*Merged* General WWE Releases Wrestlers' Discussion


According to a post by Jim Ross on Twitter, the WWE has released former Cryme Tyme member Shad Gaspard:

"Shad Gaspard has been future endeavored by WWE. He certainly has decernable(sic) physical attributes & I hope he discovers best in ring persona."

Cryme Tyme was broken up by the WWE earlier this year with Shad & JTG engaging in a brief feud. Gaspard has been working down in Florida Championship Wrestling, the WWE's developmental territory, for some time now.

No big loss here in my opinion. Shad's a pretty good sized guy, but there are several guys in the WWE at this point that are roughly Shad's size, can do what he can and are simply much better.
Agreed. No big loss. While he certainly became a liiittle bit interesting after the heel turn, and showed a minor bit of potential, it was never anything big. Shad, as well as JTG were never anything interesting, as a team or anything. Shad wasn't gonna accomplish much in WWE either way. He was just a big guy with some minor in-ring ability. Something which we have plenty of already, and from guys that have much more potential in the future than Shad ever showed.

There's not really anything more to this. He was more or less a waste of paycheck, and has been for the last years time.
Not surprised at all. He had a good look, but there were always reports while Cryme Tyme were together that Shad's lack of in-ring ability held them back. I can see him hooking up with another company and working on his skills and I would not be surprised to see him return someday. At the same time, however, it would surprise me no more or no less to never see him wrestling on my TV again. Hope he finds something to do with himself, always seemed like a good guy.
Now biggie here. Shad was just a big dude that had some charisma. He will be easily replaced and he really had no value as a singles star whatsoever. All Shad was ever useful for was a decent tag team that could be thrown into the mix when a new contender was needed. Same can be said for JTG. Neither are that interesting on their own and only gain little interest when they were a team. Honestly I thought the E might try and reunite Cryme Tyme despite their history as they were still hanging onto Shad.
PWInsider is reporting that the WWE has released Luke Gallows. As of right now, there's nothing confirmed about this in WWE.com but that'll probably happen before the day is out.

I think that the WWE dropped the ball when it came to the Straight Edge Society. They had all the makings of becoming a legit force and, as a faction, they just had a fresh feel about them. Luke Gallows had gotten himself into good shape and had improved a lot inside the ring in my view.
Now this one is a big of a loss. Gallows is really really good at what he does. I thought his best work was on NXT when he acted like a jealous big brother to Darren Young at times. He also has had some great matches on Superstars with people even like Vance Archer.
While I agree Shad was nothing special, I think it's unfortunate that his departure has buried JTG, who I actually think is quite good. He has a unique look, a lot of charisma, and a unique moveset in the ring. Shad basically had a big boot and a gorilla press in his arsenal, so, as others have noted, no big loss. If someone explain to me why JTG isn't deserving of some kind of push, beyond generic quibbles, I'm all ears.
As opposed to Shad, this is certainly a big shame. Luke had grown incredibly much on me ever since the Straight Edge Society, and I think he could've easily become a force to be reckoned with in the mid-card to replace Kane's lacking presence in the mid-card (obviously not with the same amount of jobbing).

But I must admit I'm not surprised. Ever since the Straight Edge Society broke up, Luke hasn't been on television. I'm guessing this is all due to the whole "We got nothing creatively for the guy" thing that has struck others before. And I'm really not surprised that they don't have that either. Especially considering Smackdown has produced some good programming as of late, and would probably struggle a bit to fit Luke into the whole thing.

