Money In The Bank 2016 General Discussion & Reviews


We all know the drill: keep all MITB discussions here and no spam posts.

Two of the bouts for MITB have been named and 5 of the 7 spots for this year's WWE Championship MITB ladder match have been named.

A report going around over the weekend is that WWE MIGHT do a MITB ladder match for the WWE Women's Championship. There's no word on how many women might be participating in said match, only that there may be one. If Sasha returns in time, she'd be part of it as will Natalya, Paige, Becky Lynch, possibly Dana Brooke even though she's on Team Charlotte right now.

As there are several viable teams on the WWE roster, I wouldn't mind seeing an MITB match for a shot at the tag titles. It could consist of Big Cass & Enzo, the Dudley Boyz/the Vaudevillains, the Usos and Gallows & Anderson. Having more than 8 men is probably too much and those are the most viable teams on the main roster right now.
I was shocked to see AJ Styles not competing in the ladder match. I guess that shows one thing: WWE are high on AJ and believe that his name does not need the MITB. And I agree with that.

However I'm intrigued to see where he's going from here.

He could have a feud with The Club, he could challenge and win the IC title from the Miz or he could even have a match with a returning John Cena. I'm leaning towards the IC champ idea though.
I'm intrigued by the last two spots. The fact that they're holding those spots open through raw and smackdown, with a certain colorful former top guy coming back suggests to me that Cena might take one of them, but the earlier poster talking about Cena-Styles makes sense too. So I'm curious to see where they go.

Is there any chance Brock comes back and enters? I think it would be a good story if he won and just hung over the championship picture like an ax waiting to drop. Plus it would be fun as hell to watch the destruction of him in the ring with 6 other guys to throw around. But I know a lot of people don't like the idea of him in the title equation.
I think AJ split up from The club means Finn Balor is coming to the main roster soon.
Finn will probably loose the match against Joe at the next takeover..
This will leave up Finn Balor to reform the club, lead it and interrupt and destroy everyone except one guy involved in the ladder match at money in the bank..
That one guy will be joining the club and will be the Mr. Money in the bank..
Or maybe Finn Balor may even be the man to fill that last spot at Money in the bank with the club on his back and go on to win it..
We all know the drill: keep all MITB discussions here and no spam posts.

Two of the bouts for MITB have been named and 5 of the 7 spots for this year's WWE Championship MITB ladder match have been named.

A report going around over the weekend is that WWE MIGHT do a MITB ladder match for the WWE Women's Championship. There's no word on how many women might be participating in said match, only that there may be one. If Sasha returns in time, she'd be part of it as will Natalya, Paige, Becky Lynch, possibly Dana Brooke even though she's on Team Charlotte right now.

As there are several viable teams on the WWE roster, I wouldn't mind seeing an MITB match for a shot at the tag titles. It could consist of Big Cass & Enzo, the Dudley Boyz/the Vaudevillains, the Usos and Gallows & Anderson. Having more than 8 men is probably too much and those are the most viable teams on the main roster right now.

I'd love to see a Women's MITB Briefcase match. It'd be different from the usual number one contender match and random battle royal to determine the number one contender.

Tag team MITB is interesting. They got plenty of tag teams you didn't mention like Fandango/Breeze, Goldust/Truth.
I was shocked to see AJ Styles not competing in the ladder match. I guess that shows one thing: WWE are high on AJ and believe that his name does not need the MITB. And I agree with that.

However I'm intrigued to see where he's going from here.

He could have a feud with The Club, he could challenge and win the IC title from the Miz or he could even have a match with a returning John Cena. I'm leaning towards the IC champ idea though.

AJ chasing the IC title would make sense. It'd be a good consolation prize for not winning the WWE WHC.

I can't see Miz as a long term IC Champion and they got good chemistry.
I don't know the timeline for his return but has anyone thought that Randy Orton is the blank spot?

A MITB match for the Women's device could give even more prestige to that "new" belt.

What I'm concerned with here is the lack of build-up we are getting for every other storyline. You have the guys who were chasing the IC title now vying for MITB.

Reigns and Rollins was something we all saw coming I think, not a big surprise. I keep thinking that Rollins isn't 100% which is why they are keeping them separated.

