Mid card and Womens Division gaining more meaning?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
This is more than likely going to turn into wishful thinking, but I'd like to take the time to explain this.

For weeks now on Smackdown, we've seen backstage segments between Maria and Melina. Melina has been question Maria about Dolph Ziggler's love for her and whatnot. While, Maria seems to have no doubt at all in her mind for any of their love for each other. This can continue for a few more weeks, which will likely turn into a Maria heel turn to go with Ziggler's heel status.

With John Morrison recently winning the Intercontinental Championship and with Dolph Ziggler as the #1 contender, could we be seeing a reunion between John Morrison and Melina? If Maria turns heel by attacking Melina, with Ziggler rooting her on, we could see Morrison trying to even things up.

With that said, we could also add Michelle McCool and her Womens Championship to it when she heals. Her male partner could maybe be Drew McIntyre. Both of them seem to not like others and think they're better than everyone else and they both like to "ruin everyone's little party". And when Rey Mysterio returns, we could see Layla turn face and side with him.

This way we can see a 4-way fued over the Intercontinental Championship: John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Rey Mysterio. While seeing a 4-way fued over the Womens Championship: Michelle McCool vs. Maria vs. Melina vs. Layla. Add Natalya with Hart Dynasty and Eve with Cryme Tyme and it's interesting!

You'll have all the Smackdown divas involved in the Womens Title hunt, while adding more depth to the mid card title scene. What do you think? Feel free to bash me for this stupid idea, but please atleasttry to be nice.

Personally i have to say that I kinda like that. Now I love women's wrestling but pairing Layla with Rey? Excuse me but Layla would bring Rey down IMO. It makes some sense because Rey needs a rematch but I don't see it. And Rey is over enough to where he doesn't need a valet.

And what about Eve Torres and Natayla? They're aligned with Cryme Tyme and the Hart Dynasty, you could add one of the guys to the IC title chase and Eve or Natayla could go for the women's championship.
The mixing of male and female superstars on the SmackDown! has been great in bringing both attention to the mid card and women's divisions. Also there arent as near as many main event level superstars on SmackDown! to hog up all the time so everyone else has been able to get exposed and get time to shine. If Raw were able to follow SmackDown! in the way the show is ran, I garuantee Raw would be the better show of the 2. Until then, SmackDown! is the more dominant show.

I understand Natalya being with Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith and Eve with JTG and Shad, and even Maria being Dolph Zigglers girlfriend but I don't know if the method should be used for other superstars. I do like what SmackDown! has done and I hope that these 3 pairings and groupings work out and continue to grow.
Wow, I was just thinking, I read a forum on this site that Michelle kisses Dolph. Now, Think bout it. Maria vs. Mcool for the title, HOWEVER i can't see Maria as champion. Mcool retains, and then Melina vs. Laylaa. Melina wins so Melina Vs. Mcool for belt. Melina wins. Maria and Dolph team with Melina and Morrison, in four way mix match vs. Mcool Laylaa chris jericho and william regal. for both titles
Let me correct myself. It will end up Maria, Mcool, Laylaa and Melina fight for title. Chris, Morison, William Regal (Though he has nothing to do with this except dateing layla,) Dolph, for the intercontental title.

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