midget abuse = instant heat


Occasional Pre-Show
Think about it. I was watching some hornswoggle clips over the years and whatnot and at one point i saw JBL gain some major heat by whipping his ass with a belt. so i was thinking to myself "this is the magic pill to immediate heel heat". i'm not talking like a comedy beating with the midget getting the upper hand, or someone coming to save him at the last second. i'm talking a brutal ass beating that would make the fans cringe. think of it like how someone attacks a normal sized dude and kicks his ass. The crowd boos and the assailant gains heat. If u beat up a midget in a more comedic fashion, then they build at most the same amt. of heat. so what if a heel beat up a midget the same way he'd beat up any other wrestler. The fans would be appalled. and that guy could bask in enough heat where booked right could make him a main-eventer

the guy who needs this imo is probably chavo he's in a good situation for it and if he destroys the little leprechaun it could put him on the right path of not JUST being a Guerrero but being a good heel. dare i say at an Eddie level

so my question to u is this

do u think this would work?

do u like this idea?

who do u think could use this kinda heat at the moment?
While I love the idea and (no matter how brutal the beating) would laugh my ass off, I don't think it'd quite work with Chavo.

JBL was perfect because when you looked at the guy, everything about him said bully. I can't really think of anyone at the moment who could look like a legitimate asshole while pounding on horny, but I think Finlay would look fantastic doing the job. Someone who doesn't look funny, isn't attractive, isn't ridiculously fat, and has that vicious like quality would fit the bill, I think. I think CM Punk could pull it off, but I don't know. It's pretty early and it's pretty hard to imagine, but I agree that pounding a midget can give a heel quality heat.
Are we forgetting The Miz? He pulled off what bookers can only dream of, shooting a midget with a T-Shirt gun. And what more? An OVER midget. this little guy was involved in a high profile storyline wit hthe likes of Mr McMahon. He's in the upper echelons of Stone Cold and Mick Foley. And The Miz shot him in the guts. Major heat.

It's the closest to child abuse we'll get this side of Eugene being pedigreed.
I really don't think anything could help Chavo (other than maybe giving Kerwin White another shot) so it would be a waste to use it on him. If they're gonna do it, they should use it on someone up-and-coming, not a veteran jobber. It would work perfectly for Sheamus since he already made comments about "not being the kind of Irish wrestler than dances with leprechauns". He's on a different brand but there could always be a trade or something and that could lead to a feud with Finlay.
Do you remember Chavo immitating Rey Mysterio and trying to do the 619? Yeah, I think Chavo is a lost cause (that's not even adding in all the embarrassment of practically jobbing to the guy on the Lucky Charms box). I mean, Chavo is kind of like the Pittsburgh Pirates; he comes from a town of winners but when it comes to him...

As for someone else? It could work ala JBL. However, I'm not sure if anyone really cares about Hornswoggle anymore. I know little kids are entertained by him, but the other fans may just see it as funny or be grateful if not done the right way.
Haha the poor midgets are always likely to be used this sort of way. I think it would be pretty good if someone wanted to get some real heat from the crowd. Someone mentioned CM Punk earlier? That would definately be interesting but it would need to be set up correctly to really get the heat that Punk would be looking for. I feel bad for Chavo so I would think it would be good for him to get to beat up swoggle atleast once and get out of this little feud. Can't think of any others really though...I guess Jericho and Big Show could come up while swoggle was in the ring and beat him up. Perhaps Chavo could align himself a little bit with the tag champs that way?? Just an idea...but then again you'd have to move chavo and swoggle over to smackdown...so maybe not but they do seem to move guys between rosters for random reasons neway.
do u think this would work?

You've got a problem with this theory. And that's that Chavo can actually garner and hold any sort of heat. The crowd simply doesn't care about Chavo Guerrero, and will most likely forget about Chavo completely trashing The Swoggle within two weeks. Unless the WWE repeatedly reminds us...which I'm sure they can do.

do u like this idea?

I'm not a fan. Mostly because The Swoggle is sold as a child leprechaun. Everyone will see it as Chavo beating up a child. There's a reason why the Hornswoggle feud is considered jobber hell. No one can really recover from or actually win it.

who do u think could use this kinda heat at the moment?

If you completely had to use this sort of maneuver to get heat, Chris Masters could do it. He could run in while Chavo is getting his ass beat and give The Swoggle the ole Masterlock Challenge. Swoggle passes out, and Masters/Chavo team up as Master Heat, or Latino Lock.
Yeah Razborback might be right here but also I don't think that many fans care too much for Hornswoggle either so it might not be able to generate that much heat when I think about it now lol. Oh well, they could try it still neway seeing as they could use Hornswoggle as "the weak little dude who can't defend himself". I'm not confident it would create too much heat but maybe if it was set up properly it could work to a certain extent perhaps.
I think they need to build Chavo back as a credable midcard compeditor. I mean, he is a good wrestler, but he does not have connection with the crowd. However, Henry wasn't getting too much of a reaction from the crowd untill recently, and Chavo is a better wrestler than him. I think he needs to crush Hornsgwoggle real soon. Then start winning again against people like Santino, Festus, and Primo and eventually fued with Kingston over the U.S. Title, maybe even win eventually. Even if he looses, those would be good matches and remind the crowd the Chavo is a good wrestler. He definetly needs to start by destroying Hornsgwaggle though.
I see a way to use this to help someone else finally get over. This will be a bit of a stretch, so bear with me for a moment here.

