Miz/Morrison vs Edge, Hawkins and Ryder

Is this a good feud

  • are you kidding me? this is a WRESTLEMANIA match!

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Getting Noticed By Management
I for one would love to see this,lets face it there are no tag team feuds on ecw raw or smackdown because of the lack of teams, but this one could actualy work out pretty well.Our former champs facing off against edge and his goons they can feud against edge and the edgeheads and act as a tweener tag team.This could be the break that our former champs need if they are involved.There are so many possibilitys like edge losing H&R and taking on M&M as his new protogés or edge assisting H&K against our former champs so what do YOU think could this be a good fued and be the lucky break our former champs need or do you think it could'nt work out?
That's a pretty good suggestion there, Edge replacing Hawkins & Ryder with Miz & Morrison. Cool suggestion, but I doubt it - who would they job for then? I just hope that they drop to WWE Tag Team belts to ANYONE ELSE real soon, before they ruin the Championships' credibility like Deuce n' Domino did.
I have been wanting to see it for ages, ever since Hawkins and Ryder became Hawkins and Ryder, and the only chance I did get to see it was in a Fatal Four Way tag match where the champs didnt even get pinned and havent even had a rematch.

In my opinion Miz and Morrison could turn face for this fued, I think these two would make good faces, they'll always be better heels but a face turn would be necessary. They would also get WAY over if they was to join the alliance against La' Familia'.

The only good thing I can think of about Hawkins and Ryder winning the belts is so that Miz and Morrison can take the belts back and start saying "we are the two time WWE tag team Champions, be twice as jealous"
Though this would be a good feud, and will actually utilize and help elevate the talents that are H & R and M & M, I would much prefer seeing either Miz/ Morrison split up and get into the US title scene or that they join La Familia eventually, and the stable actually be USED.

They can have the feud over the titles then Edge can buy one of them (preferably Miz- seems more likely to be a grunt than Morrison) where in Edge and Morrison could have a mini-feud that could elevate Morrison...I'd kill for that match.

However, the main thing for me is that Morrison & Miz split up, they were a great tag team but I feel that they (especially Morrison) have more potential as singles competitors.
The feud would be good if done right. The only problem is that I dont think Hawkins/Ryder could get over as faces, and I wouldnt want to turn M/M face because both make great heels. The feud could be used to elevate Morrison where he eventually challenges Edge for the belt or even have Edge "take-in" Morrison as his protege and have them turn against Vickie, Ryder/Hawkins/Chavo and then have Morrison win the us belt. All in all the feud would be alright but probably wont revive the dying tag team division.

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