Money In The Bank Holder already a Champion: Will it ever happen?


Dark Match Winner
Do you think a Money in the bank winner will ever win either the WWE or the World Heavy Weight Title while holding the money in the bank contract either for the same belt he's already holding or the championship from the other brand. I.E. Daniel Bryan is the Smackdown Money in the Bank winner and he somehow wins the WWE title while still holding the Money in The Bank contract.

Personally I think this will be the way they finally unify the two tiles IF they ever decide to do that in the future.

Honestly it would have to be someone face to be in the position. Why? Because no Heel is gonna try to have a fair moment to cash in their MiTB. I can only see this happening with Sheamus or Cena to tell you the truth. Daniel Bryan as his first face self it could've happened, but now I don't think it can. Kinda a cool thing to think of as I've always had the same thought. CHris Jericho would've been an awesome candidate to do so during his whole 2008 serious run.
I'm sure it'll happen eventually. (To the person above me, I think you misread the OP. It says nothing about cashing in fairly, in fact it says nothing about cashing in at all.) MITB holders have gotten title shots in the past. Or maybe the reverse happens, and one of the champions challenges for the MITB (since they can technically be defended, although that hasn't happened nearly as much as it did in the early MITB days.) and wins it.

That could make for a good feud, actually. And it could happen right now, since Punk and Ziggler have been having issues with each other. Ziggler wants a title shot, Punk tells him to put his MITB on the line to earn it. Winner walks away with the WWE Championship and the MITB to the World Heavyweight Championship. Obviously there's a lot of directions you could go from there, although the fact that The Rock is already lined up for a WWE Championship match(and, presumably, a victory) at Royal Rumble kind of stifles their choices a bit.

I think the only other obvious way to unify the titles would be to have the MITB holder win the Royal Rumble, cash in on one title, and choose to challenge for the other at WrestleMania. The important thing is that if they do unify the belts, they need to be maintained as separate entities(defended separately, etc) to make it easier to split them up when the time comes.
This is an interesting topic. There are a bunch of ways to think about this.

While this already was the situation with (dare I say) Chris Benoit when there was only one MITB briefcase, now there is a MITB case for both the WWE and World Heavyweight championships. Having one branded briefcase winner going after the opposite title kind of defeats the purpose of having two separate cases.

However, this is the WWE... where anything can happen to spark interest. I'm not going to rule this idea out. Matter of fact, it crossed my mind from time to time. But if they do it, there had better be a really good reason to do so. The chess pieces are in place for this type of mix-up (superstars from both brands are being commingled nowadays).
It would not surprise me in the least if WWE went in either of these directions. Having a Money In the Bank winner win a world title before they cash in may seem a bit strange but it would be something different. They have followed the same formula with nearly every single MITB winner and something to shake the process up a bit would do the federation more good than harm.

Using a Money In the Bank winner's cash in to unify the titles is quite possible. He could win the other world title around Summerslam then cash in for a unification match at Night of Champions. Or we may see a string of events leading up to the MITB winner winning their briefcase/brand's title before they cash in, then immediately cash in the rematch to get their belt back if they ever lost it. A legit "second chance". I can easily see either of these scenarios (MITB winner wins his brand/briefcase before cashing in, or he wins the other title before cashing in) next year. Why not? Our only other option is a repeat of the same thing we have seen in just about all of the other cash in's.
I've thought about this angle before. What I'd like to see happen is an inpromptu battle royal for the Intercontinental Championship at a ppv, with an MITB holder as one of the participants. Mr. MITB wins the battle royal (and the i-c strap), and cashes in his briefcase later on that night, making him the first superstar in WWE history to win two championships in one night. If I was in charge today I'd give the honour to Wade Barrett.
I still dont see them unifying the brands because it would reduce their touring business, thus reduce the financial viability of maintaining such large rosters, which could lead to some significant talent making their way to TNA, adding a lot of depth and credibility to their roster.

However, I do think it would be interesting if the MIB was won by an existing Champ, IE say CM Punk somehow gets in the match and wins, what would it take to get the MIB off of him so someone could cash in, OR would he be able to use the MIB to get the belt back, say after losing the title, failing in subsequent re matches to get it back, then after the new champ has a particularly tough but successful title defense against someone else BOOM... Enter Punk with the MIB.

Might be an interesting way to pump some interest in the MIB concept...
What if Ziggler ends up winning the Royal Rumble this year and he hasn't cashed in his briefcase yet?

I personally think that would be awesome and make for some good TV leading up to Mania.
I think it would be hilarious if Dolph fails to cash in at Royal Rumble, then goes on to win the Rumble match in the same night lol, I can't see it happening but it'd be different. I'm not sure it'll ever happen that a current champion goes on to win a briefcase, however, a superstar that has the briefcase going on to win the I.C or U.S titles before cashing in? sure, I don't see not, especially the I.C, it'd be a good way to build up momentum before the final push.
I think it could happen, and would actually be a great way to unify the titles. He could easily win the number one contender spot in, and the case having nothing to do with it. Say a battle royal. He could then defeat the champion. I also think this would ve a cool way to unify the title is they ever go in that direction.

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