**Merged** Miz MITB contract Discussion - ALL IN HERE

Do you think Miz will be seccesful in cashing in MITB

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Now since Miz pissed off Randy,(we all know how this usually plays out) will the Miz be the first one to unseccesfully cash in money in the bank?

I think yes, but not cuz he gets beat. Who ever loses the SS match for the wwe title will come in and kick/rko the winner and then do the same to miz. This causes a DQ and Miz loses his title shot as he already cashed it in. This leads to a triple threat fued for the title which the Miz can then win the title and claim he didnt need MITB in the first place, or the perfect way to slow down his push. What do you think?
Quite simply: NO

There has been too much hype already concerning how many have won the championship via MITB. At some point, someone has to f**k it up and Miz will be the one to do it. Of course, it's not going to hurt his career and he WILL become WWE Champion at some point, but I think that part of his character development will involve him blowing the chance to win the belt. After that, Miz can go on and whine about it, or can become even more aggressive and p***ed off. Either way, I don't see Miz winning his first WWE title by cashing in his MITB....it'd be too "obvious".
I was actually thinking about this last night when watching Raw. I hated Miz when he first came in but he has really grown on me and I'm liking his character. The way Cole and KIng and WWE have been portraying him lately (especially with Cole's love fest last night) I think he will be the one to fail. Not every single person who wins MITB can win the title eventually someone will fail and I think it will be Miz. Of course no one knows until it actually happens but I think he will fail.
I strongly expect Miz to cash in and lose cleanly at Summerslam, probably to Orton. At this point, he would be shocked and slump to the back. The announcers would all be hyping it like they felt bad for him and how his dreams were crushed. The next night on Raw, he would go all humble and earn the fans' sympathy and respect (turning face) then doing the old "Man on a Mission" gimmick to earn a rematch and then he would win clean at Wrestlemania from the same guy who beat him at Summerslam. This could put him over as the biggest face in the company, if executed correctly.

I do NOT expect Miz to win in his cash-in. That's far too predictable and a waste of a perfectly good storyline. But of course I could be wrong.
You do realize no matter how pissed off or upset Orton was with the Miz, it really doesn't matter right? Miz is on McMahon's "A-List" along with Orton and Cena. He is being groomed to be the next leader of the WWE.

Trying to say Orton has tried to hold anyone back is an out right lie and I stated reasons in another thread and I'll state them again.. Orton DOES NOT want to be wrestling when he can no longer give it 100% (so 4 to 7 more year's tops, leaving between 35 and 36)! He wants to be able to do other things and his enjoy his children (yes I know he only has a daughter right now) growing up; which many wrestler's including his own father.

The only person that can hurt the Miz right now is the Miz. Plain and simple. Not only will he win the WWE title, I think he will have a lengthy run with it. Hopefully they make it an OMG moment when he does finally cash it in though, because other then Edge (first time) and RVD, every cash in is less then remember able.

As for Orton:

Ken Anderson/Kennedy - He is horrible in the ring. Look at all the people he injuried or how many times he injuried himself. He is too much of a risk in the ring and count my words on it, he will botch something in TNA and end someone's career preemptively as a result. I wouldn't want to work with him either.

Kofi Kingston: What exactly was left for him on Raw? Oh yeah Nothing! He botched with Orton and Orton had no problem letting him know it. He didn't bury him though. In fact Kofi botched a Springboard move onto Batista on a Raw, busting Batista's mouth open, and in return Batista layed him out with an extremely stiff clothesline. It's something Vets of the industry HAVE ALWAYS done when a younger guy fucks up.
Your all wrong! There is one, and only one, storyline where the Miz would fail to cash in that would make sense. The Return of Daniel Bryan! Daniel Bryan and Miz never got to have their feud to due DB firing. Currently everyone expects DB to be back after his 90day no complete clause expires. Superstars like Orton and Cena have even been outspoken claiming that he was talented enough and "Belonged" in WWE. DB returns only to Ruin Miz's chance of winning the championship would be a huge swerve, one of the all time great shocking WWE moments, and get him over even more the he was before being fired. This would also give cause for Cole to immediatly start bashing DB AGAIN since he has sung the praises of Miz the last few months. At This point any number of things could happen. DB could beat Miz for the US Title (Since it would make since for him to lose it before he wins the WWE Title) and Cole could even announce himself as the mysterious Raw GM, and "GIVE" Miz another title shot since DB "ROBBED'" him of his MITB. Miz would then of course go on to win WWE Championship at this point.

