Mini Draft Tonight?

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
According to a source backstage at RAW, the word going around with several of the WWE talents in the last hour is that the company is planning to switch some Superstars to other brands at this week's TV tapings.

One source with WWE thought the company may be doing some kind of Draft. WWE is taping TV this week for the next two weeks due to overseas tours so it should be a newsworthy week.

Hmmm surprising, this could be great for the WWE bacause SD! is in dire need of faces and RAW needs more ME talent

Your thoughts?
Cena to SmackDown please and thank-you. The man has nothing left to do on Raw. He's being left out of the title scene for no good reason to put over a feud people are tired of. He should have won the belt two weeks ago to freshen up the title scene and his coming feuds with Show, Miz, and Orton. However, Cena is now VERY much lost in the shuffle, which is not good for a top star like him. On SmackDown, however, he has fresh feuds with Punk, Mysterio, Ziggler, Morrison, and so on. Just get Edge off of SmackDown so Cena doesn't have to deal with him. We don't need another round of that feud.
This is going to be mid-card and lower. You won't see any big name people moving, so let's move past that.

I've already said in the LD thread, Regal should go to ECW. He can join Burchill & Katie Lea, and face off against the Hart Dynasty. UK vs Canada, beasty. It would give ECW something other to look forward to, except the ECW Title.

Other than that, get Evan Bourne onto RAW. He could liven up the US Title scene. A match against Kofi would be beasty. Erm, I'm still hoping for Maria to RAW, as I barely watch SD! She's still the best. *yum*
Why exactly should I move past big names moving and why should I get over it? Mini-draft in all probability means it won't be a full-on 25 person shaking up of things. But where are you reading that no main event guys will switch shows? Heck, why would it be worth noting on Raw if no big names were to switch? Surely if it was all undercard guys it'd be on just like the follow-up draft? At least that's what logic says.

That said, Bourne should not move. His booking have leveled off on ECW and he still has mountains to climb there. I fear that if he were thrown into an ocean too soon, he'll sink quick and rarely appear, only coming out to lose in 30 second squashes.

Christian would be a great move if there were to be a new midcard face headed for ECW. People have wanted him moved badly, and to be honest he has wrestled pretty much everyone there and had a title reign all in the span of about four or five months. Send him to SmackDown with Cena. It'd really liven the brand up A LOT. As for a new midcarder to be top face on ECW, MVP anyone?
I think the point of this draft is to move certain wrestlers into new roles and feuds. I can see Swagger or Christian moving from ECW to feud for a mid-card belt and tease the main-event scene. There may be a big splash or two to freshen up each brand and balance out the rosters.

This should be interesting and should continue the trend of RAW bringing surprises and excitement. Hopefully it does bring a shake-up to the rosters and brings new feuds and new faces in the main-event scene.
This is a great idea by WWE because they realized taht the original draft made Smackdown more entertaining than Raw and that they need new feuds once again. I am really hoping the WWE gets this right.

Superstars I would move:
From ECW:
Hart Dynasty

Shelton Benjamin


I dont even care where they go they just need new feuds and/or fresh beginnings
i would definitely say that christian is going to smackdown....once jeff leaves they will need another top face besides morrison and rey (who in my opinion are not on the same level as christian yet) and we could see great a great feud with punk and christian...not to mention the inevitable edge v christian
i agree with christian goin to smackdown. i would like to see cena go to smackdown because he could be involved in a new feud. although the feud with the miz is different. i wouldnt mind a cena and cm punk feud. hopefully wwe will balance the rosters and ecw wont get screwed like the seem to every draft
I love the idea of a mini-draft. RAW needs a Main Eventer or 2. Moving Edge to RAW, Christian to SD (or RAW to work with Edge), and Regal to ECWWE.

My one gripe is the fact that this is coming with ABSOLUTELY NO ADVANCE WARNING. They will not get any new viewers by having this draft. Usually they give us a week to a month in order to hype it and get more viewers, but this is less then 5 hours.

Also, am I the only one who is sick of the current "draft style." Win a match, get a random pick. I would like to see the draft be more like the original draft, in which the GM (at that point they were owners) stood at a podium, and got whoever they want (except the Undisputed Champ and Womens Champ). Maybe let each GM make a list of 3-5 people who are "protected" from being drafted, this way you can have GMs protect who they want to keep, and make sure to not protect who they want to get rid of.
Would Christian do any better on Smackdown? He has lost the ECW title, lost a rematch to Dreamer, lost to the Hart Dynasty and then came up WAY short last night on PPV, he's in a slump and if he isn't getting it done on ECW he will have a tougher time against top tier talent on Smackdown and Raw. I love Christian, always have, but ne needs to find a way to get some big wins if he plans on making a splash on another brand, these ain't the easy rings of Totally Not Acceptable wrestling.
well captain cavendish, in order for christian to make a big splash he should be drafted to at least what is considered the "B" show, and then get some impressive wins. Christian is above everybody on ECW, and the only loss u mentioned that he lost clean in a singles match was against dreamer. Or do you not remember the 4 other people in the scramble math or the interference in his match against tyson kidd?
I don't really see them moving to many people from ECW right now, it's a thin roster as it is and if thye move Christian, Swagger, Dreamer, Henry and even Bourne, and didn't give them some big names in return, it wouldn't be good for ECW, so I can see some low-card to maybe some mid-card talent moving from ECW and a couple of Upper Mid-Card to even ME talents moving to ECW, and as for Smackdown and Raw I see a mid-card talent exchange to liven things up and perhaps some people move up into the ME. I see it beng good for the WWE, but not this major shake-up, just a little ripple.
i don't like the idea of this mini draft. i just hope they don't decide to move all the positives that smackdown has to raw for a quick ratings boost. most of the times they've done this,it's been a bust.
Cena to SmackDown please and thank-you. The man has nothing left to do on Raw. He's being left out of the title scene for no good reason to put over a feud people are tired of. He should have won the belt two weeks ago to freshen up the title scene and his coming feuds with Show, Miz, and Orton. However, Cena is now VERY much lost in the shuffle, which is not good for a top star like him. On SmackDown, however, he has fresh feuds with Punk, Mysterio, Ziggler, Morrison, and so on. Just get Edge off of SmackDown so Cena doesn't have to deal with him. We don't need another round of that feud.

