**MERGED** (OFFICIAL) TNA General Complaint Thread


Occasional Pre-Show
AJ and Abyss will never attract new fans and neither of them wll ever draw a penny. They will never cut into WWE's audience as long as they push those 2.

I'll start with AJ. First off he doesn't have an ounce of charisma in his entire body. No stage presence. Horrible on the stick. As a face he's a boring goody two shoes and his look makes it impossible to take him remotely serious and as a heel he's alot worse. He looks like a eager tool whenever he comes out with Flair in a suit. The robe is even 50x worse. The earrings look rediculous. Its so blatantly obvious how uncomfortable he is whenever he's around Flair's women.

He may be one of the best wrestlers in the world (I could even argue against that) but wrestling ability alone doesn't draw money or attract new viewers. And charisma is not something you can learn. You either have it or you don't and AJ don't.

Now for Abyss. He may be the single worst wrestler I've ever seen get a major push for a mainstream company. This guy is Khali and Kozlov bad. Probably even worse because atleast those 2 didn't talk much. All he does in his promos is play with his hair and shake. There's nothing entertaining about it. He's in horrible shape on top of that. And he really believes a ring gives him magic powers. He doesn't even deserve a spot on the roster yet somehow they think he can be a top guy.

Its not like TNA has no other options. They have Jeff Hardy, RVD, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Mr. Anderson, The Pope, Desmond Wolfe, Robert Roode, James Storm and Matt Morgan who would all make MUCH better choices to push.

Hardy was WWE's biggest star last summer. Nuff said.

RVD was one of the most popular stars WWE ever had every year he was there.

Angle and Foley are 2 of the biggest names in wrestling history and both at an age where they can still be near the title for a few more years.

The others are all complete packages. They are all young, have charisma, mic skill and all have the right look of a real main eventer.
Your entitled to your opinion on Abyss and AJ. You may be pretty accurate when assessing Abyss because I see him as a kane/big show type wrestler who really has not drawn big dollars. But comparing Abyss to Khali and Kozlov is absolutely the worst example I have ever seen on here.

I disagree with you on AJ. AJ does have charisma, it is just not on the level of other wrestlers in the company. I think your perception of AJ is wrong. Other people I know on here will disagree with you about him. The knock on him was that he was a pure wrestler that needed a little bit of a character tweak. Flair is trying to give AJ a rub that he has deserved for a long time and if it means he has to be 'Tully' for a little while, that is fine with me.

AJ did not inherit amazing charisma. But he has just enough to make him into a credible champion who can one day draw money. It's properly marketing him. Marketing is something lacking in TNA. They need to get AJ out there on talk shows. Believe me, he has plenty of talent and good charisma. As far as the robe is concerned...ok...you're getting a little picky.

If you want Hardy and RVD a run with a title, that is fine. Just be prepared to get bombarded with hate mail from the 'smarks' who will be screaming 'wwe rejects' if that does happen.
I don't think Abyss is cut out for the spot he currently has, particularly not with the whole neurotic 10 year old thing they've had him doing for a long while. Hulk Hogan is said to be pretty high on Abyss and that's all well and good but a lot of TNA fans just aren't buying into it. The fact that TNA's audience dips considerably during Abyss' segments and matches is a clear indicator of that.

As for AJ Styles, I have to disagree to some degree. Styles does have some charisma but it's not nearly on the same level as Flair or Hogan. To a degree, Styles is overshadowed by the two legends and he's not nearly on their level when it comes to promos. For me, I'm just not buying into Styles imitating Ric Flair. Copying much of Flair's character, mannerisms and essentially adopting many of the same aspects of the Nature Boy character is a lame concept and, in my opinion, is a little lazy. Styles doesn't feel the least bit authentic with his current character. Personally, I think it would have worked out better to pair Styles with Hogan and someone like Wolfe with Ric Flair. Two faces vs. two heels with each team representing "the past and the future" of wrestling.

If TNA hopes to improve its numbers and ultimately be viewed as a legitimate threat to the WWE, then wrestlers like Jeff Hardy and RVD may well have a prominent place within the company. TNA is going to have to appeal to the average viewer and Jeff Hardy's popularity is right up there with the biggest names in wrestling today. Even if Hardy wasn't all that popular among internet fans, I think he's still an example of what TNA needs. TNA isn't going to have a chance to threaten the WWE if they cater primarily to internet fans. If TNA could lure guys that are young, at the top of their game and are over in the WWE to their company, then it'd be a huge step forward for them.
Your entitled to your opinion on Abyss and AJ. You may be pretty accurate when assessing Abyss because I see him as a kane/big show type wrestler who really has not drawn big dollars. But comparing Abyss to Khali and Kozlov is absolutely the worst example I have ever seen on here.

I disagree with you on AJ. AJ does have charisma, it is just not on the level of other wrestlers in the company. I think your perception of AJ is wrong. Other people I know on here will disagree with you about him. The knock on him was that he was a pure wrestler that needed a little bit of a character tweak. Flair is trying to give AJ a rub that he has deserved for a long time and if it means he has to be 'Tully' for a little while, that is fine with me.

