Mickie James wins..then loses the women's title


EP Punk

OK, just to further prove that The Women's division is truly Raw's version of the Cruisers, WZ reported that Mickie James won, then lost the women's title within 4 matches today. How is the division supposed to be getting any respect, when the title is a hot potato, kind of like the US Title in WCW during it's dieing days.
What kind of B.S is this? How does that happen? Why would someone drop the belt and then win it back the same night? At a HOUSE SHOW NO LESS! This makes absolutely no sense and is making the Women's Title look like shit. If they're going to give Mickie the Title, then let her keep it. They better explain just what the hell this was for.
Yeah there wasn't much detail given in the report but everyone needs to calm down! I actually don't mind title changing hands and then going back to the original holder at house shows... it's a treat for the fans... just they gotta do it right and do it over more than one show, but between television tapings.

I don't know the story here so it's harder to comment, but I'm sure there was a storyline reason for it and who knows, they might explain it on tv, I hope so at least.
This is such crap as it has nopoint even if its a treat for the fans. Least if they were going to let Mickie win it least let her hold ont it for the night and go into Backlash with it. But giving it back to Melina later that night in another match just shows how WWE cares about its women division.

I mean Mickie winning is ok i'm cool with that but her losing it the same night sounds like some damn as WCW crap. I would like to know what was the point to this.
I don't think title changes at house shows count, I remember a while ago, Gunner Scott beat Gregory Helms for the CW title at a house show, but WWE didn't count it.

I'm guessing that only title changes on the shows that air on TV count, as House shows aren't taped or shown on TV. Thats probably why if Mickie won, they would have her lose the title right back, plus WWE.com didn't even accounce the win, as there is no indication of Melina ever losing the title.
Oh please. Changes hands one minute and then a few hours later, changes back. What is this? Monday Nitro all of a sudden where Sting won and then at the end of the night loses the belt BACK to DDP.
It is possible that Melina probably got some kind of minor injury, and then before the injury could get any worse, they made the smart decision to stop the match and give Mickie the win. I think something similar like this happened before when the champion was injured and had lost the belt to the challenger, it was announced on T.V. as such. So that could be what happened, and then upon receiving the news that Melina was OK to compete they had a rematch for the belt because Melina was "angry" about the outcome and used her rematch clause that night, treating the fans to a rematch right then and there, and then she won it back. I really don't pay attention to house shows because sometimes it really has nothing to do with the T.V. tapings. It is all about fans, and giving the fans something to remember, so most of the time, house shows sole purpose is to have the "did you see that" effect for the live audience, and not the public eye.
It's just the WWE's version of doing something 'shocking'. I really don't see the point though because it makes no sense to have something like this happen and not get any acknowledgement. It doesn't get more popularity for Mickie and I will be surprised if this is brought up as a title reign any time soon. You see it happen for the home town heroes, like Edge over Jeff Jarrett in Canada early in his career for the IC title, and Nunzio in Italy a year ago for the Cruiserweight title, but this doesn't add anything to their match at Backlash and had no point giving the title to Mickie in France anyway. It doesn't show much for the division if the title is thrown around like this at a house show, and I would like to see the reasons behind giving Mickie a title reign lasting an hour or less. Just like the days of the 24/7 rule, except stranger this time. Where were the reasons? Who knows?
I don't think title changes at house shows count, I remember a while ago, Gunner Scott beat Gregory Helms for the CW title at a house show, but WWE didn't count it.

I'm guessing that only title changes on the shows that air on TV count, as House shows aren't taped or shown on TV. Thats probably why if Mickie won, they would have her lose the title right back, plus WWE.com didn't even accounce the win, as there is no indication of Melina ever losing the title.

