MITB matches: Are we expecting a surprise?

The Money In The Bank ladder match has been around for five years now and, according to the WWE, it's popularity has led to it having it's own PPV. Allow me to start this with a brief history.

2005 - Edge fended off Christian, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Kane and Shelton Benjamin to be the inaugral winner. Many believed that the win would go to Chris Jericho as, in storyline, he introduced the idea to Mr. McMahon.

2006 - RVD grabbed the briefcase despite the efforts of Shelton Benjamin, Ric Flair, Finlay, Matt Hardy and Bobby Lashley. Lashley only qualified for the match after losing to Finlay and then winning a 'Last Chance' Battle Royal. His inclusion made him a strong favourite. There were also whispers of a Ric Flair win leading to him having one last run before retiring.

2007 - Mr. Kennedy won over Edge, CM Punk, King Booker, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Finlay and Randy Orton. This match was wide open with Edge, Punk, Booker, Hardy and Orton all viable contenders but Kennedy was a popular choice and promised big things from him until injury.

2008 - CM Punk won his first MITB match with losing efforts from Shelton Benjamin, Chris Jericho, Carlito, Montel Vontavious Porter, Mr. Kennedy, and John Morrison. All bets were on Mr. Kennedy to regain the Briefcase and do exactly what he had promised one year earlier. Jericho was also an outside shout. CM Punk doubtlessly had the IWC vote but hadn't won over the WWE Universe.

2009 - CM Punk's second came at the expense of Kane, Mark Henry, Montel Vontavious Porter, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, Christian and Finlay. I don't think any of us thought we'd get a repeat this year but other than Punk, the competition just seemed poor. Kane, Henry, Benjamin and Finley were at the point that they'd never get a push. Kingston had only just started to shine but never had a real feud. MVP was the only other competition. Punk was the most decorated of the match and any other outcome would have been less exciting.

2010 - Jack Swagger beat Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, Drew McIntyre, Christian, Montel Vontavious Porter, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and Kane. Surely this was McIntyres match. He was the chosen one. This is the point of his character's introduction. There were some chants for Christian. He'd just moved to Raw after months as the ECW champion. Surely this was his time to make it big in WWE? Noone even cared that Swagger was in the match. We did one week later.

I'd say of all of the 6 MITB matches we have had, two of them... perhaps only one, have been unpredictable. So who do we have this time round?

The Big Show vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs. Kane vs. TBA vs. TBA
Randy Orton vs. John Morrison vs. Evan Bourne vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. The Miz vs. TBA

The Big Show, Hardy, Christian and Kane... lets say they've had their time and it's not gonna happen. That leaves Cody and Kingston and the two TBA's.

Morrison, Bourne and Dibiase are just lost in the shuffle at the minute. Despite Bourne's current push, noone will accept him as a real threat. Morrison and DiBiase just haven't done anything since Wrestlemania. If not before. That leaves Randy Orton, Edge, Jericho and the Miz and the TBA.

That, if I can speak for everyone, should be the general concensus. But should we be looking at it another way? Should we really just put Kane, Big Show and Morrison to one side? Looking at the matches history, we should put the favourites like Orton or Jericho to one side and start looking for the most unlikely happenings.

Am I on my own with this or is WWE's past history of providing us with shocks, none more greater than this years victory for Swagger, making us anticipate the MITB matches to be used to create new pushes? Can anything really surprise us anymore?


Please stick to the topic at hand. This thread is to discuss whether we can be surprised. Not who you expect to win. We got match dedicated threads for that. And please no spoilers.
I don't think you can 'expect a surprise' otherwise it undoes the key aspect of a surprise. However, to expect something out of the ordinary - I wouldn't doubt it. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes shout out to me as possible 'shock' winners but I think with the Smackdown match over half the participants would have IWC and fans backing as winners (Christian, Hardy, Kingston and McIntyre - because he would be confirmed if not for VISA issues).

