Missing persons report filed for Little Jimmy

That N Word

Actively evolving
Missing persons report filed for Little Jimmy

Police departments across North America are on alert today after Little Jimmy, the longtime sidekick of professional wrestler R-Truth, was officially listed as a missing person.

An AMBER Alert was also issued for Little Jimmy (or L’il Jimmy, as he is sometimes known) after R-Truth told authorities that he hadn’t seen his pint-sized companion in some time.

Little Jimmy presents a peculiar challenge for law enforcement, since it seems that nobody except R-Truth has ever been able to see him.

Practically nobody noticed, therefore, when Little Jimmy suddenly disappeared from R-Truth’s side.

R-Truth himself has been silent on the matter until recently, sparking some suspicion that he may be involved in the disappearance. The wrestler, however, has dismissed all such allegations as “a conspiracy,” and insists he is desperate to find out “what’s up” with his little friend.

The disappearance comes on the heels of rumors that Little Jimmy may have been romantically involved with a mysterious girl named Sister Abigail. Police are questioning Bray Wyatt in relation to the matter.
Over the years I have posted numerous counts of stupidity, but this takes the cake; and I would like to personally thank you for making my IQ seem a little closer to 100 than it actually is. ;)
*Checks to make sure we're in the bars*

Can we fuck this cunt off? I know sometimes i say stupid shit that makes me look ******ed and I'm far from anybody to be saying who should be here and shouldn't or am I someone that people look to for an opinion. But this guy never posts anything that isnt just shit. He makes me think stonecoldhell can be mentioned in the same sentence as KB, Jack-hammer & co.

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