Maybe it goes down something like that, maybe not. But I think if Miz is gonna be the first to fail to cash in, then there better be a damn good reason behind instead of just making him the "First".
There is no way in hell that the Miz, with all of the momentum he is currently carrying, is going to lose his MITB title shot this Sunday at Summerslam. It is distinctly possible that he won't redeem it at all, that Sheamus retains or RKO takes the title, whichever, and the Miz does not get involved at all. But I really believe that if he attempts to cash in this weekend, he will do so successfully. I see Sheamus retaining by cheating/outside interference, something controversial. Orton gets pissed off, RKO's Sheamus and punts him in the head, and then the Miz comes out to pin Sheamus to become the new WWE Champion. If you had asked me a year ago if such a scenario could play out, I would have laughed at you, but with the tremendous strides the Miz has made since coming to RAW, this is how I see it playing out. Sets up a Randy Orton/Miz match at the next PPV.

I was watching the show "Right After Wrestling" on The Score in Canada this evening, and they had an interesting thought as well, one which I am not sure if it would be possible, but made me wonder as well. Could the Miz cash in his briefcase against the winner of Kane/Rey, and become the World Heavyweight Champion of SD!. I think his red briefcase is RAW exclusive, but it was an interesting thought. Orton could ride his wave of popularity to become WWE champion, the Miz could do the same to become WHC, Sheamus prepares to resume a feud with HHH upon his return, and the lame duck champion (Kane or Mysterio) gets replaced by the Miz.

Personally I think it will be my scenario above, but the latter option is interesting as well.
Your all wrong! There is one, and only one, storyline where the Miz would fail to cash in that would make sense. The Return of Daniel Bryan! Daniel Bryan and Miz never got to have their feud to due DB firing. Currently everyone expects DB to be back after his 90day no complete clause expires. Superstars like Orton and Cena have even been outspoken claiming that he was talented enough and "Belonged" in WWE. DB returns only to Ruin Miz's chance of winning the championship would be a huge swerve, one of the all time great shocking WWE moments, and get him over even more the he was before being fired. This would also give cause for Cole to immediatly start bashing DB AGAIN since he has sung the praises of Miz the last few months. At This point any number of things could happen. DB could beat Miz for the US Title (Since it would make since for him to lose it before he wins the WWE Title) and Cole could even announce himself as the mysterious Raw GM, and "GIVE" Miz another title shot since DB "ROBBED'" him of his MITB. Miz would then of course go on to win WWE Championship at this point.

Maybe it goes down something like that, maybe not. But I think if Miz is gonna be the first to fail to cash in, then there better be a damn good reason behind instead of just making him the "First".

At this point, I think The Miz's "overness" is far above a feud with Daniel Bryan. I'm not saying it couldn't ever happen, but I think that ship has sailed and WWE is more concerned with Nexus and Miz's feud with Orton to add a low-midcarder to the mix. Because like it or not, that's what Daniel Bryan was when he left. A low-midcarder at best.
Your all wrong! There is one, and only one, storyline where the Miz would fail to cash in that would make sense. The Return of Daniel Bryan! Daniel Bryan and Miz never got to have their feud to due DB firing. Currently everyone expects DB to be back after his 90day no complete clause expires. Superstars like Orton and Cena have even been outspoken claiming that he was talented enough and "Belonged" in WWE. DB returns only to Ruin Miz's chance of winning the championship would be a huge swerve, one of the all time great shocking WWE moments, and get him over even more the he was before being fired. This would also give cause for Cole to immediatly start bashing DB AGAIN since he has sung the praises of Miz the last few months. At This point any number of things could happen. DB could beat Miz for the US Title (Since it would make since for him to lose it before he wins the WWE Title) and Cole could even announce himself as the mysterious Raw GM, and "GIVE" Miz another title shot since DB "ROBBED'" him of his MITB. Miz would then of course go on to win WWE Championship at this point.

