Mom Caught Blowing Son's Teammate During Wrestling Match


Twitter -- @FightOnTwist
Once again, the Mods can move this but I wanted to share it more with the members of this particular section of WrestleZone rather than the whole community. Plus, actual wrestling is a base for much of MMA, so think of it as MMA news

Is nothing sacred any more? Time was when they wouldn’t allow you to bring a soda into the stands at the high school gym for fear that you might spill it. Now we have reports of a middle-aged mom/teacher’s aid giving oral sex to a male wrestler in the stands DURING a tournament.

(Doesn’t that weaken the legs? At the very least it might make your teammates jealous.)

Anyway, this is a very complicated story, but basically it comes down to one wrestler’s mom being accused–at first–of sexting a 15-year-old boy, the cops investigating and then find out that she actually liked older men . . . around 17. And that kid allegedly got more than naughty text messages. How did Gallegos get caught?

Okay, so, I can understand why the kids would do this, I mean, after all, which one of us DIDN'T tell one of our friends that we wanted to bang their mom at that age. We all did, you're lying if you didn't.

But the mom....she's just got problems. Oh, I'd like to point out that she blew him here in Bakersfield, too (allegedly) and she didn't get caught here. I'm sure that's gonna piss off our D.A. when he finds out our town dropped the ball on a pedophile.
This may be considered an immature comment so I won't say it at all. :p
But people have certainly gone mad these days, I mean dude this woman was in her 30's
and giving "head" to a 15 year old student. While in a teenagers opinion that is hitting the jackpot (Unless she looks like mick foley). But honestly that woman must have some serious marriage problems. Yeah your DA would be pissed and he should be having the ball being dropped on a pedophile. If that kid was my son... I don't even know what I would do. But it does take two to tango, so it's not ALL this womans fault. It's not like she's raping the kid..
I have a hard time knowing what I would do, either. If it were my 16 year old I'd be pissed that the lady preyed on him like that, but if she were hot, I'd probably want to give him a pat on the back. This is a rough one. Actually, from her mug shot, she doesn't look half bad. He certainly could have done worse for himself.
There's not really much you can say about this. In spite of all the fantasies you might have heard about this or even had yourself, in spite of whatever you may have seen depicted in pornographic fantasy scenarios, this is a terrible situation for everyone involved.

We live in a culture that still has something of a double standard when it comes to sex. When I was growing up, the idea of a teenage boy having a sexual encounter with an attractive older woman was something along the lines of the ultimate fantasy. Many of my generation were not only taught that it really wasn't that big of a deal, but that it was actually fine and dandy. However, on the other hand, it was a completely different scenario when it came to girls. The idea of a teenage girl messing around with an older guy got everybody in an uproar. The older guy would often be thought of as a pervert, which probably wasn't far from the truth in many cases, while the girl was thought of as this hapless victim that was manipulated by this cunning sexual predator.

To a large degree, those same attitudes are still around today. I remember something about a big news story several years back involving a teacher down in Florida. From what I remember, she was extremely attractive and her lawyer went so far as to actually say in open court and in front of television cameras that his client was "too pretty" to go to prison. I remember watching some brief street interviews CNN conducted with some male teenagers and young men and most of them didn't see what the problem was, that she was hot and that they would've done the same thing. It was the topic of conversation on call in radio shows all over the country and many men, teens and adults, pretty much thought along the same lines. Ultimately, I think at the behest of the boy's family, a deal was cut in which she didn't serve any prison time but was placed under home incarceration. If the situation was reversed, and it'd been a male teacher and a female student, people would have been lined up around the block ready to hang him up by his balls and use him for a pinata. If it'd been a male teacher, I almost guarantee he'd have gotten prison time and it wouldn't have mattered if he looked like a 25 year old version of Brad Pitt. There's still this double standard when it comes to this kind of situation.

When it comes to this particular situation with the kid and this older woman, I wouldn't expect to see much done in the way of punishment for this woman. It's a shame really because not only is this probably going to have negative effects on this 15 year old, but on her own kid as well. I mean, how do you possibly try to explain something like this to your son?
While getting blown by a hot mom is every teenage boy's fantasy, this is just fucked up beyond reason. This is just awful for everyone involved. Yeah, some of his friends will probably be like "Nice dude!" but this is just a terrible situation. Not to mention for the mother who did this ridiculous act in PUBLIC, and all of her family, this is just humiliating.

