Mike Awesome's last feud


That's all folks.

This will probably be the last edition of my "...last feud" series.--and the honor goes to one of my favorite big men of all time. Mike Awesome. Awesome was a former ECW World Heavyweight and Tag Team Champion before signing to WCW while still ECW Champion. In WWE he held the Hardcore championship. Awesome is best known for being an athletic big man. Sometimes even doing high cross bodies and flying head first over the top rope onto guys half his size. Awesome was 6 ft 7in, and weighed in at 297 pounds. Very athleic wrestler. On Febuary 17, 2007, Michael "Mike Awesome" Lee Alfonso was found hanged in his house.

His death aside, Mike Awesome was a great in ring performer. Known too powerbomb his opponents from the top rope, Awesome was very dominate. He was 42 at the time of his death, now he'd be around 45 and probably would've considered or already have retired.

What I want to know, if Mike Awesome was still around today, and had never retired, who would you want his last feud to be with? One final send off. Can be anybody in TNA or anybody in WWE. This last edition of my series is NOT limited to current roster.

So lets have it...

-Who would you like to have seen Mike Awesome feud with for the very last time before he retired?

-Where would this match take place and what kind of send off would he receive?

im thinking with another good big man like taker or kane possibly and as far as the send off i dont know if it would be as good as he would deserve. he was totally awesome (no pun intended) in ECW and then bischoff and russo managed to kill him off in WCW--it was a shame.
While he could have been huge if used right, lets face it he wasn't that good. He was limited in the ring, bad on the mic, and often times looked confused. Heyman pushed him because he was running out of talent and Awesome had a bit of cred from FMW. It was cool to see him show up on Nitro, knowing he was still ECW champion, but that faded fast. Once the belt was off, which was a few days later, he was just another big man.

I have a friend who knew him personally. According to my friend he was a great guy. Wish things would have turned out better for him in the ring and in life.

I think that if Awesome was going to have a last match, it should have been against the man that many consider had the best matches with Awesome: Masato Tanaka. The two had some pretty sick matches from what I've been able to watch on YouTube and on the ECW One Night Stand PPV. In my mind, this match would have taken place at the TNA Hardcore Justice PPV earlier this year and it would have been billed as both Awesome's Final Match and The Final Encounter between Tanaka and Awesome.

The match would be an all out war where Tanaka and Awesome would do their usual insane spots. The final spot would have Awesome set up four stacked tables on the outside. Awesome and Tanaka would be fighting on the top turnbuckle trading near attempts to put the other through the tables until Awesome would nail a perched Tanaka with a steel chair to the neck, sternum, and back. Then, Awesome would Awesome Bomb Tanaka off the turnbuckles through the tables and pick up the victory. After the match, Awesome would pick up Tanaka and shake hands, giving fans a finality to the whole situation. Tanaka and Awesome would both walk to the back together while the fans give them a standing ovation. The End.
This is a tough 1 but i think i got 1. I dont kno if i can pick him but Kevin Steen, this guy is just mean and nasty to match Mike Awesome, This would be a "awesome" fued between 2 big bulls, Mike Awesome RIP
DiscipleofWrestling nailed it for me. One last run against Tanaka, a great build up and an insane match that only those two could put on at Hardcore Justice.

RIP Big Man
The obvious answer would be his most famous rival and the only person who he could pull Match Of The Night honors with, Masato Tanaka. They're like the Hardcore version of Austin vs. Rock. Either Tanaka or Abyss, simply for the fact both are big hardcore guys and it would be interesting to see what they could pull off together in a match.
You know, The Gladiator was one of my favourite wrestlers from FMW & ECW. As far as a last feud, I suppose there are a few that I would've liked (had Awesome still been in prime form) Like Barrett would've been a good feud. Test would've been a good matching for him as well..

But the thing is this, Awesome vs Tanaka at the first One Night Stand, I felt was probably the best send off for Awesome. It was closure/redemption for him. Let's face it, he was made to be a fool in WCW with that 1970's fat chick thriller gimmick. He got a final chance there to redeem himself for selling out ECW by trying to take the world title to Nitro. And he and Tanaka didn't let us down in that match!!!
In a perfect world, I'd say the Undertaker... on the assumption that Vince wouldn't turn it into the typical "native WWF/E wrestler squashes wrestler from that other promotion" type of scene.

Mike Awesome is the only guy I can think of off-hand who had the size and almost the same level of agility as the Undertaker. To see them both take to the air with some insane moves on each other would've been the highlights of the encounter. That's precisely the way WWE could have built Awesome up too... Undertaker has faced men as big and bigger than him, but at no time has he faced someone who matched him in both size and agility.

A steadily built-up feud that culminated at a Wrestlemania would've been best I think. I don't think Awesome should've gone over Taker and thus broken the streak, but he should've at least came close in what could've been a very competitive, hard-hitting, yet high flying matchup.
"Fat chick thriller" god, I'd forgotten that. It was funny.

Ok, for a final Mike Awesome match, here's my vote:

Mike Awesome vs the entire roster of wwecw in a streetfight. Oh my god!

He steadily drops curtain jerkers until there's maybe 6 left. Then suicide dive into 5 of them. Then bac to the ring for a bloodbath with Christian.

And he wins.

And there's a whole flock of big girls waiting at ringside to "nurse his wounds"

Ok, i'm probably the only one that likes that, but DAMN it'd be funny.
The obvious answer to this would be Masato Tanaka. It would be like if Raven or Tommy Dreamer retired, the perfect send off would be those 2 going at it, due to the history they have with each other.

However, if Mike was with us now, I could see a match with none other than The Pain himself, Brock Lesnar being literally AWESOME.

Both guys are big, mean, strong SOB's, with Lesnar being one of the few big men to be faster and more agile than Mike Awesome. However, with the strength of both Awesome and Lesnar we would be certain to see some phenomenal power moves:

F5 through the announcers tables
Awesome bomb from the ring apron through a table
Top rope awesome bomb on Brock
Maybe Lesnar could hit his double powerbomb on Awesome

etc etc

Basically, this match would be brutal, both men busted open after giving us the perfect example of powerhouse wrestling. That is a match I would pay to see, no question. I was originally going to suggest Goldberg, but Goldberg cannot sell and is most successful when booked as dominant.....and in my opinion noone should be dominating Big Mike

RIP Mike Awesome....a huge talent in my opinion....gone much too early
Also, I have another thought.....

What about Mike Awesome vs Sean O'Haire

O'Haire was big, in great shape and very good in the ring. Plus, with his Seanton Bomb finisher, he was another big man who could fly. While not as big as Awesome, O'Haire could fly and match power with most other heavyweights, and I would have loved to have seen him in a violent hardcore match against someone like Mike Awesome
How about Bradshaw, they are very similar in size, This would be a great fight between 2 big bulls, Im talking old Bradshaw not JBL. What id give to see this, RIP MIKE AWESOME.....You truly were AWESOME

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