MMA sucks


On A Nature walk with Daniel Bryan
I know a lot of people who watch MMA and they're always trying to get me to watch. So I watched the fight that happened the other day and I was not impressed at all. Chael Sonnen beat the shit out of Anderson Silva for nearly 25 minutes, he made one mistake and the match was over. Just like that. Most of the match Silva spent laying on his back. Which is fucking ridiculous. If i wanted to watch something for nearly twenty five minutes with someone laying on there back it would be some kind of porn video or some shit with another type of drilling. I am not a fan of spending all that money to watch a 2 minute fight. It just isn't happening. It's high way robbery in my book. And it's something I will not stand for. I could find a lot more shit to do with 50 bucks than spend it on 2 minute fights. And no matter how real people think it is, I have a hard time believing it. What happens if that was the main event? Your money isn't well spent, it's wasted. I've reviewing several dvd's and big fights. Lemme take a look at UFC 116. Lesnar v Carwin which is the main event. I don't know I usually don't purchase shit for the undercard. I do it for the main event. That fight lasted a mere 7 minutes and 19 seconds out of a total of what, 25?. Which doesn't seem like my hard earned money well spent.

No matter how hard I try I can't like it. I believe it's the most overrated sport in the world. I just can't see the appeal in spending my hard earned money on two minute fights. For crying out loud I can go in my backyard and see people go at it for no cost at all. The fights last longer and it's free. And people pay 50 dollars for this? Ridiculous...
I know a lot of people who watch MMA and they're always trying to get me to watch. So I watched the fight that happened the other day and I was not impressed at all. Chael Sonnen beat the shit out of Anderson Silva for nearly 25 minutes, he made one mistake and the match was over. Just like that. Most of the match Silva spent laying on his back. Which is fucking ridiculous. If i wanted to watch something for nearly twenty five minutes with someone laying on there back it would be some kind of porn video or some shit with another type of drilling.

So, basically... you didn't enjoy someone getting the shit kicked out of them for 23 straight minutes, only to make an incredible comeback with only a couple of minutes left? Yeah, Becker, guess what? You're the only person who didn't enjoy that fight. And just because the great Becker doesn't like something, that doesn't automatically mean it sucks.

I am not a fan of spending all that money to watch a 2 minute fight.
It just isn't happening. It's high way robbery in my book. And it's something I will not stand for. I could find a lot more shit to do with 50 bucks than spend it on 2 minute fights.

Dude, you just got done bitching about a fight being 23 minutes, now you're saying you can enjoy MMA because of fights being 2 minutes? How fucking dumb are you?

And no matter how real people think it is, I have a hard time believing it. What happens if that was the main event? Your money isn't well spent, it's wasted.

No, because even if a main event fight ends shortly, most of the time the rest of the card makes up for it, since FANS of the sport actually know and care about the undercard fighters.

Moreover, people actually like short fights. Boxing fans miss the Heavyweight days of Mike Tyson. Well, guess what? Tyson fights ended shortly the majority of the time, but people didn't mind spending their hard earned money on something a short Mike Tyson fight, because just like in MMA, if a Mike Tyson fight ends quickly, then it most likely ended in spectacular fashion.

Lesnar v Carwin which is the main event. I don't know I usually don't purchase shit for the undercard. I do it for the main event.

But the undercard isn't shit. That entire event was fucking AWESOME and most people believe it to be the MMA show of the year. You're the one missing out if you choose to watch MMA only for the main events.

That fight lasted a mere 7 minutes and 19 seconds out of a total of what, 25?. Which doesn't seem like my hard earned money well spent.

But it was greatly spent if you watched the whole show like a NORMAL person instead of a fucking idiot, because if you had.... then you would have gotten 3 hours of great action, instead of just "7 minutes."

No matter how hard I try I can't like it.

That's fine if you don't like it, man, but that doesn't mean the sport sucks just because YOU don't like it.

I believe it's the most overrated sport in the world.

Whereas most people believe it's the biggest up-and-coming sport in the World.

I just can't see the appeal in spending my hard earned money on two minute fights.

Rarely do fights end in two minutes these days. Rarely, and when they do... people don't usually mind since like I said.. it most likely ended in spectacular fashion with either a brutal knockout and beautiful submission.

For crying out loud I can go in my backyard and see people go at it for no cost at all. The fights last longer and it's free. And people pay 50 dollars for this? Ridiculous...

The UFC and other major MMA companies give us plenty of free cards throughout the year... so no, you don't have to spend $50 to watch an MMA show. However, if you do decide to do so, you will get your money's worth, as EVERYONE did who spent their hard earned money on UFC 116 and UFC 117.
So, basically... you didn't enjoy someone getting the shit kicked out of them for 23 straight minutes, only to make an incredible comeback with only a couple of minutes left? Yeah, Becker, guess what? You're the only person who didn't enjoy that fight. And just because the great Becker doesn't like something, that doesn't automatically mean it sucks.
I'm the only person? I'm sure I could find another person who agrees with me. He was laying on the ground for 23 minutes doing absolutely nothing. Not enjoyable. Pretty boring.

Dude, you just got done bitching about a fight being 23 minutes, now you're saying you can enjoy MMA because of fights being 2 minutes? How fucking dumb are you?
Sure it was a long fight. But I said I can't enjoy it. Not can. 23 minutes is a very long fight. But nothing impactful happened. Not until the end at least. Then Sonnen lost via choke hold. Nothing that exciting can happen in two minutes. It's pretty much a waste of time. All the fights that go all the wya are fights from people no one gives a shit about.

No, because even if a main event fight ends shortly, most of the time the rest of the card makes up for it, since FANS of the sport actually know and care about the undercard fighters.
Sure. But do you order it for the undercard? I'm sure if fights lasted longer, more people would enjoy it.
Moreover, people actually like short fights. Boxing fans miss the Heavyweight days of Mike Tyson. Well, guess what? Tyson fights ended shortly the majority of the time, but people didn't mind spending their hard earned money on something a short Mike Tyson fight, because just like in MMA, if a Mike Tyson fight ends quickly, then it most likely ended in spectacular fashion.
I'm pretty sure this debate has nothing to do with boxing. You also get good long fights in boxing. Even though the rounds are shorter.

But the undercard isn't shit. That entire event was fucking AWESOME and most people believe it to be the MMA show of the year. You're the one missing out if you choose to watch MMA only for the main events.
They should advertise the undercard more. Maybe people like me would actually give a flying fuck. You're a die hard fan. I just want something to watch with friends when I'm completely bored. It's boring. I didn't know two guys kicking ass could be so boring. But then I decided to watch MMA and I realized it was possible.

But it was greatly spent if you watched the whole show like a NORMAL person instead of a fucking idiot, because if you had.... then you would have gotten 3 hours of great action, instead of just "7 minutes."
But who actually bought the fight to see the other action? They bought it to see Lesnar fight after a short hiatus. 7 minutes. Luckily they didn't throw in the towel. Lesnar got pounded throughout the first round. Not exciting how something could end in a blink of an eye.

