Mickie/Madison: What's Next?


Getting Noticed By Management
The one truly shocking thing (for me anyway) that came out of the TNA AAO last night was Madison beating Mickie in their Last Knockout Standing match. The one thing I was sure of going into the PPV was Mickie would win this match. She didn't and I was stunned. So what now? Madison has now beat Mickie on 2 straight PPV's. Can they sell another PPV match? With BP in volved in the Winter s/l, neither is in position to challenge Madison. IMO TNA needed to put the belt around Mickie and move on but they didn't sio what now? Any ideas as to why they didn't have Mickie win?
I'm with you that I expected it to happen as well, but at the same time I'm not complaining. Though I've always been a fan of Mickie James, she is boring as hell in TNA. She hardly even gets a reaction when she comes out. Women wrestlers have always gotten smaller reactions, but hers seems worse than ever. Part of it might be the whole "hardcore country" gimmick. I know it is for me. It just doesn't seem like something that would go well with the kind of audience that shows up in the iMPACT zone.

As far as where they'll go, they might be trying to build a long, decent feud. Because you're right, Angelina Love and BP are tied up with the Winter fiasco. Plus they have the tag belts so there's no real need to have the Knockout belt as well. And the knockouts don't get enough time on TV for them to not have Mickie, the BP and Madison/Tara, so where else would it go? Plus, what other decent face Knockouts do they have? It's entirely possible they feature the tag belts a little more with the WInter thing going on and Mickie James continuously does run-ins on Madison Rayne. They've made it obvious they're not afraid to have the women brawl.

Either way, like I said, I'm not complaining too much. Madison is one of the most over Knockouts on the show. Easily the best heel. And she's not exactly horrible to look at either. IF, this feud continues, I don't see Mickie without the belt after the next PPV though. They can only have so many matches where Mickie loses and they keep the feud going anyways. Another possibility is that they want Mickie to win it on free TV...
I really don't get why Mickie didn't walk away with the title last night, as the feud has built up for her would-be win perfectly up until Madison picked up the victory. Problem is, if Mickie is going to win it will require the feud to continue for yet another month of the same back-and-forth we've already seen over the last month considering this was the second (back-to-back) match they've had for the title.

Worse yet, if another KO gets involved in the picture, it's really going to look poor on Mickie's part if she has to pick it up in a three-way bout where Rayne may not even be pinned to lose. It'll make her look weak as though she couldn't have beaten Rayne on her own, so honestly I'm not sure what to make of all this...

Perhaps management feel she's better chasing, rather than winning a la Jeff Hardy?
I'm with you that I expected it to happen as well, but at the same time I'm not complaining. Though I've always been a fan of Mickie James, she is boring as hell in TNA. She hardly even gets a reaction when she comes out. Women wrestlers have always gotten smaller reactions, but hers seems worse than ever. Part of it might be the whole "hardcore country" gimmick. I know it is for me. It just doesn't seem like something that would go well with the kind of audience that shows up in the iMPACT zone.

IDA about her reaction. She seems to get the best reaction of any of the KO's along with the BP.

As far as where they'll go, they might be trying to build a long, decent feud. Because you're right, Angelina Love and BP are tied up with the Winter fiasco. Plus they have the tag belts so there's no real need to have the Knockout belt as well. And the knockouts don't get enough time on TV for them to not have Mickie, the BP and Madison/Tara, so where else would it go? Plus, what other decent face Knockouts do they have? It's entirely possible they feature the tag belts a little more with the WInter thing going on and Mickie James continuously does run-ins on Madison Rayne. They've made it obvious they're not afraid to have the women brawl.

The feud has already lasted too long IMO with Rayne getting wins on 2 straight PPV's. Dragging it out even more would be like beating a dead horse but then again this is TNA. You are right there are no faces available rifght now to feud with Madison whuich makes ner winning even more bizarre. mickie wins at theb POPV, wins the rematch on IMPACT and Sarita, whom they have built up in recent monbths, can step right in as the heel challenger to Mickie.

Either way, like I said, I'm not complaining too much. Madison is one of the most over Knockouts on the show. Easily the best heel. And she's not exactly horrible to look at either. IF, this feud continues, I don't see Mickie without the belt after the next PPV though. They can only have so many matches where Mickie loses and they keep the feud going anyways. Another possibility is that they want Mickie to win it on free TV...