With 2 Raw episodes left before the PPV we have 2 matches?
They just bumped the Corbin v Ziggler and Sheamus v Crews match up to the main card. Instead the preshow will feature two tag team matches, Golden Truth v Fandango/Breeze and the Dudley's v Lucha Dragons. The preshow for me can get a miss now.
If they want the pre-show to mean anything,why not put a match on that is remotely interesting? Or have a stipulation on ther pre-show)for eg.

The card is pretty solid, but will form the arc of storyliners to culminate at Summerslam. Thus it makes this show quite predictable.
My two cents:

Reigns retains title
AJ wins over Cena
Ambrose wins MITB
Sheamus beats Crews
Corbin over Ziggler
New Day retain
Let's get this right out of the way immediately.... this was the best main roster event of the year so far. With the exception of NXT Takeover Dallas, nothing else WWE has done in 2016 even touches on what we saw at Money In The Bank tonight. What a show! It absolutely lived up to the hype.

Pre-Show: Breezango VS Golden Truth
This was a little stupid, it belonged on the pre-show. Golden Truth winning was the right call. However, Breezango looked awful with those tan burns. Kayfabe or not, that was just awful.

Pre-Show: Lucha Dragons VS Dudley Boyz
The better one out of the pre-show matches. Nothing to write home about, just a fun match to pass the time by while waiting for the actual show to start.

The Club VS Enzo Amore & Big Cass VS New Day VS The Vaudevillains (Fatal Fourway for the WWE Tag Team Championship)
Worst match of the night by far. I detest the idiocy behind these matches. Why can't there be someone in the ring representing all four teams? Tagging in people who aren't on your team is STUPID. I can only suspend disbelief for so much, that's something that will never make sense to me and it's impossible for this match type to not suck. That being said, New Day retained and they definitely should have. Let's hope for a feud with just New Day facing Enzo & Cass next time around.

Baron Corbin VS Dolph Ziggler
Well, the match itself was fine.... I'm just a bit sick of these two facing each other at this point. Baron needed the win, so I hope this feud is over. The quality of the show only went up from here.

Charlotte & Dana Brooke VS Natalya & Becky Lynch
This was cool. The match was a good showcase for all four of them. Would have been nice to have a Women's Championship match, I'd expect we will see one on Raw tomorrow or quite soon.

Apollo Crews VS Sheamus
Better than I expected, and I'm fine with this feud continuing.

AJ Styles VS John Cena
Alright, so.... the ending ruined this for me. It was a match I have been wanting to see for nearly an entire decade.... Few dream matches are out there that were as big as this one.... at first it was delivering, then the stupid ending ruined it. AJ did not NEED an interference by The Club. The feud needs an extension so we can see yet another great match, and one that isn't ruined by an unnecessary interference. It met expectations otherwise.

Alberto Del Rio VS Cesaro VS Chris Jericho VS Dean Ambrose VS Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn (Money In The Bank Ladder Match)
Awesome stuff here! This was one of the best Money In The Bank Ladder matches that I have ever seen. It had been hyped up with some good promos along the way and there were a number of crazy spots, which is to be expected at this point. I had predicted either Owens or Dean would win, so I was quite happy with the result. My friend who watched with me and I both immediately predicted he cashes in tonight on the winner of Reigns VS Rollins. It was also a little strange to have this match so far up on the card. I though it would open the show or at least be toward the beginning of the night.

Rusev VS Titus O’Neil (US Championship)
This was about as good as it could have been. Give the fans a chance for a break in between the bigger matches. Rusev got the retention he needed. I don't think Titus will be getting any more title shots, he seemed out of place as a title contender and this feud was nothing special. The match going on when it did would give Dean (kayfabe) time to recover in between matches if he was cashing in....

Roman Reigns VS Seth Rollins (World Heavyweight Championship)
Great match. All the near falls had me excited and hoping there would be a Rollins victory. Then, it happened.... Dean Ambrose cashed in his Money In The Bank briefcase!!!! That has to be the shortest time anyone has ever held a MITB briefcase.

Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (World Heavyweight Championship via Money In The Bank Cash-In)
Extremely short match, but the story told in the ring was what mattered here. Dean Ambrose wins the World Heavyweight Championship!!!! It was only fitting that he cash in on Seth and give him a taste of his own medicine.

