*MERGED* Scott Hall: Can He Keep It Up? Nope he cannot. He was arrested. :(

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Hey Yo!
His recent tag team title win inspired me to do this thread.
If you dont know by now imma huge Scott Hall fan. Now Scott Hall is a mixed bag he has so much potential and could've easy have been a world champ if it wasn't for his secret alcoholic problems wink wink. Now with his recent TNA run everyone is expecting him to eventually fuck up but i beg to differ im real proud of him so far he has lost some weight from when he first came to TNA in January.
He is also actually turning up to shows.
So my question is can Scott Hall keep this up or will he eventually let us down again?
.Tha Wolfpac.
I've enjoyed scott hall's return immensely. sure, he cant go like he used to. that ship sailed a long time ago, and anyone complaining about such needs to get a grip.
he is striving to keep "sober" and get back in shape, and its been a joy to watch, week by week. he has that glint back in his eye, and though he may not be putting on a masterclass and is of a certain age. he still has that certain something that makes people remember the name with a fondness and have a want to see their man once again.
hes in the best shape he has been in for a long time. and with waltman away from the equation that can only improve under the tutelage of kevin nash. he knows his times winding up. so i dont begrudge one last tag title run. under the thought that its going to be two greats working to their abilities for what may be the last time they can give someone the in-ring rub.
im finding it reminiscent of scott steiners last hurrah at the top table of competitive wrestling during bound for glory. i defy anyone, whoever had a affection for the genetic freak, to watch that full metal mayhem match. and not get goosebumps and have a wistful smile at seeing someone, knowingly throwing it up just one last time.
p.s get on the last call with scott hall on youtube. very entertaining, and a decent insight to how hes coping since getting back in tna.
If I think of Scott Hall back in his Razor Ramon times and compare him to the talent of now I think it shows how much the current wrestlers, not just in WWE, lack a good persona or character or even maybe charisma or personality. Most, not all, but most are either just generic good guys or bad guys. Nevertheless, my question, or discussion-starter rather, is what would you make of Scott Hall becoming TNA World Champion right now. Granted he would have to cut down to size. He isnt anywhere near the horrible condition he was once in though and if he worked his arse off and got into the shape the likes of Kevin Nash is in my opinion he could pull it off.

I understand a big problem here though is the message it sends out to the rest of the world looking in. TNA already gets critisized for having old has-beens and to have someone his age might just prove what everyone has been saying. I myself have complained at Hogan continually saying that the tie is now for the young guys in the back to have their chance and then all we get his Hogan, Flair and Hogans daughter mixed some with good wrestlers and Abyss aka Eugene/Kane.

But I just wanted to know everyone elses' opinion. I can honestly say that I would completely get behind Scott Hall IF he got in good condition in the next few months and TNA gave him a proper and well-worked storyline(hasnt been happening much to anyone in TNA these days).

I think a great story would be where he becomes similar to his Razor Ramon character where he was a bad guy turned good, but still "The Bad Guy" and he wanted to finally become a World Champion for the first time. When he finally won it the crowd it would be extrodinary. The crowd would be totally into it because I think most people agree he was good enough to be a multiple time world champ and wished he had been given his chance. Imagine him having to work his way up and then finally getting his shot after months of working towards it and then when he got that 1-2-3 against the champion even if it was someone like RVD or Hardy I think he could get a HUGE ovation. But only if he did get back to somewhat his former self.

This will not happen and if it does, I will abandon TNA and all hope that I have for it.

With all his issues, I can respect Scott Hall for the fact that he has gotten himself into a respectable working shape. However he nor Nash is not the kind of champion TNA need right now. Just like Foley, their time to be the main focus of a company has passed them by.

They need to pass the torch and work with Eric Young to push him to a semi main event level.
I'm happy for Scott Hall, he has lasted this long, looks to me he is taking it very seriously, but him being world champion is a long shot...They would much rather pefer nash as the next tna world champion before they even consider hall...I think the tag champions will do just fine for him, i don't think he will be getting any singles actions..
I like the idea. Many epic stories are built around redemption. The 6 Star Wars movies were built around the redemption of Anakin/Vader.

If Hall took the angle to an emotional level, it would be fantastic. He would have to fully committ to the idea, mentally and physically and most imporant portray sincerity.

