Metallica's Missing Man

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
I really couldn't think of a fun title for this thread. So I put one up that doesn't make sense.

Four men.

Ron McGovney. Cliff Burton. Jason Newsted. Robert Trujillo.

Who were they?

They were Metallica's four bassists. The four bassists who were used by the band. Two left the band, one passed, and one remains with them. But who was the best?

Ron only lasted a year with the band, and didn't even remain in the band while they recorded Kill 'Em All. Hard to put him at number one.

Cliff Burton was the turning point for the band. This skinny kid who is often cited as a God of the Bass amongst the people in my high school who had long hair and laughed a lot. Perhaps he was who was the best bass player. Here is an instrumental entitled "Pulling Teeth"

Now the longest serving member who would replace that skinny kid after he passed (sad story of a bus crash), Jason would take over. I think anyone who knows the going ons of the band, have heard the rumours of how he was mistreated perhaps, because he was not that skinny kid. It is too bad, because, as the longest serving bass player, for 15 years or the bands history, his mark is shown. He was invited to play with the band at their Hall of Fame in 2009. Here is the clip.

And last and least. Nah, not really, he was good. Well he still is, as he is still the bands bassist. Trujillo has been with the band for the last few albums, and I am too lazy to find a clip of him playing, but that is why people made youtube.

So who is the best bassist? You know, a lot of people will say Cliff, but I actually think Jason was the better bassist, even though I feel he was not used to the full ability that he possessed. He was also apart of the band when perhaps the music was beginning to shift from the thrash style that would shown off his raw talent, to a more widely accepted form of music, starting with ...And Justice For All.
While Cliff was the bassist that was there when they made their name, Newsted is probably the best bassist the band has had. While he was with them, they branched out from metal, and recreated themselves by adding in a number of solid rock songs. Many fans say they sold out, I say they made it big. There's a big difference.

As far as vocals though, Newsted needed to stay away from the mic. If you've never seen Cunning Stunts, go out and buy it. It's a great DVD, but it shows that Newsted was aided a lot in the studio on his vocals. He flat out kills the mood of some of the songs.
Ron & Robert have not been with the band long enough to have any impact on the band, so you can cross them out of the equation. Maybe in a few years if Metallica are still around, Robert might have done something to be rendered important. So, its down to Cliff & Jason.

Despite how Cliff was the one that helped put Metallica on the map as a metal band & his amazing skills on the bass, Jason was the one to assume the role of interim bassist & aided in keeping the band alive. Jason was subjected to alot of negativity from the band as they never accept Cliff's death & used him as a way of letting go of their anger. From what all he withstood, he helped the band go into the direction of mainstream music & got them noticed. If it wasn't for Jason, the possibility of Metallica getting noticed by worldwide audiences to the extent that it is today may not have happened as quick or as efficient.
It's all about Cliff. Not that he was miles better than the others in terms of technical ability on the instrument (though he was simply fantastic in that regard as well), he represents to a lot of fans the heart and soul of early Metallica. Newsted did a fantastic job coming in after Cliff, but his death represents a symbolic end to the early era of Metallica. Once Cliff was gone, the band really started to branch out into different directions until they've reached the rather stale place that they are currently.

Toss up in terms of technical ability between Cliff and Jason, but Cliff to me was the definitive bassist for the band.
Cliff hands down i mean cliff composed 4 insturmentals and was the one who would hold that band together he bought them into a whole new world of music (The Misfits) and was just a legendary player and a inovator aswell
It's all about Cliff. Not that he was miles better than the others in terms of technical ability on the instrument (though he was simply fantastic in that regard as well), he represents to a lot of fans the heart and soul of early Metallica. Newsted did a fantastic job coming in after Cliff, but his death represents a symbolic end to the early era of Metallica. Once Cliff was gone, the band really started to branch out into different directions until they've reached the rather stale place that they are currently.

Toss up in terms of technical ability between Cliff and Jason, but Cliff to me was the definitive bassist for the band.

Bingo. Cliff was Metallica. Keep in mind, the man passed away, he didn't leave the band on his own free will. I think it's safe to say that if not for that freak accident, Cliff would still be Metallica's bassist and Jason and Rob would be irrelevant. Personally, I loved Jason and most of my memories of Metallica contain him- I was only 7 when Cliff passed away and had yet to discover the band at that time. I loved the style and freshness that Jason brought to the band, but Cliff was the best fit for Metallica.
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