Miko acts like some kind of forum bigshot


Since I think it was unfair that my drunken reply was my last post on the matter I thought I'd make this friendly thread.

Slyfox696 said:
He called it extreme...just like I did when I first made the comparison. What the fuck are you babbling about?

"Extreme," that’s the word! In fairness I forgot you admitted it was extreme because when it was quite rightly ignored by the forum at large you couldn’t help but start saying crap like “well, no one’s addressed my post, (I am clearly about to exaggerate here, although feel free to post what you actually posted, its more or less the same) it must be the greatest post ever made in the history of wrestlezone. Look guys, I’ve flummoxed everyone, look at my e-cock, it’s so big and hard, it’s positively throbbing!”

I mean, why would you post an example that extreme and then try to force everyone to pay attention to it?... Unless... Were you looking for a fight?

Are you drunk now?

Hammered when I wrote that.

I take pride in my mechanicalness.

Well, somebody has to. Bet it goes down a treat in the day to day life.

As I am right now.

Clever, take a fraction of my quote and make a smarmy remark about it, well done.

This doesn't even make sense. And does "we all" consist of more than 3 people this time?

Well, if I’ve made one mistake it was speaking for everyone and hoping it’d work twice in a row. Regular faces aren’t exactly queueing up to face you these days, mainly because as I've seen pointed out its a ‘war of attrition.’ I’d also like to add its a battle of who can be a smug bastard for the longest, and who is the most desperate to get that last word, which even on this forum you’ll win 11 times out of 10, since there is no limit on the rollseyes or laughing smileys you can put in a thread.

Someone smart enough to know that you're still a moron and still don't get it?

You were better off leaving that one alone.

Then go back and read it again, and you'll understand why you are wrong this time.

I did re-read it, I still think it was stupid and should have been ignored by anybody with sense, the funny thing is, everybody did ignore it until you started being a smug bastard, and then it was only addressed by me and two others to point out it was wrong, JMT’s niceness notwithstanding, I guess I did actually have my wish all along. More fool me for not appreciating that from the start.

With this new thought process I must say that your thoughts on the matter are now irrelevant, any further replies from you on this subject may be met with the appropriate amount of smarm.


See that? That's me laughing at you for the sheer stupidity of what you have said. You misunderstand the example, you fail to acknowledge my concession from the very beginning it was "a rather extreme example" while then commenting how jmt said essentially the same thing, and you hold this grudge for 8 months. That's worthy of being laughed at.

See above, above my laughing smiley anyway, it was rightfully ignored or you were told it was wrong, JMT’s niceness notwithstanding. Your post was treated with the contempt it deserved, really that should have been enough for me sooner. *sigh*

The comparison was clear. JGlass said a situation where someone annoying was dead was funny. In Milenko's case, being dead during military service. I provided a similar example, in which the annoying child had cancer. In both cases, there is a legitimate possibility for death of someone who is annoying, so if you understand why making fun of the child is not funny and is wrong, you'll understand why doing the same to Milenko was not funny and was wrong.

The comparison was perfectly valid. The fact you didn't understand it is not something I can control.

Yeah, Milenko’s situation, totally likely. . .

Doesn’t matter now anyway, your post was ignored like it deserved to be, in fact we are only having this back and forth now because you were being such a smug, unlikeable twat back then. You should infract yourself for flame-baiting or trolling or something.

Please explain how it is wrong.

No point, the fact that you had to parade your post around the way you did before anybody gave you the time of day for it is enough for me.

Yes, mad. You've held a grudge for 8 months about a thread I likely forgot about after a week (if even that long). Yes, mad.

Oh wow, you forgot something, you are so cool. I forgot what I had for dinner last night, do I win World War Alzheimer’s or are you going to upstage me by forgetting what you had for lunch today?

Except that wasn't the joke.

The joke was that Milenko was dead, not that he poisoned his unit. You don't even understand what the conversation was about. Here's the words of JGlass:
Originally Posted by JGlass
Nobody is wishing death upon Milenko. The joke is that he is dead.
Are you done making a fool of yourself yet?

It’s fine, you admitted it was extreme early on, so no point explaining the rationale now. As I said, nobody even gave you the time of day until you started rubbing it in our faces, this is my fault for not being satisfied with the lack of reaction your silly provocation received in the first place. I am happy to call it a day at this point. Since you’ll obviously have to have the last word I shall await, scowling at the computer screen as I do so.

Provided you don’t close this thread after your inevitable reply full of rapier wit that will no doubt cut me in twain, lots of smileys and the usual Slyfox shenanigans. I think I’ll turn this thread into a motown tribute thread. Unless you strike gold with any reply I am not sure I will bother with it unless I think of some smarmy comment that amuses me enough or a picture I am looking at is particularly apt. Since you won't strike gold but will probably have to either reply anyway or lock the thread I'll just post a music video now shall I?

You can see the persons past name changes if you look under user notes, unless you're me and you've been here long enough that the forum doesn't remember your name changes.
I still don't understand why my name was dragged into this. Haven't I done enough to sully it?

Not the same person? Everyone needs to stop changing their name so damn much

Milenko and Miko were never the same person. Miko is cool. Milenko is not.

Not a good 24 hours for you on the forums, eh?
I still don't understand why my name was dragged into this. Haven't I done enough to sully it?

Milenko and Miko were never the same person. Miko is cool. Milenko is not.

Not a good 24 hours for you on the forums, eh?

Well, me and Moon Knight got over our problem with a simple mention of the Chicago Bulls. And Y 2 Jane told me that the more people I call out in the bar room the better lol (he really did say that though.) I do remember everyone hating Milienko especially when he was talking about his new job at Wal Mart and shit lol. Never met a Miko though
Oh good, you should trust Y2Jane He definitely doesn't want to watch you degrade himself for his own entertainment.

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