That's fine if you don't like it, man, but that doesn't mean the sport sucks just because YOU don't like it.
Yes it does. My opinion holds so much weight around these parts.
Whereas most people believe it's the biggest up-and-coming sport in the World.
Lemme take UFC 116, is a million buyrates usually that successful? I don't think so.
Rarely do fights end in two minutes these days. Rarely, and when they do... people don't usually mind since like I said.. it most likely ended in spectacular fashion with either a brutal knockout and beautiful submission.
A lot of fight night fights lasted mere seconds. Some barely made it into the second round. Even though fight night might not be huge. Take fight night 13 for example. I think there were twelve fights. Two went the whole fight. and I don't believe another fight lasted more than two rounds. 2 out of 12 isn't great.

The UFC and other major MMA companies give us plenty of free cards throughout the year... so no, you don't have to spend $50 to watch an MMA show. However, if you do decide to do so, you will get your money's worth, as EVERYONE did who spent their hard earned money on UFC 116 and UFC 117.
Yeah, free cards that usually suck. Like Fight Night for example. A fight at fight night 13 lasted a mere 8 seconds? That was a main card fight. Highly disappointing. In other terms, the whole thing sucked because one shit fight brought it down. That's some boring free tv. How many of those free fights were memorable? Probably not many. It needs more advertising. I still think it sucks...
I used to not like MMA either until I started watching The Ultimate Fighter. That show showed me what MMA was all about, and I think if you watched it Becker you'd feel the same way. Since watching TUF, I haven't seen very many boring fights. Once you realize what's going on, the more you can appreciate the sport. Becker I don't think you understand how the ground skills work yet, which is why you weren't able to enjoy the Chael Sonnen fight. Also, I agree with Jorff that the shorter the fights the better sometimes. It's awesome to see quick knockouts and submissions. It reminds you that any single fight can end at any give time, which makes the sport that much more exciting.
The Casual fan wants to see quick knockouts which is good. Fans like me on the other hand appreciate what goes on when being a Mixed Martial Arts fighter. You can't just be one dimensional in the sport anymore. Also a wrestler will almost always do better than a striker for the simple fact that a striker has the quick knockout mentality, whereas someone who has wrestled will take you down and pound your face in. See Sonnen vs Silva. that was a perfect example of a pure Striker vs a pure Wrestler.
I used to not like MMA either until I started watching The Ultimate Fighter.
There's a reason they are on that show. They suck. Fighters that aren't big names. How fun?
That show showed me what MMA was all about
What, watching a bunch of no names go at it? That's like watching something for the 4th stringers in an NFL game. Not exciting in my book.
, and I think if you watched it Becker you'd feel the same way.
probably not. I tried watching people kick ass. Hasn't worked yet. Must be the program. Not me.
Since watching TUF, I haven't seen very many boring fights. Once you realize what's going on, the more you can appreciate the sport. Becker I don't think you understand how the ground skills work yet, which is why you weren't able to enjoy the Chael Sonnen fight
How they work? Be real. He spent the fight hugging Silva. Throwing blows with barely any impact because he was too scared of getting caught in the triangle choke. Maybe if he decided to attack and spend his time not being afraid I would have been intrigued. Too bad I wasn't. Throw punches not roll on the ground. He was too big of a pussy to try and keep the fight off the ground. Pretty boring.
Also, I agree with Jorff that the shorter the fights the better sometimes. It's awesome to see quick knockouts and submissions. It reminds you that any single fight can end at any give time, which makes the sport that much more exciting.
Not really. I want to see endurance. I loved long boxing fights. But I want to see endurance and impact punches. Not a 23 minute rolling match. The more they beat the shit out of one another the better. Too bad the average MMA fight is probably like a round and half. Not awesome. Still boring.
I'm the only person? I'm sure I could find another person who agrees with me. He was laying on the ground for 23 minutes doing absolutely nothing. Not enjoyable. Pretty boring.

I'm sure you can find a couple if you looked, sure, but the vast majority will agree with me on this one. Early numbers are indicating that this fight could have possibly reached a million buys... and looking over the big MMA forums, nearly every person I've seen was satisfied with the show.

Sure it was a long fight. But I said I can't enjoy it. Not can. 23 minutes is a very long fight. But nothing impactful happened. Not until the end at least. Then Sonnen lost via choke hold.

Dude, if someone beating the tar out of someone else is not enjoyable to you, then that's fine. However, I think it's extremely moronic to claim that just because you can't find it enjoyable, that nobody else should, either.

Nothing that exciting can happen in two minutes. It's pretty much a waste of time. All the fights that go all the wya are fights from people no one gives a shit about.

Actually, plenty of things can be exciting in two minutes. Case and point:


Take two minutes of your precious time and watch that fight for me, Becker. How is that not exciting/awesome?

Sure. But do you order it for the undercard? I'm sure if fights lasted longer, more people would enjoy it.

Yes, a part of the reason I order shows is for the undercard. I've past up on plenty of main event fights I wanted to watch live just because nothing on the undercard interested me.

I'm pretty sure this debate has nothing to do with boxing. You also get good long fights in boxing. Even though the rounds are shorter.


I love how you say the debate has nothing to do with boxing but then go on to make a point about boxing. The fact is, while most boxing matches are 36 minutes, you get a TON more action in a 15/25 minute MMA fight than you do in a 36 boxing fight a good 80% of the time.

They should advertise the undercard more. Maybe people like me would actually give a flying fuck. You're a die hard fan. I just want something to watch with friends when I'm completely bored. It's boring. I didn't know two guys kicking ass could be so boring. But then I decided to watch MMA and I realized it was possible.

Dude, they DO. On their commercials promoting UFC 117 they didn't just promote Silva vs. Sonnen... but two other fights with it. They usually heavily promote three fights per show.

But who actually bought the fight to see the other action? They bought it to see Lesnar fight after a short hiatus. 7 minutes. Luckily they didn't throw in the towel. Lesnar got pounded throughout the first round. Not exciting how something could end in a blink of an eye.

I guarantee the same people who bought UFC 116 only to watch Lesnar are the same people who bought UFC 117, which as I said earlier is rumored to have close to a million buys. So, don't you think if the Lesnar fight didn't give them their money's worth that UFC 117 would have had a terrible buyrate?

Lemme take UFC 116, is a million buyrates usually that successful? I don't think so.


Becker, a million buys for a $50 pay-per-view is EXTREMELY successful. Not even WWE can reach a million buys for Wrestlemania these days. Shit, they're lucky to get half of that.

A lot of fight night fights lasted mere seconds. Some barely made it into the second round. Even though fight night might not be huge. Take fight night 13 for example. I think there were twelve fights. Two went the whole fight. and I don't believe another fight lasted more than two rounds. 2 out of 12 isn't great.

Fight Night 13 was over 2 years ago and actually was a good card. Like I said... people like fights that end quickly, believe it or not. I'll explain more why in a second.

Yeah, free cards that usually suck. Like Fight Night for example. A fight at fight night 13 lasted a mere 8 seconds? That was a main card fight. Highly disappointing. In other terms, the whole thing sucked because one shit fight brought it down. That's some boring free tv. How many of those free fights were memorable? Probably not many. It needs more advertising. I still think it sucks...

Let's look at the last free show on Spike, which was The Ultimate Fighter Season Finale. There were 5 main card fights overall, 3 went to a decision, and the other 2 ended in the first and 2nd Round. A full night of action, and anybody who's a fan of the sport enjoyed the shit out of it.

