*Merged* The Miz's Future - KEEP IT IN HERE


Riley Justin
So the Miz has taken a few heavy hits this past year. He's lost the WWE to Cena very convincingly, he's lost to lesser built wrestlers such as Kofi and R-Truth (Who is a growing star, but Miz is a former WM main eventer), and has since been in and out of minor stints. Although he took on Rock and Cena in 2011, there is no doubt that he has been dropped a few steps to help push a few developing talents back onto the radar.

So what can help Miz become relevant again? The answer - a move to SD. Let me explain.

Miz became a star when he became the US champ and had segment which were fun and helped him develop his character. With all the clutter on RAW at the moment, there isn't much for Miz to do unless he became a mid-card champ (I think he would be a great champ in 2012, as proven in the past). If the WWE want to keep pushing him as a main eventer, then perhaps a move to SD will help him re-establish himself as a big player. He could feud with Randy for the world title by sneaking his way in the title picture. He could even start a team with Christian, seeing as they both have a sneaky arrogant persona style, and would make the tag titles look superb!

The move wouldn't have to be permanent, and once he's relevant again he could easily move back to RAW, however, I think putting him in a new environment could create a buzz which would give him an opportunity to find himself again as THE 'most must-see champion'. A good thing about this is that SD stars often appear on RAW as apart of the supershow, and so he could maintain a presence on two shows instead of just one.

Your thoughts?
Having Miz move over to Smackdown would be bad in two ways.

1. If the move where to move what can he do there. IMO there too many heel main eventers over at the blue brand and would just drop even worse over at Smackdown.

2. He would become irrevalent. Look at him right now at Raw where he is possibly the main heel. He would just literally drop under the radiar in Smackdown and would become a filler or just be doing whatever type of matches.

So I would say no to that idea for the reasons I just explained.
Having Miz move over to Smackdown would be bad in two ways.

1. If the move where to move what can he do there. IMO there too many heel main eventers over at the blue brand and would just drop even worse over at Smackdown.

2. He would become irrevalent. Look at him right now at Raw where he is possibly the main heel. He would just literally drop under the radiar in Smackdown and would become a filler or just be doing whatever type of matches.

So I would say no to that idea for the reasons I just explained.

I agree and disagree. I disagree with your second statement because he is definitely not the biggest main heel on RAW, and right now is not in the big picture as much as frequently as Ziggler, Kane, or even Jonny Ace!

Also, although I do agree that SD is full of heels at the moment, I think this would be a great chance to experiment with his character, maybe challenge for the IC title. He could even turn face! Remember when Sheamus turned up on SD? He was one of several heels and turned face and got EXTREMELY over. It never hurts to experiment. Miz is over enough with all fans to give a fan run a go - I mean, he already gets cheers on RAW anyway on most shows, much like before Sheamus turned faced.
Ive been sort of neutral on the idea of Miz to SD for a while. A few months go I was saying yes! At that time though the picture was completely set around Randy Orton. Now i dont know so much. The SD main event picture is pretty full. Orton, Barrett, Sheamus, D-Bry, Henry, Show, Rhodes. wow. lol. But where on Raw the main event picture is clear cut around Punk,Cena, Kane, ADR, and Miz. Oh and Jericho. Miz is just at a point right now where theres not much for him. If Miz went to SD now he would definently go straight to the top. But it would hurt someone like Barrett or Bryan. Maybe a trade? Barrett to Raw. Miz to SD.

I do think that come Draft time, Miz will end up going to SD. But I think Barrett or other main eventers from SD will come to Raw.

As for the rumor that Miz is to blame for Survivor Series numbers. I dont know if its really true. But if it is its flat out STUPID. 'nuff said.
He needs to change his character, not the brand that he appears on.

He comes out and does the same thing EVERY time. His promos have become stale and boring. He got over last year doing what he's doing now, but he needs to change things up. The only guys that can get away with doing the same thing over and over and over are Cena and Orton because they're going to get shoved down our throats regardless. Other guys need to evolve, and the Miz hasn't.
I don't think id turn him face just yet characters like Miz work best as a face when the fans actually turn them naturally rather than a contrived WWE character turn.

Having said that I do think Miz should move to Smackdown, itd be a nice change of scenery he could have excellent fueds with Sheamus and Orton. I would also love to see him fued with dibiase and think this could really help ted get the necessary push to move nto the upper midcard. He could establish a nice lengthy reign as WHC to preserve his status as a main eventer and one of the top heels in the company which sadly has been flagging a bit on Raw lately.