AJ did not inherit amazing charisma. But he has just enough to make him into a credible champion who can one day draw money. It's properly marketing him. Marketing is something lacking in TNA. They need to get AJ out there on talk shows. Believe me, he has plenty of talent and good charisma. As far as the robe is concerned...ok...you're getting a little picky.

If you want Hardy and RVD a run with a title, that is fine. Just be prepared to get bombarded with hate mail from the 'smarks' who will be screaming 'wwe rejects' if that does happen.

My comparison was bad? Yet you're comparing him to future Hall of Famer Big Show? Big Show has solid mic skills, he's a great story teller and has been a reliable upper mid-card/main event attraction for over a decade. Abyss has never done anything good in his entire career. Everytime he cuts a promo the only way he knows how to act is ******ed. And he's a horrible wrestler on top of that. Unless its a hardcore rules match he has no clue what to do and compared to guys like Foley and Raven he even sucks in harcore matches.

AJ has NO charisma. Its not just about his bad mic skills. Jeff Hardy, RVD and Rey Mysterio have bad mic skills but they all have tons of charisma and the presence to draw a crowd. AJ couldn't draw flies on dog shit. Even his buddies Joe and Daniels have charisma and are both decent on the mic. AJ has his ring ability and thats it. He has nothing else going for him.

And yeah the robe is a big deal because most fans pay attention to how a wrestler is presented.

Also Hardy and RVD are not even rejects. They both left on their own and opted to go to TNA.
The Big Show MAY be a future hall of famer, but I'd compare Abyss to him before I would EVER compare him to Khali...you have to be kidding.

To say AJ has NO charisma...what are you basing that on exactly? I have heard the Daniels has mic skills 'card' about 340 times on these sites. I don't see it. Agreed on Joe. But your basing AJ's charismaon what exactly?

I don't think the robe is as big of a deal as your making it out to be. Seriously, it's a robe dude. It's better than Matt Morgan's robe that looks like his mom sewed it for him.

Ok, I need clarification on here with what a wwe reject or just a "guy that jumped" is....I've been a little unclear because the 'smarks' can't seem to separate the two.
Did you genuinely just put Angle and Foley in the same category in terms of going for titles and being a big name? Did you not see Foley's abortion of a title run? You think AJ and Abyss aren't good choices but Mick Foley is? Wow.

Abyss isn't the most gifted wrestler in the world, but he's better than Khali or Kozlov or both of them combined. The only problem is they've relegated him to this ******ed (literally) character. Back when he was breaking into Christian's house and trying to drown him in his own pool he was a bad-ass unstoppable monster. Hogan has said he wants to do a storyline where Abyss ends up back there so I'm all for his push if it means we get the Abyss of old back. The guy can wrestle, watch any of his ROH or earlier TNA stuff for proof.

AJ is only boring when he isn't used right. Early into his title run this was the case but gradually, through his feud with Daniels and then Angle he became the best I've ever seen him in terms of a combination of ring work and character. As a heel there are patches that are just plain awkward, such as anything he does with the women when we know he's married and he wears the damn wedding ring around his neck in every match. But his mic work has improved over the last few months and having Flair next to him gives him instant credibility.

I disagree that AJ can't cut into the WWE audience. Say they've never heard of Styles and they flick him on. They see Flair and think hmm who's this guy he's with, oh he's their champion, wow TNA sucks so bad I've never heard of their champion, but then again there's Flair. They watch Flair. Then they see AJ performing on an in-ring level nobody in the WWE can match right now and this wow, this guy's a technically sound high flyer. Ok maybe that's not a word for word of what would go on in a fan's head, but everybody I've shown AJ Styles matches to has been wowed by his moves. I dare someone to watch one of his matches and not be excited by him. The only problem in the past has been his lack of presence and star power outside of the ring. Flair is there to anchor that and I personally believe it's a positive thing and has added credibility to AJ Styles.

AJ and Abyss are TNA originals and everybody's number one fear whenever a WWE guy is signed up by TNA is that the originals will get buried. Well here we are with two of them firmly in the main event and somebody is complaining. Can TNA ever win in your eyes?

Jeff Hardy has worked two freakin' dates and you're saying they should push him more. There's a reason he couldn't work the time inbetween, people didn't know if he'd be in prison or not! I mean holy hell, you want them to push a guy they aren't sure is going to still be there in a month? Now that I'm fairly sure that he's staying out of jail he re-debuted and look what he did: He attacked Flair, AJ and Wolfe and allied with Hogan, Abyss and Pope. Is walking right into the main event scene not enough of a push for you?

RVD hasn't wrestled properly for years. He hasn't seen more than a night of TV time in years. He's getting older. He is far from a sure thing anymore. And yet he got to beat Sting in 10 seconds in his first night in the company. Not enough of a push for you? Sure he got beaten down horrifically afterward, which was a horrible idea in my eyes, but he still got a clean win over one of the biggest legends in the business.

Desmond Wolfe waltzed right into a 3 month program with Kurt Angle, got insanely over with the audience, moved on to Pope, got a loss and then a win against him (and he's now considered main event so it elevates Wolfe to have a win over him) and now is working with AJ and Flair against Abyss, Pope and Hogan. Not enough of a push for you?