Overall Thoughts
What an awesome show. This truly lived up to the hype and alongside the 2011's event, this really is one of the top contenders for the greatest Money In The Bank event ever, despite WWE telling us that constantly for such a long time that it would be. All former members of The Shield held the World Heavyweight Championship tonight. Other than the Tag Team Championship match the show had matches ranging from ok to great from top to bottom. Easily the best show of the year for the main roster in the WWE so far. Now we must have that rumored Shield Triple Threat for the World Heavyweight Championship at Summerslam.... Knowing the WWE they may rush that and do it at Battleground next month (which is still a pointless PPV brand), I won't let the potential of that happening ruin tonight's epic show though.

Dagger's 2016 PPV Rankings

1. Money In The Bank 2016
2. Wrestlemania 32
3. Extreme Rules 2016
4. Payback 2016
5. Royal Rumble 2016
6. Fastlane 2016
This solidified MITB as one of the big 4 over Survivor Series. It's been that way since 2011 really, but tonight made it official. Overall, great card. I'd have let Rollins walk out champ and have Ambrose carry around the briefcase for 5 weeks and tease a cash in a couple times til finally doing so at Battleground, but that's just nitpicking I guess. That way, they can go straight to the Shield triple threat at Summerslam without having to fill the time in between with likely another Ambrose vs Rollins one on one ppv match. Not that I expect it to suck, but we've seen it enough times already.
AJ Styles VS John Cena
Alright, so.... the ending ruined this for me. It was a match I have been wanting to see for nearly an entire decade.... Few dream matches are out there that were as big as this one.... at first it was delivering, then the stupid ending ruined it. AJ did not NEED an interference by The Club. The feud needs an extension so we can see yet another great match, and one that isn't ruined by an unnecessary interference. It met expectations otherwise.

While I can't say that it ruined it for me, it was a significant disappointment. I really enjoyed the story they were telling with Cena being frequently outdone by Styles and commentators selling that Cena looked to be out of step due to being out of the ring for so long. When I saw the ref go down, I knew that Gallows & Anderson would be out there and I wasn't surprised, just disappointed, because Vince McMahon simply cannot help himself when it comes to giving Cena a way out in almost every match that he's ever lost; he has this maniacal, downright obsessive need to protect Cena and it's detrimental at times.
This was a pretty great show, easily the best of 2016 (in WWE) in my opinion.

-The fourway tag was alright, but as Dagger said, the rules are stupid. I get it sort of prevents it from being a mess, but not tagging in your own partner and tagging someone else in is dumb. It got pretty fast paced, but there were moments that just seemed off.

-Corbin vs Ziggler wasn't a bad match, but it's been drawn out for so long that nobody cares anymore. These guys have been fighting since the night after 'Mania and it's time for Corbin to move onto something else. As for the match, it got really really slow and boring at some points, but eventually it picked back up. I still enjoy Baron Corbin, but he really needs to find something else to do now. Extreme Rules should've been the blowoff with a better match/finish.

-I had to rewatch the women's tag match as I didn't watch it prior. Just like with Corbin/Ziggler, it's time for Natalya to move on as even though they've had good matches, we've seen it so much to where nobody really cares anymore. She blew it at Extreme Rules as there was no reason to let Charlotte out of the sharpshooter as even if it was Flair, she would've won the title. I'd assume this sets up Natalya vs Becky in a #1 contender match.

-Apollo Crews vs Sheamus was good. I love Sheamus and Apollo would be awesome if he had something more to go off of other than "smiling large black guy that does flips". The ending was good as it sets up a rematch and it was clean, but protected both guys. Yes Apollo won by a rollup, but he had just kicked out of a middle rope White Noise a few seconds ago.

-AJ Styles and John Cena was awesome. They didn't blow their load in the first match, but Cena was pulling out all the stops and Styles looked like a star out there. My only problem was with the finish. Styles winning by interference or some trickery was okay, but the thing is, Cena had him beat and would've pinned him if the ref didn't get bumped. If they bumped the ref and then did a big move to keep both guys down and they just laid there 'till the Club came out, then that would have been better; it still accomplishes the same thing where AJ isn't aware of the Club coming out and he wins, but they're both better protected because neither man really had each other beat. Cena would lose due to interference, but AJ would still get a win.