Not all World Title reigns have are meant to be epic, if he held it for a few weeks, that would be good. And i agree him winning the world title would be a great moment for TNA and for wrestling.
It's really great to see someone who fell so far down to come back up and even win the TNA tag team titles. I don't watch much TNA honestly, but when Hall returned, the first thing I thought of was him and Nash reuniting. This is a feel good story all around for him and happy he's been able to show up and work.
I honestly don't know why Scott Hall would ever win the TNA Championship.. He should have thought about trying to win a tittle in his prime,

Shouldnt TNA be focused on pushing future main eventers, not Scott Hall who any day could be out the door?
Who knows if one week he doesnt show, What a Champion that is.
You usually cant trust him, but im surprised he made it this far.
I'm told that Scott is a great "wrestling mind" - god knows TNA could use more of those.
Back in the day he had a classic match with shawn michaels - and the nWo is one of (if not the singular) best angles of all time. Let's hope he can keep his personal demons under controll.
I like the fact that Scott Hall has been able to keep his act together so far. I know he's been through a lot in his life, he's made some bad choices that have come back on him. Nobody's perfect after all and it does seem like he's taking this run in TNA seriously. I think he knows that this will probably be his last big shot in the wrestling business.

That being said, I do not want to see Scott Hall as TNA World Heavyweight Champion. As the OP said, TNA is heavily criticized for its populations of over the hillers and has beens. It's hard to not be critical when you see men in their 50s and well past their physical prime scoring wins over wrestlers 20 to 25 years younger than they are. It makes the younger wrestlers and the company overall look weak. Scott Hall has done a lot in pro wrestling, he was one of the biggest stars of the 90s and nobody's taking that away from him. But, I think TNA should use these older stars to make young stars instead of using young wrestles to put over older wrestlers, which is what TNA has been doing for several years now.
Scott Hall has surprised me so far, in his ability not to throw himself under the bus AGAIN. He has definitely put the time in and is getting back in shape...I don't even snicker at him in trunks anymore.

BUT...anyone who has ever dealt with alcholism knows...it is a matter of time. It is very hard for a "regular" (you and me) person to get and stay sober. For a "star" (i.e. wrestler who makes decent coin and is used to living that way) it is much harder.

I love a nice feel good story as much as the next guy, but I don't see it lasting. That's my opinion, not on the wrestler Scott Hall, but on the addict Scott Hall, whose demons have dashed his hopes many times in the past. And there you have it.
scott hall as a champion would be hitting the david arquette level, the bottom of the wrestling world. yes, hes known by the prime of the wrestling age, but that is long gone. tna is all about wrestling, big moves and being extreme, NONE of what scott hall has left in his tank.

Comparing Hall to DA... Is just a slap in the face to a man who's fought many demons in his life and seems to be on the right path... Be it, ten years too late...

I would love to see a good storyline, to where maybe Jarret or Sting had the title for a month or two and Hall gives us an emotional speech about never making it to the top and finally gets a match with one of those guys who can wrestle the old school story telling style...

If Hall worked someone like AJ or RVD for the title, u could do the old versus new angle but the match would be a let down...

I would like to see him win it for a month, if he devotes himself to getting in shape and actually doing it... Because he was one of the best who never held the title...

If not though, I think one last run with Nash as champs will suit him well enough....
No no no absolutely not. Tna has to much good talent to give the title to a washed up shell of his former self in Scott Hall. It wouldn't make any sense to give him the title when you have guys like Anderson, Pope, Hardy, Rvd, Styles, Joe, and Angle which basically all are in their prime except for Rvd and Angle. If Tna does this then I believe Hogan needs to go. Off Topic but Hall and Nash shouldn't even be tag team champions.
Good topic, looks like the opinions are about 50/50 here. I think it all has to do with the story. If there is a good story around it, and Hall showed a lot of commitment then this would be one veteran that I would be ok with winning the belt. He may be past his prime but it wouldnt be any worse than when Hogan beat HHH in WWE for one last run. Hall has never had the belt before and there are plenty of fans that grew up with Razor Ramon as their favorite wrestler. Him finally reaching the mountain top would be a great story if done right. I think if it did happen it would have to have 2 conditions to make it ok. The first would be he would have to take it off of RVD, Jerrett, Angle or Sting. DO NOT have one of the young TNA originals like Styles or Joe job to Scott Hall. The next would be the time period, one month would be good, thats it. It would be good for the old school fans, but not step on the toes of the younger fans too much.
Coming fromt he point of view of somebody who has watched TNA maybe twenty times, each time for a span of no more than 5 minutes, because the porduct is impossible to watch, care for or become interested in (which also seems to be the majority of peoples opinion of TNA, judging by ratings) having Scott Hall as champion would not necessarily be as bad a thing for TNA as people are saying.

