Mixed Tag Match at Mania

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
So I was thinking what McIntyre was going to do at Mania because it really hasn't been discussed yet and then came to the realization that there is a mixed tag match in the making. I was thinking that there is no really reason why Ziggler would win the title at Elimination Chamber considering he hasn't won it in his last three attempts. Then I realized McIntyre probaly won't win the match as he has really no history with Edge or Del Rio. I was bummed until I thought of his relationship with Kelly and Kelly's relationship with Vicky.
So what do you get out:

McIntyre and Kelly Kelly VS Ziggler and Vickie at Mania.

Now I understand Kelly Kelly is gone from Smackdown as of right now but McIntyre said this week that he offered his match to Kelly. Also, considering how Ziggler and McIntyre are in the chamber together they could easy play a storyline getting the two to feud with each other. Also, considering Ziggler loses what else is there for him to do at Mania considering there has been no talks of MITB at Mania this year. We also need a reason why Kelly was helping Edge, how about a storyline based around that. Also, there have been talks of Kelly becoming a heel and what better way to do that then put her with McIntyre. She doesn't to be a full heel more of a badass that doesn't give a shit about anyone. Also if either Ziggler or McIntrye were to get a pin over the other it would help set a feud with each other. Also Teddy Long has to make a comeback and when he does he could bring Kelly back with him. This is the way I think the four participants of this idea will mkae Mania.

Any thoughts on this?
Strangely, I could see this happening. As much as I wouldn't like it to. Although, I disagree in one place. The Ziggler/Vickie teaming. I think it should be Barretta & a Diva. Mainly because Ziggler should be in MITB.
Also, I think McIntyre should be in MITB.

You know what? Actually, I don't think this match should happen now. It would probably be killer for both the guys. Any one of the guys losing means that it puts them down on the card. These guys are both headed for MITB hopefully. Unless MITB is scrapped, then yeah, let this happen. Sorry, this is my stream of thoughts just being typed.
I'm a yes/no on this. Good idea though.
If Kelly were to turn Heel, which is a rumor at this point. Why would they have a Heel Vickie & Dolph be in a tag match against a Heel Drew & Kelly?

Say Kelly doesn't turn Heel. Then what? McIntyre would need to turn Face real quick and then make a reason for them to have a tag match at Mania relevant.
Strangely, I could see this happening. As much as I wouldn't like it to. Although, I disagree in one place. The Ziggler/Vickie teaming. I think it should be Barretta & a Diva. Mainly because Ziggler should be in MITB.
Also, I think McIntyre should be in MITB.

You know what? Actually, I don't think this match should happen now. It would probably be killer for both the guys. Any one of the guys losing means that it puts them down on the card. These guys are both headed for MITB hopefully. Unless MITB is scrapped, then yeah, let this happen. Sorry, this is my stream of thoughts just being typed.
I'm a yes/no on this. Good idea though.

Yes same I wouldn't want this if MITB is going to happen, but aI thought I heard it was getting scrapped.
If Kelly were to turn Heel, which is a rumor at this point. Why would they have a Heel Vickie & Dolph be in a tag match against a Heel Drew & Kelly?

Say Kelly doesn't turn Heel. Then what? McIntyre would need to turn Face real quick and then make a reason for them to have a tag match at Mania relevant.

I think for this match it would work because Mcintyre and Kelly would work as tweeners for this one match as Vickie is clearly the star getting the most heat whenever she talks.
I think for this match it would work because Mcintyre and Kelly would work as tweeners for this one match as Vickie is clearly the star getting the most heat whenever she talks.

In order to make this match possible, you are asking for people to randomly change their opinions on Kelly and Drew. They are on opposite sides of things as of now. I can see the way to turn Kelly would be having her join with Vickie.
How many times has Vickie gotten people over with the crowd. She will be a heel for the rest of her career. If you want you could have McIntyre and Kelly turn face really easily. You just have them cut a promo making fun of Vickie and Ziggler and they will automatically be faces in this match. Back at Mania 25 in theory you had John Cena Face VS Edge tweener Vs Show tweener. Suprisingly each star had someone voting for them, unlike this match would most probaly have most people voting for McIntyre.
The logic isn't there though. You are saying you could turn them Face easily. Kelly is already Face. Assuming the rumors of Vince wanting to turn Kelly Heel are true, why would he put her against Vickie? It doesn't make sense.
The logic isn't there though. You are saying you could turn them Face easily. Kelly is already Face. Assuming the rumors of Vince wanting to turn Kelly Heel are true, why would he put her against Vickie? It doesn't make sense.

She could be a badass heel face like Orton. Everyone knows Randy is not a nice guy but they cheer him because he kicks ass. She could be one of those. (Personal note) I'm really enjoying discussing wrestling with you Crooked. You do make some very valid points which is not always easy to find in the prison.

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