More Contenders: Exactly What The Tag Division Needs!

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
This thread, again, is brought to you by MRC, via NSL.

For years, TNA's tag division has been superb compared to WWE's. As of late, it has taken a bit of a dip, but it's still full of actual tag teams, and has had a number of good feuds. The British Invasion have kept themselves in the title picture, and teams like Beer Money Inc., MCMG, and the Dudleys are always a step away from entering the picture.

Just last week, we saw the team of Hernandez & Matt Morgan make a leap into the scene, winning a #1 Contender's Match over the experienced team of Dr. Stevie and Raven. With this, we have 5 legit title threats (including the champions), and a handful of other teams that can be billed as "bottom feeders".

Let's not forget the Young Bucks are on their way, and will undoubtedly contend for the title within the year. I just don't see the need to add any new teams right now. There's a stacked roster, and the tag division just hasn't gotten the TV lately that it used to get when AMW and Triple X were reigning supreme.
This thread, again, is brought to you by MRC, via NSL.

Please and thank you.

For years, TNA's tag division has been superb compared to WWE's. As of late, it has taken a bit of a dip, but it's still full of actual tag teams, and has had a number of good feuds.
I think the WWE's tag team division gets a bit underrated simply because of the history of it being shit. The fact of the matter is, if you didn't know about how great it used to be in say 2001, it wouldnt't be half as awful as we say it is. JeriShow were a great combo and had a good run with the belts. Then they feuded with DX, the most over tag team in the company, and lost them. Thats not bad at all is it? If they can tie in say, the Hart Dynasty, we might have something worth while.

The British Invasion have kept themselves in the title picture, and teams like Beer Money Inc., MCMG, and the Dudleys are always a step away from entering the picture.
The problem is here, that whilst MCMG recently had a title shot, until then they were treated like absolute rubbish for the year before that. They had meaningless matches over and over again with Lethal Consequences, all to no avail, which was unfair on them, Tna was only interested in pushing Team 3D and Beer Money Inc. to the fans, so these guys were pushed aside. Things are getting better I agree, but MCMG are still getting beat up. And the Nasty Boys. Oh. the Nasty Boys.

Just last week, we saw the team of Hernandez & Matt Morgan make a leap into the scene, winning a #1 Contender's Match over the experienced team of Dr. Stevie and Raven. With this, we have 5 legit title threats (including the champions), and a handful of other teams that can be billed as "bottom feeders".
Legit title threats? I don't know about that to be honest. It's closer to being about 2. I don't know why they've put Hernadez and Morgan together other than "We have nothing else for them", and I'm not quite sure they are long term. But quite honestly, if I accept JeriShow I'll accept these guys, and TNa do have a great depth in their Tag Team Division. I would just hope they book other non title feuds between tag teams, instead of just pouring all the teams into a 5 way tag team match like they might do. Then add a gimmick on top.

Let's not forget the Young Bucks are on their way, and will undoubtedly contend for the title within the year. I just don't see the need to add any new teams right now. There's a stacked roster, and the tag division just hasn't gotten the TV lately that it used to get when AMW and Triple X were reigning supreme.
You've hit it right on the head here. If the Tag Team division is actually treated like a premiere division on the level of the Heavyweight title, then it could get quite interesting. If they book feuds properly with storylines as if it were a singles match, we could see a great return for tag wrestling. The ingredients are there. We just need to mix them together and add salt. And not add a goddamn gimmick match.
I have mixed feelings about the issues of new tag teams entering the tag team title scene in TNA. The bad thing about adding new teams to an already large division is that it would turn it into more of a cluster-mess than it already is. The good thing, however, would be that with new teams coming in it would be something new and refreshing because the tag division got rather stale during parts of 2009. Where they went wrong was when they constantly had triple threat tag matches or fatal fourway tag matches during the spring and summer, that made me get sick of all the teams involved for a while. Adding different teams to the mix would make the division less stale, which isn't as big of a deal to me as the division becoming too big. They could always split some of the teams up if that's the case.

I think that more contenders IS what TNA's tag team division needs because Beer Money, 3D, and the British Invasion got stale after feuding with each other for so long. If some of these teams were involved with different feuds then other teams could get into the title matches and thus the division would look better.
Please and thank you.

You're welcome.

I think the WWE's tag team division gets a bit underrated simply because of the history of it being shit. The fact of the matter is, if you didn't know about how great it used to be in say 2001, it wouldnt't be half as awful as we say it is. JeriShow were a great combo and had a good run with the belts. Then they feuded with DX, the most over tag team in the company, and lost them. Thats not bad at all is it? If they can tie in say, the Hart Dynasty, we might have something worth while.

Jericho and Show were put together because Edge got hurt. They're not even a random pairing, they're an emergency random pairing. They just happened to work. DX is a pair of aging veterans that are keeping themslves busy, outside of the title picture. I like them, but let's face facts.