Kurt Angle has main evented every single second since he arrived in TNA. He got a lot of title runs and a lot of them were quite long. They've now started letting him work with up and comers to try and get them over and improve them and you're complaining that they stopped letting him hog the limelight? He's being a professional and he's making the company better. Since day one he said he wants to take the guys they've got and show the world that they can be stars. He's doing that.

The Pope is main eventing the second biggest PPV on the TNA calendar after winning a tournament that allowed him to get wins over a series of bigger names than himself. It's not a random one-off title shot that will mean nothing either, he earned the shot 2 months in advance, allowing a slow build. He has shocked the world by appearing in the main event scene and looking like he belongs. His mic work is stellar. He's being pushed.

Mr. Anderson beat Abyss on his first night, got a win over Jeff Jarrett, made it to the finals of the title tournament and is now working with Kurt Angle, the biggest star the company has at their disposal. What part of that isn't a push to you?

Beer Money have taken a backseat since Hogan and Bischoff arrived, I'll give you that. But they let them have a straight-up victory over The Band, who everyone moaned and groaned about being here to take over and squash the TNA guys and now they've turned them heel and they're working with Jeff Jarrett and are getting a tag team title shot. What more do you want from them? An eternal ever-lasting title reign wherein they beat Team 3D, the British Invasion and MCMG every month... oh wait, they did that already.

Matt Morgan has a title belt around his waist and they're doing a slow-build for a feud with Hernandez. He's beaten AJ Styles twice and had a really good match against Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory in the last 6 months. He squashes most of the people he gets in the ring with. What more do you want?

Mick Foley being de-pushed is a good thing in my eyes. He didn't belong in the main event of a wrestling show in this day and age and he's now been relegated to the point he gets to do what he does best, talk. As long as he's not going for titles and wrestling in main events I'm happy, but I sense you have some big time Foley love so I can see how you'd think he isn't being used enough.

All in all I think TNA is pushing most of their guys and pushing them hard. The company's only so big so people like MCMG, Lethal Consequences, Rhino, Homicide, Team 3D, the Brits, and Mediocre Red and friends aren't going to always get time, but the WWE don't push everyone at once either. As far as the main event and upper mid-card go I think they're doing a good job.
Guys, another classic example of "WHY WOMEN DON'T BELONG IN BUSINESS!"

- Dixie, your cluless. Nuff said.
- Hogan, your selfish and obviously suffering from a touch of senility.
- Bubba, Just go kill yourself you useless monkey's nut sack.
- Jimmy Hart, Nasty's, et all Hogans old buddies.............go out to pasture please.
- AJ, who did you blow to get this push?
- Abyss, well...................has anyone seen him and Nick Dismore in the same place at the same time because he acts like "EUGENE". (Yes, I know it's not Eugene but they act similar and are just as useless as the other).

Now that we have that out of the way. TNA will always be an inferior product with a 'flavor of the month' mentality when it comes to the way they do business. Why, see example 1 and 2 above. Trust me, Vince just laughs his ass off in Stamford and doesn't give TNA a second thought. They will indeed be out of business or working very small by the end of 2010.

BTW, the new generation who watches TNA barely even knows the the Hulk Hogan that was the ICON of wrestling. That was back in the 80's. Remember, the new TNA generation was primarily born in the 90's.
My comparison was bad? Yet you're comparing him to future Hall of Famer Big Show? Big Show has solid mic skills, he's a great story teller and has been a reliable upper mid-card/main event attraction for over a decade. Abyss has never done anything good in his entire career. Everytime he cuts a promo the only way he knows how to act is ******ed. And he's a horrible wrestler on top of that. Unless its a hardcore rules match he has no clue what to do and compared to guys like Foley and Raven he even sucks in harcore matches.

you must never have watched TNA before the bischoff/hogan era, or atleast not long before, this is not the character Abyss has always played and from my understanding the ultimate plan for this storyline is to change abyss's character. Abyss is a very talented big man, probably the best big man since the big show
Did you genuinely just put Angle and Foley in the same category in terms of going for titles and being a big name? Did you not see Foley's abortion of a title run? You think AJ and Abyss aren't good choices but Mick Foley is? Wow.

Abyss isn't the most gifted wrestler in the world, but he's better than Khali or Kozlov or both of them combined. The only problem is they've relegated him to this ******ed (literally) character. Back when he was breaking into Christian's house and trying to drown him in his own pool he was a bad-ass unstoppable monster. Hogan has said he wants to do a storyline where Abyss ends up back there so I'm all for his push if it means we get the Abyss of old back. The guy can wrestle, watch any of his ROH or earlier TNA stuff for proof.

AJ is only boring when he isn't used right. Early into his title run this was the case but gradually, through his feud with Daniels and then Angle he became the best I've ever seen him in terms of a combination of ring work and character. As a heel there are patches that are just plain awkward, such as anything he does with the women when we know he's married and he wears the damn wedding ring around his neck in every match. But his mic work has improved over the last few months and having Flair next to him gives him instant credibility.