If I switch to TNA and see a ridiculous spot fest of a match, I turn it off. If I turn over and see Orlando Jordan feeling up other dudes, I turn it off. If I turn over and see Hogan and Flair hobbling about fighting over jewellery, I turn it off

If I was to turn over and see Scott Hall, a recovering fuck up, overcoming his demons and becoming TNA champion, or anything interesting at all happening, i might consider leaving it turned on and check whats going Initially, Hall and Waltman coming in helped improved viewership and it is not their fault that things have fallen back to how things were at all.

Now, don't get me wrong...I don't think it would happen, I can't see it happening, but would it be a disaster to David Arquette extremes? Compared to the other rubbish that is being put on TV by Dixie and her boys...not at all.
This is an angle that could actually work and for one reason. Scott hall has never held a major world title. It would be a neat storyline to watch him "overcome" his deamons to win the world title one time. It would honestly be a nice moment and I wouldn't mind it one bit, as long as its properly handled. Its about putting a compelling product on tv and this is definatly a story that would make good televison
Waaaaay too risky...he seems to be doing much better, and I would applaud him for being relatively stable in his current run, but don't forget that he no-showed a PPV in his last run. You can't risk that again. I think his being champion would be more pressure than he can take, and might set him back to square one. Plus, he flat out can't do much in the ring anymore. I'd rather see the once-again-killer Joe get the title, or Angle, or someone who can carry a 30-minute match without 29 minutes of rest holds. If someone joins The Band and he helps the guy get the championship, and kind of mentors him, along with Nash...that is really the best role for him, I think.
scott hall as a champion would be hitting the david arquette level, the bottom of the wrestling world. yes, hes known by the prime of the wrestling age, but that is long gone. tna is all about wrestling, big moves and being extreme, NONE of what scott hall has left in his tank.


I just can't agree with this post. To compare Scott Hall to Arquette is not only a bash to Razor Ramone himself, but a bash to long-time fans of wrestling who enjoyed him playing "Tha Bad Guy" in the 90s.

Should Hall be TNA Champion? Why the hell not Terry Funk was an ECW World Champion was he not? Hulkster and Savage grabbed the WCW World Championship and they weren't in their prime...I see no reason to not include Hall on the list of contenders.

So far he has been keeping his act together, and if TNA wanted to they could make Hall a champion; or at least championship calibur. Do I want to see it happen? Hell no but I wouldn't throw the idea out and I sure as hell won't compare Razor Ramone to someone who did absolutely nothing in wrestling but give WCW a really bad name.
I love Scott Hall, I grew up on WCW and loved the Outsiders/Wolfpack/NWO angle. I just hope he gets better and gets a decent run one last time.
I like the idea of a redemption story line. Hall would get the support of fans in this tyoe of roll. Who didn't want to see Razor as WWF Champ?
This is a story with enough real life in it to make the fans care. That's what wrestling is missing. Stories that we care about. Hogan and Flair are thus far a bomb IMO. No one wants to see them bleeding every week, stumbling around, and arguing over a HOF ring. NO ONE CARES!!!!
As mentioned before it'd work if he took the title over an established guy, and held it for about a month or so. I'd then like to see him drop it to a new guy...possibly The Pope, or Wolfe.
Not a fued to center a year around, but good enough to engage the fans and put over a fresh face....win win
as much as people like bringing up old guys being champions in promotions like ecw (and i was one of the 100k people who watched and liked the original ecw), it DOES NOT work for a promotion that is trying to be a top contender. the storybook finish for a guy way past his prime does not work to make a product more popular because most of todays fans will have no idea of the story. the normal wrestling fan or someone that is not a fan tuning in for the first time seeing a guy like scott hall as champion will flip the channel and not look back.

doing something like this is for indy wrestling, not a major promotion.

I like the idea of a redemption story line. Hall would get the support of fans in this tyoe of roll. Who didn't want to see Razor as WWF Champ?
This is a story with enough real life in it to make the fans care. That's what wrestling is missing. Stories that we care about. Hogan and Flair are thus far a bomb IMO. No one wants to see them bleeding every week, stumbling around, and arguing over a HOF ring. NO ONE CARES!!!!
As mentioned before it'd work if he took the title over an established guy, and held it for about a month or so. I'd then like to see him drop it to a new guy...possibly The Pope, or Wolfe.
Not a fued to center a year around, but good enough to engage the fans and put over a fresh face....win win

Let me get this straight. You don't want to see Hogan or Flair stumble around, but you want to see Hall win the heavyweight title? I enjoy irony just as much as anybody else, but this is ridiculous.

