Mick Foley...you idiot


Pre-Show Stalwart
First off let me say..this has nothing to do with his wrestling abilty..or lack there of..this is about that bolg he posted about some remark that Trips made about Lillian Garcia the week the wwe crew was trapped overseas..when he said lillian was horsing around backstage....

before Mick posted his blog did anyone else think twice about what he said? Like i had to go back on youtube and look up what he was talking about...Lillian probably had no idea what was going on til Mick opened his big mouth..now im not saying making fun of her was right..but she wouldve never knew about it if Mick didnt open his mouth and blog about it..

In all ways Mick made a small situation sooo much worse than it was..I bet now Lillians feelings are hurt but she didnt have to know what went on backstage....

So tell em your thoughts..should Mick have gone public, was it that big a deal to blog about it? Let me know your thoughts and viewe on the subject
Is Mick not allowed to defend a friend? That's simply what he was doing as he fealt bad that she was humilated on national television. WWE has always had a messed up way of treating thier talent before or after they leave. Lillian was with the company for (I believe) 10 years and comes back to help the WWE when they needed and then she gets made fun of on tv. And Mick is the one to blame? I don't think so. I'm sure Hunter and the rest of the boys thought it was harmless but I'm sure it bothered Lillian just as much as it did Mick and her other friends. They have done that far too many times to plenty of performers who didn't deserved to be treates as such including Lita and the ridiculous "ho sale" segment, as well as completely editing Victoria's farewell speech. And people wonder why Lita doesn't do more for WWE. I sure as hell wouldn't either.
It's not really that big of a deal to be honest with you. I don't mean the joke or Foley's blog, but the situation as a whole. HHH told an inside joke on live TV which no one got until it was reported on various wrestling news sites. Disrepectful? I guess a little. Is it a big deal? Nope. Foley seemingly took offense and decided to respond. Is that a big deal? No again. He was just voicing his opinion, which is something that seems to happen alot on the internet these days. Lilian probably would have found out anyway because it was being widely reported on the net, including the WZ main page I believe. Foley certainly hasn't made this situation "sooo much worse" because it isn't a big deal at all.
First of all, I read on three different websites what this inside joke was all about days before the Mick Foley blog. So, I'm sure Lillian had heard something. And who's to say she didn't know what it meant before HHH actually said it?

Even if Foley did let the cat out of the bag, I think it's good for Lillian to know. If she didn't know before Foley's blog just how big of an asshole HHH is, she does now. And my guess is this will really make her think about doing another WWE appearance in the future, as it should.

Hunter is a jackass. What a horrible thing to do. Why? That's the real question. Why did he feel the need to even mention such a thing on tv? I don't get it. It's really not that funny. Who is he to poke fun at how someone looks with that gigantic nose resting above his mouth? Poking fun at women about the way they look usually hurts them a lot more than it does a guy.

I just think it was terrible, and it really gives a glimpse into what Hunter is like as a person. You hear from time to time that he's a dick...well, here's your proof. He made fun of a woman who has no stroke within the company, no way to fight back. Awesome Hunter, you're a big, bad man.
Is Triple H really the one to blame? Or is it Lawler? From what I understand, HHH refferenced her "nickname". It was Jerry who did the horse sound over the broadcast set. The thing is that Triple H pulled a string and Jerry Lawler reacted to it with no hesitation. If Foley should be mad at anybody it should be at Jerry Lawler for following Triple H's joke.
Is Triple H really the one to blame? Or is it Lawler? From what I understand, HHH refferenced her "nickname". It was Jerry who did the horse sound over the broadcast set. The thing is that Triple H pulled a string and Jerry Lawler reacted to it with no hesitation. If Foley should be mad at anybody it should be at Jerry Lawler for following Triple H's joke.

Is Triple H really the one to blame? Yes. If he hadn't made the idiotic joke, King would have had nothing to follow up on. But, I do agree that King is an idiot, but no more so than Triple H.

What Triple H did was just straight up uncalled for. What an asshole move. The woman comes back to lend a helping hand (and get a paycheck, I'm sure), and she gets made fun of for looking like a horse? My whole point is, there was no need for the joke. It was juvenille, and stupid. The crowd didn't know what he was talking about, he was doing it for his buddies in the back. Just seems a bit childish for a man in his 40's, with children no less.
First off let me say..this has nothing to do with his wrestling abilty..or lack there of..this is about that bolg he posted about some remark that Trips made about Lillian Garcia the week the wwe crew was trapped overseas..when he said lillian was horsing around backstage....

before Mick posted his blog did anyone else think twice about what he said? Like i had to go back on youtube and look up what he was talking about...Lillian probably had no idea what was going on til Mick opened his big mouth..now im not saying making fun of her was right..but she wouldve never knew about it if Mick didnt open his mouth and blog about it..

In all ways Mick made a small situation sooo much worse than it was..I bet now Lillians feelings are hurt but she didnt have to know what went on backstage....

So tell em your thoughts..should Mick have gone public, was it that big a deal to blog about it? Let me know your thoughts and viewe on the subject

First off I find it laughable that Toucan Sam is making fun of anybody's facial features, but let's be honest, while Lilian may not have "known" outright it was an obvious joke that I got even whilst sitting at home watching knowing nothing prior. To think that Lilian was and would continue to be in the dark is probably a bit naïve.
Second it probably was of little positive benefit for anyone, least of all Mick, to go public on the issue. I wouldn't say he was an idiot, but it didn't accomplish much of anything, beyond making it more known that Trips is still a juvenile "humorist" always willing to make himself laugh at the expense of others. But really, who didn't already know that or get that feeling about him? All Mick is doing then is saying publicly "I know" and now in case there was any doubt "we all know".
If anything though he could have just saved it for his next book...
This thread is silly, theres no reason at all to blame Mick for sticking up for a friend. To blame Hunter or Jerry, yes thats fair enough, but there were stories about the inside joke on the internet well before Mick made a blog. Look through the WZ archives, it was on here beforehand.
Foley, at least to me, has always had a gentleman complex. Where he needs to be the savior, he needs to be guy who sticks up for people. Not because it's the right thing to do but because he needs to be that guy. This only strengthens my feelings on him. Not to mention I've met the man in real life and he wasn't nearly as cool as I thought he was as a kid.

Triple H is a douche. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It's not like somebody discovered Michael Hayes secret hip hop collection. This is a wide known fact. Whether you hate the man for it or not is a different story. Either way, there's nothing you can really do about it. Foley felt the need to insert himself into the situation and potentially made it into more than it would have been otherwise. It's said and done and unless the can hop into Jeff Hardy's drug induced time machine, there's no taking it back. I doubt we will ever hear what Hunter has to say about it so it's pretty much dead in the water, as it should be.

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