**Merged** Undertaker/Paul Bearer Returns To WWE Discussion

Dean Winchester

Getting Noticed By Management
He just returned tonight on Friday Night Smackdown in this storyline with The Undertaker and Kane. So excited as he has not been in WWE since 2004 at the Great American Bash ppv when Taker dumped him. But now seems he is back for Undertaker. Although I think he might end up on Kane side at the end. Like at HIAC ppv he costs Taker the match saying he remembers what Taker did to him and felt betrayed.
It is great to see Paul Bearer back, although I don't know what I marked out harder for Bearer or the Urn. What a nice surprise to see him in the casket and not Undertaker. I was upset that he didn't get on the mic, guess we'll have to wait till next week. I also think he will end up turning on Taker at HITC, as payback for what happened when Taker pulled the lever on him. Bearer always worked better as a heel manger.
I've always loved Paul Bearer and I had a huge mark-out moment when he popped out of that casket with the Urn. I've always thought that Undertaker is best when he talks very rarely and has P.B talk for him. As for HIAC I can see P.B turn on Taker but I hope not as he's best with Taker.
It's great to finally see Paul back. I wonder if WWE will bring up the angle years ago when he was concealed in concrete? Didn't Undertaker kill Paul years ago? It makes sense that he is back to give the Dead man his strength back with the urn, but there is that one topic of you know Undertaker killing Bearer.
I loved Paul Bearer coming back and popping out of the Casket. I hope he sticks around for awhile and I know some people think he may turn on Undertaker but I don't think so. Maybe they will have him forgive Taker for the Great American Bash in 2004. I hope he does a Promo on Syfy Next Week.
It's good to see perhaps the greatest performing manager that the WWE ever had returning. Bearer has always been one of the most over the top and yet committed-to-character performers ever, so I have high hopes for his return and what it means. Yes, even though I know the history, I guess I can ignore the fact that the urn was melted down and made into a chain by Kama "The Supreme Fighting Machine" given what a big symbol it is to both Bearer and 'Taker. Besides, the WWE has never troubled itself with continuity, so why should I?

However, my optimism for what is to come is a bit bittersweet because it is my opinion that the return of Paul Bearer means that The Undertaker's career is coming to a close. They're getting all of the old gang together which means that they want to go out with the biggest bang possible and are getting everyone involved. I plan to enjoy it while it lasts, but I think this reunion spells the apocalyptic end of The Undertaker.
It's nice to see Paul Bearer back in the WWE after six years, but to me it doesn't make any sense. I mean The Undertaker incased him in a concrete crypt, how did he get out, is he going to swerve Undertaket at HIAC thst's what I'd like to see.
I completely geeked out when Kane lifted the casket lid & it was Paul Bearer inside, with the urn!! It might not make sense to have Bearer back with the Undertaker, but this is wrestling, and history sometimes gets completely ignored. I've been a wrestling fan for 20 years, and seeing Paul Bearer with the Undertaker again made me feel very nostalgic and happy.
I too marked out when Paul Bearer was in the casket. Brought back a nostalgic feel from the good ol days.
I was expecting Taker to make a come back of sorts tonight, but I did not expect Paul Bearer and the Urn to actually return. I'm really looking forward to how this develops.
It's good to see perhaps the greatest performing manager that the WWE ever had returning. Bearer has always been one of the most over the top and yet committed-to-character performers ever, so I have high hopes for his return and what it means. Yes, even though I know the history, I guess I can ignore the fact that the urn was melted down and made into a chain by Kama "The Supreme Fighting Machine" given what a big symbol it is to both Bearer and 'Taker. Besides, the WWE has never troubled itself with continuity, so why should I?

However, my optimism for what is to come is a bit bittersweet because it is my opinion that the return of Paul Bearer means that The Undertaker's career is coming to a close. They're getting all of the old gang together which means that they want to go out with the biggest bang possible and are getting everyone involved. I plan to enjoy it while it lasts, but I think this reunion spells the apocalyptic end of The Undertaker.

