MITBCM SEMIS: ManureTheBear vs Macios

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Hello everybody and welcome to the semi-finals of the Money in The Bank Chatter Match Tournament. Posting shall start right now and officially finish if not all posts are in by about Miday Friday. Polling will be up as soon as the round finishes and last till Sunday at about midday as well. (Really depends on my schedule and when I set it however generally obeying the two day rule with maybe a few hours if need be of leeway.) Anyways as I have eluded to I am in a hotel till July 10th so I'm going to be running my wrestlezone existence via mobile phone for that time. Same rules apply as last time and may the best man win!

Here we are...

How's the view from behind those iron bars, Macios?

I mean, I like what you've done with the place, don't get me wrong, but if I were to spend the rest of my days in here in this shit-hole, I'd make it my own as well.


No matter how you slice it...

You can decorate a turd as much as you like, but it's still a turd.

On occasion, there'd be a surge of activity in here. Yet, when us non-prisoners leave and go to the REAL part of the forums, you get left here all ...alone.

Poor li'l Macios... Why'd you have to go and upset the applecart? You just HAD to have your say. Couldn't play by the rules?

Now you're stuck in the corner like a snot-nosed child!

How's the food in here, bud? Do you like your two-bit bunk bed? Do you like being klunderbunker's little bitch in here?!

You better get used to it.

You'll be dead before you're outta here...
Oh Manure, welcome to the Prison, enjoy yourself, after I'm done kicking your ass you won't have the will to get back up.

I descended into the darkness of the Prison. I know what it's like to be alone and I embrace it. These iron bars only hold me back from out shining everyone else on the main forums. I rattled the very best on the forums, they separated me from them, for their good not mine.

Manure, I'm going to make you have your final hibernation in here. Make you sleep in the manure that you so name yourself. You talk about me being alone without all you. Well here's a news flash for you, maybe I'm not so alone. Maybe without you coming in here you'd have nowhere to go. I see the real forums, I see the sections in which you preach to be apart of, but what I don't see is you.

Is it because you're not accepted there? Are you really that desperate that you must post in "this shit" called the Prison?

Oh Manure I've spent years having people come in here trying to show me up. Look who's still standing? I've gone to wars in here and always come out on top.

Is it odd that I'm the only Prisoner left standing? Oh I think it is not. The darkness has made me learn to fend for myself, kill all those who pose as a threat to me. Even a beloved friend like Jenks wasn't safe from my destruction.

Manure you entertain my domain, my home, my anger. Nobody is safe from my wrath of destruction. I might seem like that friendly guy now, but if you dare push my buttons, I can easily snap back into insanity. Just watch me.
Darkness? In this boring crap shoot? I don't think so. The only things keeping me from dragging your ass out into the sunlight and kicking some sense into you are these iron bars. You're not the darkness, you're only a shadow. A shadow in something else's light...

Something bigger.


And as for hibernation? Ha! In that cell? With YOU? I'd have to sleep on my back, of course... Not judging your lifestyle, Maccie, but I don't feel the same way about you. Sorry you had to find out like this.

You beat all the other prisoners? Congratulations! You got locked in here for being a 'tard, just like everybody else trapped here. The only reason you're still here is because nobody else wants you. Harthan even started a thread about putting a password on the bar room, so that he doesn't have to read your boring shit EVERY SINGLE TIME he hits "new posts".

Not that you'd know... The thread was in the bar room section.
Manure. Oh Manure, you're in for a rude awakening. There's nothing you can do to stop the the wrath of the Macios. These bars are only here to protect you from the beast and they're about to be broken. Your petty insults on me being blind are funny for even a blind man could see you suck.

You can insult my domain all you want, can tell me I'm annoying, can tell me all your "normal" friends may want to hide my posts from the rest of the forums, but the truth is you're still here trying to make friends with the King of the Prison.

You can talk about how I'm less priveledged, but it's time for the bourgeoisie to overthrow the prolatariot. Time for the Prisoner, the scum, to tear the walls down and show out power. Nothing can stop my warpath. When you enter my cage for a battle, there's no leaving it, you remain forever in the heap of bodies who have tried coming and met the same fate.

I acted dumb once, I pissdd of the tippy top got myself locked up. Now I'm a precise killer, you're messing with someone who quite frankly doesn't give a shit about you, or what you think.

Insult my past all you want, my future is simply going to be kicking your ass.
Manure much like Dr. I forfeit too. Having been released the last thing I want is to be trying to throw insults at someone in a fake shoot promo. It's too soon. If the tournament was a success I'd pull through but we've now had 3 (now with this 4) rounds of no votes. If you want to continue I'll make the finals but there's no reason for anybody to be shooting on anyone right now.
I feel very much the same. You're very much the reason everybody started going ape shit in the Prison all of a sudden. So, without further ado, let me be the first to congratulate absolute newcomer, Whap Me Jungles, as the winner of this proud and decorated competition...

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