And whenever a fight ends early like that Becker, that just means that the fights that happened before the show end up making the broadcast, which a lot of people prefer. So, no... it's not a bad thing when a fight ends so early, because that just means A) You saw something special and B) You'll get to see an extra fight or two that you wouldn't have gotten to see if the fight went the distance.
There's a reason they are on that show. They suck. Fighters that aren't big names. How fun?

Except for the fact that many of the fighters who appeared on TUF are actually "big names" and successful (for the most part) in the UFC right now and it all started because they were on that show. I mean seriously:

TUF1 brought us Forrest Griffin, Stephan Bonnar, Josh Koscheck, Diego Sanchez, Kenny Florian, Chris Leben, among others; Rashad Evans won TUF2; Michael Bisping was on the third season and is headlining UFC 120... it goes on and on. Not every season produces an array of new contenders and future champions, but for the most part many of the names people recognize today are Ultimate Fighter alumni.

What, watching a bunch of no names go at it? That's like watching something for the 4th stringers in an NFL game. Not exciting in my book.

In the earlier seasons (and I'm going off of the ones I've seen) there were plenty of exciting fights, even for no names. Just because you're not entirely familiar with the guys doesn't mean that the fight is going to be bad. Griffin/Bonnar on the season 1 finale went on to become most memorable and important fights in the history of the UFC and they sure as hell weren't well known back then.

ANYWAYS, what I was trying to say initially is that I thought MMA was shit too and I had no interest in it, but watching the show and seeing the preparation, training, social aspects, heart and drive that are put into the sport really gave me a greater respect for it and once I started to get a better understanding for how it worked, I started to realize that it didn't suck. I was drawn in to the fights and watching the fighters on the show interact with each other made it easy for me to figure out who I wanted to succeed and cheer for and who I wanted to lose and gave me that personal connection. But that's just my personal opinion.

How they work? Be real. He spent the fight hugging Silva. Throwing blows with barely any impact because he was too scared of getting caught in the triangle choke. Maybe if he decided to attack and spend his time not being afraid I would have been intrigued. Too bad I wasn't. Throw punches not roll on the ground. He was too big of a pussy to try and keep the fight off the ground. Pretty boring.

What you call being a pussy I call executing his game plan to near-perfection. So close to perfect that he shocked everyone watching and was a minute and 10 seconds way from becoming the new champion when people thought he had no chance. He knew the way for him to win the fight was to take it to the ground and that's what he did. On top of that, he stayed active the entire time while the fight was on the ground, it's not like he was just laying there like some other fighters are known for doing. Anderson was trying to get off the ground and he just could not. AND actually, I think the most shocking thing for people about the fight that made it so exciting was that Chael was able to hold his own and actually win the standing game as well. Yep... still not seeing how that makes him a pussy.

Not really. I want to see endurance. I loved long boxing fights. But I want to see endurance and impact punches. Not a 23 minute rolling match. The more they beat the shit out of one another the better. Too bad the average MMA fight is probably like a round and half. Not awesome. Still boring.

Listen, I'm with you that the stand and bang type of fights are more entertaining and exciting. Endurance? Guys wrestling on the ground for 5 rounds definitely requires endurance. Highlight reel knockouts are clearly more exciting but that doesn't take away from fights that don't go like that. Using Sonnen/Silva again as an example: how was Chael dominating 4 rounds and headed towards becoming next champ (and ending the longest streak of title defenses ever) only to be caught in a submission by the world's (arguably) best pound for pound fighter with a minute left in the fight equal boring? It's triumph, tragedy, heartbreak, elation... it's everything in one fight.

Maybe it's just not your cup of tea, Becker.
I'm sure you can find a couple if you looked, sure, but the vast majority will agree with me on this one. Early numbers are indicating that this fight could have possibly reached a million buys... and looking over the big MMA forums, nearly every person I've seen was satisfied with the show.
That's because they are fans. Fans usually support the show. I'm trying to gain interest in something that I have yet to find interesting. But I'm open to learning new things. Which is why I have been watching. I still find it to be shit because it doesn't appeal to me.

Dude, if someone beating the tar out of someone else is not enjoyable to you, then that's fine. However, I think it's extremely moronic to claim that just because you can't find it enjoyable, that nobody else should, either.
Yeah, it could be enjoyable but it looks forced. Like Sonnen really wasn't beating the tar out of anyone. He still had enough energy to lock on the triangle. It pretty much took minimal effort for him to win. He laid on his back and supposedly got his ass kicked. I've gotten my ass kicked several times and I could never move like Anderson Silva at the end of that fight.

Actually, plenty of things can be exciting in two minutes. Case and point:


Take two minutes of your precious time and watch that fight for me, Becker. How is that not exciting/awesome?
I did. Still bored with that. Sapp pounded his ass for like a minute and a half. Had one slip up and the other guy put him in a submission :zzzz:.
I love how you say the debate has nothing to do with boxing but then go on to make a point about boxing. The fact is, while most boxing matches are 36 minutes, you get a TON more action in a 15/25 minute MMA fight than you do in a 36 boxing fight a good 80% of the time.
That's pretty much what I do. I don't call laying on the floor throwing weak blows action. I see it as a borefest. I'm not saying every boxing match has a shit load of punches. Or connections but when some do, the match is fantastic. I've seen several fights in UFC where they fought pretty hard or one guy fought pretty hard and it still hasn't made me interested. Boxers can go hard but they usually pick there spots. UFC fighters attempt to go hard and they lose in 9 seconds.

Dude, they DO. On their commercials promoting UFC 117 they didn't just promote Silva vs. Sonnen... but two other fights with it. They usually heavily promote three fights per show.
And didn't they have 11 fights? Where's the other 8? that's right, no one knows because they weren't promoted.

I guarantee the same people who bought UFC 116 only to watch Lesnar are the same people who bought UFC 117, which as I said earlier is rumored to have close to a million buys. So, don't you think if the Lesnar fight didn't give them their money's worth that UFC 117 would have had a terrible buyrate?

people buy stuff hoping for a good main event. Once they purchase it, you can't turn back. I'm not willing to take the risk. Because it has the chance to go 35 seconds and not several rounds. That's boring.

Becker, a million buys for a $50 pay-per-view is EXTREMELY successful. Not even WWE can reach a million buys for Wrestlemania these days. Shit, they're lucky to get half of that.
They're two completely different things. And it's usually an estimation. How believable are estimations?

Fight Night 13 was over 2 years ago and actually was a good card. Like I said... people like fights that end quickly, believe it or not. I'll explain more why in a second.
One round fights aren't good. They're one guy beating up on someone far less talented. Which is pretty boring. It's like watching a homerun derby that involves Albert Pujols and Jason Kendall. You know what that is? too lopsided and uninteresting.

And whenever a fight ends early like that Becker, that just means that the fights that happened before the show end up making the broadcast, which a lot of people prefer. So, no... it's not a bad thing when a fight ends so early, because that just means A) You saw something special and B) You'll get to see an extra fight or two that you wouldn't have gotten to see if the fight went the distance.
Yeah they kicked the 9 second fight out but allowed a one minute fight. Pretty much the same thing. A lopsided uninteresting fight. Thanks again.