I disagree that AJ can't cut into the WWE audience. Say they've never heard of Styles and they flick him on. They see Flair and think hmm who's this guy he's with, oh he's their champion, wow TNA sucks so bad I've never heard of their champion, but then again there's Flair. They watch Flair. Then they see AJ performing on an in-ring level nobody in the WWE can match right now and this wow, this guy's a technically sound high flyer. Ok maybe that's not a word for word of what would go on in a fan's head, but everybody I've shown AJ Styles matches to has been wowed by his moves. I dare someone to watch one of his matches and not be excited by him. The only problem in the past has been his lack of presence and star power outside of the ring. Flair is there to anchor that and I personally believe it's a positive thing and has added credibility to AJ Styles.

AJ and Abyss are TNA originals and everybody's number one fear whenever a WWE guy is signed up by TNA is that the originals will get buried. Well here we are with two of them firmly in the main event and somebody is complaining. Can TNA ever win in your eyes?

Foley is not great in the ring anymore but he still draws. When he was champ last year thats when TNA was consistently getting 1.3s and everytime he wrestles on iMPACT its the highest draw of the show. So obviously he's still good enough for most people. I'm biased torwards him but he does draw so I'm also being reasonable. I love Nash aswell but I wouldn't say he deserves another world title reign.

The unstoppable monster crap only works for so long and then people stop caring. Thats why Kane is a jobber that nobody cares about now and thats why they felt the need to change Abyss' character. Plus it doesn't crossover to a casual audience. If they just wanted to push him as a mid-card talent enhancement then fine. But I have read where Hogan says Abyss can be TNA's John Cena. Seriously what the fuck? They are investing too much into a guy that should be peforming in a high school gym in front of 30 people. Not main event a company that wants to compete with the WWE.

Aj's ring work is arguable. Personally I like Hardy, RVD and even his friend Daniels alot more when it comes to that kind of ring work but to each his own. As for his character I've never seen anything good about him. Last year as a face he was horrible. He was so bad on the stick that he was making Daniels sound like the Rock in comparison. The whole "fighting champion" crap only works for so long until the fans hate you. Look how they turned on Cena and Cena is actually a great mic worker. And AJ doesn't have the ability to play a heel and be believable.

Also just being managed by Flair doesn't make him credible to new viewers. They will look and at first glance think AJ is just there to polish Flair's belt.

And if they wanna push some originals push James Storm, Robert Roode, Samoa Joe or Christopher Daniels. All of those guys are solid mic workers, can play a convincing face or heel and all have a more unique look to them. AJ and Abyss are really 2 of the worst choices on the entire roster to choose for a big push. Even out of the originals they should be at the bottom of the pile.
I have never been an AJ fan but he is a great in ring performer and is often talked about in Wrestling circles. You listed a bunch of guys like RVD, Desmond Wolfe, Mr. Anderson etc and AJ Styles fits in no differently with any of them. What Anderson has in Mic Skills, AJ has in In Ring Ability. It's swings and roundabouts. It's rare that you get the all round performer so it's a little foolish to be expecting that.

In regards to TNA pushing the wrong people, I have to disagree. I'm pretty glad that the Hogan/ Flair feud isn't just about those two. And by putting AJ and Abyss in that storyline, it leaves the other talent to have other, more exciting stories. I personally have no interest in Hulk Hogan or what he does or doesn't do. I personally would rather him be off TV but I know I'm asking for a miracle. But I'd rather he team with Abyss rather than The Pope or RVD or Kazarian or anyone else as it just allows the better guys to give me better stories away from Hogan.

I've been a light viewer of TNA. I live in England and it isn't the easiest show to watch over here but I watched Mondays impact and I was more interested by the Pope/ Wolfe confrontation, the X Division Three Way (And am very excited that Shannon Moore is involved there, that will be good), The Kliq section and the Kurt Angle/ Mr. Anderson moments. Sure, they got 10 - 15 minutes of screen time each compared to the Hogan/Aj/Flair/Abyss' 45 minutes but that's to be expected of Hogan. He's a selfish ****e who still thinks he's 25 and the hip new thing when in fact he and Flair have gone beyond their 'getting asses in seats' days and have now become masters of unconvincing chair shots... oh but they are still tough enough to bleed so that makes them cool.

Look past the Hogan thing... and Abyss doesn't really think the ring gives him magic powers. That was more ridiculous than your issue with AJ's robe... Even though a third of the show was wasted on that foursome, the others shone through regardless and it was a pretty enjoyable show.
AJ and Abyss will never attract new fans and neither of them wll ever draw a penny. They will never cut into WWE's audience as long as they push those 2.

Both AJ and Abyss are well kwon in TNA, AJ is like a HHH in TNA, and Abyss is like a Kane. This two stars are old school they started with the company since TNA was born. Yeah they will never cut into WWE's audience because the are two different companies. TNA is more for the younger audience, a new Generation of wrestling.

I'll start with AJ. First off he doesn't have an ounce of charisma in his entire body. No stage presence. Horrible on the stick. As a face he's a boring goody two shoes and his look makes it impossible to take him remotely serious and as a heel he's alot worse. He looks like a eager tool whenever he comes out with Flair in a suit. The robe is even 50x worse. The earrings look rediculous. Its so blatantly obvious how uncomfortable he is whenever he's around Flair's women.