My only problem with the RAW MitB match is that I don't want Orton, Edge of Jericho to win. It's supposed to represent a time where the winner is going to get a push and if the reports are right about Vince not wanting 2 people, then I'd want RAW's briefcase used first over Smackdown's - unless The Miz wins...
Personally, I cannot understand why they would put someone injury prone like Orton in a match with a group of other guys and ladders. I will cringe everytime he goes near a ladder the way I cringe when HHH goes over the top rope.

I also don't understand how the ladder won't bend under the shear weight of the Big Show.

But I digress. I will find out after the PPV.

I think, like the last MITB, we will see an innovate use of the ladders ala Kofi's ladder stilts. I think this PPV's Shelton Benjaminesque high spots are going to be done by Cody Rhodes and Evan Borne.
I don't think this would every happen, but I think it would be cool if they had Kane win the SmackDown Money In The Bank. He has been in 3 of the 5 Money In The Bank matches. With the current storyline he has running he seems to be getting a push.

He could go in to the match talking about how any one of these guys could be the one who took out Undertaker so he will take them all out. Have him just go around trying to destroy people during the match and not even going for the case, then in the end of it everyone is laid out and he goes up and takes it down.

Have him then go on to win the Heavyweight title off of Rey or who ever is holding it when he chases it it.

Then when The Undertaker finally comes back it could be revealed that Kane is the one who took him out and now he wants revenge. This would let Kane and Undertaker have a good feud and end in Undertaker winning the title back off Kane in like a Casket Match or something.

Doubt this would ever happen, but it would be pretty cool and would give Kane a big push and a better title run then his 1 day he has now. Also it would let Rey have the time off he wants once he loses the title and Undertaker is ready to return.

For the RAW match, I have no idea who will win this one, I'd guess either Randy Orton or Miz. I just don't want to see Edge or Jericho win it.

I also agree with what 3/4 Facelock said about Evan most likely only being in the match to fill in for Shelton being gone on the RAW side, and Kofi or Cody filling in for the SmackDown side.
I'm going into this MITB ppv with an open mind.

I'd really like to see The Miz win the briefcase and cash in at SummerSlam. he can hold his own in the ring, he's got the look, and he can get heat from the crowd on any given night. He makes the most sense, but this is WWE we are talking here.

I just hope to God the mystery entrant isn't Triple H, who wins it that night, cashes in on Sheamus, and leaves the ppv a 14-time World Champion.


As for the Smackdown! side of things, I'd love to see Christian FINALLY win it and get his chance at the World Title. Christian as a HEEL. Heel Christian v. Rey Mysterio for the strap would make for a stellar co-main event at SummerSlam.
Im personally dissapointed we havnt seen at least one man on a mission to win this, like we do every year with the Rumble, where months before someone states his intention to win it and all the build up surrounds him going for his win...

i thought Miz wouldve been perfect to start this at least a month ago, if not just after Swagger cashed in, but he would be my strong favourite for the briefcase, if not him then Bourne to win then fail cashing in?

The SD brand will be the one to use to have the big win and push, as the brand itself is more suited to building talent with the lack of clear main eventers outside of Taker, possibly a Kofi win but personally think its a little early for Cody
I definitely see somebody getting a major push on both shows. I personally see DiBiase winning the belt and cashing it in quickly as it is perfect for his new gimmick, and he seems to be getting the push over there, and this will definitely get him over.

On Smackdown, I see none other then DiBiase's former partner "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. This will elevate him to the big time, as I don't see Kofi getting it during his IC Title reign, and plus with Cody seemingly starting to get his push with his new gimmick, this is exactly what he needs.

I see both former Legacy members winning this match and this will definitely be a surprise for most I think.
I think one of the MitB ladder matches should main event the ppv, the more shocking winner whether it be Raw or Smackdown, whichever, should go on last...

Anyway, I wouldn't take Christian out of the picture, he ahsn't had a world title yet in WWE sao it could very well be him, or if Drew can get his VISA problems fixed and join the match, then I would say why not, he was supposed to win the WM ladder match after all, For Cody Rhodes winning it, I don't mind, I thin k he's great but also think he should hold the US or IC title before getting the World titles..

