Michael Vick - Crimes Forgotten or Forgiven?


Michael Vick was running a dog-fighting operation in his Virginia home. He brutally killed over 60 dogs, by drowning, electrocution, gunshot, and by forcefully slamming their heads into the ground. He not only forced dogs to fight, but if they lost, he hung them. The dogs we often starved, neglected, beaten, and shown no love or mercy. Michael Vick vigorously denied his involvement, lying to all his fans, supporters, and to the world. When the evidence was stacked against him, he plead the fifth, and admitted his crime. Vick was sentenced to 23 months in prison, of which he served two in home confinement. Vick has since apologized for his actions, acknowledging how wrong he was and saying that he would do everything he could to show that he is changed. He's been doing volunteer work with the humane society, and has set up a foundation to combat animal cruelty. Roger Goodell met with Vick to evaluate him, and it's been rumored that he is preparing to reinstate him, but watch him closely. If Vick messes up again, he's done. A recent poll by ESPN asked fans what Commissioner Goodell should do. A surprising 59.8% wanted him reinstated immediately.

Have we forgotten the evil acts that Michael Vick committed? He was being crucified by the fans and the media alike, three years ago. No one ever wanted to see Vick play another NFL game. Now, 60% of America wants to see him reinstated immediately, and unconditionally? I'm sorry, but Vick has more to prove to me. Saying sorry once you're caught, or when you have something to gain doesn't cut it for me. I'm okay with him being given a second chance, but I would watch him like a hawk. What are your thoughts?
Due to his incredible popularity, for whatever reason. They'll be forgotten not only by the fans, but Goddell as well. Which is a shame.

I understand the whole "served your time" BS people throw out there, but playing in the NFL is a privilege and when you fuck up and take advantage of it they way Michael Vick did, you should prove you really have changed, talking and doing are completely different things. You should keep serving out your NFL punishment for it via indefinite suspension, not this 4 games horseshit. He can have a second chance, but it shouldn't be anytime soon.
I personally don't want him to be let back into the NFL. But everyone knows he will be, celebs for whatever reason it may be seem to always get off on insane fucking things. He'll be playing football again, that's a definite. He will definitely be watched, definitely be allowed lesser freedom then before, and he won't be as popular or rich as before, but there's no doubts in my minds that Michael Vick will play another down of football.
Vick was in jail for 2 years and he has missed two NFL seasons. What he did was horrible but other players have done worse and gotten much less for a punishment. Leonard Little who at the time was DE for the Rams killed a women while driving drunk. He killed a human being and only got an 8 game suspension after serving only 90 days in jail.

I'm not going to sit here and try to make a bunch of excuses for Vick but he had been fighting dogs in some form since he was 8 years old. He didn't come from the best neighborhood and this was just something they did to pass the time. As a kid he was never told that it was a bad thing. Now Vick is a big boy and he should have realized eventually that what he was doing was wrong, but he paid his debt to society and he should get a second chance.
Vick was in jail for 2 years and he has missed two NFL seasons. What he did was horrible but other players have done worse and gotten much less for a punishment. Leonard Little who at the time was DE for the Rams killed a women while driving drunk. He killed a human being and only got an 8 game suspension.

Under Paul Tagliabue, who was never known as much of a disciplinarian. We aren't going to the same thing happen with Donte Stallworth, since it looks like he's getting suspended for the entire season.

As a kid he was never told that it was a bad thing. Now Vick is a big boy and he should have realized eventually that what he was doing was wrong, but he paid his debt to society and he should get a second chance.

1. Vick wasn't a kid. He was a 27 year old man. He had 9 years to grow up.

2. He's paid for his crime off the field as a citizen, now he needs to pay for it as a player which would be continuing his indefinite suspension for another 8-10 games or so IMO.
Vick was in jail for 2 years and he has missed two NFL seasons. What he did was horrible but other players have done worse and gotten much less for a punishment. Leonard Little who at the time was DE for the Rams killed a women while driving drunk. He killed a human being and only got an 8 game suspension.

I'm not going to sit here and try to make a bunch of excuses for Vick but he had been fighting dogs in some form since he was 8 years old. He didn't come from the best neighborhood and this was just something they did to pass the time. As a kid he was never told that it was a bad thing. Now Vick is a big boy and he should have realized eventually that what he was doing was wrong, but he paid his debt to society and he should get a second chance.

