Mike Knox


The Lionheart
6 ft 6 in 293 lb age 31

Ok let me start by explaining why I listed his stats.
He's a big guy, he has a different look, and he's young (for a pro wrestler) His beard is more amazing than Jericho's used to be. For the size this guy is he is completely underutilized.

He debut with the relaunch of ECW, so he’s now been in the WWE for 3 solid years with no real push. Since moving to Smackdown he's barely had in TV Time. He had a decent feud with Rey Mysterio in the past year and was also featured in the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber at No Way Out (although we knew he wasn’t going to win) He’s also yet to hold any gold in the WWE.

While watching Smackdown from this past Friday I saw one of the most incredible moves ever by a guy his size. He did a full speed flying cross body into Rey Mysterio. It was fucking AMAZING. He's quick and powerful. (And his beard is awesome) I don’t get how in Vince’s I love big guys mind set he hasn’t pushed Mike Knox.

He's a fucking monster. He could have easily filled the void that Kane and Undertaker left while out of action over the past few months. He could have also been a great tag team partner to pair up with Chris Jericho. He could easily fill the void of a top tier heel on any WWE Brand. Id even take him in a tag team if it would get him more on air time.

My question is why is he not being used properly? If I was a writer I would have been pushing this guy to the moon and back. He's got the talent, and is a believable tough opponent for anyone he faces. They could feud him with Taker or Kane to give him that over the top push he needs. There’s so much that could be done with him, I hope he doesn’t get walking papers before he really has a chance to shine.
I love me some Mike Know. No, its not entirely because of the beard, but it doesn't hurt. I think the guy is good in the ring and has the ability to put on some good matches. But hi problem is that he has less than zero charisma. There is no way Mike Know willl get over the way he is now. He doesn't really make anybody care about his matches. He is just another monster big man who picks on the little guys of the WWe. Except this guy has an awesome beard.
El Beardo Uno hit the nail on the head. He has no charisma and he can't get over with the fans. Plus he barely if ever gets any time on the mic.
I use to think Mike Knox was a worthless piece of shit, but then I saw him live and in person, and man... the guy's an incredible wrestler. He tore the house down that night against CM Punk, and the people were just hating him. Ever since then, I became a fan.

The guy is big, intimidating, and can work. He definitely deserves a push, in my opinion. He might suck ass on the mic and his voice sounds NOTHING like you'd expect, but monsters don't need to speak. I say just keep him quiet, and push him as a monster heel. He could easily be WWE's version of Abyss, except less ******ed character wise. And that's high praise from me because I think Abyss is one of the best big men in the business, currently. Knox, in the ring, reminds me a lot of him, and I think WWE should start taking advantage of it, so 'Taker can have someone to feud with once he returns.
Good wrestler but a bit bland in character, just called 'monster' by commentators all the time with no real depth is my opinion on him really. His place in the World Championship Elimination Chamber, what were they thinking, they could have put way better people in there!!!! :)
One of the major problems with Mike Knox is he makes a guy like Mike Tyson sound manly. When Knox speaks, he seriously sounds like a girl !!! There's no way a man of that size and ugliness should sound more womanly than Santina did.

And that's why he'll never, ever... EVVVVVER (that's an old Jericho reference) be any thing bigger than he is now.

It doesn't matter what he looks like or how he wrestles, if he can't handle himself on the mic, there's no place for him in the upper tier of talent in Vince's opinion.

Personally, I think they should make him a crazy fucker, and have him act like he has someone living in his beard that controls his actions and talks to him. "Makng his way to the ring, from Tampa, Florida, accompanied by his beard which weighs in at 11 pounds, 293 pound, Mike Knox !!!" It could just work...
Heh, I guess. Knox never impressed me, so I think he's a worthless piece of shit lol. But yeah he is a great worker and mad in the ring. But he'll never be big. WWE is all about money making and hype. Thats why guys like Regal and Benjamin don't get the pushes they deserve.
He does seem like a good worker, but i can never like a person that doesn't cut a good promo. I know this is wrestling and it should be all about what happens in the ring, but we all know if not true. An average wrestling match is made good because of the story/the feud going on behind it. Good matches are made awesome, awesome matches are...well you get the point. If he is just gonna come out to the ring and grunt, he has gone as far as he can do in Wwe, which is a shame if he can work as well as your saying.

I always wonder why with people like Knox, Swagger, even Batista who constantly cock up promos because of poor mic skills, why they don't bring back managers. I'm not talking about valets I mean true mangers, a voice for the wrestlers. I'd love to see characters like Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Jim Cornet or Freddi Blassi back at ring side and cutting promos.
Yeah thats a good point, there defo are a few superstars who do terrible promo's where the acting is very recognisable, evan bourne for one, yet people still get behind superstars they like, a bit half and half i think with promos and ring performance.
I would love to see Knox get a decent push and don't understand why he hasn't. If it's simply because of mic work/voice, that doesn't make sense because WWE is currently pushing guys like Jack "Thawger" and John "I wear sunglasses so you don't see me reading the cue cards" Morrison. Then there's Mark Henry's never-ending push and he sucks on the mic AND in the ring. Plus, I don't really think Knox has been givin enough time on the mic to already decide he's bad. And if he is, like someone already mentioned, just give him a manager to do his talking. Or give him a tag partner like Kane. Or put him in a stable. Mic skills certainly help a superstar, but aren't always necessary.
how great would a knox v umaga feud have been?? these guys are both monsters and quick as hell. i really dont kno y the let go a talent like umaga.

i think he should be called the mountain man mike knox. it would give him some character and he could come to the ring with an axe!!! well maybe not an axe.

anyway hes is a great talent and a feud with undertaker or kane or anyone really would give him a good push. just not against some cruiserweight. y does the wwe think that putting rey with a 300 pound man is going to be a good match.
I've enjoyed watching Mike Knox for a while. I've seen the guy in person a few times and I've always been impressed with him. He's big, strong and fast and the guy is natural. He's just a big, thick powerful guy that doesn't look like a comic book character.

I've heard Knox on the mic maybe twice that I can think of, the guy really does have something of a feminine voice, but that doesn't necessarily have to hold him back. What holds him back is that the WWE has him a completely one dimensional, totally bland big man. However, I think that if the WWE wanted to, they could make him into the next Bruiser Brody. Knox is just as big as Brody was, more athletic overall and is a much better all around wrestler.
I agree with my beareded friend, the beard is only one of his great feature. I don't know about you guys, but having a monster win the title is only a distant memory. Maybe to end the monotony, have Knox in a feud for the title, and actually have him go over. That is a great transition player from one top face to another. If Edge comes back a face, have him beat Knox for the title. That way we have a new face, and a new full heel who can still be used. And with the surge in heels on the blue brand, it could work making Edge a face for a while.
Mike Knox has no character though which is problem every big man has a name. Big Show is worlds largest athlete. Henry - worlds strongest man. kane - big red machine. Knox needs a nickname or some sort of gimmick or he wont be lasting too long in my opinion.
I'm a Knox mark, and if they ever want to get him MEGA over, they have a chance whenever The Undertaker returns. All they have to do is give Knox a couple wins over the Dead Man, and it's instant credibility. Taker of course wins the feud (has he ever lost one?), to culminate at Survivor Series, and then you can give Knox a good showing in the Royal Rumble and a spot as one of the big men in Money in the Bank.

They had a great chance to get him over by pairing him with Jericho as Tag Team champion, but they missed that one.

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