Modern Legends

Flava Flav's PMing Bitch

Dark Match Winner
Simple enough question I shall pose to the good people here on Wrestlezone. What wrestlers do you consider Modern day Legends, and by this I mean, wrestlers from the 90's who will one day be looked at in the same light as men like Hogan, Piper, Macho Man, and etc. etc.

The first guys that really come to mind are the obvious,


But I'm more interested in who you all feel are worthy of being called Modern Legends? And no they do not need to be guys that will one day be in the hall of fame, just men, or women who made some sort of lasting impact on the industry.
I believe that one day this man will be known as one of the best hardcore brawlers ever. He's on tons of promotions and always puts his body on the line, and that man is the Necro Butcher. Some people on here might disagree with me and say he shouldn’t even be posted up, his matches are just to gory and brutal to be called a wrestling match. I will agree with you on that one. The sad thing is I've seen him wrestle, yes actually wrestle some great matches. But he will always be known for his ultra violent matches.

I've seen a ton of his matches, and to say they are over the top is an understatement. I wouldn't even want to count the amount of stitches he's had over the years. But to me he's really taken the hardcore level up another notch. That’s what he's going to be remembered for, good or bad that’s going to make his matches in the future legendary.
Cena will be also HBK,HHH,Understaker,Hall&Nash,Bret Hart are the "Modern Legends" that will carry the wrestling banner for years to come!
I think for his contribution to modern hardcore wrestling, you cannot look further than SABU

He was the most spectacular risk taker in the industry during the mid 90s, bringing the ultra-violent style from FMW into the mainstream for the American audience. Some of his moves were mind-blowing, like vaulting from a chair onto the ropes then flipping into the crowd. This sort of stuff was never seen before in the US.

Sabu was so innovative, so unique at the time and helped put ECW on the map. A definite modern legend in my eyes
I think I could think of 3 or 4 that aren't the obvious choices, but still ring true to me, at least.

1. Booker T. Think about it this way, the first ALL African-American to have multiple reigns as World Heavyweight Champion. Only the fourth or fifth black wrestler to attain the championship. (Bobo Brazil, Ron Simmons, The Rock, Taz in the original ECW, should/would all be counted) He's a 5 time champion and has been involved in some huge angles, as well as a WrestleMania event. Though he did reach a lot of his success after the year 2000, he gained his footing and had some of his best matches in the 1990's.

2. Rey Mysterio. Love him or hate him now, he was an amazing worker in the 90's. He's gained incredible notoriety after the year 2000, he built his legend in the 90's. Multiple Cruiserweight championship reigns when the championship was still around and meant something and constantly stole the show with some of the best workers around at the time.

3. Raven. Especially in terms of hardcore, underground wrestling fans, he'll be remembered as a very innovative guy. Highly creative, had incredible dimensions to his character and was able to reinvent himself. Had some classic feuds and was incredible on the mic in a very unique way.

NOTE: Not entirely sure that Taz is black, but from the evidence I've seen, he is. Not sure, however. I could be wrong.

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