The Harts are a good tag team, and I'm a fan of theirs, but they're still young, and have achieved nothing yet. Even if they get mixed in, and become a true title threat, that's only 3 teams. Hardly a "division".

The problem is here, that whilst MCMG recently had a title shot, until then they were treated like absolute rubbish for the year before that. They had meaningless matches over and over again with Lethal Consequences, all to no avail, which was unfair on them, Tna was only interested in pushing Team 3D and Beer Money Inc. to the fans, so these guys were pushed aside. Things are getting better I agree, but MCMG are still getting beat up.

I've said this in another thread, that the MCMG do not need the tag titles. They are majorly over, and the crowd loves them, no matter what. Remember when they were hocking their time, so they could sit at your house, and let you cook for them? I'd bet that there was more than a few people checking their bank accounts, ready to take up the offer.

While I too wish they would get the belts, and reinvigorate the division, neither Shelley nor Sabin need the belts to remain credible in TNA.

And the Nasty Boys. Oh. the Nasty Boys.

Low blow. Ref takes a point away.

Legit title threats? I don't know about that to be honest. It's closer to being about 2.

How is it only 2? The British Invasion are the champions, so they have to be counted in, and Morgan/Hernandez are the #1 Contender's. You also have to include the two teams most over with the crowd, Beer Money Inc. and MCMG. The Dudleys would like to remind you that they are 22 (23?) time tag champs, and that basically means they could step in at any time and carry the belts, without too many people batting an eyelash.

I don't know why they've put Hernadez and Morgan together other than "We have nothing else for them", and I'm not quite sure they are long term. But quite honestly, if I accept JeriShow I'll accept these guys, and TNa do have a great depth in their Tag Team Division. I would just hope they book other non title feuds between tag teams, instead of just pouring all the teams into a 5 way tag team match like they might do. Then add a gimmick on top.

I'm a big fan of the "tier" system. Let there be a title scene, involving the champs and only 1 or 2 contenders, and then let the other 2 have their own feud. TNA did it well before for the tag division, and we all know they can do it again.

I am in agreement that the multi-team gimmick matches are quickly on their way to getting stale.

You've hit it right on the head here. If the Tag Team division is actually treated like a premiere division on the level of the Heavyweight title, then it could get quite interesting. If they book feuds properly with storylines as if it were a singles match, we could see a great return for tag wrestling. The ingredients are there. We just need to mix them together and add salt. And not add a goddamn gimmick match.

So, you spent this whole post disagreeing with me, just to agree with me in the end?

Adding in new teams is not what TNA's tag division needs. It will only further cloud the title picture, and it will force their hand to put together those gimmick matches you appear to love so much. Basically, would you rather have a 6 month feud between Beer Money Inc and the MCMG, or 6 months spent watching all 6 teams duking it out in the flavor of the month gimmick match?
The only time I've thought the titles have mattered recently was during the... I've forgotten the name of the pay-per-view again. Let's just assume it was Turning Point. It was probably Turning Point. Yeah, pretty sure it was Turning Point. Anyway, last time I though the titles mattered was when I was watching the Machine Guns and the British Invasion match at what we're assuming is Turning Point. That was because there were a lot of near falls and the crowd was really into it. I was genuinely excited for once and even when the Guns lost I thought it was OK - TNA saw the reaction they got and they'd let him have the titles down the line.

TNA were watching, all right. But little did we know that the new TNA head booker was none other than Saruman, using one of the lost seeing stones to view the match.


"Build me an army worthy of Mordor!" whispered the great eye. Vince Russo limps in, drooling: "What is it, my lord? What does the eye command?"

And that's how Matt Morgan and Hernandez inexplicably got a title shot at Genesis.
You're welcome.

I'm not so good with paragraphs. Or punctuation.?!@$%.

Jericho and Show were put together because Edge got hurt. They're not even a random pairing, they're an emergency random pairing. They just happened to work. DX is a pair of aging veterans that are keeping themslves busy, outside of the title picture. I like them, but let's face facts.

They just happened to work. Who cares if they were emergency or not? They work and they were a good tag team. What wrong with that? I mean management of the WWF in the 80's thought the Hart Foundation were a bad idea until Bret begged for it to be put together. If it works it works, no matter the circumstances. And DX is cool.

The Harts are a good tag team, and I'm a fan of theirs, but they're still young, and have achieved nothing yet. Even if they get mixed in, and become a true title threat, that's only 3 teams. Hardly a "division".

The problem here is that the WWE has a tri branded show, which doesn't really help. They tried to make the division better with JeriShow defending on all 3 brands (and by that I mean Raw and Smackdown), but it's a very hard thing to do for wrestlers logistically. TNa has it easy because all their resources are at hand on one brand. Imagine if the WWE had all their teams on one brand.

Hart Dynasty, Legacy, DX, JeriShow, Cryme Tyme, Dude Busters, MarkVP.