Gray Maynard fought with Frank Edward. Maynard won by unanimous decision. But it's the same Maynard who lost in 9 seconds. How good can Edgar and that fight really be?
That's because they are fans. Fans usually support the show. I'm trying to gain interest in something that I have yet to find interesting. But I'm open to learning new things. Which is why I have been watching. I still find it to be shit because it doesn't appeal to me.

But Becker, someone just doesn't become a fan of MMA. Most people who are fans now didn't like the sport before. Look at Cookie, for example. She didn't like it and now she does... don't you think the UFC and MMA as a whole are doing something correct now that they're converting more and more fans each day?

Yeah, it could be enjoyable but it looks forced. Like Sonnen really wasn't beating the tar out of anyone. He still had enough energy to lock on the triangle. It pretty much took minimal effort for him to win. He laid on his back and supposedly got his ass kicked. I've gotten my ass kicked several times and I could never move like Anderson Silva at the end of that fight.

Dude, there was not a moment in that fight where Sonnen wasn't throwing punches in it. He just wasn't laying on top of him... he was punching Siva's face and body CONSTANTLY.

And when they were on the feet, we saw plenty of action. Anderson going for kicks and punches, and Chael dropping Anderson in the first. We also saw this gem:


I did. Still bored with that. Sapp pounded his ass for like a minute and a half. Had one slip up and the other guy put him in a submission :zzzz:.

Now you're just lying, Becker. That fight is one of the most amazing things you'll ever see, and you just don't want to admit it.

That's pretty much what I do. I don't call laying on the floor throwing weak blows action. I see it as a borefest.

I would love to see you take Chael's punches and see for yourself how "weak" they are.

I'm not saying every boxing match has a shit load of punches. Or connections but when some do, the match is fantastic. I've seen several fights in UFC where they fought pretty hard or one guy fought pretty hard and it still hasn't made me interested. Boxers can go hard but they usually pick there spots. UFC fighters attempt to go hard and they lose in 9 seconds.

Or sometimes they go hard and put on some of the most spectacular action you'll ever see, such as Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar and Leonard Garcia vs. Chan Sung Jung.

And didn't they have 11 fights? Where's the other 8? that's right, no one knows because they weren't promoted.

But still... a fight's a fight. Also, Becker, the UFC does a little hype video before each fight so even if you don't know who the fighters are, you get to know them a little bit and pick one to root for just based off their personality and how they carry themselves.

people buy stuff hoping for a good main event. Once they purchase it, you can't turn back. I'm not willing to take the risk. Because it has the chance to go 35 seconds and not several rounds. That's boring.

And a lot of the time people get great main events. Nearly everyone loved the main events to UFC 116 and UFC 117.

They're two completely different things. And it's usually an estimation. How believable are estimations?

Believable enough to make it impressive.

One round fights aren't good. They're one guy beating up on someone far less talented. Which is pretty boring. It's like watching a homerun derby that involves Albert Pujols and Jason Kendall. You know what that is? too lopsided and uninteresting.

But in MMA at any given moment, things can turn around, just like the Silva/Sonnen fight. That's what makes the sport great.

Yeah they kicked the 9 second fight out but allowed a one minute fight. Pretty much the same thing. A lopsided uninteresting fight. Thanks again.

How do you know, Becker? Did you actually watch the show, or just read silly results on Wikipedia?

Gray Maynard fought with Frank Edward.

Who the fuck is Frank Edward?

Maynard won by unanimous decision. But it's the same Maynard who lost in 9 seconds. How good can Edgar and that fight really be?

Oh, you mean Frankie Edgar.

And Becker, your skills at looking things up suck, man. Gray Maynard has never, and I mean NEVER, lost a 9 second fight, so what the fuck are you talking about? He beat someone in 9 seconds, but he didn't lose in that manner. Come on, man.
The Casual fan wants to see quick knockouts which is good. Fans like me on the other hand appreciate what goes on when being a Mixed Martial Arts fighter. You can't just be one dimensional in the sport anymore. Also a wrestler will almost always do better than a striker for the simple fact that a striker has the quick knockout mentality, whereas someone who has wrestled will take you down and pound your face in. See Sonnen vs Silva. that was a perfect example of a pure Striker vs a pure Wrestler.
I'm trying to become a casual fan. I want to see fights that last a long period of time. But I don't want to see a fight where the fighters roll around like a cat fight. I know Sonnen talked a lot of shit before his fight and he might have backed it up but he didn't do the most important thing. Back it up by winning. He made himself look like a fool. I don't care if it came within a minute of him winning. He still lost when Silva hit him like twice. If Chael was a well oiled machine he could have won. But he lost steam and Silva the well oiled machine kicked his ass.

Cookie said:
ANYWAYS, what I was trying to say initially is that I thought MMA was shit too and I had no interest in it, but watching the show and seeing the preparation, training, social aspects, heart and drive that are put into the sport really gave me a greater respect for it and once I started to get a better understanding for how it worked, I started to realize that it didn't suck. I was drawn in to the fights and watching the fighters on the show interact with each other made it easy for me to figure out who I wanted to succeed and cheer for and who I wanted to lose and gave me that personal connection. But that's just my personal opinion.
I don't really care about the social aspect of the sport. Or the preparation. What they do to prepare is pretty boring in my opinion. Legit fighters shouldn't have characters. It makes them seem like professional sports entertainers. Which in my opinion makes it look more like WWE or some shit. you know, staged? Having a good heart is fine and dandy, but I don't care how they interact with one another. I want to see substance, and in this form of substance I want to see abuse.

Listen, I'm with you that the stand and bang type of fights are more entertaining and exciting. Endurance? Guys wrestling on the ground for 5 rounds definitely requires endurance. Highlight reel knockouts are clearly more exciting but that doesn't take away from fights that don't go like that. Using Sonnen/Silva again as an example: how was Chael dominating 4 rounds and headed towards becoming next champ (and ending the longest streak of title defenses ever) only to be caught in a submission by the world's (arguably) best pound for pound fighter with a minute left in the fight equal boring? It's triumph, tragedy, heartbreak, elation... it's everything in one fight.
No you listen I wouldn't call that wrestling though. He laid on the ground for several rounds throwing blows that were barely connecting. Draining all of his energy. The only people who were heart broken were Sonnen fans. Everyone pretty much thought Silva was going to win. If by everything you mean pure boredom, then you got what you were looking for.
Becker, believe me, I'm going to tear you and this thread apart tomorrow, but the fact of the matter is that you don't have a pulse if you don't understand that the type of drama you saw in the Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen fight was some of the best you'll ever see in not just MMA or combat sports, but in all of sports, period.

In Anderson Silva, you had the arrogant champion who is so dominant that it was believed he was getting "bored" against the opposition the UFC put him up against. Despite Silva being so dominant and buying into his own hype, and being arguably the top pound for pound fighter in the world, he had two major flaws. He has no discernible takedown defense. Travis Lutter and Dan Henderson exposed that. He's also a bit of a headcase who takes criticism by his opponents to heart... to the point where he'll deviate from his gameplan.

Enter Chael Sonnen.

