**MERGED** Who needs a new finisher? (Keep it in here!)

The Extract

Registered User
The title speaks for itself. This list is just my opinion, so please, no bashing.

Alberto Del Rio: Do not take away the Armbreaker! Just add an impact move! New finisher: Enziguri

Alex Riley: Yes he is not seen ofter on WWE TV, but he still has a finisher! The DDT is just an average move now, it used to look devastating, but now everyone uses it. New finisher: TKO

Daniel Bryan: Same as Del Rio, don't take it away, just add an impact move. New finisher: Roundhouse Kick

Darren Young: I don't buy this as a credible finisher. New finisher: Swinging reverse STO

Epico: Tag teams should not have the same finishers! New finisher: Orlando's Magic (Swinging leg hook Samoan drop)

Jack Swagger: Jack is trying to be like Kurt. He is no where near Kurt! So stop using the Ankle Lock! New finisher: Gutwrench Powerbomb

Michael McGillicutty: Change his name too. Use this as a REGULAR finisher. New finisher: Hennig-Plex

Ryback: Shell Shock looks like it doesnt hurt at all New finisher: Running Lariat
Dolph Ziggler can use a new finisher. Del Rio can add a new finisher and keep the arm-breaker. Daniel Bryan doesn't need one. He's a submission specialist. and I agree with Alex Riley getting a new finisher once he gets some TV time again.
Cena. No I'm not a hater but look at Taker and how he evolved with his finishers, now Taker has 4 moves he could end a match with. What move would Cena need since he has the power for it maybe a Powerbomb or the Jackhammer.
It would benefit The Miz to stop finishing with The Skull-Crushing Finale. It doesn't have a lot of impact to it, and most opponents don't take the face bump well. I wouldn't mind him switching to the Kneeling DDT he uses. Heck, bring back the Reality Check.
Brock Lesnar needs a new finisher. You can't have cena and leaner with the same finisher it is stupid. I liked it when lesnar left. Cena took the F5 and called it the FU which was a dig at Lesnar for leaving. Now that he's back they should not use the same finisher. Lesnar should have come back with a whole new move set.
Also just wanted to add that Hogan definitely needs a new finisher. Well this should have happened many years ago, but the leg drop is just the dumbest finisher EVER.
I could care less about Alex Riley, he's as exciting as a toothbrush. I personally like Brodus Clay's finisher, it works well as being high impact and agile for his size. Del Rio is also fine with what he has, he ets it locked in pretty quick. To call a DDT bland and suggest an enziguri doesn't make sense to me.

If anyone needs a new finisher, for the same reasons as listed by Mark Henry (may I suggest a bear hug or torture rack), Wade Barrett. He has the makings of a good champion, but the wasteland looks like a move that he sort of gives up doing half way. Especially since over the shoulder finishers were hot when he got it.
Brock Lesnar needs a new finisher. You can't have cena and leaner with the same finisher it is stupid. I liked it when lesnar left. Cena took the F5 and called it the FU which was a dig at Lesnar for leaving. Now that he's back they should not use the same finisher. Lesnar should have come back with a whole new move set.

The F5 and the AA are two different moves. The F5 is a Fireman's carry face buster where the AA is a Fireman's carry slam. And he didn't take it up after WM20, he took it up when he feuded with Brock in his Thuganomics/US title days as a pun of sorts called the FU.
I'm sorry I know once he hits it, it looks like a move you wouldn't get up from but i HATE Christian's Killswitch. Its to awkward to get people into, if the guys beat down enough for them to actually let you roll them around for it the way he does, they wouldn't be able to stand in the first place. Just seems like if you aren't basically out cold you just can get out of it without issue. I agree that some people need to add to their finisher options. I can't lie i do miss when the end of the match was a bit more of a surprise too. Someone might get up from a finisher but then hit with a big suplex or body slam getting up from it for the end, or just got the hell beat out of them and the matched ended with a general move. if its a non ppv match 99% of the time if a finisher is it you know its done, but then on a ppv the exact same match will take the finisher twice to end.
If its a non ppv match 99% of the time if a finisher is it you know its done, but then on a ppv the exact same match will take the finisher twice to end.

