Monty Sopp

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I call him this because I honestly don't know what to call him anymore. You might know him as Cute Kip, Kip James, Billy Gunn, whatever. I'm watching Impact, and all I can say is wow. He's back with the Beautiful People again? Granted he's more standoffish, but after Genesis, why in god's name would they put him with those two again? It's like they can never just pick something for him. He used to be a decent wrestler back in the day with some interesting attributes, but now he's just a clusterfuck of a character with no real direction whatsoever. If TNA wants to push James as a big character, that's fine. Just stick with him. Should he get a push, or should he just be fired?
He should stick with The Beautiful People. They did the one thing that The Rock & WWE as a whole never did, and that's make him intresting. He's great as their mascot. It's just a shame it's taken nearly 15 years to find his niche. That being a comedy sidekick. He plays the role well.

Never has the name Bad Ass suited somebody less.
Agreed. (w/ Jake) He needs to just stay with the Beautiful People. He's well beyond his "prime" and it's very highly unlikely that he'll ever be in another Main Event, or close to it, short of another rash of random injuries.

I think they should change his "Cute Kip" name though. I mean, he can still be the flaming fashion expert but just named "Kip". Kip is girly enough, without needing to add "Cute" to it.

And plus, if they do just go with Kip, he has the option to someday randomly be a type of challenger. Not that I'd ever want him to be, but he technically has two "beautiful" girls on his arms.. and that's a major plus to want to see him. At least if that's the only way we could see them.

All together though, if I'm being honest. If they aren't going to re-configure the Outlaws, then Kip's worthy wrestling days are well behind him.

EDIT: Sidenote. I thought this thread was about Monty Brown at first.
I think Billy "Kip James" Gunn is just the victim of never being good enough to become huge. He seemed to be the perfect tag team partener(Smoking Gunns, The Outlaws, even Billy & Chuck)were all decent tag teams. And while he had a semi-sucessful singles run(winning the IC title)he really never went anywhere. He was average in the ring, on the mic, and got average fan reaction. The guy just didn't have "it"(whatever it is)to become big in either brand.

As for now, him being pushed as some singles star would be a mistake since now he is even worse than he was before and would just clog the mainevent up. It's sad to say, but he is playing his role perfect right now, and The Beautiful People almost makes him tolerable again. I think they give him the heat and reaction he couldn't get by himself. Monty Sopp just didn't have the skills and support it had to ever go beyond what he did.
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