Chael Sonnen is a world class wrestler who has the gift of gab. His strategy was to wear down Anderson not only physically, but mentally with his trash talk. And for months, Chael Sonnen talked. He said he'd take Anderson down and "beat a hole in his face". He single-handedly promoted the fight. People thought he was a joke due to his pedestrian record.

It was as much as a David vs. Goliath matchup you'd see in MMA. Who was this Chael Sonnen guy? Why did he talk so much crap to the best in the world? Does he think he has a chance?

Well, for 23 minutes, he worked Silva over, hard. He outstruck Silva in the standup game, which is Silva's biggest strength. He took him down, he did what he said he was going to do... and it was incredibly exciting to watch. The drama involved, the story behind the fight, Sonnen was achieving what he said he was going to do, and then he got caught in a miracle triangle choke. It was basically the MMA Equivalent of Doug Flutie's famous Hail Mary pass.

How could you dismiss that fight, which will go down as an all-time classic? It was a tremendous display of guts and heart on both ends.
But Becker, someone just doesn't become a fan of MMA. Most people who are fans now didn't like the sport before. Look at Cookie, for example. She didn't like it and now she does... don't you think the UFC and MMA as a whole are doing something correct now that they're converting more and more fans each day?
Not really I guess shit fighting excites people nowadays. Especially since nothing important happens in boxing

Dude, there was not a moment in that fight where Sonnen wasn't throwing punches in it. He just wasn't laying on top of him... he was punching Siva's face and body CONSTANTLY.
Yeah, weak punches from the ground. Where impact was weak to non existent.

And when they were on the feet, we saw plenty of action. Anderson going for kicks and punches, and Chael dropping Anderson in the first. We also saw this gem:


If I remember correctly that little spot happened like a minute in to a round. Not that fancy, Jeffue.

Now you're just lying, Becker. That fight is one of the most amazing things you'll ever see, and you just don't want to admit it.
What, that overly large man got tired out and lost because he got lazy. The other guy made him tap out. Wasn't that exciting. I'm sure you're a fan of quick and painful things.

I would love to see you take Chael's punches and see for yourself how "weak" they are.
I'm not a trained MMA fighter and I've had a few concussions. My doctor advised me not to take blows. Even if they are weak. Like the shitty Sonnen punches.

Or sometimes they go hard and put on some of the most spectacular action you'll ever see, such as Forrest Griffin vs. Stephan Bonnar and Leonard Garcia vs. Chan Sung Jung.
You know the drill. Post a video or I can't take your word for it.

But still... a fight's a fight. Also, Becker, the UFC does a little hype video before each fight so even if you don't know who the fighters are, you get to know them a little bit and pick one to root for just based off their personality and how they carry themselves.
What, an edited video package? Sounds like something a fake TV show would do.

And a lot of the time people get great main events. Nearly everyone loved the main events to UFC 116 and UFC 117.
Those fans probably like there fights like they like there sex. Quick and easy.

Believable enough to make it impressive.
I can over exaggerate stuff too.

But in MMA at any given moment, things can turn around, just like the Silva/Sonnen fight. That's what makes the sport great.
Or they make it look like a scripted fighting show. I don't see how it's humanly possible for a man to dominate then suddenly lose. It makes it feel like a "work".

How do you know, Becker? Did you actually watch the show, or just read silly results on Wikipedia?
another site. but it's linked to a forum. I'm way above Wiki now pal.

Who the fuck is Frank Edward?
A fighter, or I've been told?
Oh, you mean Frankie Edgar.
Pretty much the same thing.
And Becker, your skills at looking things up suck, man. Gray Maynard has never, and I mean NEVER, lost a 9 second fight, so what the fuck are you talking about? He beat someone in 9 seconds, but he didn't lose in that manner. Come on, man.
That's okay I haven't had comprehensive reading in like four years. It doesn't really matter though. The fight last nine seconds. Still a boring fight. Did it give you the vibe of "holy fuck brah, that man got iced?"
Also, just as a legitimate question, how can a fight that lasts less than a round be boring? How can a fight that lasts only around a minute boring? If anything, those are some of the coolest things you'll see in MMA, because casual fans love flashy knockouts and submissions. They're also among some of the most memorable too.

Houston Alexander for the longest time had some major recognition because of the fact that he knocked out Keith Jardine in a minute, and laid the same type of "HOLY SHIT" type of a knockout on Alessio Sakara. He then ate a knockout in 8 seconds. How can you not want to see a guy like that fight?

Todd Duffee's first UFC fight was a seven second knockout win. As a result, people want to see him fight and think he has a major future in the UFC.

The first Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir fight had a lot of drama and that fight was only over a minute long. Lesnar beat the everloving shit out of Mir, and Mir managed to catch Lesnar in a very impressive submission.

Takanori Gomi was written off by a lot of people. He's perceived as a threat again because he knocked Tyson Griffin out in 1:04 last week.

In the UFC, it doesn't matter if a fight is short... if a fight was short, that's because something extremely cool and exciting happened.
I don't really care about the social aspect of the sport. Or the preparation. What they do to prepare is pretty boring in my opinion.

Gosh Becker, you are so darn convincing! Preparation is just the most boring thing ever, man. Guys training so hard they need to vomit into a bucket in the midst of a practice session? Booooring. Needing to be dragged into a sauna to cut weight before a fight? Zzzzz.

Legit fighters shouldn't have characters. It makes them seem like professional sports entertainers. Which in my opinion makes it look more like WWE or some shit. you know, staged? Having a good heart is fine and dandy, but I don't care how they interact with one another. I want to see substance, and in this form of substance I want to see abuse.

Don't you like the WWE and wrestling? You are on this board after all. So you should know better than anyone that having "characters" or simply seeing the types of personalities different fighters have can definitely lead to a more entertaining and engaging fight, especially when the guys hate each others' guts. Rampage and Rashad were exchanging words throughout the entire Heavyweights TUF season and that hyped the fight so much and had people picking sides. People were invested in seeing one or the other win, and it makes the stakes seem so much higher because the winner gets the glory and the loser looks like a shit talker whose bark couldn't match his bite. Same thing for Chael, playing up the heel tactics in order to hype his fight with Silva. Could he live up to the trash talk? Josh Koscheck and Chris Leben got into fights in the TUF house in season one and all that animosity towards each other was settled in a fight between the two. It drove them to REALLY want to win that fight and destroy their opponent. After Leben's loss, he was crying and devastated. That's compelling. That's what makes people want to watch things. That's why people want to see these guys beat each other up badly.

No you listen I wouldn't call that wrestling though. He laid on the ground for several rounds throwing blows that were barely connecting. Draining all of his energy.

Yeah I don't know, you'd have to ask Chael if that's what he'd call wrestling. He might know a thing or two about it, being an all-American wrestler and an Olympic team alternate. But I guess you know more about it than him, Becker!

The only people who were heart broken were Sonnen fans. Everyone pretty much thought Silva was going to win. If by everything you mean pure boredom, then you got what you were looking for.

Jeff was ready to jump off the ledge if Silva lost.
Not really I guess shit fighting excites people nowadays. Especially since nothing important happens in boxing

What you consider "shit" fighting is actually an art form that many people have come to respect and enjoy. There's a science to it all, Becker. And I actually believe someday in the near future you'll end up biting your tongue about all this and become a fan of the sport as well.

