Michael Jackson - The Most Controversial Musician Of All Time.

Smooth Sexual Chocolate

Grapefruits of Wrath
Michael Joseph Jackson, also known as the “King of Pop”, recognized by the Guinness book of world records as the most successful performer of all time, as well as the most award winning musician in the history of music. A two-time Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee and owner of the most success album of all time in Thriller; though this isn’t about his success as a musician, but about the many controversies that surrounded him throughout his career and even into his death.

Though his career wasn’t filled with controversy in its early years, it definitely where it all began. At the Age off five Jackson began performing with the Jackson 5, and it’s widely known that he received beatings on a regular basis from his father Joe Jackson, as revealed in a 1992 interview with Oprah at Neverland Ranch, though the extant of these beatings and the “abuse” he took from his father is not completely known, it clearly had a lasting effect on the Michal Jackson that most of us are familiar with.

In January of 1984 an event occurred that would forever change Michael Jackson, and the snowball of controversy would slowly start to garner a little speed. While filming a Pepsi commercial with the rest of the Jackson 5 Michael’s hair caught fire from a pyrotechnic accident and he received second degree burns to his scalp and forehead. This accident led to the multiple plastic surgeries trying to cover up scar tissue on his head, and forever changing the face that so many fell in love with. This event also led to the supposed skin bleaching making him almost unrecognizable, though in 1993 he proclaimed he suffered from vitiligo and lupus, a condition that lightens the skin over time. Still there is much speculation as to what really went on with the color of his skin.

Here is a before and after picture of the late Michael Jackson.


Now, it wasn’t until 1993 that the Michael Jackson ball of controversy really started to pick up some speed. This was his first, that’s right the FIRST of multiple child molestation charges that brought against Michael Jackson. The police end up invading Neverland Ranch while Jackson is touring overseas, and his tour is prematurely cut short due to “dehydration”. Though he was able to settle out of court this time around, his image took a big hit.

So what’s the best way to clear up a child molesting image, well how about marrying the daughter of the King of Rock and Roll. That’s right, in 1994 he married Lisa Marie Presley. This union was a shock to almost everyone, and many questioned just what was really going on there. They ended up splitting after 19 months, though they made it longer than most people thought. How about you just take a look at the video evidence, this was just another one of those awkward moments that made people question what the hell was going on.

Jackson managed to lay pretty low over the next few years, but he still managed his fare share of controversy over that time. He married a nurse by the name of Debbie Rowe, and gave birth to his first son Prince Michael Jackson, and then his first daughter Paris Michael Katherine before splitting from Rowe in 1999. In 2002 is second son Prince Michael II is born, and Michael Jackson infamously holds the baby over a balcony in Germany creating even more controversy for himself.

By the time 2003 rolls around Jackson is merely a character of his old self, and this is where Jackson hits rock bottom. In November 2003 Jackson was charged with seven counts of child molestation, and he was forced to surrender to the Santa Barbra sheriff’s department, this after allowing a British film crew to live with Michael and record very private at home footage, including holding hands and discussing sleeping arrangements with a young boy. Though in the end Jackson managed to dodge all seven counts of molestation, while family and fans alike celebrated the Jackson victory outside the courthouse.

Financial problems plagued Jackson in his final years of life, and because of this he was forced to close down the infamous Neverland Ranch. During this time Jackson moved from America to Bahrain, but he still kept on performing and recording. He was scheduled for a comeback tour in July of 09, but suffered a cardiac arrest, and dying at the age of 50 on June 25th, 2009. Though even in his death the controversy still remained, as the death was ruled a homicide, and Jackson doctor was charged with the murder, though he denied those charges.

So to me, it’s clear that Michael Jackson, perhaps the most successful recording artist of all time, is also the most controversial as well. While I know other have committed far worse acts, nobody was able to maintain their fame amongst all the controversy, and its clear there has never been a more successful, recognizable figure that has compiled so much controversy and yet managed to still stay in the hearts of all his fans, and that in itself is controversial.
Michael Jackson was only "controversial" because of accusations made in his personal life; it had nothing to do with his music.

The fact that this round was titled 'Most Controversial Musician', I would imagine the judges were looking for controversy surrounding the actual music recorded, not what the artist were accused of participating in, in their personal lives. Michael Jackson never recorded ANYTHING controversial. Had he actually sung about the things he was accused of... then yeah, you'd have a point. But since he kept his music and personal life separate, I feel you cannot call him a controversial MUSICIAN. Was he controversial? Sure, but he it had absolutely nothing to do with his music.
Michael Jackson was only "controversial" because of accusations made in his personal life; it had nothing to do with his music.

