Mets Pitching Staff Next Year

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
I know this Forum doesn't draw to much attention, much less any baseball forums but i wanted to discuss this here.

What do you guys think is happening with the Mets pitching staff next year. They have a lot of bullpen help + Sanchez will be back. Martinez is on the shelf for at least 8 months. Hernandez and Oliver from the bullpen are FA
Trachsel FA
Glavine FA (mets have yet to excercise option)
El Duque FA
Mike Pelfry
Brian Banister
John Mayne
Darren Oliver FA
Oliver Perez
Aaron Heilman
Philip Humber
Dave Williams
Victor Zembrano (is he ever comming back)
Alain Soler

Free Agents for 2007
Jason Schmidt
Andy Pettite
Jamie Moyer
Miguel Batista
Vicente Padilla
Woody Willaims
Gil Miche
Jeff Supan
Brad Radke
Ted Lilly
Randy Wolf
Kerry Wood
Jeff Weaver
Jeff Supan
Kip Wells
Sidney Ponson
Mark Redman
Ramon Ortiz
Mark Mulder
Tomo Ohka
Tony Armas Jr.
Mark Buehrle
Shawn Estes
Mike Mussina
I think the Mets O is good enough even if they lose most of there pin.. Plus.. Im sure they have some kind of youngster that is just wating to shine.. My team.. The Braves should pick up Kerry Wood.. I kno hes injury prone.. But I'm hoping its only a Cubs Curse..
I think the Mets will be just fine next year. I don't see them getting rid of Traschel or Glavine, unless maybe Glavine retires. Pedro will be back next year and we got Billy Wagner. And we can probably get some guys in the offseason. Hopefully we'll get rid of that Oliver, Zambrono and Roberto Hernandez. Oh yeah and we gotta keep Heilman and El Duque.
Robero Hernandez might go but youve gotta admit he replaced Duarnar Sanchez and did it well. Daren oliver is a good long man but that's it. Id like for Heilman to finally get the chance to start but we'll have to see. Pedro is out for 8-10 months as of next week. he won't be back until August and even then he'll need some time (he needs some Spring training in august, lol) Unfortunately I see Glavine going to Atlanta, i dont see the Mets picking up his option. He looks like he wants to hit 300 with Atlanta.
No way, I don't think they'll let Glavine go, he's playing so good. If I was the Mets staff, I would bust my balls to keep that guy.
I really like him, he still got it even at his age but for some reason i don't feel he's happy or if he even wants to stay. Maybe winning a championship might change that feeling but as for now i don't see him wearing the blue and orange next year. i hope they keep him. i know Julio Franco is also a free agent but i dont care if he's 1000 and bats .100 i want Franco in that team next year. i believe a big factor in the success of the Mets this season is the wisdom and knowledge of a guy like Julio Franco
I totally agree with you bro. If they win the big one, Glavine will no doubt stay. And I definently want Franco, he is probably the most respected player in baseball today. I mean this guy is 50 and he's playin friggin great. And who knows, he's from the Dominican Republic, he could be like 56.
I think the Mets will be one of the top 3 teams next year next to the Yankees and Red Sox making moves, unless some team has been saving some money and all of a sudden does alot of moves. That's all the Mets really need to work on is there pitching like your kind of mentioning by having free agents, injuries, etc... I don't know who they are going to try to get, but I hope its a good move as in a good younger pitchers. I understand they need some veteran pitchers on the pitching staff, but they should also be looking long term instead of short term. Yes, they may win this World Series, but if they look to the future now, then maybe they can have more world championships under their belts. As for the deals they make, I don't know what they're going to do, but I hope they use common sense. They did make some ok trades at the trade deadline, but I don't think they put enough thought into some of the deals they made. I think they'll exercise the option on Glavine. I think Schmidt, Buerle, Mussina, and Radke will all remain with the same team, so I'm waiting to see what they do. Hopefully in for some surprises.
The Mets were rummored to trade for Zito, and Oswalt at the deadline and the reliever from the Padres but Sanchez's freak accident knixed that idea and the Mets were forced to trade Xavier Nady (who I hated to see go) and bring in Roberto Hernandez who filled in well. I think Sanchez was pitching awesome and he's a big reason why the team did so well in the 1st half.
realblackhart said:
Julio Franco is also a free agent but i dont care if he's 1000 and bats .100 i want Franco in that team next year. i believe a big factor in the success of the Mets this season is the wisdom and knowledge of a guy like Julio Franco
Don't know where you're getting your information, but Julio Franco signed a 2 year deal with the Mets this past off season for $2.2M, so he'll be back next year, unless he retires or they release him.
i guess i heard wrong then, i didn't thin they'd give a 50 year old a 2 year contract. but good, hee's been doing well of the bench too, so like I said he's a great asset to the team. We might finally be able to get Zito but Boras is going to have a huge asking price. he could go to Boston, Yanks, Mets, or the Dodgers. I hope he choses Queens as his new home
I wouldn't mind seeing Zito in a Mets uniform, but then again I'd rather see him stay in an A's uniform, because we don't see too many players these days only play for one team anymore. I know Zito is still pretty young, but I do thinks its possible to happen and him retire with the A's. Plus the A's need him anyway. I'd like to see Andy Pettite go to the Mets and win a World Series with them as well, so he'd win the World Series with both New York teams.
I think everyone is forgetting about the Blue Jays.. They seem to be building up.. Prob going to be a stiff competitor for Yanks and Sox.. There probably going to make a few moves..

And Julio Franco does indeed have a 2 year deal.
i can see the blue jays going far soon. vernon wells is near the peak of his career and they have some great prospects. halladay is amazing, too. that guy can pitch....
If there is any picther in the American League that was ever on my wish list, it's Roy Holliday. the man is a great pitcher. with the right moves i see the mets in contention again last year. I want Zito but i guess its the jealousy of the yankees always getting who they want, so thats the reason why i want Zito. I see the phillies and braves trying to contend too, and somehow no matter how many players leave Florida there are always trying to get into the playoffs. The Astros and Cardinals have been up there recently, and maybe another team will come out of there. In the West the Padres, Dodgers, Giants, and D-backs can all try as well. The National League looks more interesting than the American for next year. The Mets need a pitcher or two, I feel the young guys in their system might need another year but the Winter Meetings should be interesting with guys like Zito, and Sorriano going into Free Agency.
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