Yeah, weak punches from the ground. Where impact was weak to non existent.

Like I said, you take those punches Becker and tell me how weak they are.

Plus, Anderson was nailing brutal shots from the bottom himself... what about that? You know, for example, the huge cut that ended up on Chael's eyebrow due to an Anderson Silva elbow?

If I remember correctly that little spot happened like a minute in to a round. Not that fancy, Jeffue.

Who cares? A big dunk can happen at the beginning of a basketball game but that doesn't mean it won't satisfy the audience and make the highlights on Sportscenter.

What, that overly large man got tired out and lost because he got lazy. The other guy made him tap out. Wasn't that exciting. I'm sure you're a fan of quick and painful things.

Dude, how could you not admire Nog (the smaller man) getting dropped on his head and take a beating, only to recover and apply a submission to the big black guy? How is that not awesome?

I'm not a trained MMA fighter and I've had a few concussions. My doctor advised me not to take blows. Even if they are weak. Like the shitty Sonnen punches.

Lol... even before the concussions you wouldn't have been able to take those shots, Becker. You know the stories you've told me about getting jumped and what not? Yeah, Chael Sonnen beating on you would be ten times worse than that, buddy.

You know the drill. Post a video or I can't take your word for it.

The fights are 15 minutes long and I would have to link to an off-site, which is against the rules. But they're 15 minutes of non-stop action, Becker. Ask anybody who's ever seen them and they will tell you they're incredible.

What, an edited video package? Sounds like something a fake TV show would do.

Or something WWE does, a promotion you love and adore.

Those fans probably like there fights like they like there sex. Quick and easy.

Most fans like fights like that as long as there's a good, clean finish.

I can over exaggerate stuff too.

But it's not an exaggeration. It's not like the UFC makes these numbers up, Becker. They get it from official cable companies and what not.

Or they make it look like a scripted fighting show. I don't see how it's humanly possible for a man to dominate then suddenly lose. It makes it feel like a "work".

Dude, what the fuck? That happens in ALL of sports. You can see the Yankees dominate a team tonight and then get their asses handed to them tomorrow... that doesn't mean a team threw a game or it felt like a work. Sometimes you just don't have a good night, and sometimes it's just all about match-ups.

That's okay I haven't had comprehensive reading in like four years. It doesn't really matter though. The fight last nine seconds. Still a boring fight. Did it give you the vibe of "holy fuck brah, that man got iced?"

But that wasn't your point was it, Becker?

And there's nothing boring about seeing someone get knocked clean the fuck out right when the fight starts. It's shocking because NO ONE expects it, and that's what makes the sport great... you never know what to expect. ANYTHING can happen.
Also, just as a legitimate question, how can a fight that lasts less than a round be boring? How can a fight that lasts only around a minute boring? If anything, those are some of the coolest things you'll see in MMA, because casual fans love flashy knockouts and submissions. They're also among some of the most memorable too.
I don't know why I necessarily call it boring. But they're supposed to be top notch fighters. Shouldn't top notch fighters take people to the brink? And the brink isn't two minutes into round two.
Houston Alexander for the longest time had some major recognition because of the fact that he knocked out Keith Jardine in a minute, and laid the same type of "HOLY SHIT" type of a knockout on Alessio Sakara.
Those are holy shit knockouts. Not locking in a little submission move because the opponent was too fatigued to move on.
He then ate a knockout in 8 seconds. How can you not want to see a guy like that fight?
Because I don't want to waste 45-50 bucks watching an 8 second fight.
Todd Duffee's first UFC fight was a seven second knockout win. As a result, people want to see him fight and think he has a major future in the UFC.
That's super fantastic. Hopefully he succeeds. But I wont cough up cash to watch something for 8 seconds.
The first Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir fight had a lot of drama and that fight was only over a minute long. Lesnar beat the everloving shit out of Mir, and Mir managed to catch Lesnar in a very impressive submission.
Lesnar was probably too roided to escape. Have you ever seen this guy move? That fight wasn't really impressive. He was fatigued in forty seconds. Mir just slapped the bitch and locked it in.

In the UFC, it doesn't matter if a fight is short... if a fight was short, that's because something extremely cool and exciting happened.
Or because the opponent was utter shit and should be doing bum fighting on youtube or some shit. Instead of trying to take my 50 bucks.
Gosh Becker, you are so darn convincing! Preparation is just the most boring thing ever, man. Guys training so hard they need to vomit into a bucket in the midst of a practice session? Booooring. Needing to be dragged into a sauna to cut weight before a fight? Zzzzz.
Men in a sauna really does not excite me young lady. I'm a huge fan of baseball and my man crush Andrew McCutchen, but do you think I care how he prepares for something? I don't think so, as long as he performs on the field, or in a cage for this matter. Maybe if they PUMPED MORE IRON they wouldn't need the sauna trip.

Don't you like the WWE and wrestling? You are on this board after all. So you should know better than anyone that having "characters" or simply seeing the types of personalities different fighters have can definitely lead to a more entertaining and engaging fight, especially when the guys hate each others' guts.
But this is not professional wrestling. It is fighting. I don't care about there character. I love Floyd Mayweather because he's a good boxer, not because the man makes it rain.
Rampage and Rashad were exchanging words throughout the entire Heavyweights TUF season and that hyped the fight so much and had people picking sides.
You can promote shit other ways though. I'm not saying boxing or anything was different. If Rampage was a big teddy bear, I wouldn't give a fuck. As long as he shows up to fight. Like I said, his character should mean nothing in MMA. It's good that he wants a personality, but it makes him look like a whiny heel if he talks his shit. Especially if he loses. ALA something you see in professional wrestling.
People were invested in seeing one or the other win, and it makes the stakes seem so much higher because the winner gets the glory and the loser looks like a shit talker whose bark couldn't match his bite.
They all seem to talk trash though. If you want a personality, do something different. Talking shit gets old. Unless you're good at it. Another reason why MMA sucks. It tries to be like sports entertainment, when it's something completely different.
Same thing for Chael, playing up the heel tactics in order to hype his fight with Silva. Could he live up to the trash talk?[/QUOTE]
Sure he beat up Silva but he didn't do what his ultimate goal was. Just looks like another whiny heel. Another easy trait comparable to something like the WWE.

Yeah I don't know, you'd have to ask Chael if that's what he'd call wrestling. He might know a thing or two about it, being an all-American wrestler and an Olympic team alternate. But I guess you know more about it than him, Becker!

You don't throw punches in Olympic wrestling silly. Maybe if he was a little more impactful he could have won.

Jeff was ready to jump off the ledge if Silva lost.
that's okay, someone on the mean streets of Bourbon would have saved him.
Hey Yo!

Your telling me you sat for 23 mintues, not entertained but quite bored. Then why the fuck where you still watching. I ll tell you why, because you were on the edge of your seat thinking wow Chael Sonnen is about to become the new UFC Middleweight Champion and then BAM! Anderson Silva being an elite athlete after taking so much punishment summons the pure skill and heart he had left over and pulls off a triangle and retains the title that he was fighting his whole career for. That's drama that is emotion that is MMA at it's finest. If you cannot appreciate the shear fact that these men train week in week out, get pummeled for our enjoyment and still be able to entertain at the same time then something is seriously wrong with your brain. MMA is more than a sport it's an artform there is many styles and many twists in the MMA world endurance and determination which you witnessed during that Chael Sonnen fight was unbelievable. MMA is the pinnacle of sport. Period. Nuff Said. Give me some rep if you agree.
There's a reason they are on that show. They suck. Fighters that aren't big names. How fun?