What!!!! that AJ doesn't have any charisma are you nuts. AJ has alot of charisma, why do you think that he still has that strap around his waist? If AJ didn't had any charisma Hogan would off strip him from his title already. To be the champion you don't only need to know how to wrestle, you need to have charisma and be good in the mic also.

I do agree with you in something. First of all as a face, AJ always act's like a wimp, He gets stepped by any one. Before he turn heel he was a weak champion, Honestly I couldn't stand him as a champion. He doesn't have the qualities to be a champion "as a face" only. Now as a heel he looks more like a champion, he is cocky and he really know how to get tons of heat on as a heel. The suits makes him look like a top notch champion. The champion always needs to look good. why? because he is the champion of the company. If you create a job and your the top dog in that job you always need to look sharp.

Now the robe really makes him look like a Flair rip off. Thats the only problem that I have with AJ, I fucking hate that robe it doesn't look good on him he looks very ridiculous. As for all the women, hey thats is what ric is known for, he likes to party with "beautiful" woman.

He may be one of the best wrestlers in the world (I could even argue against that) but wrestling ability alone doesn't draw money or attract new viewers. And charisma is not something you can learn. You either have it or you don't and AJ don't.

Didn't you just said that he doesn't have any charisma already, and now your saying that he is the best wrestler in the world. Like i said to be the best wrestler in the world you also need charisma and mic skill. When i first got into TNA, i liked TNA because of AJ Styles. His wrestling abilities are the best, he doesn't need to change anything at all.

Now for Abyss. He may be the single worst wrestler I've ever seen get a major push for a mainstream company. This guy is Khali and Kozlov bad. Probably even worse because atleast those 2 didn't talk much. All he does in his promos is play with his hair and shake. There's nothing entertaining about it. He's in horrible shape on top of that. And he really believes a ring gives him magic powers. He doesn't even deserve a spot on the roster yet somehow they think he can be a top guy.

WOW your saying that Abyss is the worst single wrestler ever to get a major push. WTF it's about fucking time that he gets a major push. And he is not like Khali or Kozlov, Why? because he has more history in wrestling then Khali and Kozlov. To me he is a hardcore legend, have you ever seen some of his hardcore matches? I guess you haven't. Yeah he is out of shape, just like big show and Edge. And you know what both Big show and Edge are getting a major push and WWE. Whys can't Abyss get his shot in TNA?

Abyss's promos are awesome dude. Everybody has there own way to cut promos, the promos that he cut are the way his gimmick is, thats his gimmick and he is the best at it. No one could top Abyss with that gimmick.

Its not like TNA has no other options. They have Jeff Hardy, RVD, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Mr. Anderson, The Pope, Desmond Wolfe, Robert Roode, James Storm and Matt Morgan who would all make MUCH better choices to push.

TNA right now doesn't have many options.
Jeff Hardy: just returned, so just cause you are Jeff Hardy you get a push hell no. You have to work your ass to get that push.

RVD: same goes for him, just like Jeff Hardy.

Kurt: got his push and he doesn't need one at all.

Mick Foley: he doesn't need to be the champion to be known we all know what he is capable of.

Mr. AAAAAAnnndddeeerrrrson: doesn't need a push as a champion.

The Pope: He will shine in LockDown, His push will be the best, Why do you think they are waiting until lockdown for Pope to get his title shot.

Wolfe: He got his Shot, I don't know what happend with him.

Robert and Storm: They should just stay as a tag team. They need to be pushed as a tag team to become the best tag team in the world.

Morgan: I really dont care about him

Hardy was WWE's biggest star last summer.

Yeah you said it right he was the biggest star in the WWE last summer, but not in TNA.

RVD was one of the most popular stars WWE ever had every year he was there.

He has been out of action for long dam time. He wont get his push just cause he is RVD.

Angle and Foley are 2 of the biggest names in wrestling history and both at an age where they can still be near the title for a few more years.

Both of these star doesn't need a championship around there waist no more. Like you said they are two of the biggest name's in wrestling. They have there fame already.
ok 1st off aj styles is great. i mean GREAT!!! the only reason he hasnt looked so good lately is because of who he is facing. aj v abyss does not work for a good match, throw in hulk and flair and you've got a terrible match. intresting because of who is in it, but a terrible idea in terms of putting on a good match.

abyss has his niche, just like kane and foley do. no he should not be in the ME and he should not be with hulk but to say he is terrible is crazy. remember when he was with james mitchel, he was a monster!!!!

yess all the old guys: nasty boys, jimmy hart, hall, waltman need to go. flair and hulk need to stay out of the ring. period.

