MIA From WWE Encyclopedia


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I just got my copy of the "WWE Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide To World Wrestling Entertainment" from DK Publishing

I didn't know what to expect when i ordered it but it really cool for sure. Its done in kayfabe though so Viscera, Big Daddy V, & Mable are all have different profiles as well as Kane & Isaac Yankem

I'm looking through it And i see Buddy Rogers, Jeff Hardy, Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz, The Brooklyn Brawler, Zeus, Dean Douglas, Shane Douglas, Kronik, Kurt Angle, Bruno Sammartino, Randy Savage, The Ultimate Warrior, Scotty Goldman, Lex Luger, & almost a 1000 more

Now i realize the WWE had little to do with this so it raised the question why didn't they leave certain people out and include others so i thought this might make for an interesting discussion

Buff Bagwell- This one kind of make sense he wasn't there for very long(Though Kronik wern't there long either) but the WWE did recently feature him on the cover of the Heatseekers DVD(not that thats a reason to include him)

Kanyon-I know hes gay and had that spat on Howard Stern with WWE appointed representative 16 Time World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair but he is a former World Tag Team Champion(which they list him as but he has no profile)

Sean O'Haire- Mark Jindrak, Shawn Stasiak, and Johnny The Bull are all in there but not O'Haire (i know he got in some trouble there as well did the previouslly two mentioned but come on he didnt kill his wife and kid)

if you have found any others please share and i am sure there are tons from like 1990 back but these are some more recent guys that really surprised me
I think the WWE did a fine job overall in including everyone. I mean, they included the big names that you woudlnt normally see in anything WWE (Savage, Benoit, etc).

I think the names your complaining about are trivial and there really wouldnt be much to write about them anyway. I dont think leaving them out was really an intention of the WWE, I mean, they can't get EVERY SINGLE WRESLTER to have ever stepped in a WWE ring over the last several decades crammed into one book. They got all of the important ones, no matter how controversial, and quite a few unexpected ones that were nice to read about. The WWE did fine. You're just complaining about semantics.
Oh I'm not complaining at all but thanks for putting words in my mouth. I just thought it was an interesting topic but i guess instead i should have started the 378th "Diva's Title Is Stupid Looking" Thread

and its DK Publishing not WWE

and if you can write 100 word paragraph about Scotty Goldman i think you can do the same for about anyone.

None the less thanks for the imput
The thread itself is a complaint. Maybe not to the magnitude of what you might think I'm implying, but a complaint nonetheless.

And the WWE has quite alot to do with it, despite what you may think. Do you honestly think the WWE doesnt approve of everything that DK writes for them, not to mention all of the other companies that also create WWE merch (video games, books such as this one, etc etc- all of it is supervised, edited, and approved by WWE, heck even this book's authors have WWE connections).

Anyway, you only named 3 people that werent in there. Can you name anymore? So the WWE left out 3 wrestlers out of God knows how many. They did quite a fine and unbiased job overall.

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