Or in WM's case, the undertaker took a sweet chin music and a few pedigree's and still kicked out. I understand they can't have Taker lose, but to do it like that and make him look too unstoppable is a bit silly.
Dolph Ziggler: The Zig Zag dosen't look like it could end a match. I'd have him go with a Super Kick or some kind of Neck breaker.

Ryback: The muscle buster looks weak as shit. I've always hated that move. Let him alternate between his monster clothesline and a power bomb.

Samoa Joe: As stated above, the muscle buster fucking sucks. I like his style of finishing matches with different submissions and I think he should stick to that. If he gets an impact finisher, it should be some kind of kick. Maybe a head kick.

Jack Swagger: His ankle lock looks awkward. I think he should go with a clover leaf or a sharpshooter.
I dont mind Rybacks finisher so much, but i wouldnt mind something a little more of a power-show. He already does a clothesline from hell... Why not give him Farooq's old dominator move, lots of impact!!

My big gripe is Punks (kenta's?) GTS. I dont get it. I just doesnt do it for me. Firemans carry into a knee? A knee on its own would have more impact. Which he already does. And when its followed with the MM elbow its alot more entertaining! The GTS is also pretty limited cause punk aint half as strong as others, and he cant use it on the biggest guys... Ive no suggestions for a replacement though.
Punk used to do the pepsi plunge which was a pedigree from the top rope. I wish he could have kept it.
I dont mind Rybacks finisher so much, but i wouldnt mind something a little more of a power-show. He already does a clothesline from hell... Why not give him Farooq's old dominator move, lots of impact!!

My big gripe is Punks (kenta's?) GTS. I dont get it. I just doesnt do it for me. Firemans carry into a knee? A knee on its own would have more impact. Which he already does. And when its followed with the MM elbow its alot more entertaining! The GTS is also pretty limited cause punk aint half as strong as others, and he cant use it on the biggest guys... Ive no suggestions for a replacement though.

I'm not a big GTS fan either. I've always thought it would be cool to have Punk do a superkick. Maybe even do something with him and HBK where Punk steals it or something along those lines.

Haven't seen him in awhile, but for the love of God, stop doing the "Wasteland" Wade Barrett! That has to be one of the worst finishers I've seen in all of my years of watching wrestling. Just do the goddamn Black Hole Slam and be done with it!
I am not a Cena hater by any means, but I think he needs a new finisher. The AA is a glorified body slam. I do like it when he does the AA and then locks in the STF, but he needs to add a new finisher to his repertoire. I agree with another poster that said he should a another finisher or to like Taker did to kind of evolve his character.
Kofi Kingston and R Truth need a new tag team finisher. The two have been the champs for a while now and they are popular with the fans so it would be exciting to see them distinguish themselves as a tag team, as opposed to being two singles competitors who were given the titles.
I disagree about the gts. I think its a great finisher, its very unique and sets punk apart(Even though he stole it). And to say he cant do it to the bigger guys is bullshit. Hes done it to kane, Hes done it to cena, he just cant do it to super heavyweights.

And i also have to defend the killswitch. If christian does it fast then it works great. He just sometimes does the can he turn em thing. That would also be fine if sometimes he would land it.
Wade Barrett-He should use Wasteland as a set-up move only..Never as a finisher..For his return, just bill him as who he is-an ex bare knuckle fighter..Change some of his moveset. Barrett could use more punch combinations and maybe a punching combination finisher as well as his Winds Of Change(spinning Bossman Slam)..

Ezekiel Jackson-He never could pull off the Torture Rack convincingly, so instead of the Torture Rack, he could use a Spin-out Powerbomb Pin

Brodus Clay-Have his Running Splash as a secondary finisher/set up move..His primary finisher could be a Spinning Jackhammer

Jack Swagger-Get rid of the Ankle Lock unless he scissors the leg like Angle does and actually works on the leg...Instead of the Ankle Lock, he should go back to using the Doctor Bomb again

Eve-Since she's a blue belt in jiu jitsu, give her a couple submission finishers..A heelhook, triangle choke, etc would be great for her

The San Juan Connection-Primo and Epico could use a top rope Double Back Stabber, or Primo hits a Back Stabber off the top rope and Epico following it up with a Shooting Star Press

Bryan Danielson-Just have him use the Cattle Mutilation once in awhile

Alex Riley-Get rid of the Gangrel Impaler DDT..The Northern Lights Bomb(Snow Plow) could be a good finisher for Riley