Your right Madison is "not exactly horrible to look at" and that is a good thing but then again Mickie ain't that bad either. Okay shallowness over
I really don't get why Mickie didn't walk away with the title last night, as the feud has built up for her would-be win perfectly up until Madison picked up the victory. Problem is, if Mickie is going to win it will require the feud to continue for yet another month of the same back-and-forth we've already seen over the last month considering this was the second (back-to-back) match they've had for the title.

Not neccesarily. As I said in another post, MIckie wins at the PPV then wins the contracted rematch on IMPACT. rayne loses a #1 Contender match and feud ends.

Worse yet, if another KO gets involved in the picture, it's really going to look poor on Mickie's part if she has to pick it up in a three-way bout where Rayne may not even be pinned to lose. It'll make her look weak as though she couldn't have beaten Rayne on her own, so honestly I'm not sure what to make of all this...

Could that be the reason, to make Mickie look inferior? The whole TNA Knockouts are better than the Diva's?
I was quite shocked as well as I 100% thought that Mickie was walking out of AAO with the title but Madison retained.

The only thing left to do is either a ladder match for the the title or a Title vs Career match.

I don't mind which one they go for as they both are good but i'd prefer the ladder match.
I would have liked to have seen Mickie win, she has always been one of my favourite women's wrestlers ever since she was Alexis Laree years ago, but Madison is doing really well as the KO's champ right now, she has improved hugely over the last year or so.

I would like to see a storyline where Mickie takes the title, injuring Madison and putting her out for about a month, in which time Tara challenges Mickie, resurrecting their feud and guaranteeing us another series of great matches, with Tara coming out on top after Madison returns, screwing Mickie out of the title.

Then, Tara can feud with Angelina over the KO's title, and Madison and Mickie can end their feud once and for all in a stipulation match.

Plus, that will give us plenty of Tara on Impact, so its a win-win situation for everyone!
Plus, that will give us plenty of Tara on Impact, so its a win-win situation for everyone!

LMFAO How'd I know. This is exactly The Natural, But anyways, Tara not being on Impact is kina stupid. Madison and Mickie to me is stagnant. The BP's, been there done that. I'm pleased to see Sarita and Rosita (Divina Fly) come out, maybe that'll give the BP's something to do. But as far as the match, it was really good IMO, had its highs and lows but, the KO's division is growing on me. LMFAO, Natural man u crack me up sometimes man.
I was quite shocked as well as I 100% thought that Mickie was walking out of AAO with the title but Madison retained.

The only thing left to do is either a ladder match for the the title or a Title vs Career match.

I don't mind which one they go for as they both are good but i'd prefer the ladder match.

I could see this. Madison did this with Tara and Roxxi so why not? Or maybe at SACRIFICE?
Well, Tara's interference definitely helped Madison.... I think Mickie will try to eliminate Tara or turn the two against each other. I definitely see this going all the way to LockDown.
Ever since TNA broke her away from the BP's and put the title on her, Madison Rayne has begun coming into her own. Though I had my doubts initially, she's really becoming the top heel on the Knockouts roster in a slow, steady way. I like her look, her ring entrance, and even her theme. Having Mickie go over Madison for the title would've been pretty predictable and it probably would've crushed the latters slow and steady buildup. In any case, I was even expecting Rayne to lose especially considering the last man standing stipulation. Ultimately, I think it's good that Madison retained under dubious circumstances.

As for Mickie James, I'm not quite sure where she goes from here. One person may say "waste of talent, she should've won." Another may say "she rode in on her WWE credentials and going over Madison would've just been TNA making the same mistake they always do." I'm not sure who would be right or wrong in either of those opinions, but I almost feel better that Rayne retained the title rather than the predictable outcome of James winning it.

Also, Mickie James is a true talent in wrestling... regardless of what happens next, she'll be just fine.
I wouldn't mind if this continued till the next PPV (or the next BIG PPV) because it's been pretty good but still after a while people will get tired and the titles would have to change hands and be flung around a little.

I'm kind of hoping for a Winter/Mickie or Winter/Velvet or even Winter/Angelina... As you can see I think Winter will be in the KO title scene in the future... lol
This whole thing with Mickie and Madison seemed tailor-made for James. I thought this was the match she would walk out of with The Knock-Out's Title. I am surprised to say the least.

