assumed.

Uhh, no.

and they will all tell you that gun violence by male black americans has gone way beyond out of control,with black males commiting 80% of violent crimes.

some have died for the freedom you and myself have today, including the freedom of speech that you use to degrade me and others that beleive differently than you.

You said some off base stupid comment, and I corrected you. I can see your family rolling in their graves now seeing that you use your right to free speech to come off as a racist buffoon.

I do not retract or apologize for any statements I made in my previous post, as i feel they are true, appropriate and not racist. I will apologize for the wall of text in my last long winded post, Sorry!

How on earth can you look away from the real numbers I presented you and continue to believe the garbage you spewed out of your rectum? Here is a summery on what you said.

Black Males commit 80% of violent crimes: False
85% of black children are raised in single parent homes: False
40% of black men did not graduate high school: False
More black people kill each other than white people: False
More black people are on welfare than whites: False

If you actually read my post instead of continue to believe in whatever nonsense you regurgitate the bullshit numbers you pull out of your ass you may actually learn a thing or two about violent crime in America. Violent crime isn't a demographic issue, it's an American issue, and an issue we need to work together to solve. So go ahead and continue to believe whatever the fuck Faux "news" wants to tell you, and I'll sit here and actually do my research.
Wow, good luck passing your statistics along to the officers out here every day on the streets dealing with all the violent deaths we are debating on this thread! After discussing your statistics with some officers, they just dismissed the figures you are giving. They responded by saying the data the US goverment releases concerning violent deaths is skewed for political purposes. Violent deaths are over reported in some cases for cities to receive additional funding for crime control and very often these deaths are under reported to avoid backlash from activist groups or political leaders to keep these cities from being tarnished with high murder rates. As they explained, not reporting certain deaths is pretty much SOP in goverment beauracracy. I have also reviewed the same data you have released, but how you and I interpet that data differs greatly. I also rely on first hand information from active police officers as well as data from law enforcement organizations and civil rights organizations. I beleive my statements to be correct and will not retract them. Niether of us are going to change each others opinion and beleifs on this subject and for you to continue your inmature filthy insults towards me is futile. With that being said, this back and forth exchange is finished.
I've posted this in another thread, but I think it works here too.

Conservatives have proud traditions in this country that they "fight" to protect, and what that basically means is that they think they can still be racist and homophobic if they do it carefully.
Ann Coulter is either full of shit or racist. I used the qualifier "either" because there are two explanations to the "logic" in her statement. Either she just made shit up or she's comparing the amount of murders committed per the population of the particular race, which is flat out racist, as well as stupid, but I'll get to that later.

Here's some statistics about crime in America. Unless you're a crazy conspiracy theorist (read: stupid), I think you can trust the source.

As you can see on the chart, white people have black people beat on murder, nearly double the black crime numbers on aggravated assault, and commit more than twice as many rapes as black people. The two categories that blacks have white people beat? Robbery and gambling.

So when you simply compare the amount of arrests made for murder by race, you'll see that whites and blacks really aren't all that different.

Of course, that's probably not what Ann Coulter meant. What she meant was that a black person was more likely to commit a murder than a white person. Technically she's right: the arrest numbers are pretty close, but whites greatly outnumber blacks in the United States, so if you compare the statistics by race a black person is more likely to commit a murder amongst black people than a white person is amongst white people.

But that's a ridiculous and racist way of looking at it. Ann Coulter insinuates that there is something programmed into the black mind that makes them more likely to commit a murder than a white person. Instead of looking at a black person as an American or even a human, Ann Coulter is looking at race as something that doesn't just divide skin color, but also culture, morality, and behavior. This is the foundation of racism.

The reason black people are more likely to commit a murder is because of the conditions they live in. The percentage of black people that live in terrible neighborhoods blows the white percentage out of the water, and white employment and education rates are always higher than their black counterparts. This has nothing to do with the inborn differences between black people and white people; it's about how black people are not being given the same chances to thrive as white people.

In conclusion, Ann Coulter's way of looking at these murder statistics is fundamentally racist. Stick a white person in the situation of a poor black person and they'd be just as likely to commit a murder. Stick a black person in the situation of a well-off white person and they'd be just as unlikely to commit a murder.
I agree there is nothing programmed in a black person that makes he or she more likely to commit a crime. Studies have shown that black youths don't want to become part of the gang culture.

Going back to the Civil Rights Movement, well, the Movement itself has no beginning or end really, but I will focus on the 60s/70s. For example the Watts rioting was a symptom of entrenched racism. There were no service industries in the area, such as a hospital and jobs were scarce. When schools became more and more integrated in the area, any remaining whites moved out and like the South during this era, private schools, publicly funded private schools proliferated.

During the actual rioting, black owned businesses as well as white owned businesses that dealt fairly with the local population were left generally unscathed. Another example is Detroit. In many suburban areas throughout the 20th Century if a black family moved into a white neighborhood they'd be forced out or whites would move, precipitating what later became white flight as they feared that property values would go down (or just plain racism led them to flee as well as jobs outside the cities or in exurbs)....Arc of Justice is a great book that details a lot of this.

