Merry Christmas WrestleZone Forums!


Excellence of Execution
Slyfox696 and the rest of the Staff wish you a wonderful, safe and Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great day.

Feel free to post your Christmas experiences in this thread.
Just got done watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on christmas eve for the 17th year in a row. The annual tradition lives on. My wife and I are in California to spend Christmas with her side of the family this year. Everyones asleep now but me so im gonna turn in. Merry christmas everyone!
Left my apartment at 12:15 for the 4 hour drive to my parents house for Christmas Morning. Got home half an hour ago, now gonna get some sleep.

Merry Christmas everyone.
I was awake at 4.15. Don't you just love kids? Merry Christmas everyone :)

I was too, went to bed at 5am I love christmas eve drinks but hate Christmas day hangovers.

Merry Christmas to all
I was tossing and turning all night. I love Christmas! Now I'm getting dinner in the oven and waiting impatiently for present-opening time.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
Just watched The Ref. Several hilarious moments.
Great movie.

Just got done watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation on christmas eve for the 17th year in a row.

Another great movie.

Merry Christmas by's! Sad that there is no snow though:( lame shit.

We had a light dusting of snow yesterday, so the yards are mostly white and the roads are clear. It's perfect.

Happy easter!!

There's always one. :)
Got some kick-ass Bose IE2 In Ear Headphones.

Got some money, which I'm using to upgrade to a 40 inch HDTV tomorrow.

Merry Christmas guys.
Just got done watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

I plan on watching this later, awesome movie

Currently waiting for my GF to wake up so she can open her final gift, and help the cat with his presents (yes we buy the cat Christmas presents too)
Merry Christmas Sly
And everyone.
i'm currently confuseed as to why my ps3's Clock is messin up one day its ten miniutes behind next half a hour then a hour and finally today one and a half hours
DS game. It wouldn't work on any other system, except for PC, and that's a maybe. It could work on iPad, but not well.
I was hoping for a clear Christmas this year, but we got a bucketload of snow at the last second... again...

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