Mick Foley


Pre-Show Stalwart
Is it just me or has Mick Foley lost the star power he once had. The crowd didn't seem to pleased that he came out on Raw. Maybe because they were just expecting Austin and we disappointed he didn't come out. He also didn't get his usual cheap pop.
foley does the best interviews.....the best was

"there was a time when i did love ecw, when it was run by a visionary, a true creative genius....lets give it up for STEPHANIE MCMAHON.....LONG LIVE THE ALLIANCE>>>LONG LIVE THE ALLIANCE" in front of the ecw one night stand 2 crowd.....LMAO

too bad he wont be at wm23
He make's plenty of appearence's so that's probably the reason. When Austin & Hogan appear it's usually for a month or so avery 12 to 18 month's. Foley's around for three month's every year. Also he's just not as big a star.
The reason was is because he's around much more then Austin has been so noones really suprised to see him and people didnt know what to do since they were expecting to see Austin. Foleys still great though. Its good to have Austin and Foley back.
Foley is definitely great, but he's not as big of a star as Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, and others from that era.

Stone Cold hasn't been on WWE TV since October or November of 2005 I believe, whereas Foley was here less than 6 months ago. Stone Cold is also a very funny guy, so people enjoy seeing him come back to make people laugh. Not that Mick Foley isn't good on the mic, but he doesn't get reactions like Austin does, and never did in that matter.
Foley is definitely great, but he's not as big of a star as Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, and others from that era.

When was Foley ever considered by anyone to be as bigger star as Austin, Rock or Hogan? He always played second fiddle to them, however its fair to say that without the rub that Foley gave Triple H in 2000, that Triple H wouldn’t have the popularity he does today his feud with Foley put him on the map, and made him a credible champion.

I thought Foley got a huge pop, considering when he left last he was a Heel to have the sort of Triple H like turning power from being away for a few months is something that I think makes him one of the most over people they have right now. I don’t know if he’s going to be involved in Mania or not, but I think as he gets back to his old persona, the people will begin to warm to him more and more. I still think the pop he got was bigger than that of anyone that night, bar Austin of course.
Foley only didnt get as big a pop because the fans expected Austin. Its like when your mum goes to the shop and you expect her to buy you a Mars Bar and instead she returns with a Twix. Both are nice but your disapointed because its not what you expected.
Foley announced on ECW last night that he will be at WM 23 this year.
So expect him to be involved 1 way or another with the ECW 8 man tag.
Mick Foley is a shoe in for the HOF when he's time comes, but im pretty sure Austin will get there first and i bet when that happen JR will be the one to induct Austin
Foley is still a good superstar .. the reason he didn't get a huge pop from the fan's at both RAW and ECW is because he turned on Dreamer and joined Edge after WM 22. But since appearing on ECW I think that he'll get involved with the ECW Originals vs New Breed match up somehow. And if he doesn't I still think we'll see him a Mania someway or another, but he he doesn't show then we still have Stone Cold wich makes up for the loss.
Mick Foley is way better then stone cold steve austin.
I saw some black kid in the crowd booing Mick Foley on ECW, just because he was acting like a heel.
Randy orton is like the best wrestler but just because he is a heel, people throw ice at him.
Foley is definitely great, but he's not as big of a star as Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, and others from that era.

I wouldnt say that. I beleive he is right up there as a superstar with them. He was a big time superstar during the attitude era and had a lot of great fueds with other great superstars. He had a lot of matches he wrestled in that are always remembered like the Hell in the Cell match with The Undertaker. Austin is the biggest star out of all of them but I would still put Mick Foley in the discussion with those wrestlers as the WWE's biggest stars.
Foley doesn't wrestle much at all anymore and has lost his 'thing'.

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