When de-industrialization hit the Detroit area, and some historians are now arguing that this happened as early as the late 50s/early 60s rather than the 70s and 80s, blacks got left behind. Many of these jobs were in the city but when, for example, Chrysler had a plant there they'd move it to the suburbs. Well, that was fine and dandy except that many blacks did not have the means to transport themselves there, so they lost their jobs. The bus, their primary mode of transportation, did not go that far and in MANY cases the routes were ended because of the highway system. Entire neighborhoods were razed and routes were changed, factories and businesses and apartments closed or torn down and moved in order to build the highway. This led to cutting off many blacks from their jobs.

This was done in a time when blacks were beginning to rise in the ranks of the auto industry as well as the steel industry, well they were also the last hired and first fired. They had no egg nest to fall back on. They had very little options too. This coupled with haphazard government programs that did alleviate some issues but did not get to the root issue: There had to be jobs in the area. Many blacks did leave the area. Some jobs have come to areas like Watts but the education systems in many inner city areas are poor and so job skills are not as prevalent, leading many businesses to wither and die or just leave. Many blacks sold their stores to Koreans in LA, and that was a major source of friction during the 92 riots....I suggest anyone interested in this look up the Kerner Commission study, and there is the surprisingly well done documentary: Hip Hop and the LA Riots that aired on VH1.

Even today in the South, many factory owners, especially poultry or meat packing plants often hire illegal/legal Hispanic immigrants. This allows them to lower pay and it is competition against the black population that predominately worked in those industries. The owners have been able to lower wages and benefits while playing the races off one another, because the jobs are now a premium as blacks more and more struggle to get hired or maintain their jobs as it gets outsourced to immigrants.

Finally, on another note: Mr West, I have no problem with you disagreeing with me. I pasted an Editorial. I gather information from ALL sources. Mr. Frum actually wrote a great book on the 70s. I don't necessarily agree with him but it was an interesting article and someone else felt so too. But instead of wasting my fucking time and sending me some asinine and arrogant cartoon instead of saying why you disagree with the editorial is a waste of my time. The funny thing is that I agree with most of what you say.....I don't get the stupid ass Rep system, but if it is used to send nonsense then clearly I am in some sort of juvenile forum where if there is a modicum of disagreement people get their panties in a bunch instead of initiating in either a riposte or some sort of debate....No French joke inserted either, and my German self is quite proud right now. But I will say that I enjoyed reading your posts.
Wow, good luck passing your statistics along to the officers out here every day on the streets dealing with all the violent deaths we are debating on this thread! After discussing your statistics with some officers, they just dismissed the figures you are giving. They responded by saying the data the US goverment releases concerning violent deaths is skewed for political purposes. Violent deaths are over reported in some cases for cities to receive additional funding for crime control and very often these deaths are under reported to avoid backlash from activist groups or political leaders to keep these cities from being tarnished with high murder rates. As they explained, not reporting certain deaths is pretty much SOP in goverment beauracracy. I have also revieweYd the same data you have released, but how you and I interpet that data differs greatly. I also rely on first hand information from active police officers as well as data from law enforcement organizations and civil rights organizations. I beleive my statements to be correct and will not retract them. Niether of us are going to change each others opinion and beleifs on this subject and for you to continue your inmature filthy insults towards me is futile. With that being said, this back and forth exchange is finished.

Even though I wasn't the one you initially argued with, I just had to call you on this blatant horseshit.

1. The dude never insulted you. Get off it.

2. You're statistics are the made up, fairytale blanket statements I can hear in a Fox News mailroom. Explain to me how what is reported to be 12% of the population commit 80% of the violent crimes? Not only do you have to be completely indoctrinated into some serious neo-con bullcrap to believe that, but you have to be pretty naive too.

3. The dude came at you with cold, hard facts straight from the FBI website and you retaliated with a supposed (how can we believe a random guy on the web, first of all) conversation you had with what had to be some omniscient officers of the law who apparently policed all over the nation and gathered their numbers accordingly. No, you talked to what could have very well been some rent-a-cops and relayed the barbershop convo. I've taken classes in legit statistics: you're method and statistical source is an unreliable convenience sample that suffers from undercoverage, many sampling and non-sampling biases, a serious experimenter's bias and flat out stupidity.

4. Cops are already notorious for not having a high opinion of black people. That rep in itself kinda hurts your argument towards the general population.

5. I, admittedly, don't trust the FBI much, and that's because they have been documented attackers of Civil Rights for blacks (COINTELPRO, Assata Shakur, etc.) Now why, after it's been proven that they engaged in racist activity in the past, would they up and fix the numbers for black people? No political argument can justify that.

Once you can plug up these 5 serious holes in your argument, you might find an argument that holds water.
72% of America is White/Non-Hispanic. The United States Population is 308,745,538. 72% of that is 223,553,265 the total amount of murders is 2.6 per 100,000 people in the United States

I don't know where those numbers come from. Looking around at various sites pretty much every one of them are calculating your numbers at 4.8 per 100,000

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