While I agree Smackdown is very heel heavy atm the draft is coming up soon and this could be easily remedied that way, with promising faces like Kofi who won't get a chance at a susatined main event push on Raw potentially moving onto Smackdown.

Also i love the idea of a Miz Christian tag team it would be amazing and could work wonders for the ag division of done properly and sustained for long enough (much like MIz/Truth should have been)
Ok for one the only reason miz has dropped is because of the rumor of him making the survivor series buy rates low, which is total b.s., the writing team needs to take heat for their mistakes. For 2 i agree, the smackdown main event picture is full, when there is raw's picture who the same three guys over and over, i dont think smackdown would help him, i beleive that turing him face at this point would be the best for his career.
I actually like the idea of The Miz moving to Smackdown. The positives far outweigh any negatives. Smackdown has always been the better of the two brands as far as in-ring wrestling is concerned. The Miz has improved in the ring alot since his debut and I believe putting him on brand with less talent would only reinforce how great he has become. And while I do like The Miz as a heel, I believe that a face turn has been long overdue to change things up abit. WWE had a perfect opportunity to turn The Miz when they split he & R-Truth. It would've made alot more sense to have a delusional R-Truth turn on The Miz than what they actually did with Miz turning on Truth.

As far as I can see, the only downside is that more people watch RAW than Smackdown. But, that has more to do with WWE treating Smackdown like the b-show. They need to start a back-and-forth war between RAW & Smackdown with acquiring talents jumping. Kinda like they did in 2003 with Bischoff on RAW & Stephanie on Smackdown. At least that way when The Miz jumped to Smackdown it would seem like a major event as opposed to simply having the usual boring draft.
I was warming to this idea and then something hit me that I don't believe that anybody has mentioned... MAINSTREAM APPEAL. Ok, let me explain this , the Miz is constantly generating publicity on late night talk shows, gets followed by TMZ and is a former reality star. Vince views him as a go to guy to get some buzz outside of the WWE universe. Being that Raw is the flagship show Vince would want to keep Miz on the brand to hopefully generate some viewers from the mainstream. Don't get me wrong I think that Miz on Smackdown would be a good fit, but the bottom line for Vince is publicity and he would rather generate publicity on Raw over Smackdown
I've been saying this for a while now although I rather like the idea of him becoming a midcard champ on RAW. The US title is once again losing prestige after being dropped by Ziggler so maybe a Swagger/Miz rivalry could keep the title relevant and show creative that The Miz still has talent and that they were to blame for SS buys.
LOL @ Miz being blamed for the Survior Series buyrate. He should not be the scapegoat. The Rock is one that should be blamed. Since WM all you hear is how big of a draw the Rock is... But he could not deliver a big buyrate in his in ring return. He got way too much credit for WM buyrate!

Miz does need a new setting he should go to smackdown. Swap Miz and Wade Barrett.
The only way I can see Miz really becoming relevant is by him turning face. If he goes to Smackdown and becomes a face I think it could work. Smackdown needs another face and fast to help carry the brand. Orton is doing everything he can but they need more. I think simply put, Miz needs to go to smackdown and be a star...but as a face...not a heel.

Plus lets be honest, it would really be refreshing to see something like that occur.
I think a move to smackdown would help alot, and also why not put the IC belt on Miz I mean didnt Jericho go back to the IC title a few times even after being a main eventer and world title holder and it didnt hurt him at all. Id wanna see him feud with Sheamus or Orton or even show
he does need to move to SD, along with guys like Kofi and Truth, being on raw really gives them the time in the ring and on the mic to improve thats why SD has been so great for guys careers ex: jeff hardy, cm punk, orton, del rio, cena etc
I think a move to smackdown would help alot, and also why not put the IC belt on Miz I mean didnt Jericho go back to the IC title a few times even after being a main eventer and world title holder and it didnt hurt him at all. Id wanna see him feud with Sheamus or Orton or even show

Bringing him down to the midcard belt would be the beginning to the end of Miz. Sure it worked for Jericho. Jericho has the talent to carry him back to the top or back down (however they want to use him). The Miz is a talentless boob. He's a one-trick pony that's grown stale. His wrestling ability makes Cena look like Bret Hart in comparison, so you can't book him on his wrestling ability. His whole "really? REALLY?" thing has gone old to the point where I don't want to see him lose or win. I just want him gone.
nobody becomes relevant being on or going to smackdown. Its a B show. If you have to send someone there it likely means they shouldn't be on raw again, and therefore people probably don't care if they're relevant anyway. Orton is taking a bullet for the team right now. Since he went to smackdown and basically stopped talking he has felt as useless as that show is.

