Monsters, Inc. 2: Monsters University


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Monsters, Inc. is my favorite Pixar movie. By now we all know that a second installment is in the works to be released next year.

However, recently it was revealed that the sequel will actually be a Prequel showing how Mike and Sully were first competitors at the Monsters University where they teach monsters how to scare kids. The movie will then show how they became best friends.

Honestly, I'm disappointed with this. I hate prequels. I was hoping that what was originally reported, and actual sequel, would happen.

I guess I'll settle for this but it's a risky move, IMO.

I can't stand it when movies do prequels but label themselves like a sequel. "Monsters, Inc. 2" Should be a sequel, not a prequel. What, are they afraid that people are going to get confused that it's a Monsters movie because the characters are younger? It's crazy if you ask me. Why not call yourself a prequel? Monsters, Inc: The Beginning or some shit fits better than that.

As for seeing Mike and Sully again, honestly I can't wait. It's one of those movies that I actually enjoy watching with younger siblings. Ever since I heard there will be another Monsters movie, I've been interested. I hope it delivers well.
This could be a good film. I liked the original so it will be cool so see some familiar faces again in the sequel/prequel/whatever. Speaking of that, let's address that issue. Why call it a sequel and then name it Monsters Inc 2 if it takes place before the original? I like prequels but they should not be labled as sequels if they aren't a true sequel. I agree with Old Hat that "The Beginning" should have been the tagline, rather than calling it #2 in the series. That rant aside.... I will look forward to watching this film because a story of how Mike and Sully became friends could be really interesting. We may know what happens later, but it could still be good. Let's give it a chance.
I guess I should have clarified this in the original post but right now the working title is "Monsters, Inc. 2: Monsters University." I think there's a very good chance that they will end up dropping the Monsters Inc 2 part and just call it Monsters University.

It is scheduled for a June 2012 release so there's still a few months before we'll get a teaser/trailer probably. I expect the first teaser around Thanksgiving this year.
I can't wait...
The first movie was awesome, they had a pretty decent story and they managed to get my attention to every Pixar movie since their release.

The second installment really has a great theme to center around the storyline for the movie.
We will probably see how Sully was a geek in his old college days, and that Mike had a really cool Rastafarian life style.
Ahaha kidding, but as far as I see, this movie is going to be a great blockbuster and I'm pretty sure that I am going to see this one...

To the OP, great threads...
Keep it up :D

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