Great to see Paul Bearer again but I think you maybe right, they are bringing the crew all back in a way to tribute the legend of the undertaker, which means that he will go out in a big bang. Hopefully, we are wrong and taker stays to extend the streak til he is at 20-0 at WM.
I loved the fact that Paul Bearer returned through the casket, rather than how I had expected it all to go down.

I pretty much already heard that Paul was coming back, however I wasn't expecting it to be made into this big of a deal. I had expected some kind of return in the way of simply following the druids, not being in the casket that the druids carried. But I must say, it was definitely an adjustment that I can live with, an adjustment for the better if you will.

It's pretty obvious that Paul Bearer pretty much had to return for this feud. Undertaker vs Kane just isn't the same without Paul Bearer, considering he has been the key addition to hold their feuds together, and make them work.
It's good to see Paul Bearer back, it was a nice surprise to see him back. I too am thinking that he'll turn on Taker for what Taker did to him. I think he'll add something to the feud aswell because he was there at the start of their first feud, I look forward to see what happens with the three of them.
Yeah, Bearer was Kane's father and owner of a funeral parlor. Undertaker burned down a house as a child that had both of their mothers and Undertaker's father in it at the time. The parents died, and Kane was scarred for life.
Bearer didn't get the reaction he deserved because the crowd was too young to even know who he was... *But I did nearly scream at the tele... lol A true "OMG" moment...*
It's great to finally see Paul back. I wonder if WWE will bring up the angle years ago when he was concealed in concrete? Didn't Undertaker kill Paul years ago? It makes sense that he is back to give the Dead man his strength back with the urn, but there is that one topic of you know Undertaker killing Bearer.

If i remember rightly, after the massive backlash they received for apparently killing Paul Bearer at the '04 GAB, they posted an article on the WWE site explaining that he'd simply suffered severe injuries to his respiratory system
and was taken to a medical facility following the show.

As for this whole development, this does scream to me that Paul will turn on Taker, and side with Kane, purely because Kane has become so dominant since holding the title and is doing a great job in blanketing SD in fear. He's snuffed out SD's heart in Rey Mysterio (ok, ADR was the one who actually took him out, but Kane did give Rey a severe beating that night mere moments before) and has now beaten the conscience of the WWE, The Undertaker CLEAN no less, so if i were a booker, i think it'd make sense for it to go the route of Paul siding with his son Kane.


Apparently, assuming i've interpreted the report correctly, they've revised history again to suggest that PB is Taker's father as well now, so the whole 'picking his son over his friend' doesn't really fit into the equation anymore.

Then again, why has he come back? Why is he helping a man who buried him in concrete just because Taker didn't want to bother having to look out for him all the time? What is his stance in this situation? Surely he's not come to assist the less evil brother? They're all supposed to be essentially evil, so again, why is he picking one over the other, and why is he picking the one who tried to kill him?

But i'm sure they'll simply breeze over the actual established history, and make up some bullshit for the new fans who have no idea who he is, and we'll just have to see how weird and wonderful this new backstory is going to be.

What does sadden me though, is like Klown_Karnage said, this seems to indicate that the Deadman's career is coming to a close, and i for one was hoping he was at least going to make it to 20-0 at Mania. The worst part is, if he hadn't missed a couple due to injury, he would be there already.

Anyway, this has revigorated my interest in the fued, and look forward to where it takes us.
As soon as I saw that look in the Undertaker's eyes on Smackdown last night I thought Paul Bearer! This is great! This whole feud between the brothers has really brought back a great "old-time" feel to Smackdown for me.

Im going to go with the minority here and say that what happened at Great American Bash `04 will be ignored. Because a storyline that involves Undertaker killing a man by encasing him in concrete just doesn't comply with WWE'S PG standard now does it?
All i can say is sit back and enjoy the ride. This is certainly a boost to the feud that will no doubt add so much interestand intrigue into the feud, Look how many questions there is to answer

Why is Paul B back?
What's his new involvement with Taker?
Has he forgiven Taker?
What has he been doing all these years?