The fact that this round was titled 'Most Controversial Musician', I would imagine the judges were looking for controversy surrounding the actual music recorded, not what the artist were accused of participating in, in their personal lives. Michael Jackson never recorded ANYTHING controversial. Had he actually sung about the things he was accused of... then yeah, you'd have a point. But since he kept his music and personal life separate, I feel you cannot call him a controversial MUSICIAN. Was he controversial? Sure, but he it had absolutely nothing to do with his music.

A musician, by definition is : a composer, conductor, or performer of music.

The word musician has nothing to do with the music, but rather refers to the artist themselves and that they play or compose some kind of music, and under that common definition of the word musician he more that fits the criteria. Sure most of his music wasn't controversial, but the question wasn't name an artist that produces controversial music, it was to choose a controversial musician, and that I did.
A musician, by definition is : a composer, conductor, or performer of music.

The word musician has nothing to do with the music, but rather refers to the artist themselves and that they play or compose some kind of music, and under that common definition of the word musician he more that fits the criteria. Sure most of his music wasn't controversial, but the question wasn't name an artist that produces controversial music, it was to choose a controversial musician, and that I did.

By your definition then, there are at least ten musicians more controversial than Michael Jackson. Let's list them:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: A wayward and impudent cunt who decided he wanted to make operas in German about brothels.

Kurt Cobain: Bipolar heroin addict who blew his brains out with a shotgun.

John Lennon: Ex-pop star who decided to fuck over his band for an Asian chick who couldn't sing for shit. Also, they released an album with them embracing naked on the cover.

Marvin Gaye: Drug addict whose own dad shot his ass and killed him.

GG Allin: Shit himself on stage on a regular basis, was addicted to almost every drug known to man, and would regularly assault concert attendees.

Sid Vicious - Woke up, found his girlfriend dead, went to jail for it, got released on bail, overdosed on heroin whilst celebrating the fact that he'd made bail.

Madonna - Acted like a ho on and offstage in the early part of her career, wore a weird-ass bra, and still acts like a ho even though no one finds her old ass attractive anymore.

Marilyn Manson - Weird fucking cunt whose grandfather had a padlocked basement with a workbench chock full of *****s (or so his autobiography says).

David Bowie - Don't know much about his personal life, but he's even more androgynous than Marilyn Manson, so you know he has to be one weird dude.

ODB - Liked to cash his welfare checks even after he made it big with the Wu Tang clan.
By your definition then, there are at least ten musicians more controversial than Michael Jackson. Let's list them:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: A wayward and impudent cunt who decided he wanted to make operas in German about brothels.

Kurt Cobain: Bipolar heroin addict who blew his brains out with a shotgun.

John Lennon: Ex-pop star who decided to fuck over his band for an Asian chick who couldn't sing for shit. Also, they released an album with them embracing naked on the cover.

Marvin Gaye: Drug addict whose own dad shot his ass and killed him.

GG Allin: Shit himself on stage on a regular basis, was addicted to almost every drug known to man, and would regularly assault concert attendees.

Sid Vicious - Woke up, found his girlfriend dead, went to jail for it, got released on bail, overdosed on heroin whilst celebrating the fact that he'd made bail.

Madonna - Acted like a ho on and offstage in the early part of her career, wore a weird-ass bra, and still acts like a ho even though no one finds her old ass attractive anymore.

Marilyn Manson - Weird fucking cunt whose grandfather had a padlocked basement with a workbench chock full of *****s (or so his autobiography says).

David Bowie - Don't know much about his personal life, but he's even more androgynous than Marilyn Manson, so you know he has to be one weird dude.

ODB - Liked to cash his welfare checks even after he made it big with the Wu Tang clan.

Let me make this clear, this is not my definition, this is THE DEFINITION.

The question wasn't name an artist who has made the most controversial music, the question was name the most controversial musician.

Musician simply refers to the fact that the person either composes or preforms music in one way or another. So a controversial musician would be somebody who plays or composes music that led a controversial life-style. If the question was posed differently than you might have something, but in no way does the question reference anything about having to be just controversial music.

As for your list of ten.

