Michael Cole Is The Worst Possible, For All Time, Forever And In All Possible Ways


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Tonight, I watched Raw live for the first time since about last year's WrestleMania. I haven't gotten a continuous three hour dose in a long time. I've come to the conclusion that Michae Cole is just terrible. There were so many occasions tonight at which he was terrible, including "I JUST GOT GOOSEBUMPS" when the Rock's music hit. Nobody cares about your goosebumps. The moment was great before you talked, nitwit.

Dozens of times tonight, I said to JGlass - "Shut the fuck up, Cole."

I don't know if I can watch another episode. He's very very bad.
Cole hasn't a clue how to make something seem bigger and more important than it is. Jim Ross was great with that. I don't blame Cole, not anymore. He just doesn't have it.
Nobody carries JBL on commentary:
To Matthews: "I wish I could do that to you, Josh..."
To Lawler: "You won, because you got a heart attack!"
To Cole: "Between you and the Undertaker, you're 21 and 0..."

Cole isn't nearly as bad as he was when the Miz was champ. He hypes heels as well as faces and he doesn't turn on a guy as soon as they turn face.
Cole works better with JBL than he does King. I've noticed that John has the ability to sell a situation like he should. Cole just repeats the same thing when something big happens or points out what is tremendously obvious. "This place has erupted," is his go too line.

But hey, better than Matt Striker who roared as Diesel returned at the Royal Rumble, "I'm marking out, this is a mark out moment!"
The thread's title can be exposed by naming one worse guy on commentary. I can do you one better...

Two guys: Kaz and Tenay!
Cole and King are simply a poor team and pretty much always have been. They bring the worst out in one another which is why leading into WrestleMania 27 their angle was working well. Cole works better with Tazz, JBL, Foley, JR and just about anyone else.
He's just a parrot. He regurgitates what goes in to the ear but has ability to elaborate or be original in any sense. I think that's why Vince likes him. I think people are right also in that a good commentary team pushes each other to do better like J.R. and Lawler, Monsoon and Heenan. They work off each other but both Lawler and Cole are just doing their own thing when they work. It's two one-man commentary teams working together on Raw.
Am I the only one who really couldn't care less who is doing the commentary? Whether it is Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, JBL, or even Taz (OK, that may be pushing it a little!), I don't really pay too much attention to who is doing the commentary or the play by play. If the action is entertaining and the show is good, Joe Blow could be calling the action and I really wouldn't care. And if the show is lackluster, no one is salvaging it for me either.

Do I like Michael Cole? Not particularly. But he really doesn't affect my viewing experience one way or the other. I enjoyed RAW last night, and this was neither helped or hindered by Cole.
But his cackling little gremlin laugh does make my skin crawl, yeah. The only sound I'd find more offputting is, I dunno, my parents fucking on a waterbed.
I really don't think Cole sucks so much as I think King is just pure shit on commentary, as Funkay pointed out, you stick Cole with pretty much anyone else he becomes instantly more tolerable. King on the other hand, he sucks no matter who he's working with.
I really don't think Cole sucks so much as I think King is just pure shit on commentary, as Funkay pointed out, you stick Cole with pretty much anyone else he becomes instantly more tolerable. King on the other hand, he sucks no matter who he's working with.

King definitely stinks now, but Cole has never been good with hyping what's going on. You can stick him with whoever you want, and he still can't make a big event feel big. He's never had that ability.
Nobody carries JBL on commentary:
To Matthews: "I wish I could do that to you, Josh..."
To Lawler: "You won, because you got a heart attack!"
To Cole: "Between you and the Undertaker, you're 21 and 0..."

Cole isn't nearly as bad as he was when the Miz was champ. He hypes heels as well as faces and he doesn't turn on a guy as soon as they turn face.

JBL has gone on record as saying Cole carried him on commentary.
Cole isn't the worst but he's definitely bad for the following reasons:

1) He talks too much. Sometimes you gotta let the action speak for itself
2) He's the most repetitive commentator I ever heard. He has the attention span of a person with ADD.
3) JBL was being nice when he said Cole carried him. A color commentator needs a play by play for it to work so in that sense yes Cole carried him but any play by play guy could of carried JBL.
4) He's mostly annoying to listen to.
5) (The biggest reason and is not Cole's fault) its obvious someone in the back is feeding him lines. His commentary isn't organic and sounds robotic. Whether you are a wrestler, manager or commentator if you sound robotic it doesn't come off as believable which hurts greatly. Ziggler has the same issue, he sounds like a robot therefore I don't buy into him.

I'm not a big Cole fan but to be fair JR hasn't been much better lately as he's got the same problem, someone feeding him lines. Every commentator over the last long while hasn't been that good in WWE.

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