Now all may not be answered, but there is enough to keep me glued to my screen. What an angle leading into the debut on SyFy, big ratings anyone.
Was really surprised to see Bearer back, I was even more surprised to see him be on Takers side. I mean, Undertaker did "kill" him right?

Bearer will probably turn on Taker at HIAC if they the WWE want to reignite that whole story line, would be a whole lot more interesting to.
I, like most of my fellow posters on here, marked out like a SOB when Kane opened the casket to reveal Paul Bearer inside. As a general rule of thumb, I don't tend to read spoilers. Unfortunately this week, I had read some Smackdown spoilers and so the surprise was ruined for me, which was too bad but was my own stupid fault for reading the spoilers. It would have been even better had I not done so.

I think a lot of you are being way too analytical about this return and are using logic way too much in your analysis of how this will all play out. You forget that professional wrestling is rarely logical, never really makes sense when you think it through, and depends largely upon the recycling of generations of wrestling fans, as well as the short attention spans or lack of common sense, of the long term fans. I doubt WWE is even worried about the fact that Bearer was "killed" at the GAB in 2004 and as such may have a vendetta against Taker for burying him in concrete. They will assume that a new generation of wrestling fans won't even know about this (my 10 year old son for example who watches now but obviously was not watching when he was 4). Those who were watching back then either will have forgotten all about it, or they simply won't care. As such, revenge or any other such result of the events of GAB 2004 won't be as issue today. If anything the PG WWE won't even reference the fact that the guy was "killed" by Taker by encrypting him in a block of concrete, hardly screams of PG TV.

Can't wait for the Paul Bearer promo which he will inevitably cut on the season debut of Smackdown on SyFy next week, should be classic. I doubt, though, that we'll see him stick around for very long. I thought he, in real life, has been having health issues, so I don't see him on the road with the grueling WWE schedule for very long. This is likely just a way to give Taker a quick energy boost, heal his "injuries" from his recent "vegetative state," and bring the urn back into question. I wouldn't be surprised to see him end up at HIAC, but not beyond this.

I see this playing out only one of three ways. Either the Undertaker wins at HIAC to become the champion again, powered by the power of the urn and the presence of Paul Bearer. I guess he could win the match in some means whereby he wins the match but not the title, but this would be hard to pull off in the HIAC. If Taker wins at HIAC, he likely becomes the new champion. I hope this doesn't happen and personally I don't think it will.

Option two would be for Paul Bearer to double cross the Undertaker and cost him the match. I really don't see this happening either. To reunite these two guys after 6 years, only to have one double cross the other less than two weeks later, I just don't see it happening, for all of the reasons I mentioned above. This would diminish the power of the urn, and would likely mean PB is sticking around, which I don't see happening either.

I'm going with option three. Paul Bearer stays in Taker's corner, complete with druids, urn, etc., And Kane wins anyway. Despite the return of Paul Bearer, the mystique of the Undertaker and his entourage, the energy of the urn, etc., Kane still wins. This way Kane gets put over as even a more dominant and powerful champion and keeps his push alive and well for months to come, perpetuating the Taker/Kane feud into the next several months. Taker ends up looking strong and energized, but loses to an even more powerful Kane. After the match, Kane decimates PB and puts him back into retirement again. This way his return had meaning and purpose, but he doesn't stick around long term. The urn is back, Taker's aura is back, and now Taker has a new motivation going forward: avenging the demise of his dear friend Paul Bearer.

This is how I see it. Then again, what the hell do I know :)
Some of you guys are forgetting that WWE said Paul was NOT killed by the Undertaker, he was just very badly injured by the cement. So him coming back does make sense because he was not killed.

As others have stated, I see this as a good and bad thing because it does look like this might be Undertakers last year since they r doing one more fued against Kane, and brining back Paul. Since Kane prob still has a few more years left in him then Undertaker it looks like they will have him retire his brother to push him massively for his last few years.