I am not sure why exactly, they are making Mickie wait. I guess they are trying to make it seem like she had to work harder in TNA to get their women's title, then she did in WWE. Or they feel like the right moment hasn't happened yet.

Maybe they really like Madison and want to keep her in the picture as long as they can. They seem to have a good opinion on Madison and maybe they are trying to use Mickie to get her the biggest rub she can, before Mickie finally dethrones her.
I think Madison hinted at it during their promo at the go-home show before Impact. She told Mickie to "just quit" during their verbal exchange, lest Madison continues to get the best of her time and time again. So now that Madison has gotten yet another victory over Mickie for the title, she has no reason to give Mickie another title shot. That is, unless Mickie puts something on the line as well, which i think they've absolutely been building to throughout this feud. And that would be Mickie James career.

Madison already "ended" the careers of Roxxi and Tara before bringing Tara back, so TNA would be wise to remember their history. Madison has the reputation of being the "career killer" before she took on this beauty queen persona. The only reason Madison should put the title on the line should be if Mickie is willing to sacrifice her career if Madison wins the match. And the match should be held under Madison's conditions, without Mickie having a say.

This would really add intrigue to what would otherwise be another predictable match between the two. Nobody knew that Roxxi had fallen out of favor with management when she lost her career ending match, and although unlikely, Mickie may have done the same. She's gone from being a big deal to just "another knockout", and fast. So adding that stipulation would certainly make the match intriguing, and I think its the only direction they can go from here to keep the feud intriguing.
I think Madison hinted at it during their promo at the go-home show before Impact. She told Mickie to "just quit" during their verbal exchange, lest Madison continues to get the best of her time and time again. So now that Madison has gotten yet another victory over Mickie for the title, she has no reason to give Mickie another title shot. That is, unless Mickie puts something on the line as well, which i think they've absolutely been building to throughout this feud. And that would be Mickie James career.

Madison already "ended" the careers of Roxxi and Tara before bringing Tara back, so TNA would be wise to remember their history. Madison has the reputation of being the "career killer" before she took on this beauty queen persona. The only reason Madison should put the title on the line should be if Mickie is willing to sacrifice her career if Madison wins the match. And the match should be held under Madison's conditions, without Mickie having a say.

This would really add intrigue to what would otherwise be another predictable match between the two. Nobody knew that Roxxi had fallen out of favor with management when she lost her career ending match, and although unlikely, Mickie may have done the same. She's gone from being a big deal to just "another knockout", and fast. So adding that stipulation would certainly make the match intriguing, and I think its the only direction they can go from here to keep the feud intriguing.

Yea tghe title versus career stip was mentioned earlier and once it was mentioned I thought it a good idea aqs to where it is going.
Something you said set off a bell. You said the next match, with Mickie's career on the line, should be under Madison's conditions. So given tara's continued interference, would/should Madison defend in a 2-on-1 handicap match? Just a thought
This is a hard one. I would have LOVED to see Mickie get the title. This boggles my mind why TNA seems to get on a roll at one point, then they have these stupid matches and have some of the most TALENTED and skilled KO's either in pud matches, or have them job out. You had the debacle with Angelina Love and her 'visa' issues and she disappeared and came back, then Tara laying down for Madison. I'm not doubting Madison's talent, but sooner or later karma has to come back and get her. I would think there's a better way of putting the belt around someone than career v title. Especially with a loaded glove gimmick. Call me old fashioned, but sooner or later, even Tara would get sick of being the puppet too, and want her moment in the spotlight. I just seem to go through these phases with TNA, especially in their ladies area. Sometimes they are either right on the money, and others it leaves me a little less than pleased. I am left thinking "Why not just go for plot B, it would be a better way to do this instead of what you are doing now?" But then again, I'm not creative and not being paid to write their shows. So I guess I have to wait this out.
Yea tghe title versus career stip was mentioned earlier and once it was mentioned I thought it a good idea aqs to where it is going.
Something you said set off a bell. You said the next match, with Mickie's career on the line, should be under Madison's conditions. So given tara's continued interference, would/should Madison defend in a 2-on-1 handicap match? Just a thought

A couple of things.