Ridiculous at what happens in our society sometimes. It's a testament to how lenient we are though in the modern world. Because I seriously doubt that this mom will be punished very much at all. Though I guess the emotional punishment will probably be enough.
I'm just as much of a moralist as the rest of you, but dude, it's a hot mom. My penis and my head are waging war on this topic. My penis says "fuckin' A, kid. Way to go!" My head says "that woman ought to lose her children and serve time in prison."

I completely agree with you about the double standard Jack-Hammer. I think in some ways, though, this is compensatory for women being called a **** if they bone a bunch of dudes and men being referred to as pimps if they nail the entire cheerleading sqaud.

If that had been me eating a 15 year old girl at a cheerleading final, I would be on my way to Folsom wearing a blue band and fearing for my life.

This woman will probably receive SOME JAIL not prison, but JAIL time, probation, a fine, loss of her child, etc...nothing major, though.

Double standards that affect both sexes are present when it comes to sex and society. Just so happens that some are worse than others.
I'm just as much of a moralist as the rest of you, but dude, it's a hot mom. My penis and my head are waging war on this topic. My penis says "fuckin' A, kid. Way to go!" My head says "that woman ought to lose her children and serve time in prison."

I completely agree with you about the double standard Jack-Hammer. I think in some ways, though, this is compensatory for women being called a **** if they bone a bunch of dudes and men being referred to as pimps if they nail the entire cheerleading sqaud.

If that had been me eating a 15 year old girl at a cheerleading final, I would be on my way to Folsom wearing a blue band and fearing for my life.

This woman will probably receive SOME JAIL not prison, but JAIL time, probation, a fine, loss of her child, etc...nothing major, though.

Double standards that affect both sexes are present when it comes to sex and society. Just so happens that some are worse than others.

Nah, I'd never fuck with a mother...maybe a married but childless woman like Debra LaFave (the woman Jack-Hammer alluded to in his post), but never someone's mom. Just think about it: imagine if your mom was, objectively speaking, a very attractive woman. Now, imagine her sucking the dick of one of your schoolmates. I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'd be severely disturbed if I found out my mother was giving head to a peer of mine. I wouldn't want to fuck anyone else over like that, and I'd expect them to have the same frame of mind.

It's a shame we can't all go back to the good ol' days when it was common place for 14–15 year olds to marry/sex-up older people (though to be fair it was usually younger girl–much older guy dynamic). Too bad our current culture finds that whole thing completely unacceptable now. From the included pic I'd say she's was relatively easy on the eyes too. At 15 I would've.
I just wonder what happens; what's that moment where it goes from the forbidden quasi-fantasy theoretical to the fully "acceptable"—to the participants at least—reality. Poor impulse control? Wrong place, wrong time? Slow downward shame spiral with nothing left to lose? Cry for help/attention? Passive-aggressive self-destructive behavior? I'm not sure exactly but it is something to think about.
Aside from doing it in public and cheating on her husband (she is married, right?), I can't find the foul play here. The boy is sexually active, he can make that kind decision. Legislation cannot suppress hormones. If the mom was attracted and the boy was attracted, it can't really be considered rape. At least from a moral point of view. Basically, if you're 16 or in this case, 15 years old, you need to be with another of your similar age to avoid any kind of ramifications. I find that ridiculous. It would be like being an 18 year old and having to wait for your 17 year old significant other's birthday because society has "height limits". Restrictions don't always equal protection.

But of course it's dead wrong to do something like this in public. It might sound out of place but it seemed like she wanted to give the boy some moral support. Too bad she was more supporting than intended.
I don't honestly see a huge problem with this apart from the fact that it was in the stands during a tournament where everyone can see you.

I mean how fucked up do you have to be to blow a minor in broad daylight, during a sporting event? It'd be like in Crank 2 when Chev's banging his girlfriend during the race...... except no one would be cheering them on.

We live in an age of extreme sexual deviency, and complete and utter idiocy apparently.
Ladies and gentleman we've found the poster who has the hot mom.

She was attractive when she was younger, but, thankfully, that never made me insecure. Why, you ask? Because: a) I didn't have to confront the fact the she was a human being (i.e., she desired sex just as much as the next person) until I was old enough to understand that everyone loves to bump uglies, and b) she had enough scruples not to fuck someone whose own mother still laid out their clothes and made breakfast for them.
It was a joke, I was busting your balls. No need to get so emo about it.