Maybe it goes down something like that, maybe not. But I think if Miz is gonna be the first to fail to cash in, then there better be a damn good reason behind instead of just making him the "First".

I think you are on the right track with Bryan Danielson, but Miz is destined to win the WWE Title soon, but he does need to drop the US Title before moving on.

This is basically what I said in another thread earlier today about who was going to beat Miz for the US title. (read quote below)

Bryan Danielson, end of story!

We all know Vince and a lot of the guys are big on Danielson. He was only fired because if he wasn't the WWE had a chance of losing it's PG Rating, which they worked very hard at obtaining and even harder to maintain. Soon as his 90 days are up we all know they are going to offer him a bigger and better WWE Contract (people could say "Why not just suspend him", but it's not always that easy and sometimes you have to use someone as a Martyr and prove that you are serious about what you are pushing for). Since being released, Danielson's stock has risen so much, people who never knew who he was or how we worked, do now.

Danielson will be back in the WWE sometime in mid September/early October and honestly who better to bring him in against and start his first real feud in the WWE with other then his former Pro, The Miz.

It would be silly and pointless to involve Danielson in the Nexus angel with or against them at this point. He doesn't need them and they don't need him. He is more then capable of standing his own in the ring and on the stick.

The way I see it happeniong, is Miz goes for a MitB cash in and out of no where through the crowd Danielson runs in and attacks Miz before the bell can ring (there by saving Miz's MitB Cash In). Let a solid two or three month feud begin and take the focus off of Miz having MitB all together (so that when he does cash it in, it brings back the element of surprise as most people will have shadowed the thought of the MitB briefcase). After Danielson has won the US Title (and he will if they were to bring him back in this fashion), then and only then have Miz seriously cash in the MitB.

If this were to happen it would be a Win/Win situation for Miz, Danielson, Vince, and the WWE Universe.

Now moving on....

At this point, I think The Miz's "overness" is far above a feud with Daniel Bryan. I'm not saying it couldn't ever happen, but I think that ship has sailed and WWE is more concerned with Nexus and Miz's feud with Orton to add a low-midcarder to the mix. Because like it or not, that's what Daniel Bryan was when he left. A low-midcarder at best.

WHAT? NO, JUST NO! Yes Miz is moire over now then when he was Bryan Danielson's Pro, but Bryan Danielson's stock has gone up considerably after being fired in an understandable yet controversial manner. More people know who Danielson is now then they did when he was on nXt. If anything a feud between these two will be nothing, but pure gold for us the fans and a way to help Miz in the ring and Danielson on the stick.

This feud will be happening.
he will be the first one to fail at cashing in the MITB, but it has nothing to do with his beef with orton.

hes just not ready. hes impossible to be taken seriously. he just literally cant be the guy to carry the companies main title. i think him winning the MITB was just a clear case of the WWE having no other viable options. as sad on here many times, the MITB is made for heels.
Well I have to disagree. I think that the feud is still something fans would like to see, and once again, logic says MIZ drops the US title before winning the WWE title, so he could work a short angle with DB and have Cole on MIZ's side before winning the WWE title. As far as DB being a lower mid-carder, this could be what springboards him into Upper Mid-card cause lets face it, Morrison and R-Truth don't have much more to offer and Evan Borne is hot and cold. And if you've seen DB's work then you know His work is Main Event Level, he just hasn't gotten enough or the proper exposure on WWE TV yet which is why he was lower Mid-Card.

Way I see it, DB could very quickly be the 4th best face on Raw behind Cena, Orton, and HHH.
Lets hope so.