Cena can't exactly mesh with the Smackdown roster, I feel. To me, it seems as if he can't exactly mix with the guys you mentioned. But to be honest, it'd be very interesting to watch. Especially Ziggler and Cena.

On this draft, however, I want to watch ECW get a few people traded with RAW. Let some of the veterans help out the young ones there. But all in all, I have a feeling Jericho and Edge will be involved in this draft. Maybe Creative wants them to feud with Hart Dynasty, I don't know.
I'm shocked it's 15 men getting traded! That's almost a full-fledged draft! Things could get very interesting. I think this will be a way to get guys back to Raw and make it the "A" show. This too me is such a bad idea. Smackdown! is the best it's ever been in my opinion, and there's some awesome things going on.
However, there isn't much going on right now on either brand if you think about it. Hardy vs. CM Punk could go one more PPV I guess, but what else is there? Mysterio has no real opponent now, and Edge/Jericho don't have any real challenges. The feuds on Raw are also very stale right now.

I want to see Christian and MVP go at it, which Christian coming to Raw. I would also like to see Finlay stay on ECW. I would send Kane to ECW and maybe even Big Show. But Raw will probably be getting some big guns tonight.
I say that this draft will help out alot for all 3 brands. But here are the 5 people I would move and to were they should go:

1. John Cena to SmackDown
2. Santino Marella to ECW
3. William Regal to ECW
4. Goldust to SmackDown
5. Jillian Hall to SmackDown

1. Jesse to ECW
2. Jimmy Wang Yang to ECW
3. Shelton Benjamin to Raw
4. Kane to Raw
5. The Great Khali to Raw

1. Christian to SmackDown
2. Jack Swagger to SmackDown
3. DJ Gabriel to Raw
4. Vladimir Kozlov to Raw
5. Evan Bourne to Raw
here is who i believe is going to each show.
Evan Bourne
Mark Henry

Big show
Dj Gabriel
Carlito (colons lost the title and i noticed some friction between them this would be a very wise move either carlito or primo)
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler (he's better than new ECW but he would dominate there)
The Brian Kendrick
The details of the trade have already been posted on

Gail Kim
Alicia Fox
Jack Swagger
Evan Bourne
Mark Henry

Matt Hardy
The Hart Dynasty

Shelton Benjamin
William Regal
Brie & Nikki Bella
Smackdown came out way ahead in this "draft". It's going to be fun to watch what the hart dynasty can do on smackdown, hopefully the bookers don't mess it up like they have with dynasty. On a side note, congrats Christian you are still stuck in ECW.

I love the fact that ECW basically got horse manure. Now the ECW Title picture consists of Dreamer, Christian, Hurricane, Regal, Benjamin, and ZACK FRIGGIN RYDER! WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT! Zack Ryder is the #3 heel right now (behind Regal and Banjamin).

I love the fact that ECW basically got horse manure. Now the ECW Title picture consists of Dreamer, Christian, Hurricane, Regal, Benjamin, and ZACK FRIGGIN RYDER! WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT! Zack Ryder is the #3 heel right now (behind Regal and Banjamin).

I think Zack Ryder might actually be a future star unlike I would have once believed. He has an annoying gimmick but that's the point, it's a lot like when MVP turned up on Smackdown minus all the free agent stuff. Odd note - I found it funny that recently Curt Hawkins was superstar of the day or week or whatever though he hasn't been on tv since before the draft; how much do you want to bet he'll be released before the end of the year? Sim Snuka anyone?

Basically Christian got screwed - I really believed, and obviously others did too, this would be the time that they'd finally move him to either Smackdown or RAW to fued with either of the Hardy's or Edge but no. Instead they basically use the entire gimmick of the mini-draft to just move people off of ECW that weren't Christian. How many wrestlers did ECW lose? Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Mark Henry, Finlay, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya - that's seven losses. Sure they gained William Regal, Shelton Benjamin, the Bella Twins (oooh back to ECW), and Goldust. Okay so literally 5 wrestlers but really how many are there...3, let's be honest none of us can tell the difference between the Bella Twins and Goldust is on a pay by show basis and probably won't be there a lot of the time.

Which show really benefited.... well both RAW and Smackdown. RAW only lost what 2 or 3 wrestlers (I can't remember which show Regal was on most recently I think it was RAW?). Smackdown gets Matt Hardy back to once again go after Jeff or go face and rejoin him probably, Finlay (who recently went heel), and the Hart Dynasty to fued with....who? The Colons?

I guess this is kinda exciting but let's be honest ECW seems to have gotten raped.

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