The man I see being able to get over with some serious heel heat is a second-generation star, a man who has held championship gold in the past, a man who is currently floundering in comedy storylines that are going absolutely nowhere, a man named...Dustin Runnels.

Let's set the scene. We all know that Goldust and Hornswaggle have been paired together for quite some time. We also know that little Horny has a fascination for the divas, and especially for their shower habits. So here's the scene. Some random diva, let's say Maryse, is in the shower, and gets surprised by Hornswaggle. She grabs a towel and runs out, dropping a wet rag in the process. Hornswaggle picks up the washrag and runs after her, rag in hand. Remember this, it will be important later.

In the ring, Chavo is in the midst of a match with a random jobber, who it is doesn't matter, when they are interrupted by the towel clad diva and washrag toting midget running to the ring ( know, that makes absolutely no logical sense, but when does a Hornswaggle bit make sense?) As Horny chase the diva into the ring, Chavo seizes the opportunity to take a cheap shot at his arch-rival (poor Chavo) and nails him with a diving elbow. The diva makes good her escape, and Chavo zeros in on Horny. The midget is looking terrifed, begging Chavo not to hurt him.

Cue Goldust's music. Goldust runs out to the ring, wig on, robe on and fully closed, for some odd reason that we will soon discover. He slides into the ring and Chavo bails out. Horny finally drops the wet washrag in the center of the ring as he claps excitedly for his friends intervention. We hear Chavo on the outside of the ring, screaming at Goldust. "You're a joke! Your wrestling's a joke! Your old man's a joke! You're nothing!" Yes, cheap steal from the Karate Kid.

Goldust stares Chavo down for a minute, then reaches for a microphone. The promo is the important part here. It starts out in classic Goldust style, with his over-the-top announcer voice, complete with stutters, but his voice slowly changes over the course of the promo.

"Y-y-y-ou're right, Ch-Ch-Chavo. I am a joke. My father is a hall of famer. My little brother is wrestling in main event matches alongside the future of the company, Randy Orton. And me? I wear a long blonde wig to the ring." With that, he rips the wig off and throws it into Chavo's face. The voice by now has started to lower, becoming more intense.

"I had to put this stupid robe on before I ran out to the ring to save my little buddy here, just to keep up with my normal image." With that, he rips off the robe, revealing a white t-shirt and jeans instead of the normal gold jumpsuit. Hornswaggle is looking at him with concern now. At this point, Goldust notices the washrag lying in the middle of the ring. He picks it up, stares at it for a moment.

"My father is a legend in this business. He is the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes, if you will, and me? I've allowed myself to be turned into a sideshow freak in gold makeup!" At this point, he starts rubbing his makeup off with the rag. Its important here that he does a pis-poor job, so that the makeup is now streaked and somewhat scary looking, his face a mishmash of black and gold with skin showing through.

"Well, no more! I am sick of being a sideshow freak! I'm sick of being a stuttering, comical, lovable buffoon! And most of all, I am sick of..." And at this point he turns and points at Hornswaggle, "You!!!"

Now, Hornswaggle looks scared again. Goldust throws the rag in the midget's face, then follows it with a big boot. He picks the midget up, throws him across the ring. He picks him up again, slams him down to the mat, and begins stomping away at the little guy. Chavo watches, laughing at first. The laughter quickly turns to horror, and he sells the attack as if it is a shoot, calling for officials. He climbs into the ring to try and stop the attack, only to get laid out by by Runnels (yes, by this point he is officially Dustin Runnels, not Goldust).

This not only turns Runnels, it also gives Chavo a chance to turn as well. By coming to Hornswaggles rescue, he seems like a hero, of sorts, and gets to be the first victim of the new, darker Runnels. If the beating is severe enough, it gets Hornswaggle off of tv for awhile. And Runnels has a new look. He plays the character as if he has totally lost his mind. He continues to wear the makeup, but now instead of a gold face with black highlights, carefully applied, it looks as if he just takes the paint in both hands and smears it on his face. He stops wearing the gold jumpsuit and just starts wrestling in jeans and t-shirts. And he displays a brutality he has never shown before.

Thats just my take on it though...
It still never ceases to amaze me that Cole and Lawler think it is funny to no end, whenever Hornswoggle goes on offense against someone like Chavo Guerrero. But make no mistake about it, the second Chavo or Hornswoggle's opponent gets in even a lick of offense, you would have thought they just committed bloody murder.

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