I gave you a serious answer because this is a non-spam section (I'm actually surprised your two posts haven't been deleted yet).

So, in order to make this particular post here non-spam, I'd like to put forward the following question: Am I the only one who would refrain from sleeping with a schoolmate's mom precisely because I wouldn't want someone doing the same thing to me? Has the golden rule gone out of fashion?
I also made this thread, dude. I posted this because I found it rather interesting that it happened in my town.

To answer your question; you don't know if you would or not. Until you're in a certain situation you can't definitively say what you would or wouldn't do. You might like to think you have a moral code that would prevent you from acting in a particular manner, but every human being is fallible. They make mistakes and poor value judgments. You're no different than any other human being.

Men of faith, politics, and morality have all faltered before the almighty pussy. I can't say I wouldn't do this because I HAVE fucked my schoolmate's mom. I actually slept with my schoolmate as well, but that's besides the point. (Mother-daughter combinations are NOT overrated, BTW)

The sooner you realize that everyone is sleeping with someone's mom/sister/brother/father/cousin, the better off you will be. Someone had to fuck your mom for you to be making these posts. Personally, I don't care if someone sleeps with my mom or sister. I've slept with other people's mom's and sisters. It's just the natural course of life, dude.

I'm not trying to belittle you or put you down, I'm just making it clear that no matter what you do, no matter who you sleep with, it's somebody's something.
I also made this thread, dude. I posted this because I found it rather interesting that it happened in my town.

What does this have to do with anything?

To answer your question; you don't know if you would or not. Until you're in a certain situation you can't definitively say what you would or wouldn't do. You might like to think you have a moral code that would prevent you from acting in a particular manner, but every human being is fallible. They make mistakes and poor value judgments. You're no different than any other human being.

I was never confronted with a situation such as this one, so, yes, I can't definitively say that I would not have slept with a high school classmate's mother, but I'm confident that I would not have. It seems to be your goal here to make me out to be some sanctimonious jackass when this is the furthest thing from the truth. Why wouldn't I have slept with a high school classmate's mom? Because I would have been very disturbed had my mother slept with someone who was a minor. Now, why would I want to do to someone else something that would royally piss me off and fuck me up mentally?

Men of faith, politics, and morality have all faltered before the almighty pussy. I can't say I wouldn't do this because I HAVE fucked my schoolmate's mom. I actually slept with my schoolmate as well, but that's besides the point. (Mother-daughter combinations are NOT overrated, BTW)

I'm not sure what you're looking for you want a pat on the back or do you want to use yourself as proof that people with strong moral codes sometimes go against them?

The sooner you realize that everyone is sleeping with someone's mom/sister/brother/father/cousin, the better off you will be. Someone had to fuck your mom for you to be making these posts. Personally, I don't care if someone sleeps with my mom or sister. I've slept with other people's mom's and sisters. It's just the natural course of life, dude.

So, now because I would have an issue with my mother fucking a high schooler, someone that I didn't like had to have been fucking my mom? This makes absolutely no fucking logical sense.

And, what kind of posts am I making here? Your response here implies that, because I have an issue with my mother fucking a high schooler, I am not only a prig, but I'm naive and emotionally traumatized because my mother fucked someone I didn't want her to.

Thanks for the psychology lesson, Freud, Jr.

I'm not trying to belittle you or put you down, I'm just making it clear that no matter what you do, no matter who you sleep with, it's somebody's something.

Yeah, thanks for telling me something that I already know, and something that only someone like you would assume I didn't know based off of the posts I've made in this thread.

Since you're so keen on playing an online clinical psychologist, I thought I'd return the favor here in this last part of my post. Your weak attempts to offend and embarrass me here are due to you: a) being pissed that I referred to your posts as spam (only someone who hasn't read the rules wouldn't know that they were spam), and b) being offended that someone would dare to be just as much of a smartass as yourself in their replies to you.
I'm not pissed at anything. Exactly the opposite, I've clearly pointed out that that I WAS NOT trying to offend you. Obviously, you are unable or unwilling to understand what that means. You pointing out the rules to me does not offend me in the slightest. As I've stated before on many-a-thread, I know the rules for forum sites. I moderate one. I rarely break any rules on this site. I've been praised for my contributions in threads. I am guessing the reason that I wasn't warned or my post wasn't removed is because I make enough good contributions that Mods are aware of when someone is making a joke.