For Raw, I'm not too sure....some say MitB ladder match is about first time winners and those who have never won a World title, but hey, Punk won it 2 years running, so why not Jericho, Orton or Edge, personally though, I think it could be Miz or DiBiase!!

Theya re the only 2 with promise at the moment!
I wouldn't mind who wins the MITB for either show...Execpt Orton & Edge for the Raw match. Only because i want to see a new contender for the title, not just Edge vs Cena/Sheamus vs Orton, Cena vs Orton etc. it would breath a new light into the title if The Miz or, as a huge suprise, Evan rivalrys, new main eventers and not just the same title matches with Cena and co....I'm Just Sayin...
If I'm not mistaken, Raw is still missing one competitor after R-truth's removal. I'm going to speculate on that for a second and propose the concept that maybe Wade will get tossed in one way or another, pull off the win and put management in a tough spot since the Nexus isn't supposed to get title shots but the contract guarantees one. Alternatively to that, what if Nexus just invaded the Raw Mitb and steals the briefcase?

But on Smackdown, I see Kane picking up the win and turning heel. If that constitutes as a surprise then there is one and I'd consider the Nexus turn out a surprise too. But I'd call Miz the Raw winner if Barrett doesn't show up or if Nexus stays out. Those are my takes.
As far as the smackdown MITB goes.. i would love to see Matt Hardy walk out with the briefcase. I doubt this would happen but i also wouldnt mind Kane winning it either. Both people have the potential and even though they have been in the WWE for a while now and the MITB is meant to build new stars, neither matt nor kane really had any BIG success outside the tag team division. Sure Kane held the WWE title but it was only for 1 day and with his recent push maybe its his time. Matt Hardy also REALLY deserves it. I wouldnt be suprised as to see a guy like Kofi Kingston walk away a winner because hes an up and coming star who has a lot of potential.

Now on to the Raw MITB... I believe that its going to be the Miz who wins this one. He is definatly a future main eventer and is a fantastic heel. This could be the push he needs. IMO i would like to see Edge take control again. Though many people would disagree i think this could be edge's way of getting one more title run in before he hangs up his boots. I dont think Randy, Bourne, Jericho, or Morrison will win. As far as Ted Dibiase goes, i could see him winning but i dont think he's quite ready yet.

I'm keeping an open mind for the MITB matches. I know that it's a commonly accepted method of the IWC to basically shit all over anything and criticize it to death before anything actually takes place.

Both matches have the potential to be spectacular and to be very memorable. I admit that I'll be kind of let down if Edge, Jericho or Orton come out with the win, but there's always a chance that they won't. Nobody expected Jack Swagger to win the match at WrestleMania. I think The Miz, Christian, Kofi Kingston and a few others have a realistic chance of winning it. The Miz is the hottest young heel going right now, I have a feeling Christian is about to turn heel and Kofi has been on a role since coming to Smackdown.
while i think orton will win it and start a feud with sheamus while cena is busy with the nexus, i really hope miz wins the raw mitb and holds onto it for awhile. maybe cashing it in around semtember or october. i see only two options for the smackdown match, kofi or kane. if kane then i'd say he immediatelly cashes it in on a vicotoious rey, turning him heel and leading up to a kane v taker title match at summerslam. i would love to see kofi pull of the win and finally move on to the ME (he could easily be the top face on smackdown IMO)
I'm keeping an open mind for the MITB matches. I know that it's a commonly accepted method of the IWC to basically shit all over anything and criticize it to death before anything actually takes place.

Both matches have the potential to be spectacular and to be very memorable. I admit that I'll be kind of let down if Edge, Jericho or Orton come out with the win, but there's always a chance that they won't. Nobody expected Jack Swagger to win the match at WrestleMania. I think The Miz, Christian, Kofi Kingston and a few others have a realistic chance of winning it. The Miz is the hottest young heel going right now, I have a feeling Christian is about to turn heel and Kofi has been on a role since coming to Smackdown.