Miz's actions never reached the level that his Mic work would have you believe. I mean in this vanilla PG era none of the heels really cause that much carnage anymore, but miz would have you believe he did because he took out truth and Morrison, even though we all knew the real reasons behind it.

like many many many other things, miz was more a victim on WWE creative 2011 than anything else. It was the worst year in stories or writing in the WWE since I can remember...probably ever. The only thing I'll remember from 2011 was punk and he pretty much wrote that story himself.
I would do a double swerve at wrestlemania with Miz turning face and cena turning heel.... If cena turned heel, Miz would become really irrelevant on raw, and a move to smack down would not be good for up and coming heels such as Cody, Barrett, etc. Therefore turning him face to feud with the likes of Jericho, heel cena, dolph, would be nothing but beneficial as Miz is one of if not the best on the mic. It could truly propel him to stardom and rock status, and being his size...being an underdog champion would suit him more then the heel champion.
What would work IMO is have Miz turn full Tweener. I know he's kind of teased the fans before. But TBH he's always been a full heel. WWE should give him room to work with both sides like Orton. Let his character grow. I personally think if Miz stays on Raw and he works as a mega tweener he has more potential than anything. Because lots of people want to cheer him (I'm one of them) and lots of people want to boo him. Perfect fit for a solid tweener. Moving him to SmackDown! would just suck because he would disappear faster than a Big Show World Heavyweight Championship title reign.
I don't think The Miz has become irrelevant or taken a step back.

As you said, he main evented an an important PPV against Cena and the Rock. He was #1 in the RR and went over 40 minutes, will be part of the main event at Elimination Chamber, is currently involved in one of the featured WWE feuds, and has been featured on TV extensively every week for the last year.

CM Punk is the champ right now, and getting the spotlight on RAW. Punk vs Miz has been done many times, and it's not the right time for a feud between the two.

I suspect The Miz will be moved to Smackdown, and will probably be the top heel of the show when he gets there.
I've actually been thinking about this for a while, considering my affinity for The Miz, and I think it would be good for Miz. I think he has kind of gotten lost in the shuffle on Raw, and it would be good for him to get a good run on SD as the top heel.

I think he could really get over as a face too. Some of his catchphrases are really (pun intended) good for a face.
I've posted this here and on other forums as well, but Miz as a face on Smackdown would be great if he were to be pitted against a heel Daniel Bryan. With their previous history, it would work well, except have Bryan booked as the infinitely talented athlete who belittles the Miz for his limited ring skills, while Miz is the underdog trying to prove that he worked just as hard and deserves to be in the WWE just as much as Bryan and the other indy gods.

Just have Bryan cut a promo that sounds like this...

"You wanna know the truth Miz? I resent you. I am infinitely more talented than you, yet the guys in charge thought it would be some kind of funny joke for me to play second fiddle to you on NXT. I hate the fact that you are one of the golden boys of this company even though I can and have wiped the floor with you in this ring. You are a joke, Miz. While you were on MTV pretending to be a champion, I was WINNING championships all over the world!!! You are just a reality television reject whose fifteen minutes of fame lasted a bit too long. You see this title? This is for real professional wrestlers, not fake wannabe celebrities. You are nowhere close to being in my league."
Before watching last night's match consisting the Miz, I would have disagreed with you. But now I think it's a very good idea since he botched like 3-4 spots and possibly could of injured R-Truth.
He's already been in a lot of hot water, has been blamed for the low pay per view numbers NOW missed a spot that could have seriously hurt R-Truth. VMK loves the guy but my question is at this point was last night's RAW the final straw. Is he Superstars bound or going to end up jobbing on RAW or Smackdown. Remember VMK loves Drew and no one else did, now Drew is kind of a joke on Smackdown.
Well I doubt he'll ever be at the level Drew is at now, but it can be pretty safe to say that now his inevitable title push has been pushed back a few months...
Im not sure about the Miz remember he was suppose to be the forgotten one and Morrison was suppose to be elite but it was the opposite. Last night it was brutal for me to watch the Miz. Ya the Truth landing was bad but that happens no exscues but it was like watching Austin in there last night. Im a huge Austin fan but he wasnt exactly the best at covering his mouth, the communication with the other wrestler exactly quiet and hidden. 2 times it was really noticeable. 1st time he had his head under the ring with Truth talking after the fall and the 2nd plain as day him and Jericho talking in the middle of the ring laying down not really covering their mouths or nothing and you could hear what they were saying. Maybe its just me but thats not what I wanna see well obviously ha. Maybe the whole Maryse thing and going back to LA and partying after her release has something to do with his poor showings maybe he wants that life to who knows but I hope thats not the case

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