Mike Vick Released From Prison


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After two months his sentence will officially be up in two months and then he will be able to potentially be reinstated into the NFL. For argument's sake, let's say he's reinstated with no issue. My question is, what will he wind up doing? Will he ever be a starting QB again? Will he start at another position? Will he ever play another down?

I would think starting at QB again is a long shot. What people seem to overlook is that while VIck was very exciting, he wasn't the best QB in the league and he wasn't really close to it. He fumbled WAY too much and his passing was never the best. however, he was able to guide his team into the playoffs more than once. Is that enough to make him a QB again though? I would say no. I think Vick was too great of a natural athlete to just not give him a job somewhere, but not at QB. I could certainly see him as a running back or a receiver, but not at QB.

Your thoughts? Would you want Vick on your team, and if so at what position would you put him at?
Even though you didn’t bring it up in your post KB, I still want to bring this up since it is what’s being most discussed by people talking about the Michael Vick matter. And it pertains to whether or not Vick should be reinstated in the first place.

As one who owns two dogs and love them to death, and as one who has been a die-hard New Orleans Saints fan for as long I can remember, thus hating the Atlanta Falcons nearly my entire life and never liking Vick in the first place... even I have to say that Vick has served his time for his punishment and should definitely be given another shot to play in the NFL.

With that said, I do not want that motherfucker anywhere near my Saints. I heard Herman Edwards say the other day that being a back-up for Saints would be a perfect fit for both Vick and the team... and I completely disagree. While New Orleans does need an upgrade on their team in the back-up QB position, I don't want Vick, even as naturally talented as he is, to take that spot. It would just make the organization look bad, and I don't think he would mesh well with this type of squad.

However, with his talent and the fact that he has served his time like a man... Vick does deserve a job in the NFL, if a team is willing to give him one.

Do I think if reinstated he would ever be a starting QB again? Well, I really don’t know. I do think he will be given a chance, but it’s up to him whether or not he makes the most out of that chance. If he goes to a team whose QB’s are fighting for the starting position, or if he goes to a team where he would undoubtedly be second or third string… he will have a chance to show what he has in preseasons and if someone gets injured, which is highly probable in today’s league. I don’t think he’ll be offered the starting spot by any team at first, but I do think there will come a time where he will have a shot to show whether or not he’s still got it on the football, because before the incarceration, in my opinion, the dude was a top ten quarterback in the league. But I’m now not so sure, after this long, that he still has the type of talent he had before he went to prison.
Well if he is reinstated in the NFL & that's a huge IF right there, I think that with his talent & him still being relatively young for a QB(he's 29 years old) he either will be a starting QB for a shitty team like the Raiders or the 49ers, or with the Wildcat Offense emerging then I think he could be on a contending team as their QB for the Wildcat Offense(hopefully not the Cowboys). I think he definitely should be let back in the NFL cause he served his time like a man & I think that he paid his debt to society, but the thing is that what team is really willing to take the huge risk & backlash from all the animal lovers if that team actually gets his services? Those are questions that hopefully will be answered soometime in the near future.
Michael Vick will play in the NFL again. However he will definatly never play for the falcons again. If he is reinstated into the NFL I could see a team like the Jaguars or the Seahawks signing them as they have no real definitive QB. Will Vick be considered the elite player he was before? Hell no. He will forever now carry around baggage. People don`t take to kindly to animal cruelty. Especially not mans best friend.
I cant see Vick getting another job in the NFL, sorry I just dont think any team wants mass protests outside of their stadium. Besides, how weird would it be to have half of the home fans booing their starting QB! Then again, if a team does sign him, the attention will be horrible for the first season or two, then probably die down. Time heal all wounds when it comes to the media. There will be something else to draw the attention from Vick. That first year is going to be hell though.

Sheesh, Im rambling now!
Vick still has stock in some GM's minds but a lot of them won't say it publicly. I think if Goodell reinstates him it'll be a good two years before he gets back into football shape and he earns the respect of the players. I'm still a fan of Vick as an athlete but as a person I'll never respect him for what he did to those poor animals
Not that this really is an issue, but our judicial system is supposed to rehabilitate those members of society that make mistakes is it not? so why the fuck shouldn't michael vick, with sufficient time served and he better not try to buy a dog for a while, be able to do the job that he left before he served in prison. i hate to defend the guy, first off as an animal lover he's an ass, second as a football fan he is not a qb he's a running back with an arm. all that being said he'd be a perfect fit for the miami dolphins and their wildcat scheme. if goodell does indeed reinstate him this year and bill parcells gets a good enough "pitch" from his agent about 1. off field behavior 2. not having an ego about payment 3. be willing to be a team player first and worry about his position second
i could see him in miami. if not there san francisco could use a proven commodity as well as denver. so to sum it all up if mike vick is reinstated a team WILL pick him up.
Michael Vick has a place on a minor league football team if he can get reinstated by the NFL.

The Albany Firebirds to be exact. $200 a week and $50 bonus is he wins the game. Lulz. Oh, and he'd have to donate $100,000 to an animal shelter if he wants the position.

Honestly? I wouldn't want him back. He wasn't that good to begin with. If he does get a position with someone then give him a few years to develop his game. If he nails it, we'll all forget his dog fighting days.

But he definitely has a place on someone's team, even if it's an arena team for $200 a week. I'm personally rooting for a position on the Detroit Lions. Maybe they'll actually win a game then.
I'm shocked and quite pleased at the opinions I've read here. I keep hearing about PETA starting shit when it comes to Vick. I love animals, but can't PETA just rot and die?

They complain about everything, and they make me absolutely sick to my stomach.

That being said, Vic deserves another chance. He served his time, and even shelled out money to help the dogs he hurt. Personally, I think he should have just been heavily fined and given probation.

I am a dog lover. I think what he did was terrible, but jail? Look, a dog is a dog. he didn't hurt humans. He didn't kill anyone. Yes, he did cause animals to suffer, but, well, THEY'RE DOGS!

OJ Simpson can cut two people to ribbons, and he gets off. Why? More famous. Typical sickening, vile American judicial system.

I hope I don't offend any dog lovers, but things can be taken too far sometimes. You still have people who want this man jobless for the rest of his life.

Get over it! We had a President who caused thousands of soldiers to be slaughtered because of his lies, and he remains free in his Ranch. Get over it!!
I am pretty certain that Michael Vick will be reinstated with the NFL. And why not? He is a premier player at his position.

Besides, I don't hear coaches saying, "Man, that Michael Vick can run. He is awesome. But you can't win football games if you abuse dogs. No sir." Yes, the organization that signs him will get some heat. But these are separate issues, aren't they? Michael Vick, football player, is AWESOME. Michael Vick, human being, not too great of a dude for doing what he did to those poor animals. But I think that the NFL and the teams in general are going to be looking at his football skills more.
Did you see what Ronnie Brown did in the Wildcat offense? Could you imagine what kind of damage Michael Vick could do there? That would be so much fun to watch. I can see him ending up in Oakland or Tampa Bay. Why? Oakland always does stupid things. I am still convinced they have the worst owner in the history of the NFL. Tampa needs a quaterback.

Anyway, I love dogs and was appalled by what Michael Vick did. But, he served his time. It's that simple. He deserves another shot at life, just as anyone else would. He's a football player. Why shouldn't he get to work?

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