You beat me to what I was going to say. There are guys who have either had a part in people dying, like Leonard Little, or in the case of Ray Lewis, been accused of murder and little to nothing has happened to them. I love dogs, don't get me wrong, but I would consider it crazy for him to get punished more than someone like Little. It was a fact of life in the town he lived in. If the man is truly sorry for what he did and understands it was wrong, I think that everyone deserves a second chance.
Goodell is completely different. One of his main goals was tightening up on the discipline of NFL players, which I completely agree with. If he's got any balls whatsoever, he'll continue this suspension and give Vick awhile to show through actions that he really has changed. I'm ok with him getting a second chance if he does that. But him getting off the hook with a measly 4 games is bogus.
1. Vick wasn't a kid. He was a 27 year old man. He had 9 years to grow up.

2. He's paid for his crime off the field as a citizen, now he needs to pay for it as a player which would be continuing his indefinite suspension for another 8-10 games or so IMO.

1. I agree with that and because he didn't grow up he got 23 months in prison.

2. I don't agree with this. While he was paying for it as a citizen, he was paying for it as a player at the same time. He missed 2 full NFL seasons. He lost $20 million from his signing bonus with the contract he signed in 2004. He also lost $26 million in salary from the 2 years he missed not to mention all the endorsements he lost. So overall he lost well over $50 million. What's another 4-8 game suspension going to do?
1. I agree with that and because he didn't grow up he got 23 months in prison.

Which was well deserved.

I should also point out here, just to dismiss what might seem hypocritical to anyone that Donte Stallworth getting only 30 days after committing murder due to being drunk and high and not even fully serving it out is by far one of the biggest piles of Clydesdale horseshit I've seen in my entire life, an absolute abomination that garbage was. Pathetic. An absolute goddamn joke this justice system is.

2. I don't agree with this. While he was paying for it as a citizen, he was paying for it as a player at the same time. He missed 2 full NFL seasons. He lost $20 million from his signing bonus with the contract he signed in 2004. He also lost $26 million in salary from the 2 years he missed not to mention all the endorsements he lost. So overall he lost well over $50 million. What's another 4-8 game suspension going to do?

First of all, 4-8 is too little. Anywhere from 8 to 10 to 12 is more like it then I'd keep an eye on him.

But to prove that he really has changed. That's the entire point. Vick can talk all he wants, but before I'm going to give him the opportunity to play in my league again, I'd want him to prove it. Vick has always been quiet an arrogant, troubled figure, he needs to shape up. 23 months in prison should have done that. But you never know with people nowadays especially ones that are as mentally fucked up as Mike Vick obviously is/was. It all boils down to getting paid to play football is a privilege. Any other human being working under someone would never step foot in that place again. Mike Vick is lucky we're even talking about an extra few games suspension and not a lifetime banning from the league.

All that money, and time on the field was lost because his actions were beyond pathetic. He happened to serve both for the same in your opinion because he happened to be stuck behind a cell for 2 years. I disagree, he still hasn't fully served it as a player.
Michael Vick has been conditionally reinstated to the NFL, and is able to play come October. He can sign with a team and immediately begin workouts and training camp with the team. The good commissioner is going to decide whether to fully reinstate Vick in week 6 of the season.


What a roller-coaster this has been. Over three years we've followed this story, and it's nearing the end. Vick has a chance at redemption, and I hope for the sake of he and his fans that he doesn't screw up. If he's changed, we'll know soon enough. I'm willing to withhold judgment for a while.

So, who's he gonna play for?
You beat me to what I was going to say. There are guys who have either had a part in people dying, like Leonard Little, or in the case of Ray Lewis, been accused of murder and little to nothing has happened to them. I love dogs, don't get me wrong, but I would consider it crazy for him to get punished more than someone like Little. It was a fact of life in the town he lived in. If the man is truly sorry for what he did and understands it was wrong, I think that everyone deserves a second chance.

All of those guys you mentioned and the others who have done worse that Vick, should have been punished worse than Vick, but they weren't because the head honcho's didn't thought the pitiful punishments handed down were enough, but this is a different time with a different head honcho, who has decided to crack down on all the bullshit, so yes Vick got punished hard and rightfully so, and if those others were doing those things now, they would be punished harder than Vick. Michael Vick deserves everything that has happened to him, however I believe in second chances, I believe he should have the chance to redeem himself, so why not let him play ball while he is doing so? By doing so, it'll really show if he has changed, cause he knows if he wants to continue to play, he has to shape up, if he doesn't, he's done period.

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