I don't read other posts other then the OP, until after I post. I didnt realize the career stip match had already been tossed up, but I digress....
I never said she should defend in a 2 on 1 handicap match, but I see what you're saying. The thing is, Madison doesn't OWE Mickie another title match. Last time I checked, interference and even the use of Brass Knuckles are legal in a last man(or knockout) standing match. So everything Madison did was within the rules.

So seeing that Madison doesn't owe Mickie another title match, she should be able to pick the stipulation. Remember Edge/Cena is 2006 at Unforgiven? Edge didn't OWE Cena another championship match, but he granted him one, under his conditions. It's actually silly to think that the champion shouldn't be able to hold all the cards, and pick the stipulations for this kind of match. They don't owe the challenger anything, to be perfectly honest.

A couple of things.

I don't read other posts other then the OP, until after I post. I didnt realize the career stip match had already been tossed up, but I digress....
I never said she should defend in a 2 on 1 handicap match, but I see what you're saying. The thing is, Madison doesn't OWE Mickie another title match. Last time I checked, interference and even the use of Brass Knuckles are legal in a last man(or knockout) standing match. So everything Madison did was within the rules.

So seeing that Madison doesn't owe Mickie another title match, she should be able to pick the stipulation. Remember Edge/Cena is 2006 at Unforgiven? Edge didn't OWE Cena another championship match, but he granted him one, under his conditions. It's actually silly to think that the champion shouldn't be able to hold all the cards, and pick the stipulations for this kind of match. They don't owe the challenger anything, to be perfectly honest.

I hope you don't think I was downplaying or in any other way trying to insult you forn mentioning the career vs title stip. That was not my intention at all. If it came across that way I apologize.

I am not sure A 2 ON 1 match would be the way to go but it plays into the cowardly champ Madison and stack the deck against Mickie thus her having 'no chance in hell' to win. Not sure what other kind of match/stip after a LAST KO STANDING
I was quite shocked as well as I 100% thought that Mickie was walking out of AAO with the title but Madison retained.

The only thing left to do is either a ladder match for the the title or a Title vs Career match.

I don't mind which one they go for as they both are good but i'd prefer the ladder match.

I agree totally, I am glad they are trying to get the stigma out of making all the WWE divas into their womans champ, but Mickie should have won. What about maybe Daffney? I mean she has seemed to have dissapeared!! and I hear ODB is back now too... so who knows.. anything can happen. I would really like to see a face Daffney chase the title and actualyl win it much more than having Mickie win ANOTHER title... (and I LOVE mickie by the way, I just want Daffney to win a title at least once already) heck daffney + Winter could be a crazy chick tag team against the BP... but then what about Madison Rayne and Mickie? I say go at it again for one more PPV then change direction.. MICKIE NEEDS to win the 3rd.
Well after last night I am even more confused with what is going on. the Madison/Mickie match receivd no talk at all from taz/Tenay and only got one vignette mostly hyping Madison's new open invitation. Mickie was nowhere around. The career stip that we discussed is being used in the Velvet/Sarita feud so that seems out. So what is next now? Where does Mickie fit now? Now more confused than ever
Well after last night I am even more confused with what is going on. the Madison/Mickie match receivd no talk at all from taz/Tenay and only got one vignette mostly hyping Madison's new open invitation. Mickie was nowhere around. The career stip that we discussed is being used in the Velvet/Sarita feud so that seems out. So what is next now? Where does Mickie fit now? Now more confused than ever

FFS why do TNA keep using the career stipulation. It completely ruins the whole point of it if it comes into play in a different feud every two months or so when noone actaully retires. Overuse breeds contempt and disinterest and will it add anything to the Velvet/Sarita feud? Not a chance
I'm shocked Mickie didn't win the Knockout title at Against All Odds either. It seem liked they had build it up perfectly for her to win there. I guess they want her to chase it for a while. But a last person standing match is usually a match that ends a feud so I wonder what kind of match she can have with Madison next. That is if Mickie even gets a rematch.
I'm shocked Mickie didn't win the Knockout title at Against All Odds either. It seem liked they had build it up perfectly for her to win there. I guess they want her to chase it for a while. But a last person standing match is usually a match that ends a feud so I wonder what kind of match she can have with Madison next. That is if Mickie even gets a rematch.

Yea I don't know where this feud goes from here if anywhere. It seems to be bead and with it Mickie is left with nowhere to go. Do not gt it at all.

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