I don't see any of the already main eventers winning this match as that would make it utterly pointless, as MITB is to push the midcard stars up to the main event. I don't see Miz or Kofi winning due to them just getting their belts recently, however they could have them drop it and cash in on the same night, but I don't see it happening.

DiBiase and Rhodes are two guys who people are sleeping on which is why I see them winning it as they are getting the push, yet neither are picking them to win, yet it suits both their gimmicks, and they can make it work.
Personally, I cannot understand why they would put someone injury prone like Orton in a match with a group of other guys and ladders. I will cringe everytime he goes near a ladder the way I cringe when HHH goes over the top rope.

I also don't understand how the ladder won't bend under the shear weight of the Big Show.

But I digress. I will find out after the PPV.

I think, like the last MITB, we will see an innovate use of the ladders ala Kofi's ladder stilts. I think this PPV's Shelton Benjaminesque high spots are going to be done by Cody Rhodes and Evan Borne.

relying on cody rhodes for ladder spots? , thats like relying on mark madden not to eat ur sandwich. not likely....

cody rhodes would be more likely to b the victim of a crazy spot than make one of his own. if he hits the crossroads off the ladder i will be very impressed. more likely for matt hardy, christian and kofi to carry this one thru. im going with big show or christian on the smackdown match. cant count show out b\c he will possibly knock everyone on their ass & dont have to reach far for the belt. & christian should be given a fuckin shot already. this match has alot of variables and might be too hard to predict b\c no big push w\ the case makes sense for most of them.

on the raw side, that will be real exciting. morrison\edge\bourne\dibiase\miz\orton\jericho..... damn thats classic. u got the veterans who have great exp in ladder matches (edge, jericho) and orton is always dangerous, plus morrison\bourne (fast, great high-flyers) and then the very sneaky dibiase\miz. this will be very exciting & still one more name to go. personally im glad rtruth is out. he bores me. its hard to pick a winner from this list but.... im going with jericho b\c it was his idea in the 1st place & he can spend time putting guys over and still be cocky cuz he has the breifcase. pick #2-.... morrison. he has been sidelined and wwe hasnt put him in a feud for a reason. hes too talented\over for them to just waste & i think they have been waiting for the right time. mayb now is it. but then again, there are alot of ways vince could go with this as well... just have to wait and see
I think you're all missing the point of the thread. It has nothing to do with who we think will win, but if we think there will be a surprise. Please take the time to read the Original Post and make sure your additions stay on topic.

The only surprise I could see happening is that someone cashes his briefcase in on the night of the PPV, and not only that, but loses. If ReyRey manages to retain, I could see it happening to him, as he's been unhappy lately and this will definitely put him over even more as the ultimate underdog.

On RAW, the cage match would make such a cash in very, very awkward. Would it remain a cage match? So if anything, I expect a big surprise from one of the lesser talents, as in Cody, and then a failed cash-in only an hour later.
As for the raw MITB i do think miz will win it and start a feud with sheamus. but alao dont sleep on jericho but he is a long shot miz has been getting a big push from wwe and this push will continue with him winning MITB.personly i would like to see orton win it.

For the Smackdown match i think we will see mcintyre win it. i think he wants to challenge for the WHC and think he has a chance agaisnt rey meseryterio. i think even with my prediction this is a very wide open match. some people to keep an eye on will be roahds, ziggler and mvp. personlly i would like to see mvp win and feud with rey as rey being heel.
Going by the card, I really think this is up in the air. I don't think there really are any favorites. Most of them are riding a wave of momentum and all of them should be in this match unlike the past few MITBs where you wouldn't expect Carlito or MVP to win it. I won't be watching this PPV considering I don't wanna pay the money for it, but I think I'll be pleasantly surprised when I find out who has the briefcase the next night on RAW.
I'd love to see Bourne walk out with it really. I've been a huge fan of his since he was back on ECW and IMO it's exactly what he needs.