Thats to keep any confusion out of title histories. Few people see it and I don't think those are even taped, so that may cause some confusion if the title change even took place at all. So to prevent confusion the official title changes will only happen pn televised events. But I do remember one time the title changed hands and it was official. Just forget which title and when and who.
It was Juventud that lost the Cruiserweight Title to Nunzio in Italy, they do tape House shows to a degree because of the potential for great matches that they just let run. But this is weird that they do this for Mickie James Vs. Melina as it sort of undermines the entire purpose of having the Title match scheduled for PPV.
they should bring back the hardcore title and the 24/7 rule

i thought it was well funny

Back on topic.
really not that big a deal but i rekon it should count
Looking at WWE.com, it appears that they actually acknowledged the shortest women's title reign in history, which probably rules out the possibiity that it was a mistake that she won the title in the first place. I still just don't see the point in this reign though. Unless it was to get her to dual-reign status before
she takes that lengthy time off or so it has been said
without Melina's push being affected too much. I don't see what heat it adds to the match and it just seems another strange statistic. It could also have come down to the fact that they wanted to present house shows as meaningful and that this is a possibility for all house shows. Not likely in my opinion, just for international fans so it would seem.
So this weird title switch happens and then a day later WWE suspends a ref for 60 days..hmmm..

My conspiracy theory is that Chris Kay was the ref for the triple threat match where Mickie pinned Victoria. It was probably just supposed to be a false finish, but Kay screwed up, counted the full pin and called for the bell before he realized what happened. By then it was too late to restart that match without the crowd seeing that it was just a screw-up, so they did the next best thing and did the whole "i never got pinned and want my re-match right now" angle for Melina and had her win it back later that night. Kay's punishment for screwing up was the 60 day suspension.

Yes..Kay is a smackdown ref and these were Raw wrestlers..but maybe that is why he got confused about who was supposed to win.

Yes...60 days seems harsh for a relatively minor mistake, especially from a company that punishes destroying a hotel room with a fine and doing a couple of jobs...but it isn't outside the realm of possibility.. Maybe Vince (or whoever made the decision) was having a bad day when Kay screwed up and he became a scapegoat.

Conspiracy theories are great.
^ Dude if all your going to do is undermine the talent these women have and blatenly dissrepect them, then don't post on this thread

Most people think that all the womens divison is Tits and ass, but if you can't look past that and see the talent that some of these ladies have, granted WWE isn't the best reliable source to see what some of these women can do, then obviously you are really closed minded.

To add something else to this conversation, I think that title jumping, at least for the women, isn't nessesarily a bad thing. Right now, since their are only a limited number of Women who are able to fight for the title, and even less that are in the postiton to fight for it, I think that WWE should have a feud with 4 or 5 women, where the title changes every coulpe of months. Even though that seems kind of unnessary, I would rather see the title trade hands every few months between 4 or 5 women than see one woman hold it for so long. Many people may think that having the title jump around so often would make it worse, but I don't think thats the case. I think that by having the title change hands every once in a while would ensure that the division recieves more publicity, as more and more divas get involved, and the title would earn more prestige because at least it would be fought over, where as, at least for the womens division, a long term reign for a champion only decreases the prestige of the belt, because the title is not beening feuded over and would not recieve any attention. And those that would complain about seeing the same feuds over and over again, but thats partially WWE's fault, because their aren't very many women who can feud over and hold the belt, without endangering the integrity of the belt alltogether. If the wwe can hire more credible wrestlers, then the belt wouldn't have to undergo so many changes, but with only 5 or 6 women who are in a position to fight for it, I think that it is nessesary to change out the champ so often, mainly to keep interest in the belt, and to insure that the belt doesn't lose any more prestige by not having the champ defend enough times for people to take notice, so why I don't like the fact that Mickie won the belt at a house show, at least it says that the divison is still alive, and that WWE is at least trying to keep people intersted.
Right know the women's division is a joke!!! Mickie James and Victoria are solid wrestlers, but u over look them. The WWE hires Jazz just to turn around and fire her. Trish and Lita "retire" now all u have r bra and panties matches (I'M NOT MAD AT THAT), but this division should be way better than this. This makes what Moolah, Mae Young, Sherri and Wendi Ritcher wrestled for seem worthless.:farttorch:
yea just checked wwe.com title history and theres no record there so it was probably just for some cheap pop

It's there, Mickie James 3rd reign is official. It just took them some time to add it there, but it's there now and is recognized by the WWE. It may also be the shortest title run ever.

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