Between aj styles, anderson, pope, wolfe, abyss, angle, sting, MCMG, Beer money, morgan, hernandez, kaz, daniels, joe, other x division guys, and now hardy, moore, and RVD. dont even get me started on the knockouts. they should be atleast a third of the show instead of having the BP be the only relevent ones. TNA would be sooooooo straight if they cut the fat. by that i mean get rid of hogan and all his friends. yes you heard me, tell hulk hogan he and all his little friends are too dam old to wrestle and are taking way too much tv time.

i rememebr when hulk 1st came out he said he was gonig to push the young guys. well not we have atleast 5 segments a week with hulk hogan and another 5 with biscoff being an asshole.

all hogans friends must leave if TNA is to survive. hogan and biscoff can have creative control and be the back stage ppl in charge but need to stay away from the ring.

put the spot light back where it should be
I agree that Abyss stinks. He just bothers me. In the ring, he isn't half bad, for a big man. He has some strength, and a good look if he were to ditch that dumb ass outfit he is wearing. On the mic, I want to shoot myself in the head while listening to him. It doesn't matter if it were four years ago or yesterday, he just bugs me. He needs to relax, and talk much, much less. If he is repackaged, MAYBE he can work.

As for AJ Styles, our thread-starter must not watch his matches. You can bag on AJ's mic work, fine. You can bag on his Flair-impersonation, fine. But to say he isn't any good in the ring shows a lot of ignorance. The guy busts his ass in there. He isn't just a high flying guy, he is a good technical wrestler as well. And what's wrong with his look? He is 5'-11", 220 lbs. There have been smaller champions, with a lot less skill.

I love how people who used to LOVE AJ Styles are now bitter and bitchy because he is with Flair. But I think the real problem is with TNA changing. Smarks don't like it because they are cry-baby bitches. Flair has taken AJ's mic work to another level. He has greatly improved on the stick since Flair came to TNA. His heel turn is working out GREAT! He looks perfectly comfortable in his role, so I don't know what shit was about. I love it, and am glad to see him improving outside of the ring. Before Hogan and company came in, he was as bad as Fat-Matt Hardy on the mic. Is he really good on the mic now? No. But he is most definitely improving, and you would have to be blind and deaf to think otherwise.

The right guys are being pushed, minus Abyss. Abyss should get the Kane treatment-jobber to the stars/up-and-comers. Matt Morgan? You want to talk about garbage on the mic. He is the biggest meathead (next to Hernandez) in TNA. His promos are garbage. He trips over his words, has no charisma, and isn't anything to brag about in the ring.

TNA is getting better. Slowly, very, very, slowly, getting better. I would have liked to have seen the improvements move a little quicker, but I am starting to think it's going to take more time than I had originally thought. I think Bischoff needs to take over creative...completely. Vince Russo is nuts. The guy had some good ideas during the Attitude Era, but Vince was there to filter him. I don't think anyone is doing that right now, and it surprises me. I though Bischoff would just hammer this guy, but his imprint is ALL over their out of control, erratic storylines. Can that guy, already.
All Abyss does is play with his hair and shake? Do you even know what that is called? It is called a character. He has these little ticks in his personality because he is supposed to be crazy. Your assessment of Abyss being as bad as Khali or Kozlov makes you lose a ton of credibility. Abyss still gets around good for a big guy. He has a credible looking finishers and does not look robotic. As for the Abyss is the John Cena of TNA comment. He stated that because both Abyss and Cena have a passion for the business.

Seriously? You say Jeff Hardy is a better wrestler then AJ Styles? Well, there goes that last shred of credibility that have or will ever have. I don't know how you can even say that when Jeff Hardy has maybe 2 moves he does right (those being the Swanton and the corner dropkick move). AJ Styles has several different styles of wrestling. He can fly around the ring and perform the "flippys" while also being technical and have some brawler mixed in there.

You sir (RavensFlock1990) have no shred of credibility left.
Come on guys AJ "Has No Style" s should be pumping gas and Abyss should be changing the tires. Wake the fuck up people! Two guys that shouldn't even headline at a moose lodge event.


There will never be another HBK, Bret Hart, Randy Macho Man Savage, Austin, Kurt Angle and the Rock. These are the barometer all in TNA should aspire too. They had THE WHOLE PACKAGE.

Hogan.............terrible wrestler with great mic skills.
Flair................very average wrestler with great mic skills.
HHH................politics hide his many flaws.
I have to totally agree with you on Abyss. Hes out of shape and the character is stale im amazed hes getting so much air time in a period where TNA really has to boost the ratings. Ive long thought he was only good having hardcore style feuds like with Jeff Hardy and with James Mitchell as his manager rather than being in the main event. New TNA viewers are likely to see him as a kane/mankind rip off too which most longer term viewers might have got round but newcomers will not know any of his past feuds or storylines. With hogan by his side too i think abyss will have some big wins in the future which if he defeats anyone like Hardy, RVD or AJ is goin to do more harm for them than good for the abyss character.
As for AJ i defo see him as a huge star of tna and putting flair with him will do him good as he does lack mick skills. The only thing i disagree with is putting him in the robes and gettin him to do the WOOOOOs as this makes him a flair clone rather than a protoge. When flair was in wwe giving batista or orton a rub in their corner they kept to their own characters and were a huge success without being gimmicky.
Hogan.............terrible wrestler with great mic skills.
Flair................very average wrestler with great mic skills.

Are you like, 12 or something or just really hoping for a flaming from everyone here?