Either way, I hope he finds another place to wrestle quickly. Cause it's certainly a shame.
Gallows ain't much of a loss either. Sure it is a slightly bigger loss than Shad, but nothing major. I agree with Jack-Hammer on the fact that the WWE dropped a ball a bit with the SES, but what can we do it about. It is nothing I'm gonna lose sleep over, but I really think Gallows and Punk should have had a run with the tag titles when they got a shot at them against DX. If they could have made them into some sort of dynasty stable that would have been perfect. Either way Gallows, much like Shad can be replaced within by someone in FCW in terms of size and ability. Gallows is a much better performer than Big Shad, so it wouldn't surprise me if we Gallows return in the future or even land a job in TNA or another wrestling promotion.
Im surprised this didnt happen sooner. They seemed to be wanting to push him with the "MY Time" gimmick, then he just disapeared from TV altogether. He originally was scheduled to be the "pro" for Eli Cottonwood on NXT Season 2, and they pulled the plug on that. Since, he's been wrestling exclusively at FCW, with no real explanation as to why, so it's no real loss that he's gone. He was a big guy that was decent within a tag team, but couldnt get it done on his own. I see no real problem with this.
I don't see the loss here. He was good as part of a faction, but not strong enough on the mic or within the ring to hold his own. He had improved, but not enough that he would be a factor in any way. When Serena was released, and the SES dissolved, I figured it was only a matter of time before Gallows was gone as well. He had his sporadic appearances on Superstars, but didn't show much there as a single's wrestler. He's a hard guy to get excited about as a performer, so it's hard to really feel bad about his departure.
I personally think this is a shame. Shad had a great look, he wasn't all that bad in the ring and was improving, and I think he had potential down the road. This is just another example of what's wrong with WWE. They should have a tag team division and they should put some focus on it, because tag teams are the perfect way for guys to hone and develop their skills before ever breaking out on their own. Not everyone's going to be the Shawn Michaels of the Rockers, and WWE has to stop tearing apart tag teams so quickly and forcing people into singles spots when there's such little room for those spots to begin with in the WWE landscape. Cryme Tyme was a good tag team and they could've added a lot to a healthy, focused tag team division, just like the Hart Dynasty could have. Instead they tear apart these teams far, far too quickly before the teams have even had a chance to really go anywhere and you're left with young singles stars who just aren't ready to take that leap yet. Everything in WWE is always so rushed.

Shad was doomed the moment they prematurely broke up Cryme Tyme and it's a shame.
I liked the thug tag team, but after their first run they watered down, then split up into 2 non-outstanding singles wrestlers. Honestly I'm surprised it took them this long. Shad needs to tke some acting classes and up his work rate a bit. He's got enough charisma and likability to be someone, he's just not quite there yet. Crime Tyme should have never been split.
I"m not sad to see him go, but it'd be nice to have another tag team in the mix.
Along with the other releases PWInsider has reported the future endeavoring of Vance Archer, known to TNA fans as Lance Hoyt. This is a sad WWE end for a guy who had potential as a singles competitor and also as a tag wrestler with Curt Hawkins. This guy had the size, agility, and talent to get it done and could easily have filled the spot that Tyler Reks is currently filling on SD! Look for him to appear in "Wasted Talent" threads or possibly a TNA return in 3 months.

Same article announced the release of Caylen Croft, one of the Dudebusters with Trent Baretta. Most of y'all probably couldn't give two shits about him LOL. However, The Dudebusters were one of the few legit tag-teams in WWE and this happens. Maybe Baretta'll be tagged with Hawkins?

So: Thoughts on the release of Croft/Archer? What does the future hold for these men as well as their former partners Trent Baretta and Curt Hawkins?
Looks like WWE is doing some more cleaning like when they cleared our Mickie, Shelton etc.

Not really gonna complain here. I had absolutely no interest in either guy. And I had no interest in their tag team partners either. So I can only say, good riddance. Luke and Shad at least had SLIGHT potential and SLIGHT appeal to me. These two were just incredibly meh on a regular basic.

I can't help but wonder what happens to their partners though. Released as well? Most likely.
With several releases today, who do you feel is in danger of getting the axe next? Could we see more fat trimmed from Raw as well?

We saw Caylen Croft and Vance Archer future endeavored today. I suspect possibly their tag partners could be next. From Raw, I feel as though despite his recent work, Yoshi Tatsu could be next. This guy doesn't have much going for him creatively like the others that were cut.

Feel free to discuss.
I feel like the Caylen Croft release is a lot more interesting then the Vance Archer one. As you said, he was a part of one of WWE's legit tag teams. It will be interesting to see where Barretta goes from here because I don't see him as a solid singles competitor. He and Croft complimented each other well. Really I see this as a warning sign for both Trent Barretta and Curt Hawkins. They have both floundered as singles guys and found there success in the tag division. They may team with each other, however I see them getting cut before to long.

I can't complain about these releases though. Neither guy was really making an impact in WWE and were not exactly going anywhere on there own. I kind of expect Vance Archer to return to TNA and Caylen Croft to surf the indie scene until Barretta gets cut and they reform in TNA as well.
When I first saw the Twitter report that Shad Gaspard had been released, I figured the axe was going to fall a few more times in the next few days.... the WWE likes to make talent cuts in bunches. Then we see Gallows go, and now Archer and Croft.

