Moderator on the TNA PPV section got butthurt

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Occasional Pre-Show
Hey everyone, I posted a well thought out, serious post about how stupid it is that Lockdown was voted so low, and every TNA PPV is voted the same way. I wanted to know why these idiots do so, It wasn't that bad. Then, the Mod leaves this post, and closes it cuz he his feelings got hurt. What a dick sucking bitch.

That's right Klunderbunker, you are a giant dick sucking, pussy bitch. I hope you had yourself a good cry...I know I hurt your feelings. Here's what his bitch ass wrote in response before closing the thread:

1. We have nothing to do with the main page.

2. Four of the matches sucked, not two.

3. We still don't have anything to do with the main page.

4. Wash the sand out of your vagina.

5. The show wasn't that great.

6. Thread closed because....

7. We still have nothing to do with the main page.

8. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I love you John Cena!
No reason to delete it immediately. He obviously just didn't like it. It wasn't spam and posed a question I've been wanting an answer to for years. AND it was in the correct section. Did you see the PPV? do you really think it deserved a 1 star rating? 1 star means it was the worst thing imaginable. That is just plain ridiculous.

I guess this site just can't get enough Worlds Worst Entertainment. Have fun that.
Hey everyone, I posted a well thought out, serious post about how stupid it is that Lockdown was voted so low, and every TNA PPV is voted the same way. I wanted to know why these idiots do so, It wasn't that bad. Then, the Mod leaves this post, and closes it cuz he his feelings got hurt. What a dick sucking bitch.

I kinda chuckled.
I think the show deserved more than 1 star, but it wasn't all that great either considering TNA is now only running 4 pay per views. Bully Ray's turn, tied into the main event, was the only truly memorable thing from the entire show. Everything else could have just as easily been a match on Impact, aside from the Lethal Lockdown match which wasn't really that lethal, nor was it locked down as it was in the past.

And for the record zero stars would make it considered the worst thing imaginable, you dolt. One star indicates that it at least had some merit.
1. I'm an admin.

2. We don't have a mod for the TNA PPV section.

3. We still have nothing to do with the main page.

4. Thread closed.

5. Again.

6. Your thread wasn't deleted you lunkhead.
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