Michael Vick Indicted

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RICHMOND, Va. -- NFL star Michael Vick was indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday on charges of sponsoring a dogfighting operation so grisly the losers either died in the pit or sometimes were electrocuted, drowned, hanged or shot.

The Atlanta Falcons quarterback and three others were charged with competitive dogfighting, procuring and training pit bulls for fighting and conducting the enterprise across state lines.

The operation was named "Bad Newz Kennels," according to the indictment, and the dogs were housed, trained and fought at a property owned by Vick in Surry County, Va.

Vick and the other three defendants will appear in district court in Richmond on July 26.

Vick, Purnell Peace, Tony Taylor and Quanis Phillips will appear before a magistrate judge, Dennis Dohnal, at 3:30 p.m. for bond and at 4 p.m. in front of Judge Henry Hudson for arraignment.

The 19-page federal indictment, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, alleges the 27-year-old Vick and his co-defendants began the dogfighting operation in early 2001, the former Virginia Tech star's rookie year with the Falcons.

The indictment states that dogs fought to the death -- or close to it.

If convicted, Vick and the others could face up to six years in prison, $350,000 in fines and restitution.

Telephone messages left at the offices and home of Vick's attorney, Larry Woodward, were not returned. A woman who answered the phone at the home of Vick's mother said "no comment" and hung up.

"We are disappointed that Michael Vick has put himself in a position where a federal grand jury has returned an indictment against him," NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said.

"The activities alleged are cruel, degrading and illegal. Michael Vick's guilt has not yet been proven, and we believe that all concerned should allow the legal process to determine the facts."

Vick and the Falcons are scheduled to report to training camp on July 25.

"Obviously, we are disturbed by today's news," the team said in a statement posted on its Web site, apologizing to fans for the negative publicity.

"We will do the right thing for our club as the legal process plays out. We have a season to prepare for," it said.

John Goodwin of the Humane Society said the manner in which losing or unwilling dogs were killed was especially troubling.

Michael Vick's House

AP Photo/Steve Helber

State and federal officials load coolers of evidence into a truck as they search the grounds behind a home owned by Michael Vick in Smithfield, Va., on July 6.

"Some of the grisly details in these filings shocked even me, and I'm a person who faces this stuff every day," he said. "I was surprised to see that they were killing dogs by hanging them and one dog was killed by slamming it to the ground. Those are extremely violent methods of execution -- they're unnecessary and just sick."

Vick and the others are accused of "knowingly sponsoring and exhibiting an animal fighting venture" and conducting a business enterprise involving gambling, as well as buying, transporting and receiving dogs for the purposes of an animal fighting venture.

About eight young dogs were put to death at the Surry County home after they were found not ready to fight in April 2007, the indictment said. They were killed "by hanging, drowning and/or slamming at least one dog's body to the ground."

The indictment also outlined a rough chronology:

• In March 2003, after a pit bull from Bad Newz Kennels lost in a fight, it said Peace consulted with Vick about the losing dog's condition, then executed it by wetting it with water and electrocuting it;

• In March 2003, after two Bad Newz Kennels dog lost fights to dogs owned by a cooperating witness, it alleged that Vick retrieved a bag containing $23,000 and gave it to the owner of the winning dogs. One of the fights had a $20,000 purse;

• In the fall of 2003, a person witnessing a dog fight involving one of the dogs trained by Bad Newz Kennels incurred the ire of another cooperating witness by yelling out Vick's name in front of the crowd during the fight.

It also said that after establishing Bad Newz Kennels in early 2002, Vick and the others obtained shirts and headbands promoting their affiliation with the kennel.

After a police raid on the property in April, Vick said he was rarely at the house, had no idea it may have been used in a criminal enterprise. He blamed family members for taking advantage of his generosity.

On Vick's Web site, he lists his birthplace as Newport News, "a.k.a. BadNews."

Purses for the fights ranged from hundreds of dollars to the thousands, and participants and spectators placed side bets, the document said.

Local authorities have been investigating the allegations since the April 25 drug raid at the property Vick owned. On June 7, officials with the Department of Agriculture executed their own search warrant and found the remains of seven dogs.

Surry County prosecutor Gerald G. Poindexter said he didn't know of the indictment before it was filed, and said he's not sure how the county will continue its case.

At the start, authorities seized 66 dogs, including 55 pit bulls, and equipment commonly used in dogfighting. About half the dogs were tethered to car axles with heavy chains that allowed the dogs to get close to each other, but not to have contact -- an arrangement typical for fighting dogs, according to the search warrant affidavit.

The indictment said dogfights were held at the Virginia property and dog owners brought animals from six states, including New York and Texas.

In a search warrant executed July 6, the government said the fights usually occurred late at night or in the early morning and would last several hours.

Before fights, participating dogs of the same sex would be weighed and bathed, according to the filings. Opposing dogs would be washed to remove any poison or narcotic placed on the dog's coat that could affect the other dog's performance.