He doesn't deserve the title or the push. He was pushed because represented the WWE at events and worked hard. Not because he was over or relevant. It seems he's doing the Cena tactic. I hope this ends with him getting an ego check. I'd rather see him as the first one to lose the MITB. He deserves it. Can't cut a promo without "trying" to upset the audience and doing so by being annoying to the point where they just boo him cause their tired of it. We need a guy like Evan Bourne to get the MITB. Just cause their small doesn't mean they can't be believable. Jeff Hardy won for the first time ever and no one remembers that. Miz doesn't deserve it.
Here's a thought. Say he goes to cash it in against whoever wins Sunday, but doesn't get it. To make up for this, he decides to help Team WWE win, because I think the 7-on-6(or 7) will be the main event. Something like this might make him turn face, but it's just a possible scenario.
There is no way he is loosing his MITB with the amount of hype they have given it, from the fake cash in's to making sure they point out he is holds both the US title and MITB briefcase to being heralded as the future of Raw to main eventing two consecutive Raws The Miz is on way too much of a role to lose his MITB cash in. There is no way that the WWE would spend this much time building him up to suddenly have him lose the MITB. If the WWE are worriedd about winning the WWE title through a MITB cash in making him look weak (which they shouldnt be, he is a heel after all) then they can just have him pull an RVD and have him announce his cash. Besides I think that the WWE want's to be able to say that everyone who has cashed in the MITB breifcase has been a WWE or WHC as it is a good way of pushing future winners, if The Miz were to lose it then in future people would think oh this guy will just lose when he cashes in.
Wait so you are ok with a glorified spot monkey like Jeff Hardy, who can't wrestle a match, can't handle the stick, and has a well known drug problem as WWE/World Champion, but not someone who can wrestle, works the stick better then anyone else in the industry today, and has been a positive, public representative of the WWE. Your logic makes zero sense here.

Can't cut a promo without "trying" to upset the crowd. IT'S HIS FREAKING GIMMICK! So because he can do his job and do it very well, he deserves to lose?

As for your Cena comment, ummm Cena can wrestle and he can do it very well. It's not his fault that he has been slated to stay with the 5 moves of doom, but looking back in wrestling history, almost every big superstar has the same standard move set that they ALWAYS use. It's a familiarity thing, people are more comfortable and likely to watch something they are familiar with rather then something different or looking out of place. Oh and Cena is a damn good man for giving back as much possible to the fans that made him who he is.

The fact that you are ok with Jeff winning it though and not Miz, tells me a lot of how you look at wrestling and shows you know very little about the industry. Hardy only won it cause the fans demanded it, Miz WILL win it because he has earned it.

Oh and I'm not a Cena, Hardy, or Miz fan just to throw that out there.
Wait so you are ok with a glorified spot monkey like Jeff Hardy, who can't wrestle a match, can't handle the stick, and has a well known drug problem as WWE/World Champion, but not someone who can wrestle, works the stick better then anyone else in the industry today, and has been a positive, public representative of the WWE. Your logic makes zero sense here.

Can't cut a promo without "trying" to upset the crowd. IT'S HIS FREAKING GIMMICK! So because he can do his job and do it very well, he deserves to lose?

As for your Cena comment, ummm Cena can wrestle and he can do it very well. It's not his fault that he has been slated to stay with the 5 moves of doom, but looking back in wrestling history, almost every big superstar has the same standard move set that they ALWAYS use. It's a familiarity thing, people are more comfortable and likely to watch something they are familiar with rather then something different or looking out of place. Oh and Cena is a damn good man for giving back as much possible to the fans that made him who he is.

The fact that you are ok with Jeff winning it though and not Miz, tells me a lot of how you look at wrestling and shows you know very little about the industry. Hardy only won it cause the fans demanded it, Miz WILL win it because he has earned it.

Oh and I'm not a Cena, Hardy, or Miz fan just to throw that out there.

I agree with everything you said :)

Cena and Miz are both workhorses and great bastions for World Wresting Entertainment. Cena doesn't just have 5 moves...he just does what he's told to do and uses the moves that the fans are most familiar with (Rock, Austin and others have always done the same).

