Money In The Bank Chatter Match: Triple Threat Group B

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Welcome to the first ever Money In the Bank Chatter match. The rules are simple whoever is the best trash talking, shoot promo expert shall become the champion. Well actually it’s not that simple so here we go to clarify. In this tournament you get three posts against your opponents to prove you are better than them. I do not care who starts it, but you must wait until someone responds before posting another one UNLESS 5 hours have passed. After either 48 hours or until everyone has posted I will then come in and simply write closed. After this time I have power to manually go in and add a poll. Two days of voting later, whoever gets the least amount of votes is eliminated.

In this first round because it’s a Triple Threat If indeed the first two participants finish before person 3 gets their posts in well tough luck person three you get three posts in a row.

Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for the start of this tournament.

This match will be between: PaperGhostopolis, Whap Me Jungles, and Macios

Enjoy, and happy talking!
Going to get the ball rolling here.

" Jungles, Ghosty, are you too scared to show up and participate in this match? Oh, you don't have to answer that I already know the answer. You're too afraid to go toe to toe with the GREATEST Prisoner of all time. You're too scared to deal with the Wrestlezone Bad-ass and you should be. I've recieved my verbal beatings time and time again in here. I've learned the best insults, the best punchlines and I can just take it.

You both are too new to know how to deal with such insults. Jungles, you're so new and you try making your own thread getting to know you. Who the fuck do you think you are. Stop being such a self centered bitch and wake up and smell the daisies will you? Nobody gives a shit about you yet. You're nothing but a wannabe looking for attention. I'll whap your jungles and make you look stupider than Tarzan.

As for Ghosty, ha, well the name suits you well. You're a ghost on these forums. That's right, scary bad. And to think you think yourself a heel when people "Boo" you. Rediculous. You're in over head. You might be able to talk for a bit, but I'm going to tear you to shreds. I'll make sure to change your name to PaperAirplane cause sir you got yourself a one way ticket to hell.

Fellows, if you don't show up It's what I expect of you. You're too scared of me and that's understandble. If you dare enter my house, I promise you, you're bound to get served."

The spoiler tags are not a part of this

I don't think any of that, just wanted to get the ball rolling. I really like all of you.

Greatest Prisoner of all time? That's like calling yourself World's Most Handsome Swamp Creature. Think I'm scared of the king of the fuckups, who dances and plays in the shitheap he's left? Well, I'm the one you have to fear. I'm the one who the biggest wrestling forum on the Net couldn't handle. You brush me off as some scrub from the stands but that's gonna come right back to bite you, because when you're a new face, no one knows just what you're capable of. You'd best back down.

And the Ghost? He's learned to stay away already.
I give you props Jungles, you got more balls then Ghostie does. Too bad you're too dumb to come down here and try to go toe to toe with Macios. You're right I don't know a lot about you, but I do know this; I AM A MONSTER! I may dance in shit, may roll with the dogs, but I'm going to drag you down and suffocate you in my abyss. You say you have potential, I say it's potential to fail. You can talk about how good you are but I dare you to show me. Be careul though as as soon as you open your mouth you're going to eat shit from me.

You best take a page out of the Ghost's book make yourself invisible before I lay you to waste. You're entering the cave of a Prison monster. Once you enter the darkness of my cell there's no coming out, no escape, your bones are left there to rot. I am the King of these parts, the master of my domain, and the killer of your future. I dare you to cross me again, I'll make a ghost out of you.

As for Ghostie, you're about to get ghost busted as a scared pussy. And if you do show up I'll make sure you rest in peace.

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