First of all... all these guys are in the later/twilight of their VERY respectable careers. They are LEGENDS! How dare you say such things. Sting is still extremely entertaining and Hogan and Flair may not be what they were in the ring years ago but to everyone outside the IWC, they were drawing names back in their day. Just because they can't do 450 splashes and SSP's doesn't make them horrible. The average wrestling fan doesn't really even watch for the wrestling anymore... they are emotionally connected to the show and follow who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. They don't care about the behind the scenes stuff. They watch for the show that is TV and suspend their belief for the sake of enjoyment. People still like these names above because they are some of the all time favorites in the business.
Ok seriously you listed a bunch of people who "deserve a push" but your mad about Abyss and AJ being two of the top guys and you compare some of the oldest wrestlers as guys who need a push near the title, and granted your titled to an opinion but let me spell a few things out.

Foley can still go a few years still? Ok Foley looks like he is in worse ring shape than Abyss, and obviously they have similar styles with the exception of Abyss and his power game. Seriously do you remember Mankind at all? Do you not remember his psychotic pulling of hair and his sock puppet. Or you know you have had Chavo and Saturn who talked to Horses and Mops but because his character was a scared psycho who is traumatized from time to time and then suddenly goes on a rampage and puts people through tacks and tables your upset?

Then you have AJ who you say he has no charisma or talent and he's a Flair knockoff, but who was Wrestler of the year in TNA for 3 years? He had some character issues and does right now but that is due to bad writing, not AJ styles. They have him with Flair so he can be seen as the best of all time. Don't you remember him paired with Triple H, and how Flair only associates himself with big name talent? AJ is just in a tough spot right now because like when he was with Angle as a heel he is kind of a puppet, but yet he is trying to build himself as a heel so its a mixed reaction.

As far as who they are pushing they are pushing the right guys your just not seeing it... Pope gets his shot next month, Anderson and Angle are in a feud to give Anderson credibility in TNA much like Desmond Wolfe did a few months back. Hardy and RVD have just showed up onto the scene its not like just cause you add new talent you are going to break plans and give someone the belt. AJ has the ball and is running with it his matches are great, and Hardy and RVD will get their shots at AJ, but for now don't judge a book by the cover cause the pages surprise you.
Its not like TNA has no other options. They have Jeff Hardy, RVD, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Mr. Anderson, The Pope, Desmond Wolfe, Robert Roode, James Storm and Matt Morgan who would all make MUCH better choices to push.

While the newer guys might have a shot, though I have trouble seeing Matt Morgan bringing in alot of viewers. The first few on your list I can't agree with.

Hardy is great, but just got back to TNA and is a libility, the guy has a reckless lifestyle and sure he'll probably get a title run, but he isn't someone to lean a company on for to long at a time. His fture feud with AJ should be great, but in comparision AJ is more the type they should be pushing in the long term.

The Pope is getting pushed, albiet slowly. Hopefully they will give him a title run at lockdown.
Anderson is a good wrestler, but he's easily injured, he's doing a ok program with Kurt, but if he had the title there's a good chance he'd get injured and have to drop it. He also isn't a guy to lean the company on, though he's young enough to be able to contend for years.

Is RVD a long term deal? He's a great athelete, and I always enjoy watching him but with the rumors that he's still talking to the wwe, it's not a good idea to risk your champion jumping ship on you. He also just got in TNA.

Kurt is a good worker but he already had a decent run, his working with Anderson is better for the company then him having a lengthy reign. The guys a good athelete but it's better he works with the younger guys and puts a few of them over rather then hold the title real long and bury the new guys.

Mick Foley while great at one time is kinda washed up and really should stay retired, he works good backstage, but he's really not that great in the ring anymore and is past his prime. Your entilted to your oppinion but he isn't the type of guy to be highlighting ppv's anymore, and if he was a draw he would have drawn in the viewers when he was tna's champion.
Aj is a good worker and I think works great with Flair. He's not drawing people in because outside of TNA fans, most mainstream people don't know of Aj. Infact, many don't know what TNA is. That will start to change with the second monday night wars though.
Abyss I agree isn't the greatest, and Hogan's rub on him is probably wasted. BUt he's not terrible, and as others said he's like a mondern day mankind.
Are you like, 12 or something or just really hoping for a flaming from everyone here?

First of all... all these guys are in the later/twilight of their VERY respectable careers. They are LEGENDS! How dare you say such things. Sting is still extremely entertaining and Hogan and Flair may not be what they were in the ring years ago but to everyone outside the IWC, they were drawing names back in their day. Just because they can't do 450 splashes and SSP's doesn't make them horrible. The average wrestling fan doesn't really even watch for the wrestling anymore... they are emotionally connected to the show and follow who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. They don't care about the behind the scenes stuff. They watch for the show that is TV and suspend their belief for the sake of enjoyment. People still like these names above because they are some of the all time favorites in the business.

I agree overall, except Hogan and Flair really can't put on a good match anymore, if you need evidence just watch the Hulkamania tour.

I enjoy the past work or both, and am a hulkamanic, but even I can see that they are both past their prime and don't belong wrestling in the ring anymore.