Some of those same fighters have become champions, besides every fighter starts from nothing, you think Chuck Liddell was automatically a superstar, you think Tito Ortiz just burst onto the scene and become hot property, the answer is no. These are the same fighters your abusing for no reason are some ofkenny Florian the most exciting and skilled fighters on the map. You only have to look at Kenny Florian, Forrest Griffin, Rashad Evans, Stephan Bonnar ( I mean seriously is he ever in a boring fight) and Forrest Griffin to see MMA is in good hands for the future.

I tried watching people kick ass. Hasn't worked yet. Must be the program. Not me.

It's not the program it has to be you, MMA as a whole is watched by hundereds of millions for a sport that has only been around 25 years that is amazing. Figts have ended with mere seconds to go (you just have to look at Drew Fickett vs Josh Koscheck to see Fickett on the losing side of 3 rounds, land a significant shot and Rear Naked Choke Koscheck with only 15 seconds remaining

He spent the fight hugging Silva. Throwing blows with barely any impact because he was too scared of getting caught in the triangle choke. Maybe if he decided to attack and spend his time not being afraid I would have been intrigued. Too bad I wasn't. Throw punches not roll on the ground. He was too big of a pussy to try and keep the fight off the ground. Pretty boring.

Have you seen Floyd Mayweather fight? It consists of inside shots and clinching thats just a boring fighter, In this case how can you claim a fighter who was the big underdog take it to the champion for 23 minutes only to see the champion go through adversity and sink a triangle choke with 2 minutes remaining......... thats entertainment to me.

I want to see endurance. I loved long boxing fights. But I want to see endurance and impact punches. Not a 23 minute rolling match. The more they beat the shit out of one another the better. Too bad the average MMA fight is probably like a round and half. Not awesome. Still boring.

This comment made you sound like a red neck who'd love nothing more than to see 2 guys kill themselves for your pleasure. You know the guys who scream out obsene messages like "get up you f**, where is the blood". You need to appreciate what this fighting is about and what started it. If your not educated enough on the sport maye thats because it is over your head......... not the fighters, fans or promoters.
Your telling me you sat for 23 mintues, not entertained but quite bored.
Yeah, that's what I am trying to tell you. I said it several times.
Then why the fuck where you still watching.
Like I said many times before. I am trying to find the entertainment value in this Sport. Like how i am entertained by baseball and football. I want the entertainment value. Which is why I wasted 23 minutes watching it.
I ll tell you why,
I'll listen. Okay, I'll read..
because you were on the edge of your seat thinking wow Chael Sonnen is about to become the new UFC Middleweight Champion and then BAM! Anderson Silva being an elite athlete after taking so much punishment summons the pure skill and heart he had left over and pulls off a triagnle and retains the title that he was fighting his whole career for. That's drama that is emotion that is MMA at it's finest.
Firstly, I was sitting in a small little chair. So if i was on the edge more than likely my fat ass would have fallen off. That wasn't the case. Secondly, I had no doubt in my mind Silva was going to win. Chael Sonnen looked fatigued. He could barely punch. Then wham, triangle...
If you cannot appreciate the shear fact that these men train week in week out, get pummeled for our enjoyment and still be able to entertain at the same time then something is seriously wrong with your brain.
No, I've had many CT scans to prove otherwise. They train week in and week out? How long is Silva out for and when will Chael fight again? Not a long time. Yep, I can't appreciate a rolling contest. I must be brain dead.
MMA is more than a sport it's an artform there is many styles and many twists in the MMA world endurance and determination which you witnessed during that Chael Sonnen fight was unbelievable. MMA is the pinnacle of sport. Period. Nuff Said. Give me some rep if you agree.
That's fine that it's an art form. Yeah plain karate and Tae Kwon do is an art form, but how many people seriously are entertained by that kind of art?

Is MMA really the pinnacle of sports? How big is it? Bigger than baseball, football, and soccer? Probably not. The sport just doesn't have it. Maybe if the big fighters fought more, it might change my opinion. I want to see the big names. Not some low tier mid card fighters.
What you consider "shit" fighting is actually an art form that many people have come to respect and enjoy. There's a science to it all, Becker. And I actually believe someday in the near future you'll end up biting your tongue about all this and become a fan of the sport as well.
Probably not. Unless they give away shit for free.

Like I said, you take those punches Becker and tell me how weak they are.
Um, I'm not a trained fighter. I've taken many blows to the face like a champ though.
Plus, Anderson was nailing brutal shots from the bottom himself... what about that? You know, for example, the huge cut that ended up on Chael's eyebrow due to an Anderson Silva elbow?
Silva got one blow. And that was with the use of the elbow. Where was his offense? He used two moves. An elbow and a triangle.
Who cares? A big dunk can happen at the beginning of a basketball game but that doesn't mean it won't satisfy the audience and make the highlights on Sportscenter.
That little spot was pretty much the only time the only time the two bitches weren't on the ground.

Dude, how could you not admire Nog (the smaller man) getting dropped on his head and take a beating, only to recover and apply a submission to the big black guy? How is that not awesome?

I can admire him. Doesn't mean I'm interested. The overly large black man showed no signs of endurance. Kicked a little but for two minutes then he fell asleep.

Lol... even before the concussions you wouldn't have been able to take those shots, Becker. You know the stories you've told me about getting jumped and what not? Yeah, Chael Sonnen beating on you would be ten times worse than that, buddy.
I don't know. I've taken a brick to the head and a log to the head. I moved on like a champ. Only feinted like two or three times. I don't know. Them people used bricks and steel toed boots. I think four or five guys would hurt worse than a two minute rolling contest. Besides I could just submit. Couldn't really submit when getting jumped.

The fights are 15 minutes long and I would have to link to an off-site, which is against the rules. But they're 15 minutes of non-stop action, Becker. Ask anybody who's ever seen them and they will tell you they're incredible.
Yeah I used the linkage rule earlier. It's really over played by now. Besides don't people upload shit to Dailymotion and Youtube?

Or something WWE does, a promotion you love and adore.
Yeah but I think it's more an addiction now than a form of enjoyment.

Most fans like fights like that as long as there's a good, clean finish.
How can a 45 second fight be enjoyable? Especially when you wanted to see something. Like a hard fought battle.

But it's not an exaggeration. It's not like the UFC makes these numbers up, Becker. They get it from official cable companies and what not.
Yeah with no proof I have a hard time believing you.

Dude, what the fuck? That happens in ALL of sports. You can see the Yankees dominate a team tonight and then get their asses handed to them tomorrow... that doesn't mean a team threw a game or it felt like a work. Sometimes you just don't have a good night, and sometimes it's just all about match-ups.

The Yanks didn't lose suddenly. They lost on a separate day. Do you not read what you write?
But that wasn't your point was it, Becker?
Yes, I said fights can go like 9 seconds. Even though I misread the outcome it doesn't take away from the fact that, that fight actually last 9 seconds or some shit.