Also, if I would have known you were going to get all up in arms about the rules, I would have asked for this thread to be placed in a spam section. To be honest, it probably belongs in one anyhow. It's a little late in the game for that because people would whine about their post count. When, really, other than you and I, everyone has only made one post to begin with.

I'm glad that you think I'm playing clinical psychologist since my degrees were in the exact opposite of clinical psychology and I actually don't believe in the field.

I'm glad that someone as morally ripe with character as yourself has turned this into a flame war on me because I pointed out that everybody has sex with somebody's something. Nowhere in my post did I attack you as an individual or assume to know something about you. Unless you count my joke post about you having the attractive mother.

So, here you sit from your moral high ground flaming someone on the internet because they pointed out to you that until you're in a situation you can't possibly know what you would do. I'm glad your moral character extends to complete strangers.

Also, me pointing out that I've done this was a way of illustrating that until you're in a position to know what you would do, you can't say you wouldn't do it. I did it.

Offending and embarrassing you? Not in the slightest. I haven't even given one iota of thought to trying to offend or embarrass you. Unlike you, I don't engage in internet flame wars. Especially while proclaiming to be a morally proud person.

If anything, I was joking around with you. Not my fault you took up the ass. You're clearly in the minority. This, to me, suggests why you're taking such a strong moral position on it and defending yourself so staunchly against non-existent attempts to "embarrass and offend" you.

But since you feel like attacking my character without actually knowing anything about me, I'll tell you about me so you can attack that instead. I'm a 28 year old male with two bachelors and two master's degrees. I am currently working on my Ph.D. and I am a sociologist, not a psychologist. I've had the same girlfriend for some time now and she's 7 years younger than me. That means, when I was 21, she was 14. So, I understand liking younger people.

I don't think anyone is advocating pedophilia, I think people are saying that 15 and 17 year old males think with their cocks. Not with their heads.

Of course, I love that your speech about not having sex with your classmate's mom (not even a friend, but a classmate) and being a upstanding moral citizen is all coming from a guy with the internet handle "poonpoon69"

EDIT: Hey, look where this thread is at now. Quit bitching about Spam.
Using that logic, those guys at mall must still believe in Santa Claus.

Not even close. Santa Claus is a fictional representation of a saint. They're being paid to placate to a group of little children.

A clinical psychologist is a highly respected profession. The two are nowhere near comparable.

If they were comparable, there would be legal ramifications for "impersonating a santa claus"
I'm glad that someone as morally ripe with character as yourself has turned this into a flame war on me because I pointed out that everybody has sex with somebody's something. Nowhere in my post did I attack you as an individual or assume to know something about you. Unless you count my joke post about you having the attractive mother.

The sooner you realize that everyone is sleeping with someone's mom/sister/brother/father/cousin, the better off you will be. Someone had to fuck your mom for you to be making these posts. Personally, I don't care if someone sleeps with my mom or sister. I've slept with other people's mom's and sisters. It's just the natural course of life, dude.

All right, minus one for inconsistency on this guy's part. Dude, I don't give a fuck what you think about me. I said I thought it was wrong for a mother of a high schooler to fuck her kid's schoolmate. If this is something that you've done in the past, then I think it's wrong. What the fuck does it matter what I think anyway? Aren't you the one who just said that this is an internet forum?

The bottom line is this: if you keep on making ridiculous responses to my posts, I'm going to reply.
All right, minus one for inconsistency on this guy's part. Dude, I don't give a fuck what you think about me. I said I thought it was wrong for a mother of a high schooler to fuck her kid's schoolmate. If this is something that you've done in the past, then I think it's wrong. What the fuck does it matter what I think anyway? Aren't you the one who just said that this is an internet forum?

The bottom line is this: if you keep on making ridiculous responses to my posts, I'm going to reply.

Obviously you're missing there part where SOMEONE had to have sex with your mother, OTHERWISE, it would be biologically impossible for you to be making these posts. Sex produces life, you were the product of someone having sex with your mother.

So, again, I've never attacked you as an individual. You're making brash statements that don't hold any water what-so-ever. Someone did, in-fact, have sex with your mother and that's why you're here today. Same with my mom, that's not an attack. Matter of fact, the man who knocked up my mom did so when she was underaged.

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