Mike Kanellis: Get well soon


Staff member
After I read what going on with mike and his dependance to pain killers, I kinda feel bad for him. He just got his dream job with wwe, while the gimmick wasn't great, it was a start, but now, he kinda forced to take time off to take care of his own personal demons.

In a way, I'm happy that he came clean right instead of hiding it just so he could stay on tv. Now he taking care of it by entering rehab and let just hope that it will help him in his recovery. Also let hope that when he comes back to wwe if he comes back, that they will give him a chance to prove that he belong as an upper midcard talent because the guy is too talented to be wasted on the lower midcard.
I'm not saying I don't want him to get over his addiction, but he literally came out about his addiction just days after reports made the rounds about WWE being unhappy with him and his physique. It totally reeks of him trying to save his job.

The problem is Mike isn't that talented. He is passable both in ring and on the mic, but there is absolutely nothing he excels at, other than having an attractive wife. If he was talented, he would have found more success in smaller promotions before now, and he simply hasn't. If he didn't have Maria, he would have never been hired in the first place.
I wish him best of luck to get over his addictions.

That said, I don't find anything in Mike Kanellis that makes him worthy of a upper midcard position. He doesn't impress even a bit on mic or in the ring. The only thing I liked him from him when he feuded with Ethan Carter III. The latter actually made him somewhat credible.
hope he gets over his addiction and honestly, when he does, hopefully WWE does well by him and sends him and Maria to NXT and let them be built up before being on the main roster again. those two are very talented.
WWE just release an interview about mike's addiction. I'm hoping that they put this either on smackdown or on the network and it can help him in his career.
anyway, here the link to the interview


I caught this on Facebook a day or two ago, and it is really an interesting way of handling it on WWE's part. Maybe they are trying to build him as a sympathetic figure for when he returns, but for a company with a history of guys dying from ODing, this is a refreshing look at the addiction and struggle.
I'm always split when stories such as Mike's become public knowledge and are subsequently promoted in a sense.

On a personal level, I hope he gets better and potentially becomes the success story that seemingly everyone is hoping for. Considering the new-found emphasis on the dangers of opioid addiction in the media, perhaps that's what WWE is shooting for here by making Mike's story very public facing.

On a professional level, feel good stories like this are rather unfair to those who manage their careers without abusing drugs. What about the guys (or girls) working their hearts out, giving it their all to make it in WWE that doesn't include taking (let alone abusing) pain killers? Why should a guy like Mike get hot-shotted just because he messed up, got in over his head, and then got clean? Because it's topical?

This whole situation also makes me ponder WWE's so-called wellness policy. Mike didn't sign with WWE and then get hooked on pain killers. Like most drug problems, this was probably something that was brewing for months beforehand, possibly (probably?) years. I'd think that upon entry, WWE would've done a drug test on him and found opioids in his system. Perhaps they give incoming talent a "grace period" of sorts since what might be acceptable in other wrestling environments is likely not so in WWE for their full time talent.

In any case, I hope the guy gets better and is allowed to continue living out his dream. I just hope that upon his successful return, it's not at the expense of another hard-working talent simply because Mike has a topical, hot-button story.
I hope he recovers from his addiction and wish the best for him of course.

However he's just not that great in the ring. He's only there because of his hot (not so Asian) wife. NERD!

Okay enough with the stupid Gallows and Anderson references. The point is he should go back to NXT. I'm not sure why he didn't in the first place.

Maybe he can develop his in-ring skills and find some sort of personality or character. Because if he doesn't I don't see him lasting too much longer.
I hope he recovers from his addiction and wish the best for him of course.

However he's just not that great in the ring. He's only there because of his hot (not so Asian) wife. NERD!

Okay enough with the stupid Gallows and Anderson references. The point is he should go back to NXT. I'm not sure why he didn't in the first place.

Maybe he can develop his in-ring skills and find some sort of personality or character. Because if he doesn't I don't see him lasting too much longer.

I think like you said he should go back to NXT for now especially since Maria is pregnant and i think the reduce schedule would help them deal with everything. Then have him comeback when she'S ready to comeback and just let them do what they we're doing in TNA. The Miracle character was a really good character for him and he's great as a smarmy heel type character and Maria is even better as his manager plus when he's not handcuff by a dumb gimmick, he's pretty good in the ring from what i saw of him in TNA.

In the end, right now, i think he should just take time off and deal with his addiction and her pregnancy and when he's ready to comeback to work, send him to NXT for a while until they found something better for him on the main roster.

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