Michael Jackson:

- Forced to preform from the age of 5, was beaten otherwise.
- Went from Black to White
- Multiple plastic surgery's changing his face beyond recognition
- King of pop marries daughter of King of Rock and Roll
- Enjoyed sleeping with little boys " in a non sexual way"
- Dangled his baby out of a window
- Twice brought up on molestation charges
- Believed himself to be Peter Pan
- Addicted to sleeping medication
- Died of cardiac arrest due to drug overdose, currently being ruled a homicide, which means the most famous and successful musician of all time was murdered (poisoned)

This list is way more controversial than any of the ten that you listed, and I'm not saying you didn't list some controversial musicians, but none of them compile the list of controversial events like Michael Jackson.
Based on the music alone, I couldn't argue against the choice much at all.

But it's a bit of a baffling choice to me in terms of the debate. What makes it, is that he didnt ever know he was being controversial (maybe the second court case brough it home but still....).

Now you could argue that fact makes it worse and more suitable for this debate but I am not sure. Manson has created his career out of his incredible shock rock persona. NWA damn near created gang wars with their lyrics & Eminem has changed rap forever; lyrically, with his songs, on stage performances and the videos.

Jackson didn't do this. It is a credit to his incredible musical talent that his music should be the dominant factor of his legacy.
Based on the music alone, I couldn't argue against the choice much at all.

But it's a bit of a baffling choice to me in terms of the debate. What makes it, is that he didnt ever know he was being controversial (maybe the second court case brough it home but still....).

Now you could argue that fact makes it worse and more suitable for this debate but I am not sure. Manson has created his career out of his incredible shock rock persona. NWA damn near created gang wars with their lyrics & Eminem has changed rap forever; lyrically, with his songs, on stage performances and the videos.

Jackson didn't do this. It is a credit to his incredible musical talent that his music should be the dominant factor of his legacy.

Fact is, you can't bring up the name Michael Jackson without bringing up the controversy associated with that name.

While Jackson was never really intentionally controversial, he was still extremely controversial none the less. The fact that he thought sleeping with little boys "in a non-sexual manner" was a perfectly acceptable thing to do is way more controversial than rapping about controversial subject matters. Jackson lived a controversial life, he didn't have to sing about it.

If the question was name an artist who produced the most controversial music than I would picked someone else in a heart beat; but that's not the question at hand. The question was to pick a controversial musician, meaning that music was their career in one way or another, and that they led some sort of controversial lifestyle or had controversial events take place during their musical career. In no way does the question ask for the most controversial music, that just seems to be the overall assumption, and that assumption is dead wrong.

On top of that, this is also not about being the most influential, as I see everybody referring to how the artist they chose had great influences. Fact is, Michael Jackson had a bigger influence than all the other selected musicians combined, but again, in no way does the question ask about who was the most influential, this is strictly about the most controversial musician. While NWA and Eminem may have changed the rap game, that's actually quite irrelevant to the topic, because this isn't about influence, if it was about influence I could say that Michael Jackson, being part of the Jackson 5 was the first ever black group to record a number one hit, making it possible for a group like NWA to succeed in the first place.
I have to respect the post Numbers made here. The major thing that differentiates Michael Jackson from the likes of Eminem, Manson, and NWA was that Jackson was controversial in everything except for his music. The music he wrote and performed wasn't nearly as inflammatory of combustable as the other three - though many of the topics were very real and inspired.

Jackson's role as a controversial figure stems from what he did outside of the realm of music. His family life. Marrying Pricilla. The child molestation. The skin color. Etc. His music was like the escape from the controversy, whereas with a band like NWA the only way to escape was to censor the music itself.

On the other hand, if the question were to describe the most controversial athlete of all time and someone said OJ Simpson, it would make sense despite now he was never controversial as a football player - it was all off the field stuff that led to OJ's controversy. So maybe I'm not sure how I feel yet, but I'd love to see SSC reply to this concern...
I have to respect the post Numbers made here. The major thing that differentiates Michael Jackson from the likes of Eminem, Manson, and NWA was that Jackson was controversial in everything except for his music. The music he wrote and performed wasn't nearly as inflammatory of combustable as the other three - though many of the topics were very real and inspired.

Jackson's role as a controversial figure stems from what he did outside of the realm of music. His family life. Marrying Pricilla. The child molestation. The skin color. Etc. His music was like the escape from the controversy, whereas with a band like NWA the only way to escape was to censor the music itself.