Flair works great as Aj's manager who helps him win matches, and Hogan works great as a behind the scenes guy.
I never said they could still put on a good match. I was saying that regardless of whether they can wrestle or not, people are still going to watch because of who they are. It doesn't matter if they can't wrestle anymore or 'belong' in the ring. Its the nostalgic card they are trying to play. Do a lot of the women in the WWE belong in the ring? No. Does Bret Hart belong in the ring? Not anymore. Can all these people take bumps? No. Why are they in the ring you ask? Its a storyline and somehow, someway they can still pull off what they need to do to keep the fans interested. Hogan and Flair would die in the ring if they could. They are natural entertainers... If they can still talk smack and get through the ropes and throw punches, people are going to watch. Its Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, two of the BIGGEST NAMES IN PRO-WRESTLING HISTORY.
I agree that Abyss shouldn't be in the main event scene. I very rarely, if ever, enjoy watching anybody that out of shape wrestle and that's just my personal preference (and yeah, I'll put Samoa Joe on that list, too. So sue me.) Aside from my admitted bias, he's somewhat adequate at power moves, but he's a hardcore guy and that doesn't transfer to good matches all the time and he really doesn't work well against Styles. I don't mind his character too much, but there are just way too many better talents in TNA nowadays and I wouldn't even hesitate when I say he's not in the same league as most of the other guys the OP mentioned like Pope, Mr. Anderson, RVD, Robert Roode, or even Aj Styles for that matter.

Morgan on the other hand, I've said it before and I'll say it again, is pretty much TNA's version of Test circa 2000...which is funnier now that I think about it since Test was also in a tag team at the time coindentally known as T&A. He's a big guy and everyone in the world thinks he's going straight to the moon...and then nothing happens. Not that I'm implying Matt Morgan will be dead in 9 years, but this is wrestling.

I don't understand why the OP thinks Foley is better for a main event run than Abyss. Mick Foley is about as useful in the ring as Flair nowadays, that is to say, a couple of shades better than Hogan. Besides that Abyss is virtually the same gimmick as Mankind...just without the funny.

Styles is great in the ring, but I don't think he's a great champ. Not yet anyway. I have a hard time wondering why they push AJ Styles to the moon and give him Flair as a manager when he obviously doesn't fit in with all that "Nature Boy" stuff, and then Daniels end up getting squashed in matches against Val fuckin' Venis. I'd like to see at least one program with Daniels and Styles before Styles loses the belt to the Pope in two months, but instead we got this gobbledy-gook with Abyss so I can definitely agree with, hmm, maybe half of the OP's point.

There is so much talent in TNA (more than the E at this point, in my opinion) that wasting 45 minutes of a two hour show on Abyss, Hogan, Flair, and Styles is beyond ******ed. Especially when we've gotten less and less focus on the KOs and X divisions ever since Bischoff and Hogan took over and those were the staples of TNA for a long time. Then again, no X division matches means I don't have to worry about Amazing Red wasting my effin time.
first of all abyss is a great big man, and please dont ever disrepect anyone by comparing them to the big show. big show is the biggest piece of crap i have ever seen. he is not even interesting. he is the most lasiest and undedicatied man in wrestling thats why bischoff fired him 11 years ago and thats why he and hogan dont want him now, and that is also why he has been a jobber for over 90 percent of his career. if you want to call it a career. abyss is ten times the wrestler the big slow is. thats right i said the big slow. kane is better than big slow. actually kane is one of the best big men there is, but abyss has to be one of the top 3 big men in wrestling, and whoever said big slow is a future hall a famer is the biggest dumm ass of the centry. the day big slow goes in the fame will be the day wrestling shuts down, oh but wait a minute i think the same dumm ass that said big slow was a future famer is the same dumm ass that said styles and abyss didnt have carisma and main event caliber. oh never mind that explains it he is a moron anyway.
Hey wrestling fans,REAL wrestling Fans..Are you out their? Does anyone think the Hogan/abyss angle is fucking ******ed besides me? Tna has alot of talented people on the roster,why they are pushing wwe rejects like Mr.Anderson A.K.A. Mr.Injury,the angle with Angle (No Punn) doesnt make sense to me.I know im going to be spammed because of my opinion but its fine,and Wresltemania 26...Adding up to be a GREAT Wrestlemania..TNA..Is Ga'Bage
I never said they could still put on a good match. I was saying that regardless of whether they can wrestle or not, people are still going to watch because of who they are. It doesn't matter if they can't wrestle anymore or 'belong' in the ring. Its the nostalgic card they are trying to play. Do a lot of the women in the WWE belong in the ring? No. Does Bret Hart belong in the ring? Not anymore. Can all these people take bumps? No. Why are they in the ring you ask? Its a storyline and somehow, someway they can still pull off what they need to do to keep the fans interested. Hogan and Flair would die in the ring if they could. They are natural entertainers... If they can still talk smack and get through the ropes and throw punches, people are going to watch. Its Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan, two of the BIGGEST NAMES IN PRO-WRESTLING HISTORY.

I misintrepreted you then.

I agree they are draws regardless of being horrible in the ring nowadays.

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