MITBCM SEMIS: Dr. VS Whap Me Jungles.

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Hello everybody and welcome to the semi-finals of the Money in The Bank Chatter Match Tournament. Posting shall start right now and officially finish if not all posts are in by about Miday Friday. Polling will be up as soon as the round finishes and last till Sunday at about midday as well. (Really depends on my schedule and when I set it however generally obeying the two day rule with maybe a few hours if need be of leeway.) Anyways as I have eluded to I am in a hotel till July 10th so I'm going to be running my wrestlezone existence via mobile phone for that time. Same rules apply as last time and may the best man win!
"Whap Me Jungles." Well, if you're calling those yet-to-descend raisins you've got between your legs your "jungles," then I'll gladly oblige. You claim that some other forum couldn't handle you. Well, laddie, other forums don't have me. I'll shut you down faster than klunderbunker did to your stupid thread.

Just because some virtual leper colony discarded you doesn't give you carte blanche. If you're going to switch forums and thump your chest about how bad you were elsewhere, make sure your posts on the previous forum don't suck. Your place in their pecking order was clear: you were the troll that the other trolls made fun of. Just so you know, that isn't a distinction to be proud of; it's a sign that you should quit the internet until you grow some hair on your "jungles."

I'll give you fair warning: run back to ye mither, afore I toss your arse like a caber. I apologize if my Scots is a little rusty, but then again, so is your whole routine.
Dr, huh? From Texas? I'm not familiar with Texan medicine, but I'm pretty sure it involves eating roadkill and fucking your cousin. And yet that wasn't enough to cure you of the crippling brain disease you must have to even try me.

I was holding back against the slime dweller Macios. But, unlike in your usual line of work, there's nothing preventing me here. That white coat of yours is the colour of cowardice, the colour of surrender, and I can read that surrender in your face. That's good for you. You won't have to face the worst of me, the side of me which I only bring out to turn my foes to dust.

C.O.P. Remember those letters, and pray you'll never have to run into them again. Now go back to your coloured pills.
The Texas Medical Center is one of the greatest plazas of hospitals in the world, but of course an ignoramus like you wouldn't be aware of that. I mean, just look at that sad little missive-- such foul language. Not that I expected anything better: "ex nihilo nihil fit."

Did that last bit go over your head? Of course it did. That's because you're the one with the brain ailment, and it's called "stupidity." Only a stupid man would dare associate my coat with cowardice or surrender. The only reason I wear white is because the blood stains show up so much better than with other colors. And there will be blood; because if you think the worst of you is bad, laddie, you haven't seen the best of me. It doesn't matter to me which side of you I operate on. I've already got you splayed you open on my table. Now my only concern is where to cut and how deep.

You see, Jungles, that's all this is-- you squirming under my knife. So if it makes you feel better, curse at me. Threaten me with letters if that eases your pain. Just know that your letters are a weak anesthetic to the scalpel of my words. That's not a colorful pill, just a bitter one. Time to take your medicine.
I forfeit. Macios is free, and the circumstances of his release and a glimpse inside the court have soured me on this section.

You're a fine trash talker, WMJ. Despite my "shoot," I don't care what you said or did elsewhere, and you're clearly no dummy. Welcome aboard.

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