-The Money in the Bank match was great. There were lots of cool spots; the Michinoku Driver on the ladder and the swing head-first into the ladder were both gnarly. Alberto actually got a surprisingly good reaction, and he's starting to grow on me. I was hoping Owens would win as Ambrose has been in the main-event scene and was already established, but Ambrose winning was totally fine.

-Rusev vs Titus was a nice surprise. It wasn't a technical masterpiece, but it didn't have to be. It was just two huge dudes pummeling each other. Totally harmless match and a nice little breather after two big matches and the main event being next.

-Rollins vs Reigns was a very good match. Lots of good near-falls and it got awesome near the end. The spear into pedigree counter was really cool. My only nitpick is that Seth needs a new finisher. The pedigree was fine when he was Triple H's guy, but since that's not really the case anymore, he needs a new finisher. And of course, we got Ambrose cashing in, which was awesome, but I figured he would do it at Battleground as I have no idea what they're gonna do now at Battleground. There's no point in wasting the Shield triple-threat at Battleground, but I guess we'll have to see.

Overall, it was a very good show and easily my favorite WWE show of 2016.
Is it just me or did Roman Reigns seem a little heelish in his match with Rollins. And it almost felt like Seth Rollins was playing the face as the guy who wouldn't stay down and Reigns got most of the offense and did most of the trash talking.

Even parts in the video package made Rollins look like the baby face.

Plus with the semi-clean finish does anyone think WWE is toying with the possibility of turning Reigns heel?

Also did anyone notice that kid with all the Cena merchandise carrying a Rollins sign? I mean the fact the cameras focused on the kid showing that kid who seems to be a Cena fan supporting Rollins, makes me wonder if WWE is pushing back on making Reigns as the guy.
The actual card is like how I planned it in my head, I would have rebooked it a little different by shuffling around a few wrestlers, my card would be:

Pre Show
1) Goldust & R-Truth Vs Tyler Breeze & Fandango Vs Heath Slater & Curtis Axel
Number One Contenders Tag Team Titlte Three Way Tag Match. I would keep this the same on the pre show except add the social outcast to the match with the winner getting a shot at the champs the next night on raw, I would give this match to the Social Outcasts.

Main Show
1) Baron Corbin Vs Dolph Ziggler
Winner Advances to the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. I would have this kick off the show with the winner advancing to the MITB match, I would give this one to Corbin and have this be their blow off match.

2) Big E and Kofi Kingston (C) Vs The Dudley Boyz, Vs Enzo Amore & Big Cass Vs The Vaudevillains (Aiden English and Simon Gotch)
Tag Team Title Four Corner Elimination Match. I've kept this the same except I have added the Dudleys to the match instead of the Club, it is now an elimination match with it coming down to the New Day against Big Cass & Amore with the champs retaining.

3) Apollo Crews Vs Sheamus
Singles Match. Stays the same.

4) Aj Styles (with The Club) Vs John Cena
Singles Match. Stays the same except keep the club at ringside and help Styles win the match.

5) Dean Ambrose Vs Alberto Del Rio, Vs Cesaro, Vs Chris Jericho, Vs Kevin Owens Vs Sami Zayn Vs Baron Corbin.
Money in the Bank ladder match for a WWE World Heavyweight Championship match contract. I have added Corbin to the match as a wild card, I would of had either Ambrose, Owens OR Cesaro win the briefcase but I am happy with Ambrose winning it.

6) Charlotte and Dana Brooke Vs Natalya and Becky Lynch
Tag Team Match. I thought of this ages ago, I'm glad it got added here with the right result going towards the heels.

7) Rusev (C) (with Lana) Vs Titus O'Neil
United States Title Match. I liked the sound of this one, I would change the ending and have both men counted out so neither man look weak and have another match at battle ground.

8) Roman Reigns (C) Vs Seth Rollins
Wwe World Heavyweight Title Ladder Match. I've decided to make this a Ladder Match, I would still have the same outcome with Rollins winning the title. Afterwards I would still keep it the same with Ambrose cashing in his briefcase and winning the title.

That's my altered version of the card, not much difference.

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