Michael Vick Has Me Struggling


Lord And Master
Staff member
I don't even pay that much attention to football. I've heard the stories. Micheal Vick and his involvement in dogfights. He's not important to me. My issue is with what he's brought attention to:

Before I get to the point of the list above, I'd like to first address what I know about them. For one, I don't know much about dogfights aside from the obvious. It's illegal everywhere. I get that. Dog is called man's best friend. He should be treated as such.

As for cockfighting, wow. This is a pretty big part of our culture. I remember back in the day, cockfights coming on TV after Carlos Colon's WWC every Saturday. I remember watching my grampa be so proud of the roosters he raised and the trophies he won. I also remember the huge "gallera's" filling up to see the fights.

Here' comes the cold water for me. Like I said above, cockfighting followed pro wrestling. In one show, you had animals mutilating each other to near death for the amusement and gain of others. Before that, you had essentially, the same thing. Except, it's people. Men hitting each other with heavy blows. Whether it's your fist or a chair. At the end of the day, it be dumb to say they are OK. And it's all done for our amusement.

You could say, the animals don't know any better. But is that really the case? Did Triple H stop wrestling as soon as he tore his quad the first or second time? Did Rey Mysterio have surgery for his torn pec as soon as it tore back in early 2008? Didn't TNA just have an angle where Mr. Anderson was wrestling under post-concussion syndrome? They know better. That doesn't seem to stop them, though. They continue to mutilate themselves for our amusement. Just like the animals.

In MMA too. Lesnar's face was an absolute mess after his match with Velasquez. Of course that's not the first time we see something like that. Not even close to the 3000th time. It's endless. We aren't all that different from animals, are we? Hell, I think we are worse. They act on pure instinct. They don't know any better. But we do. But that doesn't seem to stop us.

What's the point I'm trying to make? I don't really know. Are animal instincts superior to the human mind? Is the ability of rational thought not all it's cracked up to be? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen a dog kill his "mate" and pups because he found his mate with another dog. I've seen it out of people though. When a rhino goes on a rampage and stomps on anything in it's way, it's defending itself. I can't say the same for some kid who picks up a machine gun and goes on his own rampage.

What are your thoughts?
I totally see where you are coming from with this, but there's a difference between our daily lives filled with violence and animal fighting. Long story short, in situations involving animal fights, animals don't really ever have a choice in the matter. They aren't fighting for a living in the same sense. They don't get money out of it (or at least, the money they win doesn't do them any good). They don't chose that life for themselves. They are raised to be violent and harmful, and when they don't serve that purpose any longer they usually have to be put down.

Hunter and Brock and all the others do what they do for money and for fame. Animals have no use for either of these things; only their owners/trainers do. Two guys beating the shit out of each with a variety of weapons in mock combat may appear to be the same as two animals ripping each other to shreds, but it's not. When, for example, Triple H started showing signs of losing his "edge", he was promoted to executive management, not taken out back and killed.

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