And there's nothing boring about seeing someone get knocked clean the fuck out right when the fight starts. It's shocking because NO ONE expects it, and that's what makes the sport great... you never know what to expect. ANYTHING can happen.
Maybe not for you. But i'm not a die-hard fan like yourself. Yeah but when you cough up 50 bucks, do you really want to see a fight last a minute? That would be me paying 60 bucks for Austin Vs The Rock and have Austin win 12 seconds into the match. I find that to be highly disappointing and a waste of time. Which is still my point. MMA sucks because not everyone wants to give up money for a short term excitement. Maybe if they charged less money. There big fights would generate more buys.
Maybe not for you. But i'm not a die-hard fan like yourself. Yeah but when you cough up 50 bucks, do you really want to see a fight last a minute? That would be me paying 60 bucks for Austin Vs The Rock and have Austin win 12 seconds into the match. I find that to be highly disappointing and a waste of time. Which is still my point. MMA sucks because not everyone wants to give up money for a short term excitement. Maybe if they charged less money. There big fights would generate more buys.

UFC buyrates this year have never been better. Remember that these buyrates are just domestic (US and Canada) figures.

UFC 108: A weak card that was ravaged by injuries, and headlined by Rashad Evans vs. Thiago Silva... basically a co-main event, still did 300,000 buys. Most WWE PPVs don't approach this.

UFC 109: Another card ravaged by injuries, and a fight that had a really predictable outcome with Randy Couture vs. Mark Coleman still did 275,000 buys.

UFC 110: This was a weak card on paper, and the second card the UFC did in February. Regardless, the card delivered and was reported to do 240,000 buys.

This stretch was rough for the UFC because of the injuries and such, but they still managed to get through it with resiliance and with very respectable numbers.

UFC 111: This was a card headlined by two title fights. St. Pierre vs. Hardy was very one-sided on paper (and in execution), but people wanted to see GSP fight regardless. They did 850,000 buys for it. That's a domestic number. Wrestlemania was a day later, and they had around 880,000 TOTAL buys for that PPV. The UFC exceeded this number, I'm sure around the world.

In addition to this, this PPV was shown at movie theaters, which means that a lot more people watched this card.

UFC 112: This card took place from Abu Dhabi and had two lopsided (on paper) title fights. They ran the card live in the afternoon and again in the evening, so it was hard to really gauge how the PPV would have done stateside. Regardless, they pulled in 500,000 buys for this card.

UFC 113: This was a card that basically was sold on one fight: The rematch between Shogun Rua and Lyoto Machida. This card also had the problem where UFC 114 was later on in the month and featured a huge main event. Nonetheless, they did 520,000 buys.

UFC 114: This was the card that featured the grudge match that had been stewing for over a year between Rampage Jackson and Rashad Evans. This was also a card sold on one fight, and they did 1,050,000 buys for it.

UFC 115: This was a card projected to not do well because of a main event that people were tepid towards, and an overall weak card. Either way, Chuck Liddell proved he was still a draw, as it went on to do 620,000 buys. Furthermore, this card was also shown across America in theaters, which means that it had more people getting exposure to this card as well.

UFC 116: This was the big Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin fight. This was again, really a one fight card, and it was on a holiday weekend. It's being said that around 1.3 million people bought this card.

UFC 117: What we just saw this weekend, the Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen fight. A month ago, nobody really knew who Chael Sonnen was. Early estimates had the card around 500,000 buys, because Silva really isn't a PPV draw, and Sonnen didn't have name recognition.

It's trending to do around 1 million buys.

UFC 118 should only do better with the two main events that appeal to both hardcore and casual fans.

6,665,000 PPV buys. That's HUGE.

The UFC is a draw, Becker. They don't need to charge less, as this runthrough I just did goes to show that people are buying the PPVs. A lot of the PPVs that do exceptionally well are really based off of one fight. When you throw in for a PPV, you're of course going to watch the undercard fights. People eat them up, and usually on the undercard is when the best fights are. In most cases, fights will not end in a round. In addition to all of this, the last three main events have been dramatic and exciting affairs.
I don't love MMA i dont hate it i like when they fight and i hate when they go like a miniute without touching
yes i agree i hate when i pay money to see something but it lasts twelve seconds but in MMA isn't there a card of fice matchew?
So what are the chance of it all being short matches?
Nearly impossible
UFC buyrates this year have never been better. Remember that these buyrates are just domestic (US and Canada) figures.
Yeah, I kinda knew that.
UFC 108: A weak card that was ravaged by injuries, and headlined by Rashad Evans vs. Thiago Silva... basically a co-main event, still did 300,000 buys. Most WWE PPVs don't approach this.
Yeah but this isn't really the same thing as WWE. The WWE has three shows, merchandise and much more. I'm pretty Vince has a ton of cash.

UFC 109: Another card ravaged by injuries, and a fight that had a really predictable outcome with Randy Couture vs. Mark Coleman still did 275,000 buys.
Honestly though, I want to see proof of these numbers. I can randomly make up numbers and make them sound alarming.

UFC 110: This was a weak card on paper, and the second card the UFC did in February. Regardless, the card delivered and was reported to do 240,000 buys.
Saying reported isn't doing anything for me.

UFC 111: This was a card headlined by two title fights. St. Pierre vs. Hardy was very one-sided on paper (and in execution), but people wanted to see GSP fight regardless. They did 850,000 buys for it. That's a domestic number. Wrestlemania was a day later, and they had around 880,000 TOTAL buys for that PPV. The UFC exceeded this number, I'm sure around the world.
This is what I mean. I'm sure it exceeded it around the world? I want proof. I want to see numbers with links, or pictures or videos telling me how popular it really is. Just because you're saying shit, doesn't make it true.
In addition to this, this PPV was shown at movie theaters, which means that a lot more people watched this card.
They actually do show MMA at the theater by my house. They also show it in bars. But that's not really making UFC a ton of money, is it?

The UFC is a draw, Becker. They don't need to charge less, as this runthrough I just did goes to show that people are buying the PPVs. A lot of the PPVs that do exceptionally well are really based off of one fight. When you throw in for a PPV, you're of course going to watch the undercard fights. People eat them up, and usually on the undercard is when the best fights are. In most cases, fights will not end in a round. In addition to all of this, the last three main events have been dramatic and exciting affairs.

I'm sure it has the potential to be something big. But I can't buy the numbers when there's nothing of any visual proof. I want to see links. I stand by my original points. I still find it to be completely boring. It has no appeal to a casual person like myself. Maybe with advertisements or some kind of publicity it can succeed and make a person like me, actually like the show. I also stand by the original thing. If it lowered it's prices many lower class people could afford the show. Instead they probably go to bars pay a five dollar cover charge and eat the same basket of wings all night because they're too poor to afford anything else. I never understood high ppv prices. It's hard coughing up 50 dollars a month on something that has the possibility to be completely shit. You have to be wealthy to afford the 50 bucks. Even though the WWE charges high for PPV's they have the ability to make up lost revenues with tv ads, merchandise and three or four weekly television shows. How do you expect someone like myself to get interested in something when you pretty much have to buy it, to try it? It's another reason MMA is completely shit.

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