Also I don't see Paul backstabbing Undertaker so early in the comeback either. I think he will stay with Undertaker all the way through HIAC yet Kane still wins . But in a few months he finally turns on Undertaker and goes with Kane.

(Anyone think Paul might stick around till WM and pick that as the time to turn on Undertaker and cost him his streak for almost killing him???)

Anyways I think this was the perfect timing to bring him back. This feud needs Paul in it if it has a chance at being on the level as there past feuds. Also even though it was kindda said awhile ago that Paul was going to be coming back WWE did a pretty good job at hiding the fact that he was coming back now.

I thought they would have Kane destroy Undertaker at HIAC and then have Paul come out with the urn and bring Undertaker "back to life".
Ok just throwing it out there ive been a fan for 17 years i freaked the fuck out when Paul bearer returned but anyway on topic I highly doubt that they will even mention the whole incident back in 2004 will be brought up simply for the reason that todays market is a new generation a generation that doesnt even know who paul bearer is so to come out at HIAC and have Paul Bearer turn on Taker makes no sense my cousin who is 13 called me up and asked me who Paul Bearer was i had to explain him to her so I highly doubt that 2004 will even be brought up and vince would be stupid to bring it up just because todays generation of young wrestling fans have no clue who Paul Bearer is at this point and they could care less what happened in 2004
It was like a week before Night of Champions and the feud was really starting to heat up. I remember talking to my friend and I said and I quote, "Wouldn't it be cool for Paul Bearer to come back?" And not even a week later I read the SmackDown spoilers/watched SmacKDown and there he was laying in the casket. Of course I rubbed it in his face, but I was just happy for one because I called it and for two because Paul Bearer is back!

I personally think this is a GREAT edition to the feud between Undertaker and Kane. And I think the return of Paul Bearer adds to the suspense. Will Paul Bearer turn on The Undertaker and side with Kane? Or simply will Paul Bearer and the power of the urn be enough to take out Kane?

While I was reading some of the comments I saw two in particular that caught my attention. One of them saying this will be Undertaker's last Hoo-Rah. I don't think this will be his last Hoo-Rah just because they brought back Paul Bearer and this feud with Kane. Like what somebody else said Wrestling tends to ignore history we hear it every time with commentators as they avoid past matches for example the most recent one being WWE advertising Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho as their first encounter EVER! When in 2007 they faced off for the WWE Championship. This happens only because they are trying to build up the match or a feud and I think that is what is happening with Kane and Undertaker feud it's only meant to build the feud not set up an ending for Undertaker. I am a sole believer that he will continue to wrestle taking rest and coming back until he reaches 20 - 0 for the WrestleMania undefeated streak then retire.

This also brings back up the second comment. Yeah, on WWE they said he only suffered severe respiratory problems he didn't die. And like I stated before Wrestling tends to ignore history so I wouldn't be surprised if any of that is even brought up especially since The Great American Bash isn't a PPV anymore and it all involves Team 3-D (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley) and Paul Heyman.

But to sum this up I believe this will last for ATLEAST one more PPV (possibly two) because of the rematch clause and I think we will see a possible Casket Match or Buried Alive Match! I hope it ends at Hell in a Cell in my opinion. It looks like WWE are working on feud of the year right now.
ok well first off its late where i am and im tired so ill make this simple

we all know the undertaker is near the end of his game, the man is in his fortys and he's been with the wwe since 1990 and during his first few years he had a manager called paul bearer and then bearer dissapered from our screens when taker went through the biker gimmick and renturned when calaway went back to the dead man gimmick and then disapeared from our screens and now 6years later he's back but this time could he be back for the end of taker's legendary career?

do you see taker leaving soon because bearer returned?
how long do you think he has left?
if this isnt the end will they keep paul or get rid of him?
if they do get rid of bearer how will they do it?

(sorry if theres any bad mistakes im just really tired)

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