Ziggler-Have him use the Sleeper more often and since his running Fame-assers usually don't have that much impact, I think Ziggler could pull off the Top Rope Fame-asser better than Cena could

Big Show-He should use the Cobra Clutch Backbreaker Choke again for a submission finisher since it looks way better than his Camel Clutch and also he could bring back the Hog Lock(standing Leg Drop)
Sheamus - Purely because his Brogue Kick has been used so much to end things. It's always the same, he looks for the kick, misses once or twice, eventually gets it and the match is over. Predictable every time he wrestles. Mix it up, maybe not even remove the kick but just have him win with some of the other moves he has. Sheamus when he first debuted and won the title was much better compared to the present day. Bring back the Celtic Cross!!

CM Punk - The GTS is a move I quite like, my problem with it is how guys sell it. At times the move looks weak whereas other times it looks strong. A new move would at least allow Punk to mix it up and if against a guy that can't sell the GTS well then use a new move as a finish. I would like to see him throw a Shining Wizard back in there to pick up a few wins.

John Cena - The AA and STF are played out too much. Keep the AA just have guys kick out more. The STF when applied by Cena to me has always looked weak and unpainful so just drop that move. Some form of modified piledriver could work instead of the AA and just drop the submission, it's not for Cena, he doesn't need it. If it's to be kept use an MMA type move along the lines of a rear naked choke. Something that looks like Cena is squeezing the life out of his opponent, not just squishing cheeks with his forearms...
Also just wanted to add that Hogan definitely needs a new finisher. Well this should have happened many years ago, but the leg drop is just the dumbest finisher EVER.

You are joking right?

You do realise that Hogan does not wrestle any more, apart from the VERY occasional match. Even so, and despite the fact that he can hardly do the leg-drop any more due to back surgeries, it would make absolutely no sense to give Hogan a new finisher. He would use it once? Maybe twice ever before retirement, so its pointless

I have always been a big fan of the Impaler DDT, so I hope Alex Riley keeps using it, its a great move. No need to change that.

Wade Barrett is my pick for a guy who needs a new move. The Wasteland is a terrible, weak looking move. I think he should switch to using the Spinning Sidewalk Slam (Black Hole Slam) as his primary finisher. It's faster, more powerful, easier to set up and just looks a whole lot better than the Wasteland.

I would also give Alberto Del Rio and slam/bomb type finisher instead of just the Cross Armbreaker. It's always beneficial for a wrestler to have 2 different types of finishing move, so they have a move to use in different situations, just like Undertaker and Kurt Angle do.
If Ziggler is going to be a top star, and I believe he will be, he'll need a more impactful finisher than that. Hopefully when he finally does take the next step part of his progress will be a finisher that could at least let him cover Hornswaggle.
Friends, seeing as nobody mentioned Satino's Cobra, does that mean we're okay with it now? I know he's a comedy character, but when my friends come over and I'm watching wrasstling and he hits that piss-poor thing, it's quite humiliating to defend liking WWE...

Also, I feel that the fireman's carry has run its course. Punk won't be able to GTS Big Show and the AA, Wateland and F5 look so similar. Honourable mention should also go to the Torture Rack in this regard... I just don't buy it.
Friends, seeing as nobody mentioned Satino's Cobra, does that mean we're okay with it now? I know he's a comedy character, but when my friends come over and I'm watching wrasstling and he hits that piss-poor thing, it's quite humiliating to defend liking WWE...

I'm ok with the Cobra. It fits the guy, its funny, they can probly sell snake sock merch etc. One of my favourite Cobra's was when ziggler seen it coming and jumped halfway across the ring to dodge it, then he had a look on his face like "did i just dive to avoid a sock??". He never does it to anyone important anyway.

If your friends come over and cant recognise humour, you should get new friends!

Back to the topic, am i the only guy who would like to see something like a sharpshooter or a figure four leglock move from ziggler? I thing he'd look great doin it, and as a smaller guy that kind of thing is pretty believable too!!
1. Dolph Ziggler.
As entertaining as that man is his finisher is a bit lame if u ask me.

2. Wade Barret.
Waste Land is not as impactful as it could or should be.

3. Every one else is a fine by me. Why waste the time giving Alex Riley a new move and he is not even on TV. Primo and Epico are in a tag tem and Darren Young's finisher is actually good

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