Not a half bad division if you ask me personally. It's simply a case of butter being spread over too much bread (thanks Bilbo), and thusly, the division like shit on toast. Fair point, and theres not point me trying to justify it. But I'm a WWE mark so there you go.

I've said this in another thread, that the MCMG do not need the tag titles. They are majorly over, and the crowd loves them, no matter what. Remember when they were hocking their time, so they could sit at your house, and let you cook for them? I'd bet that there was more than a few people checking their bank accounts, ready to take up the offer

Why should the belts only be used to elevate people? I understand thats a big part of their usage, but that shouldnt be their only job. Why can't they be used to reward the MCMG for being so over without the belts? Why can't belts be used to aknowledge who the fans like? I think that would be a great way for TNa to attract more viewers, by listening to who they want instead of just throwing a title shot towards a random pairing.

While I too wish they would get the belts, and reinvigorate the division, neither Shelley nor Sabin need the belts to remain credible in TNA.

Give em a couple weeks of being beat on by 1-2-3 Kid and "The Obese Guy" Razor Ramon and let me know how you feel about their credibility.

How is it only 2? The British Invasion are the champions, so they have to be counted in, and Morgan/Hernandez are the #1 Contender's. You also have to include the two teams most over with the crowd, Beer Money Inc. and MCMG. The Dudleys would like to remind you that they are 22 (23?) time tag champs, and that basically means they could step in at any time and carry the belts, without too many people batting an eyelash.

Excuse me? How can you classify The Champions as title threats? They are a threat to themselves? If anyone should turn to self harm, it wouldn't be Brutus Magnus. Probably be Suicide if we're being logical. Get it? Self Har...oh forget it.

Here the thing. In order for someone to be credible "threat" to the title, they have to have been built up properly. They have to have the fans believing that they can actually do something. Hernandez and Morgan, whilst having both been in tag teams, have no story together, and have just popped up and been given a title shot. That makes no sense. The MCMG lost credibility when they got beaten up by the nWo, and then questioned by some sort of Spongebob the Love Sponge. They were given one title shot out of pity, after doing nothing but lose.

I'm a big fan of the "tier" system. Let there be a title scene, involving the champs and only 1 or 2 contenders, and then let the other 2 have their own feud. TNA did it well before for the tag division, and we all know they can do it again.

Pretty much what I said in my paragraph in my last post but lets not split hairs.

So, you spent this whole post disagreeing with me, just to agree with me in the end?

Not really. But I had to get some discussion going didn't I Mr. Mod?

Adding in new teams is not what TNA's tag division needs. It will only further cloud the title picture, and it will force their hand to put together those gimmick matches you appear to love so much

I'm hoping thats sarcasm. I loathe those 50 man tag texas tornado battle royal thingies with a passion usually reserved for passionfruit.

Basically, would you rather have a 6 month feud between Beer Money Inc and the MCMG, or 6 months spent watching all 6 teams duking it out in the flavor of the month gimmick match?

Would you rather have the completely random pairing of Morgan and Hernandez steal the spotlight from proper tag teams that....

Wait. Don't answer that.
Give em a couple weeks of being beat on by 1-2-3 Kid and "The Obese Guy" Razor Ramon and let me know how you feel about their credibility.

If those two stick around as a legit tag team, then it doesn't matter who has the belts, or how long they hold them, the division as a whole loses credibility. This is not solely a problem for the MCMG.

Excuse me? How can you classify The Champions as title threats? They are a threat to themselves? If anyone should turn to self harm, it wouldn't be Brutus Magnus. Probably be Suicide if we're being logical. Get it? Self Har...oh forget it.

"Threats" may be the wrong word. I meant as far as teams in the title scene. If the Brits drop the belts next week, they're still in the title scene, and still have a rematch. This keeps them in that top "tier" I referred to.

I'm hoping thats sarcasm. I loathe those 50 man tag texas tornado battle royal thingies with a passion usually reserved for passionfruit.

It was definitely sarcasm.

Would you rather have the completely random pairing of Morgan and Hernandez steal the spotlight from proper tag teams that....

Wait. Don't answer that.

I don't want the completely random pairing of Matt Morgan and Hernandez, but if that's what we're going to get, then we'll have to live with it. Hernandez is one of the greatest tag wrestlers in the company's history, and Matt Morgan is one of their brightest stars. They've teamed together for a few months, so it's not like they were randomly tossed together. They also earned their title shot the old-fashioned way, winning a match.

After the Young Bucks, TNA should be done adding tag teams. We've both noted that Hernandez/Morgan are going to be "stealing" some of the spotlight as it is, so why put more teams in, who will most likely get placed under them in the rankings?

Once Morgan and Hernandez move on, the tag teams TNA currently has will need to set their footing again, and go back to feuding with each other, and organizing who is a title threat, and who isn't. The need for expansion is a long way off.
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