Sometimes, dogs weren't fed to "make it more hungry for the other dog," it said.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

Now usually 95% of people that get indicted by the feds are gulity. Now I have no idea what Michael Vic wa sthinking but this is no way a professional athlete should carry themeselves. I'm not saying his guilty or not but anyway you look if he decides to sit people will say he guilty or he not and putting his time an effort to his life and if he plays people be like he dont care or hes trying to live his life. There no way Vick can please anyone and personally he has runied his carrer.

So thoughts?
If this is true, which is about 99.9% positive that it is, Michael Vick should be suspended from football, forever. Christ I mean did you read the things they said he's done? Hanging dogs, shooting dogs, burying dogs, beating dogs, electrocuting dogs, drowning dogs? That's fucking disgusting. Honestly, I hope Vick gets sent to jail and is ass-raped for the next 6 monthes of his life. Then he should be suspended from football.

Besides, he's not even a quarterback, he's a runningback in disguise and everyone knows this. Man can't throw for shit.
Ok... Since I'm not too far away from where Vick was born and raised ( 30 miles) and not to far away from where the house was and stuff (60 miles) I want to speak on this stuff.. Becasue there are something I hear in the media that are wrong.

First being the kennel Vick had was called Bad Newz Kennels.. Now the name just isn't to be a badass or to show his dogs are better than everyone elses. Bad Newz is where Vick and his friends were from. The place is actually called Newport News. It is a very crime ridden place and it is dominated by the projects. It is a rough neighbrohood and thats why it is called Bad Newz..

Secnd being I heard somewhere that dog fighting isn't big around the area.. Well I don't know who said it but I beg to differ. Dog fighting around the area is pretty big. I was watching something on the local media and a guy from the SPCA came on and said about 40% of Pitbulls he gets in they have to put to sleep becasue of alot of wounds from dog fighting.

Now with thoes couple things said. Vick has alot of shit on his plate. Virginia is a very very tough place on crime and he has to go see the feds in Richmond he is in deep shit. Also he is going to have local charges filed against him too. SO either way he is going to get in trouble somewhere. I think Vick is going to see some time in jail point blank. So we'll see what happen I mean Virginia is the only state I know where you can get a wreckless driving ticket for not using your turn signal and get a 1,500 fine.. Thats just how tough Virginia is on crime.
Michael Vick has a special spot in hell reserved for him. Honestly, anyone that enjoys this shit is a sick fucker and deserves to rot for that.

What pisses me off, and I hate to bring race into it, but apparently it already has. The African-American community, probably in all fairness, a vocal minority, is pissed about this. They feel that if this was Peyton Manning doing this, no one would care, that is fucking ludicrous. This is the same shit with OJ. They just want to see someone get over on the man, no matter how much damning evidence there is against the person. People refuse to see the facts and only see the color of skin, which is horseshit.

There are two things you don't mess with in this country. You can rape, or kill an adult, and chances are, someone somewhere is willing to forgive you or give you a second change. If you fuck with peoples animals or kids, you fuck with everyone. People in this country have a heavy connection with animals, and Mike Vick is fucked as far as his image.

The great thing about it, the Feds are involved. The Feds win 95% of their fucking cases. They don't indite unless they know they are going to win. And the best part is, Mike Vick is facing a Mandatory minimum of two years in the slam, non negotiable. If he takes a plea deal, it's two years minimum, six years maximum.

I hope the fucker rots, and when him and Marcus are sitting on the stoop in some slum somewhere without a penny to their fucking names, I hope they finally realize how they pissed away everything, and they only have themselves to blame.

Mike Vick, rot in hell you no good bastard.
I just came across this... just stunning.

I just came across this... just stunning.


^lets try to cool ourselves there ok as he hasn't been proving guilty ok? k

Well from what see today Reebok has pulled all their Vick stuff as well Nike suspending its deal with Vick as pulling off his stuff out of stores as well. Even NFLshop.com pull anything Vick related off. From the looks of it looks like Vick days as a media sponsor are numbered even if he is innocent as something that involves animals is too much for most consumers and people of the world. I think its a smart thing by these companies as they need to distance themselves far from Vick to look good.

But from what the charges look like it looks like Vick could be headed to jail

^ My hometown... That is just stunning.. I wonder what happened to that pit bull in the picture..

Anyway, Vick has one foot in the frying pan now. One of his "boys" took a guilty plea and that means he will supposedly took a plea bargin. SO the only way Vick has a chance is if the guy sells out the other couple guys involved and covers for Vick.

I also want to say a few things about this. I'm a dog person and I think dog fighting is a henious act and just something that is grizzly. I don't want to come across as defedning Vick but there has been some other stuff that happened with other players who should have gotten into equal or more trouble. Such as Jamal Lewis setting up cocaine deals.. He got what 3 months in jail.. Bullshit he is selling drugs should have gotten more time. Ray Lewis being tried for murder, I don't know if he did it but I feel like he skated way to easy. I just think that some people need to re-evaluate some things
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