On the other hand, if the question were to describe the most controversial athlete of all time and someone said OJ Simpson, it would make sense despite now he was never controversial as a football player - it was all off the field stuff that led to OJ's controversy. So maybe I'm not sure how I feel yet, but I'd love to see SSC reply to this concern...

Well this is not much of a concern for me, as I've said, if the question was posed differently, I would have chosen a different artist.

Your OJ analogy is a perfect example of how it fits the criteria, as the question was posed most controversial musician. Meaning that they are first and foremost a musician, secondly meaning that they are controversial in one way or another. It doesn't make a difference how the musician was controversial, as long as the said musician was controversial, and as we all know Michael Jackson led a very controversial life.

Perhaps this is just another example of my outside the box thinking, or just my interpretation of the question.

Now if the question was posed like this:

"Choose an artist who's music was the most controversial of all time"

This is a whole different story, and a completely different question than the one asked. As Michael Jackson more than fits the billing for a controversial musician, and the fact that his music was rarely ever controversial (though his videos sometimes where) makes the case for Jackson even more interesting. The fact also remains that whenever the name Michael Jackson is brought up there is always controversy attached to it, and not because of his music, but as you've said personal choices as well as lifestyle choices.

Now, it's not my fault that the other three interpreted the question differently, and false too if they thought this was just about the music, because no where in the opening question did it say this was about the musician who made the most controversial music, or obviously I wouldn't have chosen Michael Jackson.

So, I'm not concerned in the least bit, and welcome anyone who wants to try and prove me otherwise.
So by your interpretation the controversy outside of his music is what you're looking at. I went another way as you know, but I thought about taking your route and if I would have MJ wouldn't have been the one to choose here. Varg Vickernes has much more controvesry in his outside life than MJ could even think about having. Vickernes Burned down 4 churches and murdered one of his bandmates. I'd say that trumps anything that happened in MJ's personal life.
So by your interpretation the controversy outside of his music is what you're looking at. I went another way as you know, but I thought about taking your route and if I would have MJ wouldn't have been the one to choose here. Varg Vickernes has much more controvesry in his outside life than MJ could even think about having. Vickernes Burned down 4 churches and murdered one of his bandmates. I'd say that trumps anything that happened in MJ's personal life.

That's all fine and dandy, but the response from 90% of the people reading a thread on Varg Vikernes would be WHO?

He's more famous (infamous) for Killing his band mate and burning the four historical churches than he ever was or will be for his music, that's the biggest difference in my eyes. So he was a murderer and an arsonist, and that's his claim to fame. I mean how many people are familiar with the band Mayhem, not many.

Vikernes became famous for the acts of murder and arson, Jackson was famous for his music, and continued to stay famous through even through his molestation trials.

The fact that Jackson was accused of molestation, twice, and yet it never had an affect on his legacy or his music sales is very controversial in it's self. People where literally willing to forgive and forget with Jackson like no other celebrity in history.

While I will agree that Vikernes does make the list of the most controversial musicians, it doesn't change the fact that he is more famous for his acts of violence than the actual music he made. Where as Michael Jackson was so famous, and became such an icon, that even him admitting to sleeping with young boys in a non-sexual manner couldn't hurt his fame, and that's as disturbing as it is controversial.
That's all fine and dandy, but the response from 90% of the people reading a thread on Varg Vikernes would be WHO?


Vikernes became famous for the acts of murder and arson, Jackson was famous for his music, and continued to stay famous through even through his molestation trials.

Great point. Jackson was able to transcend his own controvery by being such a great musician that even after his passing, in stark contrast with some others, he was still revered as an amazing musician.

The fact that Jackson was accused of molestation, twice, and yet it never had an affect on his legacy or his music sales is very controversial in it's self.

Another terrific point. I think the best word to use here that is somewhat synonymous with "controversial" is the word "polarizing."
That's all fine and dandy, but the response from 90% of the people reading a thread on Varg Vikernes would be WHO?

He's more famous (infamous) for Killing his band mate and burning the four historical churches than he ever was or will be for his music, that's the biggest difference in my eyes. So he was a murderer and an arsonist, and that's his claim to fame. I mean how many people are familiar with the band Mayhem, not many.

Vikernes became famous for the acts of murder and arson, Jackson was famous for his music, and continued to stay famous through even through his molestation trials.

The fact that Jackson was accused of molestation, twice, and yet it never had an affect on his legacy or his music sales is very controversial in it's self. People where literally willing to forgive and forget with Jackson like no other celebrity in history.