I can somewhat see why Archer was released, although i still think it's a shame. He wasn't the most charismatic superstar, although I personally liked his look. I still wasn't buying him as an impact star in the singles ranks, and I believe the E felt the same way. Even though he was the monster in his tag team, he still got overshadowed by Hawkins and showed little to no life.

What I'm really confused about is Croft. I liked the Dudebusters, and i think that they had some potential in the tag ranks... I mean, they were one of the last true tag teams. But now that Croft is gone, what do you do with Baretta? I mean, he may be getting the axe as I speak, but I digress.... he is DEFINITELY not a singles competitor. As the OP said, perhaps he and Hawkins will rekindle the Dudebusters FCW gimmick, but i really think they want to push Hawkins as a singles competitor. The more I think about it, the more I think that Baretta's pink slip is right behind Croft's.
In singles competition, Gallows added nothing. However, when Joey Mercury joined the S.E.S., I thought that was the perfect time to make that faction mean something. Punk could have carried the WHC, and Gallows/Mercury could have been a legit tag team. But, WWE really could not care any less about their tag teams, so why bother?

Shad was not very good. Cryme Tyme had a decent gimmick in the tag division, but neither guy has what it takes to make a solo impact.
With several releases today, who do you feel is in danger of getting the axe next? Could we see more fat trimmed from Raw as well?

The developmental guys are most likely to face the axe next, if they haven't already.

We saw Caylen Croft and Vance Archer future endeavored today. I suspect possibly their tag partners could be next. From Raw, I feel as though despite his recent work, Yoshi Tatsu could be next. This guy doesn't have much going for him creatively like the others that were cut.

Feel free to discuss.

I've got to be honest, Croft and Archer weren't massive losses. They were nowhere near as good as their respective partners (Man, Archer was a Jannetty's Janetty. That's gotta suck). I don't see Barretta or Hawkins going anywhere if I'm honest. They're still on TV and doing well in the ring. That'll spare them the axe for now. The other guys? Where have they been for the last few weeks?
Are all these people from Smackdown! I mean granted Shad, Luke, Tiffany, and Jillian aren't majorly unexpected cuts, although I'm saddened because they never really gave Jillian a serious shot in the ring, this is kind of sudden and from the same brand.

Is there a cash flow problem on Smackdown end of things? Rumor has it one of the writers just left. Maybe they're cleaning house because of the ratings.
Not surprised by the Tiffany release (as much as I love the hometown girl!).... after the incident earlier this year, you knew it would only be a matter of time. The Jillian release is strange though... didn't they just send her down to FCW to train the female talent down there? She can really go in the ring, and it's a shame she's gone. If only she didn't have that Godawful gimmick!
Why did they release Archer? That guy was awesome. Ok, maybe not awesome but he still had some life left in him. They could have used him as a jobber to help put other guys over. He had credibility and was decent in the ring for a big guy. I thought he could have been like a jobber to the stars kind of guy. Also Gallows was decent for a big guy. I dont know what Croft's release means for Barretta. Maybe they can move Ryder over to Smackdown and have them two do a Jersey Shore type gimmick since they are both Italian and from the same area. It could work better than TNA's version because WWE is just plain better at everything than TNA. Tiffany's release means absolutely nothing. She was basically a poor man's or woman's version of Kelly Kelly. I'm suprised Jillian hadn't gotten the axe much sooner.

I think other people that are in danger of getting released are

Alicia Fox since she is not very good at all.

Joey Mercury because he has been MIA for a while and there is no real story for him unless its as a jobber.

Rosa Mendez for obvious reasons

And Darren Young because he hasn't really done anything since leaving Nexus. Tarver and Sheffield probably won't be back either. They will probably go ahead and release the other season 2 rookies that aren't on the roster as well as the season 3 divas except for the final 3. Probably a handful of development guys we never heard of. Maybe a referee also. Hopefully Scott Stanford as well. lol. Who is that guy? He looks like a republican that should be on Fox News.
The fact that most of these folks were from SD leads me to believe that Michael Hayes has to start his yearly "turning a turd into a diamond" process early this year.

I do think that Raw's mid card and diva crop is very crowd.
I hope this means that Baretta and Hawkins form a tag team. Probs won't though. Hope they both survive further cuts. Quite gutted about Archer and Tiffany.

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