Moment Of The Year

What Is The Moment Of The Year In 2012?

  • Sheamus Wins The World Title In 18 Seconds

  • The Rock Beats John Cena

  • Brock Lesnar Returns

  • Daniel Bryan And Kane At Anger Management

  • CM Punk Heel Turn

  • Austin Aries Wins World Title

  • HHH, Shawn Michaels And The Undertaker Embrace After HIAC

  • Sheamus Mentions Bishop Brennan (Whoever That Is)

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Sheamus' 18 second title win only because of the aftermath and how much it benefitted Bryan rather than Sheamus himself. It was what started the YES! Revolution.
Austin Aries winning the title was a feel good moment. It ended the best title reign of the year.

Taker, Micheal's and Trips hugging after the 'End of an Era' match was a feel good moment too. It is a toss up for me but I think I know who I am voting for.
I'm shocked that Rock beating Cena or Lesnar's return isn't winning .

The embrace at the end was exactly what should have been expected.
The fact that I'm going with Aries' title win isn't to minimize the impact of Taker, Trips, and HBK's embrace, but to me Aries is the best in the Wrestling World at this point. Best Mic Work, consistently churning out 5 Star Matches, Charisma oozing out, and Aries has MANY more World Title Runs in his future. To think he came from "The Austin Starr", a gimmick for those who don't remember was of a hollywood actor or model trying to be a wrestler. Aries is imho, hands down, best in the world right now.
Voted The Rock Beats John Cena before I could see Lesnar`s return...wished I could change. Lesnar`s return was mind blowing. Every body knew it was coming but I did not change anything..that crowd was amazing. Rock-Cena was an incredible moment because I was genuinely shocked Rock went over Cena. End of an Era final picture was amazing as well.
I went with Triple H, HBK & Taker embracing after the HIAC match. They put on a killer match that told an incredible story. That might be the last time we see all three of them together at one time again. Fans love & respect all three of them and what they've done in & for the WWE, so the sight of all three of them embracing after a job well done is something that just flat out worked on every level.
I went HHH/HBK/Taker, but that wasn't the moment of the year. The moment of the year for me was Taker kicking out of Sweet Chin Music and Pedigree combo. I'm sorry but I thought the streak was over right there.
It's close between The Rock beating Cena & the Undertaker's embrace with HBK and HHH.

Hmmmm, I'll vote The Rock's victory. Not that it's better. It's just a toss up.
I can't believe wrestling fans are voting for an embrace.

Here, let me embrace my scarred nutsack and shift it a little bit to the left so I can bend over more comfortably while you fuck me up the ass with that bullshit. That's probably the most entertaining, emotional, and enjoyable match of my adult life but the embrace at the end was nothing more than a nice post-match filler moment.

The conclusion of Rock/Cena was shocking, exciting, and so well done. The two men have a decent back and forth match going through the motions, getting their signature stuff in, and trying to one up each other. Cena comes in as a guy who is WWE #1 money maker for now and the foreseeable future. He's a boy scout and a beast all in one and the glue that holding WWE's next generation of fans to their financial statements. The Rock is a former great, a few years past his prime, removed from the ring more or less for seven years (SS 2011 is an exception but a poor one at that) and thought to be there for a pay check, a chance to revitalize his movie career and opportunity to put further over Cena's resume.

So after all the back and forth Cena looks like he has The Rock finished. We are shocked to see Cena drop his boy scout character and go all Hubris on us by attempting The People's Elbow. The camera work was terrific. I am not sure if they meant to catch The Rock start to get up as Cena did his second pass over The Rock in preparation for the elbow but you could see The Rock's body start to elevate as Cena approached the ropes. In everyone's mind, it was a holy shit this isn't over moment, The Rock isn't done yet. Then Cena runs in to a Rock Bottom and just like that it really is over. The Rock actually was given the win. The fans are shocked, Miami blows up, and Cena is left in a position of disbelief.

It was by far the moment of the year.

Now that you read this, please visit the Forums Awards section to vote for George Steele's Barber as the Best Wrestling Poster due to my ability to incorporate butt sex in just about any topic.
I went with Aries winning the title. The other ones, while pretty big moments, just didn't have that much of a "big deal" feeling to me, quite frankly.

Aries winning it, in such a short amount of time, being a smaller in stature guy, made me feel that hard work and believing in yourself will take you to the top.

HHH/Taker, while a very good match, was just too soon IMO. The whole concept of it just seemed rushed and forced.

Rock/Cena, while a high profile match with a surprise ending, I felt, did more to damage future superstars than build them. What I mean is, if you're going to have a part time guy who hasn't even been around for 7 years and made minimal face time (I get that his schedule probably didn't allow it, but still) go over your "face of the company" who works harder at all the extra off camera work than anybody I can think of, then that's telling your employees it doesn't matter how hard you work, you'll still be shit canned when the "celebrities" come to town.

Brock Lesnar's return was a let down with how it transpired. Very anti-climactic. Sheamus' 18 second title win? Might have had more of an impact if it had actually been on the main program. CM Punk heel turn? It wasn't a shocking, unexpected thing. It just kind of flowed gradually, and didn't have the shock that heel turns in the past have had. Anger management? Great tv, but not a huge "moment". The last one? Da fuk?
Lesnar's return would have been a better candidate for me had it not been for the slightly underwhelming subsequent period. His matches have been good, great even, but haven't really led anywhere. Besides, I've never been much of a fan either way.

GSB put a compelling argument forward for Cena and The Rock which made me reconsider, but in the end I am still voting for Aries winning the world title. The outpouring of emotion, the match itself and the build were all breathtaking.
Brock Lesnar's return. It was unexpected and set up, a great feud for the future. Everything else on this list was pretty much built up to happen with the exception of Rock-Cena.
I liked AJ kissing Kane and all that ensued (I dig crazy chicks and Daniel Bryan skyrocketing to main event status)

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