the surprise i see most likely to happen would be on the SD side of things. Have Rhodes or Ziggler come out on top, be living in the moment, feel like they can take the world on, watch them cash in later in the night, and be blasted from the start
For a surprise, I think they should let Orton win and have him lose to Sheamus, because I think it's time for someone to lose on a cash in, maybe have edge come in and spear him and throw Sheamus on top of Orton. This 100% win rate is gonna stop soon and Orton wouldn't be affected by the loss and would help him gain more love from the fans and put Egde over more as a heel because he getting more cheers than boos lately.
Imo depending on if the other RAW contender is Wade Barrett the RAW MITB can go any way and all of these guys can pull it off. Know for SD! I'm still kinda iffy,but doesn't anyone remember that video of Matt Hardy saying this was the "Year of Mattitude". If he wins it i'll shit a brick though. Personally I want Kofi to win, I've been a fan since his debut on ECW.

If I'm not mistaken, Raw is still missing one competitor after R-truth's removal. I'm going to speculate on that for a second and propose the concept that maybe Wade will get tossed in one way or another, pull off the win and put management in a tough spot since the Nexus isn't supposed to get title shots but the contract guarantees one. Alternatively to that, what if Nexus just invaded the Raw Mitb and steals the briefcase?
To me putting Barrett in the match would lead to alot of speculation because that would be a loop-hole to the whole "No Nexus member can compete for WWE Title" plus it would definitly add to the Cena/Wade fued if Cena won the title and seconds later his arch rival came out an stole it.

On RAW, the cage match would make such a cash in very, very awkward. Would it remain a cage match? So if anything, I expect a big surprise from one of the lesser talents, as in Cody, and then a failed cash-in only an hour later.
No it wouldn't be a cage match, what would happen is that the winner is celebrating, they lift the cage and entrance music would hit, Vince would probably come out saying so and so is using MITB, said person would run into the ring and it would be a singles match.
I think you're all missing the point of the thread. It has nothing to do with who we think will win, but if we think there will be a surprise. Please take the time to read the Original Post and make sure your additions stay on topic.

The only surprise I could see happening is that someone cashes his briefcase in on the night of the PPV, and not only that, but loses. If ReyRey manages to retain, I could see it happening to him, as he's been unhappy lately and this will definitely put him over even more as the ultimate underdog.

On RAW, the cage match would make such a cash in very, very awkward. Would it remain a cage match? So if anything, I expect a big surprise from one of the lesser talents, as in Cody, and then a failed cash-in only an hour later.

Charle saying DiBiase and Rhodes which is what I said would be a surprise as nobody is expecting to win, which MITB has been doing lately, giving a surprise winner.

Everybody was shocked lately with who won which is why I see both former Legacy mebers winning MITB this year.
The only thing I want to say is that you were mistaken about the 2009 Money in the Bank.

Although he had just come back, the cheers Christian got were great.
Especially at the end when he was falling off the ladder and caught himself on the ropes.
As he pushed himself back and starting climbing, the people were going Nuts.
Seriously, even I thought he was going to take it.

I was so pissed that Punk won it again. Christian should have really taken that one.
As much as I'm enjoying "Dashing" Cody Rhodes (by the way it should be a violation not to type "Dashing" everytime), I don't think he will win b/c it seems to soon and he just started the gimmick two weeks ago. I see it coming down to Christian and Drew McIntyre with McIntyre grabbing the briefcase.

I can't see DiBiase winning it either b/c I don't see a proper face fueding with him for the title. Cena is busy with Nexus, Orton has Edge, Triple H will probably be dealing with Sheamus when he returns. I do however see Morrison winning and cashing it in at SummerSlam and winning due to interference by Triple H.
if we are talking about surprises and NOT about who is going to win what, I think its pretty obvious the answer: YES! I mean even if the MitB has many "veterans" in the match (Orton, Edge, Show, Y2J, Kane...) you have to consider the fact that are guys like Cody or Evan who just could very easily steal the show. maybe the end of the match would be a surprise or maybe not. however, if we're talking about strictly the match per se, definitely there's going to be surprises, cause every MitB is very different from the previous one.
plus you have to count the fact that this time there are TWO MitB matches! so yeah there is going to be even I dare to say MANY surprises;)

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