While I will agree that Vikernes does make the list of the most controversial musicians, it doesn't change the fact that he is more famous for his acts of violence than the actual music he made. Where as Michael Jackson was so famous, and became such an icon, that even him admitting to sleeping with young boys in a non-sexual manner couldn't hurt his fame, and that's as disturbing as it is controversial.

The thing is, this isn't a greatest controversial musician of all time debate, it's the most controversial. I agree that Jackson was great even if he's not my taste, but the bigger controversy(using your logic on the subject) is Varg Vickernes. Murder and arson of churches. If it was the greatest I would have been right there with you or maybe with Elvis, but it's not.
The thing is, this isn't a greatest controversial musician of all time debate, it's the most controversial. I agree that Jackson was great even if he's not my taste, but the bigger controversy(using your logic on the subject) is Varg Vickernes. Murder and arson of churches. If it was the greatest I would have been right there with you or maybe with Elvis, but it's not.

Would the name Varg Vikernes even be relevant to music if it wasn't for his crimes? I think not.

He was a Norwegian Black Metal musician, who didn't garner much fame at all from his music. He's more of an Arsonist-Murder and then a musician, as opposed to being a musician first.

Other than being famous in the underground Norwegian black metal scene, I wouldn't even consider him a famous musician, and it's his acts of crime that have made him famous, not his music.

While I'm not going to argue that he was controversial, because he clearly was, I don't consider him to have the fame or the star power to be brought into the debate, because the music career still means something in this debate, whether controversial or not; and it's tough to categorize him as a musician before a murderer and an arsonist.
Michael Jackson controversial death in 2009 led to an astounding jump in album sales in 2009, in fact the late Jackson completely dominated all album sales in 2009 doubling the sales of every other artist with 8.2 million albums sold. The much controversial Lady Gaga came in at number 5 on that list with 2.8 million albums sold, so clearly the controversy has played a part in his album sales. Not only did Jackson dominate record sales in 2009, but according to Forbes he made over 90 million dollars in the immediate months following his death, proving that controversy really does create cash.

His controversial death helped Jackson garnish a few more records as well, first it helped make Thriller the the most successful album of all time surpassing the Eagles greatest hits, released in the early 70's. He also became the first artist to ever have a 1 million song downloads in one weeks time, and both of these achievements happened because of the controversy surrounding the death of Michael Jackson.

Through all the controversial events in Jackson's life, it has only helped to fuel his fame and success. Most, if not all musicians accused of molesting a child and settling out of court for over 20 million dollars would have absolutely killed a career, but not Jackson, in the public's eye he could practically do no wrong, and the proof is in the album sales. Every time something controversial happened in Jackson's life it would only lead to more success for the singer, proving that you don't need to be controversial in your music to capitalize, but just being a controversial musical figure would get the job done, and completely unintentionally if Jackson's case.

Let's also not forget that Jackson was involved in a few controversial moments that would change music history for the better. The Jackson 5 where the first black group to appear equally to white audiences in the early 70's, quite the controversial feat, and let's also not forget that Jackson had the first music video by an African American to air on MTV, controversial and groundbreaking, and both of these events are controversial in a music sense, showing that not only did Jackson lead an extremely controversial personal life, but he was also involved in some groundbreaking controversial moments that involved his music. So to me it's quite clear that nobody was as controversial as Jackson and nobody was able to achieve such success while at the same time leading an extremely controversial lifestyle.
I think that I agree with you SSC. When I asked myself "who is the most controversial artist in history" it was almost an instant picture of Michael Jackson.

You've got an obvious point here SSC. Yeah there are artists that have tons of controversials lyrics, I mean look at the lyrics in almost all metal! However, as you said many times in you thread, this isn't a thred of "who's done the most controversial lyrics" or "who has the most controversial acts in music?". Obviously, both are factors to determine but IMO they aren't the main factors. In that case, I think that I would pick this crazy fuck disturbing man: Varg Vikernes.

However, his controversy it's around only his acts. For MJ, the controversy is present SINCE his childhood. I mean, how the hell couldn't you think at any point of his infamous career think "wait! that was weird..."

The controversy revolves around a mystery if you will. I mean, even after MJ's death, everyone keeps asking themselves "Was he white? Did he slept with childrens?" etc..

That's why I agree that Michael Jackson is indeed the most controversial musician of all time, cause he is a subject of controversy even after his death.

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