Money In The Bank?


Getting Noticed By Management
Do you guys think Money in the Bank Ladder matchs will become a yearly tradition for Wrestlemania or will it pretty much fizzle out after WM23 or possibly 24?
I always thought that the TLC matches at WM 16 and 17 would happen every year but i was wrong.

I think the tredition will happen every year though.
IDK Maybe If they keep it up its kinda like the royal rumble shot at the world title And so far both people that used money in the bank have not lost.Same with rumble...think I could be wrong
Yes, it will now be a sealed Wrestlemania match much like in the Royal Rumble
where the winner meets whoever the champion is at Wrestlemania, but actually the first Rumbles didn't have that rule until 1993, from that point on, it has been the same rule the same will be with the MITB from now on
I certainly hope it does. It gives guys who the WWE ignored and never developed storylines for an opportunity to have their own Wrestlemania moments. They should definitely do the 3 from Smackdown and 3 from RAW thing for the MITB Ladder Matches.

Or maybe even 2 from ECW, 2 from RAW to from Smackdown?

Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito vs. CM Punk vs. RVD (or Sabu) vs. Lashley vs. Matt Hardy?

Oooh, the posibilities
Yea 2 from each is a great Idea It would be one of the bigger matchs of Wrestlemania-the first ever winner edge!
i think it will go on 4 about 3 or 4 more years. the next1 should be rvd vs sabu vs jeff hardy vs edge(who will lose his title by wrestlemania) vs matt hardy vs rey mysterio
most likely wont happen but i wuld like 2 see that
Vlad if that were to happen Edge would end up winning cause for the time being they are gunna not have edge loose at mania
but they also wanna put the belt on Kane at least once before he retires next summer...
Shelton Benjamin HAS to be in the next money in the bank and he HAS to win it. For me he was the MVP of the last 2.
benjamin deserves to win this win he stole both the last 2 ones and needs a push
shelton is definatly a good star with awsome acting and mic skills but He is not reasy to be a number 1 contender not yet give him the money in the bank but wait a long time to have him cash in
yeah bro like after summerslam and have him lose then get out of the picture, then hed come back at like armegeddonadn win the titl
See That would be a return Like how edge came back one week before NYR only to win the World title!
I hope it does the 3 brand thing would definently be the best idea and the winner should get a shot at any title oh just the thought of Sabu vs kane for the ecw title gets me warm and fuzzy inside
It would give the oppotunity for one of the Superstars just below the 'elite' group to have a chance for a push for the title, and have something to fight for.

It should become a regular fixture, in my eyes, and cross brand matches are always intriguing.
so far theyve all been so good theyll have 2 keep them but throw ecw in the mix wich might make it tougher since u dont wanna overstuff the match
if edge wasnt wwe champion and was in the MITB match it would be sweet ass if he won and cashed it in after the main event n won the title back!!!!

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