As far as cutting promos goes, Miz is truly "awesome" at this. He can work the crowd and electrify....not too many are up to that caliber. This is why Miz will go far....he has an enormous presence in the ring and can work the mic like no one else currently on the roster. He is Vince's latest "go to" guy. Whether you like him or not, Miz is going to be @ the top for a long time to come. Either hate it, or enjoy it, like I am right now :)
I don't think Miz is going to be the first to fail. That would be too big of a letdown for a character who is on the rise. To me, and I've said this elsewhere, Miz is becoming the 2nd coming of Roddy Piper. No, his in ring ability isn't on par with Roddy's, but he's not bad whatsoever lately. He has a knack for getting the crowd fired up and mad as hell with him when he's gloating about how great he is. He's excellent on the mic, and would be even better if he didn't have to be scripted to some extent.

I think the first to fail with MITB will be an already established star. I can see somehow, Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Big Show, etc, being in a MITB match in the future and getting screwed out of their win somehow. I just don't think they're going to let Miz fail with it as his star is just starting to burn brightly.
he will be the first one to fail at cashing in the MITB, but it has nothing to do with his beef with orton.

hes just not ready. hes impossible to be taken seriously. he just literally cant be the guy to carry the companies main title. i think him winning the MITB was just a clear case of the WWE having no other viable options. as sad on here many times, the MITB is made for heels.

No other viable options??? Really? REALLY?

Who else was in that match? Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison, Edge and Mark Henry Yeah no other heels there they could've gone with.

Orton is a tweener, and everyone would LOVE to see him punt his way to victory with MITB but he certainly doesn't need the help. Jericho? Edge? The ULTIMATE opportunist? DiBiase, a guy who DESPERATELY needs to get over soon.

Plenty of heel options, yet, they chose to go with the brightest star. Just because you don't care for the guy doesn't mean he's not worthy of the opportunity. This is a fast track to the Main Event scene, rather than have him work his way up for the next 12 months, he can get to the top NOW and then prove he belongs there, without the need to make a long, drawn out storyline to get him there.

Trust me, if anyone DESERVES that MITB it's the Miz.
I don't think Miz is going to be the first to fail. That would be too big of a letdown for a character who is on the rise. To me, and I've said this elsewhere, Miz is becoming the 2nd coming of Roddy Piper. No, his in ring ability isn't on par with Roddy's, but he's not bad whatsoever lately. He has a knack for getting the crowd fired up and mad as hell with him when he's gloating about how great he is. He's excellent on the mic, and would be even better if he didn't have to be scripted to some extent.

I think the first to fail with MITB will be an already established star. I can see somehow, Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Big Show, etc, being in a MITB match in the future and getting screwed out of their win somehow. I just don't think they're going to let Miz fail with it as his star is just starting to burn brightly.

That's the point though - that rather than hurt his rise, it'll actually help him. F**king up his MITB opportunity would actually help his character. He could either become bitter, or enraged. Mark my words, Miz will be champ, but not via MITB...that'd be too predictable and there has been too much writing on the wall to state that Miz is basically going to f**k it up.
Not sure how you guys missed this but in reality, Mr. Kennedy was the first one to not cash in his Money in the Bank.
It is true he dropped the briefcase to Edge due to an injury, but he was the winner and the first person to not successfully cash in his money in the bank briefcase.
Wait so you are ok with a glorified spot monkey like Jeff Hardy, who can't wrestle a match, can't handle the stick, and has a well known drug problem as WWE/World Champion, but not someone who can wrestle, works the stick better then anyone else in the industry today, and has been a positive, public representative of the WWE. Your logic makes zero sense here.

1) Jeff Hardy has a hell of a lot of fans willing to spend $$$ on his merch and on PPVS he is included on. Miz doesn't have half the amount of fans Hardy does, so it is an entirely different situation

2) You completely overrate Miz's mic skills. Every promo starts with him being slow and quiet and then screaming his catchphrase. He's repetitive. Best in the industry? That is so laughable. All of the following wrestlers are better on the mic than miz: Edge, Flair, CM Punk, Ken Anderson, Chris Jericho, The Pope/Elijah Burke... hell even Miz's rookie Riley is better on the mic then Miz is

3) Lol. Miz is NOTHING above average in the ring.

The fact that you are ok with Jeff winning it though and not Miz, tells me a lot of how you look at wrestling and shows you know very little about the industry. Hardy only won it cause the fans demanded it, Miz WILL win it because he has earned it.