I seriously can't believe anybody is entertaining the thought of Scott Hall being TNA champ. Well, I can understand why anti TNA people are, but still. It's bad enough that he is a tag champ right now. I am certainly not anti TNA, but if they put the big boy strap on him, I will stop watching. I'll get my Velvet fix through screenshots.
I think it comes down to if you are a fan before or after the attitude era. Because Alot of you can bullcrap like you know how about scott hall, but unless you watched it you don't know. Alot of the wrestling fans who watched razor ramon or even scott hall were for the most part blown away by his charisma and in ring abillitys. We watched him for years and would love to see him finally become champion. Alot of you who only read about it only get the "he was a shit stirer, was a drunk, and helped run wcw to the ground." But he is one of the True groundbreakers and icons in this buisness. And I understand that he was no showing and blah blah blah. But he has come a long way since then. I also understand how people want young guys. But cant a legend in this industry get a shot at the top of the mountain even if it is only for a month or two.

Oh and dont compare DA to Scott hall. Its just not tasteful.
as much as people like bringing up old guys being champions in promotions like ecw (and i was one of the 100k people who watched and liked the original ecw), it DOES NOT work for a promotion that is trying to be a top contender.

I agree with you about veterans and how TNA would be going the wrong way if they had Hall as Champion. I am giving you that. But in no way, shape, or form can TNA be looked at as a top contender now. Yes, I am saying it now and I am not bashing TNA. They lost the Monday Night Wars II and it wasn't to Stone Cold or The Rock either. The feud cannot be taken seriously anymore. As of now I doubt a veteran like Hall (who has never held the World Title unlike Luther, Hogan, Flair, Sting, or Nash) can really jeopardize the business. You can make anything look good in wrestling if you try; that's why Undertaker and Triple H are still badass even if they have been in for so long.

I am ECW nostalgic as my name suggests, so it isn't a big deal to me for an old guy to go over younger dudes in their prime (Terry Funk). But he was practically the ONLY elder talent they had. It was a golden moment and that is all.

BUT WCW had many, many aged veterans in the Main Scene for a very long time. That is my argument. Yes, TNA has old people but none are really in the Main Scene excluding Hogan or even Flair.

the storybook finish for a guy way past his prime does not work to make a product more popular because most of todays fans will have no idea of the story.

I look around and see many, many people here who know of or have heard of Hall and his accomplishments. And if they haven't, well the internet is a maven for news and finding out things. They can always look it up. On the big screen though you can still paint the story of a respected guy and everything he has done in the business.

ex. Shawn Michaels or Ric Flair

You cannot tell me no one had a clue who these 2 were when they tune in. Even if they have never seen them in the ring, WWE casted commercials highlighting their career and promos for Wrestlemania and it was hard not to find them on cable. Even if you weren't a fan of wrestling you knew these two were important in their field, and even the commercials made you feel like they did much for the business.

the normal wrestling fan or someone that is not a fan tuning in for the first time seeing a guy like scott hall as champion will flip the channel and not look back.

I, like many others, randomly started watching wrestling. The first guy I saw holding a championship in his hand looked pink, was unshaven as hell, and sported a sweaty bandana over his forehead. This was Undertaker as The American Badass. He was talking to a bald, equally unshaven guy who was whiter than white (until that is Sheamus came along), wearing a black speedo of all things and his voice was hillbilly as crap. He was Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Looks can be decieving. Just because a guy looks a certain way doesn't mean we should judge. After all, wonder what a random viewer would have thought of when seeing Dusty Rhodes or Ric Flair for that matter for the first time. Fat guy in speedo vs. guy wearing an extremely flamboyant robe. I am sure many looked away.

doing something like this is for indy wrestling, not a major promotion.


Veterans have gotten over younger stars in ALL promotions. Usually because of their name and how much they draw in and put asses in seats. Now personally I don't think TNA will lose many fans if Scott Hall was released, but he does add some Old-School flair which isn't too bad, considering Both WWE and the defunct WCW had the same veteran thing going for quite some time. As for indy...the wisest move they could do would try to sign on someone who has played with the big names of wrestling in WCW and WWF(E) to give their little business more credibility. But as a major promotion it would be wise to use Hall as a stepping stone so to speak. I'm not talking of him winning The Big One though that would in fact be different. Just think they should push him to contendership.

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