Take a chill pill, not everybody is gonna share your opinion, that doesn't freaking mean somebody knows less about wrestling than you do

Anyway, I don't want Miz to cash it in. I want him to fail. I have been trying very hard to enjoy WWE again and that will be really, really hard for me to do if this guy becomes champion. He is so average and replaceable and dull, it's just sickening that people think he's great. He's getting a push because, apparantally, he does a lot of work for WWE by making appearances. That's cool and all but it doesn't make him any more entertaining
Wait so you are ok with a glorified spot monkey like Jeff Hardy, who can't wrestle a match, can't handle the stick, and has a well known drug problem as WWE/World Champion, but not someone who can wrestle, works the stick better then anyone else in the industry today, and has been a positive, public representative of the WWE. Your logic makes zero sense here.

Can't cut a promo without "trying" to upset the crowd. IT'S HIS FREAKING GIMMICK! So because he can do his job and do it very well, he deserves to lose?

As for your Cena comment, ummm Cena can wrestle and he can do it very well. It's not his fault that he has been slated to stay with the 5 moves of doom, but looking back in wrestling history, almost every big superstar has the same standard move set that they ALWAYS use. It's a familiarity thing, people are more comfortable and likely to watch something they are familiar with rather then something different or looking out of place. Oh and Cena is a damn good man for giving back as much possible to the fans that made him who he is.

The fact that you are ok with Jeff winning it though and not Miz, tells me a lot of how you look at wrestling and shows you know very little about the industry. Hardy only won it cause the fans demanded it, Miz WILL win it because he has earned it.

Oh and I'm not a Cena, Hardy, or Miz fan just to throw that out there.

WOW, You just said everything I've been thinking for for the last 6 or 7 years.

Miz will be WWE Champion one way or another. For those of you who don't like it, newsflash, get used to the idea. Its happening. Miz has been the best built character since John Cena. Honestly. I've never been much of a Jeff Hardy fan. The ONLY time he ever drew any interest from me was his feud with CM Punk. And thats mostly thanks to Punk. Jeff Hardy is a glorified Stunt Man who was "over".
WOW, You just said everything I've been thinking for for the last 6 or 7 years.

Miz will be WWE Champion one way or another. For those of you who don't like it, newsflash, get used to the idea. Its happening. Miz has been the best built character since John Cena. Honestly. I've never been much of a Jeff Hardy fan. The ONLY time he ever drew any interest from me was his feud with CM Punk. And thats mostly thanks to Punk. Jeff Hardy is a glorified Stunt Man who was "over".

I'll disagree with you there (about Hardy). Hardy has done it all and was a member of what was probably the greatest tag team in WWE history. Sure, he doesn't really have it on the mic, but Jeff Hardy is a great competitor and has a very big following of people who appreciate what he does in the ring.

I do agree with you about Miz though - he will be champion at some point and deservedly so. I don't think it'll be as a result of him cashing in his briefcase though - that'd be too obvious.
Jeff Hardy shouldn't of got given the championship. He takes drugs ffs, and was meant to be a role model for kids.. That gives kids the idea " Take drugs you'll become WWE Champion " 3 fucking times! Jeff Hardy is nothing anymore, he WAS great back in the tag team days especially the Triple threat TLC matches. But that suits him, because as someone said, he is a stuntman... Staying on topic now.. The Miz is impressing a lot of people, and gaining a lot of respect by the WWE Universe, and Vince Mcmahon, probably aswell as many in the back. He is a future WWE Champion, and I'm damn sure of that!
I think it makes perfect sense for The Miz to be the first to fail. It would not hurt his push at all. If anything this could help him get even better. As much as I cant stand him, he will be WWE champ one day, but I dont think it's going to happen from his MITB shot.
I'd love for him to try and cash it in this weekend only to fail, then the very next night lose his US Title to a member of Nexus, thanks to the "mystery GM".
Then like others have said he pulls the "man on a mission" angle, going thru everyone in his way in match after match.
Until finally he wins in the main event of some future PPV in a long hard fought match. THAT is how The Miz should win.
It's far to predictable if he cashes it in and wins.
No limit to where he could go with the angle if he's the first to lose.

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